package chart import ( "fmt" "time" "" ) // MarketHoursRange is a special type of range that compresses a time range into just the // market (i.e. NYSE operating hours and days) range. type MarketHoursRange struct { Min time.Time Max time.Time MarketOpen time.Time MarketClose time.Time HolidayProvider date.HolidayProvider ValueFormatter ValueFormatter Domain int } // IsZero returns if the range is setup or not. func (mhr MarketHoursRange) IsZero() bool { return mhr.Min.IsZero() && mhr.Max.IsZero() } // GetMin returns the min value. func (mhr MarketHoursRange) GetMin() float64 { return TimeToFloat64(mhr.Min) } // GetMax returns the max value. func (mhr MarketHoursRange) GetMax() float64 { return TimeToFloat64(mhr.GetEffectiveMax()) } // GetEffectiveMax gets either the close on the max, or the max itself. func (mhr MarketHoursRange) GetEffectiveMax() time.Time { maxClose := date.On(mhr.MarketClose, mhr.Max) if maxClose.After(mhr.Max) { return maxClose } return mhr.Max } // SetMin sets the min value. func (mhr *MarketHoursRange) SetMin(min float64) { mhr.Min = Float64ToTime(min) } // SetMax sets the max value. func (mhr *MarketHoursRange) SetMax(max float64) { mhr.Max = Float64ToTime(max) } // GetDelta gets the delta. func (mhr MarketHoursRange) GetDelta() float64 { min := mhr.GetMin() max := mhr.GetMax() return max - min } // GetDomain gets the domain. func (mhr MarketHoursRange) GetDomain() int { return mhr.Domain } // SetDomain sets the domain. func (mhr *MarketHoursRange) SetDomain(domain int) { mhr.Domain = domain } // GetHolidayProvider coalesces a userprovided holiday provider and the date.DefaultHolidayProvider. func (mhr MarketHoursRange) GetHolidayProvider() date.HolidayProvider { if mhr.HolidayProvider == nil { return date.DefaultHolidayProvider } return mhr.HolidayProvider } // GetTicks returns the ticks for the range. // This is to override the default continous ticks that would be generated for the range. func (mhr *MarketHoursRange) GetTicks(vf ValueFormatter) []Tick { var ticks []Tick cursor := date.On(mhr.MarketClose, mhr.Min) maxClose := date.On(mhr.MarketClose, mhr.Max) if mhr.Min.Before(cursor) { ticks = append(ticks, Tick{ Value: TimeToFloat64(cursor), Label: vf(cursor), }) } for date.BeforeDate(cursor, maxClose) { if date.IsWeekDay(cursor.Weekday()) && !mhr.GetHolidayProvider()(cursor) { ticks = append(ticks, Tick{ Value: TimeToFloat64(cursor), Label: vf(cursor), }) } cursor = cursor.AddDate(0, 0, 1) } endMarketClose := date.On(mhr.MarketClose, cursor) if date.IsWeekDay(endMarketClose.Weekday()) && !mhr.GetHolidayProvider()(endMarketClose) { ticks = append(ticks, Tick{ Value: TimeToFloat64(endMarketClose), Label: vf(endMarketClose), }) } return ticks } func (mhr MarketHoursRange) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("MarketHoursRange [%s, %s] => %d", mhr.Min.Format(DefaultDateMinuteFormat), mhr.Max.Format(DefaultDateMinuteFormat), mhr.Domain) } // Translate maps a given value into the ContinuousRange space. func (mhr MarketHoursRange) Translate(value float64) int { valueTime := Float64ToTime(value) valueTimeEastern := valueTime.In(date.Eastern()) totalSeconds := date.CalculateMarketSecondsBetween(mhr.Min, mhr.GetEffectiveMax(), mhr.MarketOpen, mhr.MarketClose, mhr.HolidayProvider) valueDelta := date.CalculateMarketSecondsBetween(mhr.Min, valueTimeEastern, mhr.MarketOpen, mhr.MarketClose, mhr.HolidayProvider) translated := int((float64(valueDelta) / float64(totalSeconds)) * float64(mhr.Domain)) return translated }