Compare commits


11 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Will Charczuk
62b1e2c499 should not use unkeyed fields anyway. 2017-03-05 16:53:21 -08:00
Will Charczuk
8b34cb3bd7 sanity check tests. 2017-03-05 16:52:34 -08:00
Will Charczuk
10950a3bf2 color tests etc. 2017-03-05 16:23:11 -08:00
Will Charczuk
d9b5269579 updated output.png 2017-03-05 14:25:13 -08:00
Will Charczuk
412b25feb4 testing auto coloring 2017-03-05 14:24:35 -08:00
Will Charczuk
68cc6a95d3 missed a couple series validations 2017-03-05 14:03:11 -08:00
Will Charczuk
046daf94fb tweaks 2017-03-05 00:59:10 -08:00
Will Charczuk
2c9a9218e5 adding output 2017-03-04 18:19:40 -08:00
Will Charczuk
feef494764 removing debugging printf 2017-03-04 18:17:59 -08:00
Will Charczuk
fb0040390c updating comment 2017-03-04 17:50:57 -08:00
Will Charczuk
9c65a94050 works more or less 2017-03-04 17:42:10 -08:00
229 changed files with 4351 additions and 8834 deletions

View file

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
name: "Continuous Integration"
branches: [ main ]
paths: [ "*.go" ]
branches: [ main ]
paths: [ "*.go" ]
name: "Tests"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
GOOS: "linux"
GOARCH: "amd64"
GO111MODULE: "on"
- name: Set up Go
uses: actions/setup-go@v3
go-version: 1.21
- name: Check out go-incr
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Run all tests
run: go test ./...

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -1,20 +1 @@
# Binaries for programs and plugins
# Test binary, build with `go test -c`
# Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE
# Project-local glide cache, RE:
# Other
.vscode .vscode

.travis.yml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
language: go
- 1.6.2
sudo: false
- go get -u
- go get ./...
- go test ./...

View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View file

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
MIT License MIT License
Copyright (c) 2016 William Charczuk. Copyright (c) 2016 William Charczuk.
Copyright (c) 2024 Zeni Kim.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal

View file

@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
all: new-install test all: test
@go get -v -u ./...
@go generate ./...
test: test:
@go test ./... @go test ./...
@go test -short -covermode=set -coverprofile=profile.cov
@go tool cover -html=profile.cov
@rm profile.cov

View file

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
excludeFiles: [ "*_test.go" ]
importsContain: [* ]
description: "please don't use go-sdk in this repo"

View file

@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
go-chart go-chart
======== ========
[![Build Status](]([![Go Report Card](](
This project starts from a full copy from []( 28 Oct 2024. Package `chart` is a very simple golang native charting library that supports timeseries and continuous
line charts.
- The v1.0 release has been tagged so things should be more or less stable, if something changes please log an issue.
Master should now be on the v3.x codebase, which overhauls the api significantly. Per usual, see `examples` for more information. Master should now be on the v2.x codebase, which brings a couple new features and better handling of basics like axes labeling etc. Per usual, see `_examples` for more information.
# Installation # Installation
To install `chart` run the following: To install `chart` run the following:
```bash ```bash
> go get > go get -u
``` ```
Most of the components are interchangeable so feel free to crib whatever you want. Most of the components are interchangeable so feel free to crib whatever you want.
@ -21,35 +23,33 @@ Most of the components are interchangeable so feel free to crib whatever you wan
Spark Lines: Spark Lines:
![]( ![](
Single axis: Single axis:
![]( ![](
Two axis: Two axis:
![]( ![](
# Other Chart Types # Other Chart Types
Pie Chart: Pie Chart:
![]( ![](
The code for this chart can be found in `examples/pie_chart/main.go`. The code for this chart can be found in `_examples/pie_chart/main.go`.
Stacked Bar: Stacked Bar:
![]( ![](
The code for this chart can be found in `examples/stacked_bar/main.go`. The code for this chart can be found in `_examples/stacked_bar/main.go`.
# Code Examples # Code Examples
Actual chart configurations and examples can be found in the `./examples/` directory. They are simple CLI programs that write to `output.png` (they are also updated with `go generate`. Actual chart configurations and examples can be found in the `./_examples/` directory. They are web servers, so start them with `go run main.go` then access `http://localhost:8080` to see the output.
If folder ends in "web", has web servers, so start them with `go run main.go` then access `http://localhost:8080` to see the output.
# Usage # Usage
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ import (
... ...
"bytes" "bytes"
... ...
"" //exposes "chart" "" //exposes "chart"
) )
graph := chart.Chart{ graph := chart.Chart{
@ -83,7 +83,8 @@ Here, we have a single series with x range values as float64s, rendered to a PNG
# API Overview # API Overview
Everything on the `chart.Chart` object has defaults that can be overriden. Whenever a developer sets a property on the chart object, it is to be assumed that value will be used instead of the default. Everything on the `chart.Chart` object has defaults that can be overriden. Whenever a developer sets a property on the chart object, it is to be assumed that value will be used instead of the default. One complication here
is any object's root `chart.Style` object (i.e named `Style`) and the `Show` property specifically, if any other property is set and the `Show` property is unset, it is assumed to be it's default value of `False`.
The best way to see the api in action is to look at the examples in the `./_examples/` directory. The best way to see the api in action is to look at the examples in the `./_examples/` directory.
@ -95,4 +96,4 @@ The goal with the API itself is to have the "zero value be useful", and to requi
# Contributions # Contributions
Contributions are welcome though this library is in a holding pattern for the forseable future. This library is super early but contributions are welcome.

View file

@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
aliceblue #f0f8ff 240,248,255
antiquewhite #faebd7 250,235,215
aqua #00ffff 0,255,255
aquamarine #7fffd4 127,255,212
azure #f0ffff 240,255,255
beige #f5f5dc 245,245,220
bisque #ffe4c4 255,228,196
black #000000 0,0,0
blanchedalmond #ffebcd 255,235,205
blue #0000ff 0,0,255
blueviolet #8a2be2 138,43,226
brown #a52a2a 165,42,42
burlywood #deb887 222,184,135
cadetblue #5f9ea0 95,158,160
chartreuse #7fff00 127,255,0
chocolate #d2691e 210,105,30
coral #ff7f50 255,127,80
cornflowerblue #6495ed 100,149,237
cornsilk #fff8dc 255,248,220
crimson #dc143c 220,20,60
cyan #00ffff 0,255,255
darkblue #00008b 0,0,139
darkcyan #008b8b 0,139,139
darkgoldenrod #b8860b 184,134,11
darkgray #a9a9a9 169,169,169
darkgreen #006400 0,100,0
darkgrey #a9a9a9 169,169,169
darkkhaki #bdb76b 189,183,107
darkmagenta #8b008b 139,0,139
darkolivegreen #556b2f 85,107,47
darkorange #ff8c00 255,140,0
darkorchid #9932cc 153,50,204
darkred #8b0000 139,0,0
darksalmon #e9967a 233,150,122
darkseagreen #8fbc8f 143,188,143
darkslateblue #483d8b 72,61,139
darkslategray #2f4f4f 47,79,79
darkslategrey #2f4f4f 47,79,79
darkturquoise #00ced1 0,206,209
darkviolet #9400d3 148,0,211
deeppink #ff1493 255,20,147
deepskyblue #00bfff 0,191,255
dimgray #696969 105,105,105
dimgrey #696969 105,105,105
dodgerblue #1e90ff 30,144,255
firebrick #b22222 178,34,34
floralwhite #fffaf0 255,250,240
forestgreen #228b22 34,139,34
fuchsia #ff00ff 255,0,255
gainsboro #dcdcdc 220,220,220
ghostwhite #f8f8ff 248,248,255
gold #ffd700 255,215,0
goldenrod #daa520 218,165,32
gray #808080 128,128,128
green #008000 0,128,0
greenyellow #adff2f 173,255,47
grey #808080 128,128,128
honeydew #f0fff0 240,255,240
hotpink #ff69b4 255,105,180
indianred #cd5c5c 205,92,92
indigo #4b0082 75,0,130
ivory #fffff0 255,255,240
khaki #f0e68c 240,230,140
lavender #e6e6fa 230,230,250
lavenderblush #fff0f5 255,240,245
lawngreen #7cfc00 124,252,0
lemonchiffon #fffacd 255,250,205
lightblue #add8e6 173,216,230
lightcoral #f08080 240,128,128
lightcyan #e0ffff 224,255,255
lightgoldenrodyellow #fafad2 250,250,210
lightgray #d3d3d3 211,211,211
lightgreen #90ee90 144,238,144
lightgrey #d3d3d3 211,211,211
lightpink #ffb6c1 255,182,193
lightsalmon #ffa07a 255,160,122
lightseagreen #20b2aa 32,178,170
lightskyblue #87cefa 135,206,250
lightslategray #778899 119,136,153
lightslategrey #778899 119,136,153
lightsteelblue #b0c4de 176,196,222
lightyellow #ffffe0 255,255,224
lime #00ff00 0,255,0
limegreen #32cd32 50,205,50
linen #faf0e6 250,240,230
magenta #ff00ff 255,0,255
maroon #800000 128,0,0
mediumaquamarine #66cdaa 102,205,170
mediumblue #0000cd 0,0,205
mediumorchid #ba55d3 186,85,211
mediumpurple #9370db 147,112,219
mediumseagreen #3cb371 60,179,113
mediumslateblue #7b68ee 123,104,238
mediumspringgreen #00fa9a 0,250,154
mediumturquoise #48d1cc 72,209,204
mediumvioletred #c71585 199,21,133
midnightblue #191970 25,25,112
mintcream #f5fffa 245,255,250
mistyrose #ffe4e1 255,228,225
moccasin #ffe4b5 255,228,181
navajowhite #ffdead 255,222,173
navy #000080 0,0,128
oldlace #fdf5e6 253,245,230
olive #808000 128,128,0
olivedrab #6b8e23 107,142,35
orange #ffa500 255,165,0
orangered #ff4500 255,69,0
orchid #da70d6 218,112,214
palegoldenrod #eee8aa 238,232,170
palegreen #98fb98 152,251,152
paleturquoise #afeeee 175,238,238
palevioletred #db7093 219,112,147
papayawhip #ffefd5 255,239,213
peachpuff #ffdab9 255,218,185
peru #cd853f 205,133,63
pink #ffc0cb 255,192,203
plum #dda0dd 221,160,221
powderblue #b0e0e6 176,224,230
purple #800080 128,0,128
red #ff0000 255,0,0
rosybrown #bc8f8f 188,143,143
royalblue #4169e1 65,105,225
saddlebrown #8b4513 139,69,19
salmon #fa8072 250,128,114
sandybrown #f4a460 244,164,96
seagreen #2e8b57 46,139,87
seashell #fff5ee 255,245,238
sienna #a0522d 160,82,45
silver #c0c0c0 192,192,192
skyblue #87ceeb 135,206,235
slateblue #6a5acd 106,90,205
slategray #708090 112,128,144
slategrey #708090 112,128,144
snow #fffafa 255,250,250
springgreen #00ff7f 0,255,127
steelblue #4682b4 70,130,180
tan #d2b48c 210,180,140
teal #008080 0,128,128
thistle #d8bfd8 216,191,216
tomato #ff6347 255,99,71
turquoise #40e0d0 64,224,208
violet #ee82ee 238,130,238
wheat #f5deb3 245,222,179
white #ffffff 255,255,255
whitesmoke #f5f5f5 245,245,245
yellow #ffff00 255,255,0
yellowgreen #9acd32 154,205,50

View file

@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
package main package main
//go:generate go run main.go
import ( import (
"os" "net/http"
"" ""
) )
func main() { func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
/* /*
In this example we add an `Annotation` series, which is a special type of series that In this example we add an `Annotation` series, which is a special type of series that
draws annotation labels at given X and Y values (as translated by their respective ranges). draws annotation labels at given X and Y values (as translated by their respective ranges).
@ -38,7 +37,11 @@ func main() {
}, },
} }
f, _ := os.Create("output.png") res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
defer f.Close() graph.Render(chart.PNG, res)
graph.Render(chart.PNG, f) }
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
} }

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 14 KiB

View file

@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
package main package main
//go:generate go run main.go
import ( import (
"os" "net/http"
chart "" ""
) )
func main() { func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
/* /*
The below will draw the same chart as the `basic` example, except with both the x and y axes turned on. The below will draw the same chart as the `basic` example, except with both the x and y axes turned on.
@ -17,14 +15,19 @@ func main() {
graph := chart.Chart{ graph := chart.Chart{
XAxis: chart.XAxis{ XAxis: chart.XAxis{
Name: "The XAxis", Style: chart.Style{
Show: true, //enables / displays the x-axis
}, },
YAxis: chart.YAxis{ YAxis: chart.YAxis{
Name: "The YAxis", Style: chart.Style{
Show: true, //enables / displays the y-axis
}, },
Series: []chart.Series{ Series: []chart.Series{
chart.ContinuousSeries{ chart.ContinuousSeries{
Style: chart.Style{ Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
StrokeColor: chart.GetDefaultColor(0).WithAlpha(64), StrokeColor: chart.GetDefaultColor(0).WithAlpha(64),
FillColor: chart.GetDefaultColor(0).WithAlpha(64), FillColor: chart.GetDefaultColor(0).WithAlpha(64),
}, },
@ -34,7 +37,11 @@ func main() {
}, },
} }
f, _ := os.Create("output.png") res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
defer f.Close() graph.Render(chart.PNG, res)
graph.Render(chart.PNG, f) }
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
} }

_examples/axes/output.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 21 KiB

View file

@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
package main package main
//go:generate go run main.go
import ( import (
"os" "net/http"
chart "" ""
) )
func main() { func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
/* /*
The below will draw the same chart as the `basic` example, except with both the x and y axes turned on. The below will draw the same chart as the `basic` example, except with both the x and y axes turned on.
@ -16,9 +14,20 @@ func main() {
*/ */
graph := chart.Chart{ graph := chart.Chart{
XAxis: chart.XAxis{
Name: "The XAxis",
NameStyle: chart.StyleShow(),
Style: chart.StyleShow(),
YAxis: chart.YAxis{
Name: "The YAxis",
NameStyle: chart.StyleShow(),
Style: chart.StyleShow(),
Series: []chart.Series{ Series: []chart.Series{
chart.ContinuousSeries{ chart.ContinuousSeries{
Style: chart.Style{ Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
StrokeColor: chart.GetDefaultColor(0).WithAlpha(64), StrokeColor: chart.GetDefaultColor(0).WithAlpha(64),
FillColor: chart.GetDefaultColor(0).WithAlpha(64), FillColor: chart.GetDefaultColor(0).WithAlpha(64),
}, },
@ -28,7 +37,11 @@ func main() {
}, },
} }
f, _ := os.Create("output.png") res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
defer f.Close() graph.Render(chart.PNG, res)
graph.Render(chart.PNG, f) }
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
} }

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 23 KiB

View file

@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
package main package main
//go:generate go run main.go
import ( import (
"fmt" "fmt"
"log" "log"
"net/http" "net/http"
"os" "os"
"" ""
) )
func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
graph := chart.BarChart{ sbc := chart.BarChart{
Title: "Test Bar Chart",
Background: chart.Style{
Padding: chart.Box{
Top: 40,
Height: 512, Height: 512,
BarWidth: 60, BarWidth: 60,
XAxis: chart.Style{
Show: true,
YAxis: chart.YAxis{
Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
Bars: []chart.Value{ Bars: []chart.Value{
{Value: 5.25, Label: "Blue"}, {Value: 5.25, Label: "Blue"},
{Value: 4.88, Label: "Green"}, {Value: 4.88, Label: "Green"},
@ -33,11 +33,10 @@ func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
} }
res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png") res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
err := graph.Render(chart.PNG, res) err := sbc.Render(chart.PNG, res)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error rendering chart: %v\n", err) fmt.Printf("Error rendering chart: %v\n", err)
} }
} }
func port() string { func port() string {

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 16 KiB

_examples/basic/main.go Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package main
import (
func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
graph := chart.Chart{
Series: []chart.Series{
XValues: []float64{1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0},
YValues: []float64{1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0},
res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
graph.Render(chart.PNG, res)
func drawChartWide(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
graph := chart.Chart{
Width: 1920, //this overrides the default.
Series: []chart.Series{
XValues: []float64{1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0},
YValues: []float64{1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0},
res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
graph.Render(chart.PNG, res)
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart)
http.HandleFunc("/wide", drawChartWide)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))

_examples/basic/output.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 12 KiB

View file

@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
package main package main
//go:generate go run main.go
import ( import (
"fmt" "fmt"
"os" "net/http"
"" ""
) )
func main() { func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
/* /*
In this example we use a custom `ValueFormatter` for the y axis, letting us specify how to format text of the y-axis ticks. In this example we use a custom `ValueFormatter` for the y axis, letting us specify how to format text of the y-axis ticks.
You can also do this for the x-axis, or the secondary y-axis. You can also do this for the x-axis, or the secondary y-axis.
@ -18,6 +16,9 @@ func main() {
graph := chart.Chart{ graph := chart.Chart{
YAxis: chart.YAxis{ YAxis: chart.YAxis{
Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
ValueFormatter: func(v interface{}) string { ValueFormatter: func(v interface{}) string {
if vf, isFloat := v.(float64); isFloat { if vf, isFloat := v.(float64); isFloat {
return fmt.Sprintf("%0.6f", vf) return fmt.Sprintf("%0.6f", vf)
@ -32,7 +33,12 @@ func main() {
}, },
}, },
} }
f, _ := os.Create("output.png")
defer f.Close() res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
graph.Render(chart.PNG, f) graph.Render(chart.PNG, res)
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
} }

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 27 KiB

View file

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
package main
import (
func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
graph := chart.Chart{
Background: chart.Style{
Padding: chart.Box{
Top: 50,
Left: 25,
Right: 25,
Bottom: 10,
FillColor: drawing.ColorFromHex("efefef"),
XAxis: chart.XAxis{
Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
YAxis: chart.YAxis{
Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
Series: []chart.Series{
XValues: chart.Sequence.Float64(1.0, 100.0),
YValues: chart.Sequence.Random(100.0, 256.0),
res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
graph.Render(chart.PNG, res)
func drawChartDefault(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
graph := chart.Chart{
Background: chart.Style{
FillColor: drawing.ColorFromHex("efefef"),
XAxis: chart.XAxis{
Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
YAxis: chart.YAxis{
Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
Series: []chart.Series{
XValues: chart.Sequence.Float64(1.0, 100.0),
YValues: chart.Sequence.Random(100.0, 256.0),
res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
graph.Render(chart.PNG, res)
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart)
http.HandleFunc("/default", drawChartDefault)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 64 KiB

View file

@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
package main package main
//go:generate go run main.go
import ( import (
"os" "net/http"
"" ""
) )
func main() { func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
/* /*
In this example we set a custom range for the y-axis, overriding the automatic range generation. In this example we set a custom range for the y-axis, overriding the automatic range generation.
Note: the chart will still generate the ticks automatically based on the custom range, so the intervals may be a bit weird. Note: the chart will still generate the ticks automatically based on the custom range, so the intervals may be a bit weird.
@ -16,6 +14,9 @@ func main() {
graph := chart.Chart{ graph := chart.Chart{
YAxis: chart.YAxis{ YAxis: chart.YAxis{
Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
Range: &chart.ContinuousRange{ Range: &chart.ContinuousRange{
Min: 0.0, Min: 0.0,
Max: 10.0, Max: 10.0,
@ -28,7 +29,12 @@ func main() {
}, },
}, },
} }
f, _ := os.Create("output.png")
defer f.Close() res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
graph.Render(chart.PNG, f) graph.Render(chart.PNG, res)
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
} }

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 15 KiB

View file

@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
package main package main
//go:generate go run main.go
import ( import (
"os" "net/http"
"" ""
"" ""
) )
func main() { func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
/* /*
In this example we set some custom colors for the series and the chart background and canvas. In this example we set some custom colors for the series and the chart background and canvas.
*/ */
@ -23,6 +21,7 @@ func main() {
Series: []chart.Series{ Series: []chart.Series{
chart.ContinuousSeries{ chart.ContinuousSeries{
Style: chart.Style{ Style: chart.Style{
Show: true, //note; if we set ANY other properties, we must set this to true.
StrokeColor: drawing.ColorRed, // will supercede defaults StrokeColor: drawing.ColorRed, // will supercede defaults
FillColor: drawing.ColorRed.WithAlpha(64), // will supercede defaults FillColor: drawing.ColorRed.WithAlpha(64), // will supercede defaults
}, },
@ -32,7 +31,11 @@ func main() {
}, },
} }
f, _ := os.Create("output.png") res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
defer f.Close() graph.Render(chart.PNG, res)
graph.Render(chart.PNG, f) }
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
} }

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 12 KiB

View file

@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
package main package main
//go:generate go run main.go
import ( import (
"os" "net/http"
"" ""
) )
func main() { func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
/* /*
In this example we set a custom set of ticks to use for the y-axis. It can be (almost) whatever you want, including some custom labels for ticks. In this example we set a custom set of ticks to use for the y-axis. It can be (almost) whatever you want, including some custom labels for ticks.
Custom ticks will supercede a custom range, which will supercede automatic generation based on series values. Custom ticks will supercede a custom range, which will supercede automatic generation based on series values.
@ -16,17 +14,20 @@ func main() {
graph := chart.Chart{ graph := chart.Chart{
YAxis: chart.YAxis{ YAxis: chart.YAxis{
Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
Range: &chart.ContinuousRange{ Range: &chart.ContinuousRange{
Min: 0.0, Min: 0.0,
Max: 4.0, Max: 4.0,
}, },
Ticks: []chart.Tick{ Ticks: []chart.Tick{
{Value: 0.0, Label: "0.00"}, {0.0, "0.00"},
{Value: 2.0, Label: "2.00"}, {2.0, "2.00"},
{Value: 4.0, Label: "4.00"}, {4.0, "4.00"},
{Value: 6.0, Label: "6.00"}, {6.0, "6.00"},
{Value: 8.0, Label: "Eight"}, {8.0, "Eight"},
{Value: 10.0, Label: "Ten"}, {10.0, "Ten"},
}, },
}, },
Series: []chart.Series{ Series: []chart.Series{
@ -36,7 +37,12 @@ func main() {
}, },
}, },
} }
f, _ := os.Create("output.png")
defer f.Close() res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
graph.Render(chart.PNG, f) graph.Render(chart.PNG, res)
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
} }

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 10 KiB

View file

@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
package main package main
//go:generate go run main.go
import ( import (
"os" "net/http"
"" ""
) )
func main() { func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
/* /*
The below will draw the same chart as the `basic` example, except with both the x and y axes turned on. The below will draw the same chart as the `basic` example, except with both the x and y axes turned on.
@ -22,11 +20,17 @@ func main() {
Height: 500, Height: 500,
Width: 500, Width: 500,
XAxis: chart.XAxis{ XAxis: chart.XAxis{
Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
/*Range: &chart.ContinuousRange{ /*Range: &chart.ContinuousRange{
Descending: true, Descending: true,
},*/ },*/
}, },
YAxis: chart.YAxis{ YAxis: chart.YAxis{
Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
Range: &chart.ContinuousRange{ Range: &chart.ContinuousRange{
Descending: true, Descending: true,
}, },
@ -34,6 +38,7 @@ func main() {
Series: []chart.Series{ Series: []chart.Series{
chart.ContinuousSeries{ chart.ContinuousSeries{
Style: chart.Style{ Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
StrokeColor: chart.GetDefaultColor(0).WithAlpha(64), StrokeColor: chart.GetDefaultColor(0).WithAlpha(64),
FillColor: chart.GetDefaultColor(0).WithAlpha(64), FillColor: chart.GetDefaultColor(0).WithAlpha(64),
}, },
@ -43,7 +48,11 @@ func main() {
}, },
} }
f, _ := os.Create("output.png") res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
defer f.Close() graph.Render(chart.PNG, res)
graph.Render(chart.PNG, f) }
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
} }

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import (
"fmt" "fmt"
"log" "log"
"" ""
) )
func main() { func main() {

View file

@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
package main package main
//go:generate go run main.go
import ( import (
"os" "net/http"
chart "" ""
) )
func main() { func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
/* /*
In this example we add a `Renderable` or a custom component to the `Elements` array. In this example we add a `Renderable` or a custom component to the `Elements` array.
@ -17,6 +15,12 @@ func main() {
*/ */
graph := chart.Chart{ graph := chart.Chart{
XAxis: chart.XAxis{
Style: chart.Style{Show: true},
YAxis: chart.YAxis{
Style: chart.Style{Show: true},
Background: chart.Style{ Background: chart.Style{
Padding: chart.Box{ Padding: chart.Box{
Top: 20, Top: 20,
@ -37,7 +41,11 @@ func main() {
chart.Legend(&graph), chart.Legend(&graph),
} }
f, _ := os.Create("output.png") res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
defer f.Close() graph.Render(chart.PNG, res)
graph.Render(chart.PNG, f) }
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
} }

_examples/legend/output.png Normal file

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 23 KiB

View file

@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
package main package main
//go:generate go run main.go
import ( import (
"os" "net/http"
"" ""
) )
func main() { func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
/* /*
In this example we add a `Renderable` or a custom component to the `Elements` array. In this example we add a `Renderable` or a custom component to the `Elements` array.
@ -17,6 +15,12 @@ func main() {
*/ */
graph := chart.Chart{ graph := chart.Chart{
XAxis: chart.XAxis{
Style: chart.Style{Show: true},
YAxis: chart.YAxis{
Style: chart.Style{Show: true},
Background: chart.Style{ Background: chart.Style{
Padding: chart.Box{ Padding: chart.Box{
Top: 20, Top: 20,
@ -97,7 +101,11 @@ func main() {
chart.LegendLeft(&graph), chart.LegendLeft(&graph),
} }
f, _ := os.Create("output.png") res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
defer f.Close() graph.Render(chart.PNG, res)
graph.Render(chart.PNG, f) }
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
} }

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 44 KiB

View file

@ -1,24 +1,22 @@
package main package main
//go:generate go run main.go
import ( import (
"os" "net/http"
chart "" ""
) )
func main() { func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
/* /*
In this example we add a new type of series, a `SimpleMovingAverageSeries` that takes another series as a required argument. In this example we add a new type of series, a `SimpleMovingAverageSeries` that takes another series as a required argument.
InnerSeries only needs to implement `ValuesProvider`, so really you could chain `SimpleMovingAverageSeries` together if you wanted. InnerSeries only needs to implement `ValueProvider`, so really you could chain `SimpleMovingAverageSeries` together if you wanted.
*/ */
mainSeries := chart.ContinuousSeries{ mainSeries := chart.ContinuousSeries{
Name: "A test series", Name: "A test series",
XValues: chart.Seq{Sequence: chart.NewLinearSequence().WithStart(1.0).WithEnd(100.0)}.Values(), //generates a []float64 from 1.0 to 100.0 in 1.0 step increments, or 100 elements. XValues: chart.Sequence.Float64(1.0, 100.0), //generates a []float64 from 1.0 to 100.0 in 1.0 step increments, or 100 elements.
YValues: chart.Seq{Sequence: chart.NewRandomSequence().WithLen(100).WithMin(0).WithMax(100)}.Values(), //generates a []float64 randomly from 0 to 100 with 100 elements. YValues: chart.Sequence.Random(100, 100), //generates a []float64 randomly from 0 to 100 with 100 elements.
} }
// note we create a LinearRegressionSeries series by assignin the inner series. // note we create a LinearRegressionSeries series by assignin the inner series.
@ -34,7 +32,11 @@ func main() {
}, },
} }
f, _ := os.Create("output.png") res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
defer f.Close() graph.Render(chart.PNG, res)
graph.Render(chart.PNG, f) }
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
} }

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 60 KiB

View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
package main
import (
func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
start := chart.Date.Date(2016, 7, 01, chart.Date.Eastern())
end := chart.Date.Date(2016, 07, 21, chart.Date.Eastern())
xv := chart.Sequence.MarketHours(start, end, chart.NYSEOpen, chart.NYSEClose, chart.Date.IsNYSEHoliday)
yv := chart.Sequence.RandomWithAverage(len(xv), 200, 10)
graph := chart.Chart{
XAxis: chart.XAxis{
Style: chart.StyleShow(),
TickPosition: chart.TickPositionBetweenTicks,
ValueFormatter: chart.TimeHourValueFormatter,
Range: &chart.MarketHoursRange{
MarketOpen: chart.NYSEOpen,
MarketClose: chart.NYSEClose,
HolidayProvider: chart.Date.IsNYSEHoliday,
YAxis: chart.YAxis{
Style: chart.StyleShow(),
Series: []chart.Series{
XValues: xv,
YValues: yv,
res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
graph.Render(chart.PNG, res)
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 67 KiB

View file

@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
package main package main
//go:generate go run main.go
import ( import (
"os" "net/http"
"" ""
) )
func main() { func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
mainSeries := chart.ContinuousSeries{ mainSeries := chart.ContinuousSeries{
Name: "A test series", Name: "A test series",
XValues: chart.Seq{Sequence: chart.NewLinearSequence().WithStart(1.0).WithEnd(100.0)}.Values(), XValues: chart.Sequence.Float64(1.0, 100.0),
YValues: chart.Seq{Sequence: chart.NewRandomSequence().WithLen(100).WithMin(50).WithMax(150)}.Values(), YValues: chart.Sequence.RandomWithAverage(100, 100, 50),
} }
minSeries := &chart.MinSeries{ minSeries := &chart.MinSeries{
Style: chart.Style{ Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
StrokeColor: chart.ColorAlternateGray, StrokeColor: chart.ColorAlternateGray,
StrokeDashArray: []float64{5.0, 5.0}, StrokeDashArray: []float64{5.0, 5.0},
}, },
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@ func main() {
maxSeries := &chart.MaxSeries{ maxSeries := &chart.MaxSeries{
Style: chart.Style{ Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
StrokeColor: chart.ColorAlternateGray, StrokeColor: chart.ColorAlternateGray,
StrokeDashArray: []float64{5.0, 5.0}, StrokeDashArray: []float64{5.0, 5.0},
}, },
@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ func main() {
Height: 1080, Height: 1080,
YAxis: chart.YAxis{ YAxis: chart.YAxis{
Name: "Random Values", Name: "Random Values",
NameStyle: chart.StyleShow(),
Style: chart.StyleShow(),
Range: &chart.ContinuousRange{ Range: &chart.ContinuousRange{
Min: 25, Min: 25,
Max: 175, Max: 175,
@ -43,19 +45,25 @@ func main() {
}, },
XAxis: chart.XAxis{ XAxis: chart.XAxis{
Name: "Random Other Values", Name: "Random Other Values",
NameStyle: chart.StyleShow(),
Style: chart.StyleShow(),
}, },
Series: []chart.Series{ Series: []chart.Series{
mainSeries, mainSeries,
minSeries, minSeries,
maxSeries, maxSeries,
chart.LastValueAnnotationSeries(minSeries), chart.LastValueAnnotation(minSeries),
chart.LastValueAnnotationSeries(maxSeries), chart.LastValueAnnotation(maxSeries),
}, },
} }
graph.Elements = []chart.Renderable{chart.Legend(&graph)} graph.Elements = []chart.Renderable{chart.Legend(&graph)}
f, _ := os.Create("output.png") res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
defer f.Close() graph.Render(chart.PNG, res)
graph.Render(chart.PNG, f) }
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
} }

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 170 KiB

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import (
"log" "log"
"net/http" "net/http"
"" ""
) )
func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
@ -30,26 +30,7 @@ func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
} }
} }
func drawChartRegression(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
pie := chart.PieChart{
Width: 512,
Height: 512,
Values: []chart.Value{
{Value: 5, Label: "Blue"},
{Value: 2, Label: "Two"},
{Value: 1, Label: "One"},
res.Header().Set("Content-Type", chart.ContentTypeSVG)
err := pie.Render(chart.SVG, res)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error rendering pie chart: %v\n", err)
func main() { func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart) http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart)
http.HandleFunc("/reg", drawChartRegression)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)) log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))
} }

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 34 KiB

View file

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
package main
import (
func parseInt(str string) int {
v, _ := strconv.Atoi(str)
return v
func parseFloat64(str string) float64 {
v, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 64)
return v
func readData() ([]time.Time, []float64) {
var xvalues []time.Time
var yvalues []float64
err := chart.File.ReadByLines("requests.csv", func(line string) {
parts := strings.Split(line, ",")
year := parseInt(parts[0])
month := parseInt(parts[1])
day := parseInt(parts[2])
hour := parseInt(parts[3])
elapsedMillis := parseFloat64(parts[4])
xvalues = append(xvalues, time.Date(year, time.Month(month), day, hour, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC))
yvalues = append(yvalues, elapsedMillis)
if err != nil {
return xvalues, yvalues
func releases() []chart.GridLine {
return []chart.GridLine{
{Value: chart.Time.ToFloat64(time.Date(2016, 8, 1, 9, 30, 0, 0, time.UTC))},
{Value: chart.Time.ToFloat64(time.Date(2016, 8, 2, 9, 30, 0, 0, time.UTC))},
{Value: chart.Time.ToFloat64(time.Date(2016, 8, 2, 15, 30, 0, 0, time.UTC))},
{Value: chart.Time.ToFloat64(time.Date(2016, 8, 4, 9, 30, 0, 0, time.UTC))},
{Value: chart.Time.ToFloat64(time.Date(2016, 8, 5, 9, 30, 0, 0, time.UTC))},
{Value: chart.Time.ToFloat64(time.Date(2016, 8, 6, 9, 30, 0, 0, time.UTC))},
func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
xvalues, yvalues := readData()
mainSeries := chart.TimeSeries{
Name: "Prod Request Timings",
Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
StrokeColor: chart.ColorBlue,
FillColor: chart.ColorBlue.WithAlpha(100),
XValues: xvalues,
YValues: yvalues,
linreg := &chart.LinearRegressionSeries{
Name: "Linear Regression",
Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
StrokeColor: chart.ColorAlternateBlue,
StrokeDashArray: []float64{5.0, 5.0},
InnerSeries: mainSeries,
sma := &chart.SMASeries{
Name: "SMA",
Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
StrokeColor: chart.ColorRed,
StrokeDashArray: []float64{5.0, 5.0},
InnerSeries: mainSeries,
graph := chart.Chart{
Width: 1280,
Height: 720,
Background: chart.Style{
Padding: chart.Box{
Top: 50,
YAxis: chart.YAxis{
Name: "Elapsed Millis",
NameStyle: chart.StyleShow(),
Style: chart.StyleShow(),
TickStyle: chart.Style{
TextRotationDegrees: 45.0,
ValueFormatter: func(v interface{}) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d ms", int(v.(float64)))
XAxis: chart.XAxis{
Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
ValueFormatter: chart.TimeHourValueFormatter,
GridMajorStyle: chart.Style{
Show: true,
StrokeColor: chart.ColorAlternateGray,
StrokeWidth: 1.0,
GridLines: releases(),
Series: []chart.Series{
graph.Elements = []chart.Renderable{chart.LegendThin(&graph)}
res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
graph.Render(chart.PNG, res)
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

View file


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 116 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 116 KiB

_examples/scatter/main.go Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
package main
import (
func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
graph := chart.Chart{
Series: []chart.Series{
Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
StrokeWidth: chart.Disabled,
DotWidth: 3,
XValues: chart.Sequence.Random(32, 1024),
YValues: chart.Sequence.Random(32, 1024),
Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
StrokeWidth: chart.Disabled,
DotWidth: 5,
XValues: chart.Sequence.Random(16, 1024),
YValues: chart.Sequence.Random(16, 1024),
Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
StrokeWidth: chart.Disabled,
DotWidth: 7,
XValues: chart.Sequence.Random(8, 1024),
YValues: chart.Sequence.Random(8, 1024),
res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
err := graph.Render(chart.PNG, res)
if err != nil {
func unit(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
graph := chart.Chart{
Height: 50,
Width: 50,
Canvas: chart.Style{
Padding: chart.Box{IsSet: true},
Background: chart.Style{
Padding: chart.Box{IsSet: true},
Series: []chart.Series{
XValues: chart.Sequence.Float64(0, 4, 1),
YValues: chart.Sequence.Float64(0, 4, 1),
res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
err := graph.Render(chart.PNG, res)
if err != nil {
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart)
http.HandleFunc("/unit", unit)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 12 KiB

View file

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
package main
import (
func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
In this example we add a new type of series, a `SimpleMovingAverageSeries` that takes another series as a required argument.
InnerSeries only needs to implement `ValueProvider`, so really you could chain `SimpleMovingAverageSeries` together if you wanted.
mainSeries := chart.ContinuousSeries{
Name: "A test series",
XValues: chart.Sequence.Float64(1.0, 100.0), //generates a []float64 from 1.0 to 100.0 in 1.0 step increments, or 100 elements.
YValues: chart.Sequence.Random(100, 100), //generates a []float64 randomly from 0 to 100 with 100 elements.
// note we create a SimpleMovingAverage series by assignin the inner series.
// we need to use a reference because `.Render()` needs to modify state within the series.
smaSeries := &chart.SMASeries{
InnerSeries: mainSeries,
} // we can optionally set the `WindowSize` property which alters how the moving average is calculated.
graph := chart.Chart{
Series: []chart.Series{
res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
graph.Render(chart.PNG, res)
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 68 KiB

View file

@ -1,20 +1,22 @@
package main package main
import ( import (
"os" "fmt"
"" ""
) )
func main() { func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
sbc := chart.StackedBarChart{ sbc := chart.StackedBarChart{
Title: "Test Stacked Bar Chart",
Background: chart.Style{
Padding: chart.Box{
Top: 40,
Height: 512, Height: 512,
XAxis: chart.Style{
Show: true,
YAxis: chart.Style{
Show: true,
Bars: []chart.StackedBar{ Bars: []chart.StackedBar{
{ {
Name: "This is a very long string to test word break wrapping.", Name: "This is a very long string to test word break wrapping.",
@ -47,7 +49,14 @@ func main() {
}, },
} }
f, _ := os.Create("output.png") res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
defer f.Close() err := sbc.Render(chart.PNG, res)
sbc.Render(chart.PNG, f) if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error rendering chart: %v\n", err)
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))
} }

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 17 KiB

View file

@ -1,21 +1,20 @@
package main package main
//go:generate go run main.go
import ( import (
"os" "net/http"
"time" "time"
"" ""
"" ""
) )
func main() { func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
xv, yv := xvalues(), yvalues() xv, yv := xvalues(), yvalues()
priceSeries := chart.TimeSeries{ priceSeries := chart.TimeSeries{
Name: "SPY", Name: "SPY",
Style: chart.Style{ Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
StrokeColor: chart.GetDefaultColor(0), StrokeColor: chart.GetDefaultColor(0),
}, },
XValues: xv, XValues: xv,
@ -25,6 +24,7 @@ func main() {
smaSeries := chart.SMASeries{ smaSeries := chart.SMASeries{
Name: "SPY - SMA", Name: "SPY - SMA",
Style: chart.Style{ Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
StrokeColor: drawing.ColorRed, StrokeColor: drawing.ColorRed,
StrokeDashArray: []float64{5.0, 5.0}, StrokeDashArray: []float64{5.0, 5.0},
}, },
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ func main() {
bbSeries := &chart.BollingerBandsSeries{ bbSeries := &chart.BollingerBandsSeries{
Name: "SPY - Bol. Bands", Name: "SPY - Bol. Bands",
Style: chart.Style{ Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
StrokeColor: drawing.ColorFromHex("efefef"), StrokeColor: drawing.ColorFromHex("efefef"),
FillColor: drawing.ColorFromHex("efefef").WithAlpha(64), FillColor: drawing.ColorFromHex("efefef").WithAlpha(64),
}, },
@ -42,9 +43,11 @@ func main() {
graph := chart.Chart{ graph := chart.Chart{
XAxis: chart.XAxis{ XAxis: chart.XAxis{
Style: chart.Style{Show: true},
TickPosition: chart.TickPositionBetweenTicks, TickPosition: chart.TickPositionBetweenTicks,
}, },
YAxis: chart.YAxis{ YAxis: chart.YAxis{
Style: chart.Style{Show: true},
Range: &chart.ContinuousRange{ Range: &chart.ContinuousRange{
Max: 220.0, Max: 220.0,
Min: 180.0, Min: 180.0,
@ -57,9 +60,8 @@ func main() {
}, },
} }
f, _ := os.Create("output.png") res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
defer f.Close() graph.Render(chart.PNG, res)
graph.Render(chart.PNG, f)
} }
func xvalues() []time.Time { func xvalues() []time.Time {
@ -76,3 +78,8 @@ func xvalues() []time.Time {
func yvalues() []float64 { func yvalues() []float64 {
return []float64{212.47, 212.59, 211.76, 211.37, 210.18, 208.00, 206.79, 209.33, 210.77, 210.82, 210.50, 209.79, 209.38, 210.07, 208.35, 207.95, 210.57, 208.66, 208.92, 208.66, 209.42, 210.59, 209.98, 208.32, 203.97, 197.83, 189.50, 187.27, 194.46, 199.27, 199.28, 197.67, 191.77, 195.41, 195.55, 192.59, 197.43, 194.79, 195.85, 196.74, 196.01, 198.45, 200.18, 199.73, 195.45, 196.46, 193.90, 193.60, 192.90, 192.87, 188.01, 188.12, 191.63, 192.13, 195.00, 198.47, 197.79, 199.41, 201.21, 201.33, 201.52, 200.25, 199.29, 202.35, 203.27, 203.37, 203.11, 201.85, 205.26, 207.51, 207.00, 206.60, 208.95, 208.83, 207.93, 210.39, 211.00, 210.36, 210.15, 210.04, 208.08, 208.56, 207.74, 204.84, 202.54, 205.62, 205.47, 208.73, 208.55, 209.31, 209.07, 209.35, 209.32, 209.56, 208.69, 210.68, 208.53, 205.61, 209.62, 208.35, 206.95, 205.34, 205.87, 201.88, 202.90, 205.03, 208.03, 204.86, 200.02, 201.67, 203.50, 206.02, 205.68, 205.21, 207.40, 205.93, 203.87, 201.02, 201.36, 198.82, 194.05, 191.92, 192.11, 193.66, 188.83, 191.93, 187.81, 188.06, 185.65, 186.69, 190.52, 187.64, 190.20, 188.13, 189.11, 193.72, 193.65, 190.16, 191.30, 191.60, 187.95, 185.42, 185.43, 185.27, 182.86, 186.63, 189.78, 192.88, 192.09, 192.00, 194.78, 192.32, 193.20, 195.54, 195.09, 193.56, 198.11, 199.00, 199.78, 200.43, 200.59, 198.40, 199.38, 199.54, 202.76, 202.50, 202.17, 203.34, 204.63, 204.38, 204.67, 204.56, 203.21, 203.12, 203.24, 205.12, 206.02, 205.52, 206.92, 206.25, 204.19, 206.42, 203.95, 204.50, 204.02, 205.92, 208.00, 208.01, 207.78, 209.24, 209.90, 210.10, 208.97, 208.97, 208.61, 208.92, 209.35, 207.45, 206.33, 207.97, 206.16, 205.01, 204.97, 205.72, 205.89, 208.45, 206.50, 206.56, 204.76, 206.78, 204.85, 204.91, 204.20, 205.49, 205.21, 207.87, 209.28, 209.34, 210.24, 209.84, 210.27, 210.91, 210.28, 211.35, 211.68, 212.37, 212.08, 210.07, 208.45, 208.04, 207.75, 208.37, 206.52, 207.85, 208.44, 208.10, 210.81, 203.24, 199.60, 203.20, 206.66, 209.48, 209.92, 208.41, 209.66, 209.53, 212.65, 213.40, 214.95, 214.92, 216.12, 215.83} return []float64{212.47, 212.59, 211.76, 211.37, 210.18, 208.00, 206.79, 209.33, 210.77, 210.82, 210.50, 209.79, 209.38, 210.07, 208.35, 207.95, 210.57, 208.66, 208.92, 208.66, 209.42, 210.59, 209.98, 208.32, 203.97, 197.83, 189.50, 187.27, 194.46, 199.27, 199.28, 197.67, 191.77, 195.41, 195.55, 192.59, 197.43, 194.79, 195.85, 196.74, 196.01, 198.45, 200.18, 199.73, 195.45, 196.46, 193.90, 193.60, 192.90, 192.87, 188.01, 188.12, 191.63, 192.13, 195.00, 198.47, 197.79, 199.41, 201.21, 201.33, 201.52, 200.25, 199.29, 202.35, 203.27, 203.37, 203.11, 201.85, 205.26, 207.51, 207.00, 206.60, 208.95, 208.83, 207.93, 210.39, 211.00, 210.36, 210.15, 210.04, 208.08, 208.56, 207.74, 204.84, 202.54, 205.62, 205.47, 208.73, 208.55, 209.31, 209.07, 209.35, 209.32, 209.56, 208.69, 210.68, 208.53, 205.61, 209.62, 208.35, 206.95, 205.34, 205.87, 201.88, 202.90, 205.03, 208.03, 204.86, 200.02, 201.67, 203.50, 206.02, 205.68, 205.21, 207.40, 205.93, 203.87, 201.02, 201.36, 198.82, 194.05, 191.92, 192.11, 193.66, 188.83, 191.93, 187.81, 188.06, 185.65, 186.69, 190.52, 187.64, 190.20, 188.13, 189.11, 193.72, 193.65, 190.16, 191.30, 191.60, 187.95, 185.42, 185.43, 185.27, 182.86, 186.63, 189.78, 192.88, 192.09, 192.00, 194.78, 192.32, 193.20, 195.54, 195.09, 193.56, 198.11, 199.00, 199.78, 200.43, 200.59, 198.40, 199.38, 199.54, 202.76, 202.50, 202.17, 203.34, 204.63, 204.38, 204.67, 204.56, 203.21, 203.12, 203.24, 205.12, 206.02, 205.52, 206.92, 206.25, 204.19, 206.42, 203.95, 204.50, 204.02, 205.92, 208.00, 208.01, 207.78, 209.24, 209.90, 210.10, 208.97, 208.97, 208.61, 208.92, 209.35, 207.45, 206.33, 207.97, 206.16, 205.01, 204.97, 205.72, 205.89, 208.45, 206.50, 206.56, 204.76, 206.78, 204.85, 204.91, 204.20, 205.49, 205.21, 207.87, 209.28, 209.34, 210.24, 209.84, 210.27, 210.91, 210.28, 211.35, 211.68, 212.37, 212.08, 210.07, 208.45, 208.04, 207.75, 208.37, 206.52, 207.85, 208.44, 208.10, 210.81, 203.24, 199.60, 203.20, 206.66, 209.48, 209.92, 208.41, 209.66, 209.53, 212.65, 213.40, 214.95, 214.92, 216.12, 215.83}
} }
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 66 KiB

View file

@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
package main package main
//go:generate go run main.go
import ( import (
"os" "net/http"
"" ""
"" ""
) )
func main() { func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
f, _ := chart.GetDefaultFont() f, _ := chart.GetDefaultFont()
r, _ := chart.PNG(1024, 1024) r, _ := chart.PNG(1024, 1024)
@ -45,7 +43,11 @@ func main() {
StrokeWidth: 2, StrokeWidth: 2,
}) })
file, _ := os.Create("output.png") res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
defer file.Close() r.Save(res)
r.Save(file) }
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
} }

View file

@ -4,15 +4,20 @@ import (
"net/http" "net/http"
"time" "time"
chart "" ""
) )
func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
/* /*
This is an example of using the `TimeSeries` to automatically coerce time.Time values into a continuous xrange. This is an example of using the `TimeSeries` to automatically coerce time.Time values into a continuous xrange.
Note: chart.TimeSeries implements `ValueFormatterProvider` and as a result gives the XAxis the appropriate formatter to use for the ticks. Note: chart.TimeSeries implements `ValueFormatterProvider` and as a result gives the XAxis the appropariate formatter to use for the ticks.
*/ */
graph := chart.Chart{ graph := chart.Chart{
XAxis: chart.XAxis{
Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
Series: []chart.Series{ Series: []chart.Series{
chart.TimeSeries{ chart.TimeSeries{
XValues: []time.Time{ XValues: []time.Time{
@ -43,6 +48,9 @@ func drawCustomChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
*/ */
graph := chart.Chart{ graph := chart.Chart{
XAxis: chart.XAxis{ XAxis: chart.XAxis{
Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
ValueFormatter: chart.TimeHourValueFormatter, ValueFormatter: chart.TimeHourValueFormatter,
}, },
Series: []chart.Series{ Series: []chart.Series{
@ -71,7 +79,7 @@ func drawCustomChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
func main() { func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart) http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart)
http.HandleFunc("/favicon.ico", func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { http.HandleFunc("/favico.ico", func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
res.Write([]byte{}) res.Write([]byte{})
}) })
http.HandleFunc("/custom", drawCustomChart) http.HandleFunc("/custom", drawCustomChart)

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 15 KiB

View file

@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
package main package main
//go:generate go run main.go
import ( import (
"fmt" "fmt"
"os" "net/http"
"" ""
) )
func main() { func drawChart(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
/* /*
In this example we add a second series, and assign it to the secondary y axis, giving that series it's own range. In this example we add a second series, and assign it to the secondary y axis, giving that series it's own range.
@ -19,13 +17,26 @@ func main() {
graph := chart.Chart{ graph := chart.Chart{
XAxis: chart.XAxis{ XAxis: chart.XAxis{
Style: chart.Style{
Show: true, //enables / displays the x-axis
TickPosition: chart.TickPositionBetweenTicks, TickPosition: chart.TickPositionBetweenTicks,
ValueFormatter: func(v interface{}) string { ValueFormatter: func(v interface{}) string {
typed := v.(float64) typed := v.(float64)
typedDate := chart.TimeFromFloat64(typed) typedDate := chart.Time.FromFloat64(typed)
return fmt.Sprintf("%d-%d\n%d", typedDate.Month(), typedDate.Day(), typedDate.Year()) return fmt.Sprintf("%d-%d\n%d", typedDate.Month(), typedDate.Day(), typedDate.Year())
}, },
}, },
YAxis: chart.YAxis{
Style: chart.Style{
Show: true, //enables / displays the y-axis
YAxisSecondary: chart.YAxis{
Style: chart.Style{
Show: true, //enables / displays the secondary y-axis
Series: []chart.Series{ Series: []chart.Series{
chart.ContinuousSeries{ chart.ContinuousSeries{
XValues: []float64{1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0}, XValues: []float64{1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0},
@ -39,7 +50,11 @@ func main() {
}, },
} }
f, _ := os.Create("output.png") res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/png")
defer f.Close() graph.Render(chart.PNG, res)
graph.Render(chart.PNG, f) }
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", drawChart)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
} }

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 37 KiB

View file

@ -1,27 +1,32 @@
package main package main
//go:generate go run main.go
import ( import (
"bytes" "bytes"
"log" "log"
"os" "os"
"" "" //exposes "chart"
) )
func main() { func main() {
var b float64 var b float64
b = 1000 b = 1000
ts1 := chart.ContinuousSeries{ //TimeSeries{ ts1 := chart.ContinuousSeries{ //TimeSeries{
Name: "Time Series", Name: "Time Series",
Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
//XValues: []time.Time{time.Unix(3*b,0),time.Unix(4*b,0),time.Unix(5*b,0),time.Unix(6*b,0),time.Unix(7*b,0),time.Unix(8*b,0),time.Unix(9*b,0),time.Unix(10*b,0)},
XValues: []float64{10 * b, 20 * b, 30 * b, 40 * b, 50 * b, 60 * b, 70 * b, 80 * b}, XValues: []float64{10 * b, 20 * b, 30 * b, 40 * b, 50 * b, 60 * b, 70 * b, 80 * b},
YValues: []float64{1.0, 2.0, 30.0, 4.0, 50.0, 6.0, 7.0, 88.0}, YValues: []float64{1.0, 2.0, 30.0, 4.0, 50.0, 6.0, 7.0, 88.0},
} }
ts2 := chart.ContinuousSeries{ //TimeSeries{ ts2 := chart.ContinuousSeries{ //TimeSeries{
Style: chart.Style{ Style: chart.Style{
Show: true,
StrokeColor: chart.GetDefaultColor(1), StrokeColor: chart.GetDefaultColor(1),
}, },
@ -33,11 +38,15 @@ func main() {
XAxis: chart.XAxis{ XAxis: chart.XAxis{
Name: "The XAxis", Name: "The XAxis",
NameStyle: chart.StyleShow(),
Style: chart.StyleShow(),
ValueFormatter: chart.TimeMinuteValueFormatter, //TimeHourValueFormatter, ValueFormatter: chart.TimeMinuteValueFormatter, //TimeHourValueFormatter,
}, },
YAxis: chart.YAxis{ YAxis: chart.YAxis{
Name: "The YAxis", Name: "The YAxis",
NameStyle: chart.StyleShow(),
Style: chart.StyleShow(),
}, },
Series: []chart.Series{ Series: []chart.Series{

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 40 KiB

View file

@ -5,11 +5,6 @@ import (
"math" "math"
) )
// Interface Assertions.
var (
_ Series = (*AnnotationSeries)(nil)
// AnnotationSeries is a series of labels on the chart. // AnnotationSeries is a series of labels on the chart.
type AnnotationSeries struct { type AnnotationSeries struct {
Name string Name string
@ -53,17 +48,17 @@ func (as AnnotationSeries) Measure(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Ran
Right: 0, Right: 0,
Bottom: 0, Bottom: 0,
} }
if !as.Style.Hidden { if as.Style.IsZero() || as.Style.Show {
seriesStyle := as.Style.InheritFrom(as.annotationStyleDefaults(defaults)) seriesStyle := as.Style.InheritFrom(as.annotationStyleDefaults(defaults))
for _, a := range as.Annotations { for _, a := range as.Annotations {
style := a.Style.InheritFrom(seriesStyle) style := a.Style.InheritFrom(seriesStyle)
lx := canvasBox.Left + xrange.Translate(a.XValue) lx := canvasBox.Left + xrange.Translate(a.XValue)
ly := canvasBox.Bottom - yrange.Translate(a.YValue) ly := canvasBox.Bottom - yrange.Translate(a.YValue)
ab := Draw.MeasureAnnotation(r, canvasBox, style, lx, ly, a.Label) ab := Draw.MeasureAnnotation(r, canvasBox, style, lx, ly, a.Label)
box.Top = MinInt(box.Top, ab.Top) box.Top = Math.MinInt(box.Top, ab.Top)
box.Left = MinInt(box.Left, ab.Left) box.Left = Math.MinInt(box.Left, ab.Left)
box.Right = MaxInt(box.Right, ab.Right) box.Right = Math.MaxInt(box.Right, ab.Right)
box.Bottom = MaxInt(box.Bottom, ab.Bottom) box.Bottom = Math.MaxInt(box.Bottom, ab.Bottom)
} }
} }
return box return box
@ -71,7 +66,7 @@ func (as AnnotationSeries) Measure(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Ran
// Render draws the series. // Render draws the series.
func (as AnnotationSeries) Render(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, defaults Style) { func (as AnnotationSeries) Render(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, defaults Style) {
if !as.Style.Hidden { if as.Style.IsZero() || as.Style.Show {
seriesStyle := as.Style.InheritFrom(as.annotationStyleDefaults(defaults)) seriesStyle := as.Style.InheritFrom(as.annotationStyleDefaults(defaults))
for _, a := range as.Annotations { for _, a := range as.Annotations {
style := a.Style.InheritFrom(seriesStyle) style := a.Style.InheritFrom(seriesStyle)

View file

@ -4,14 +4,17 @@ import (
"image/color" "image/color"
"testing" "testing"
"" ""
"" ""
) )
func TestAnnotationSeriesMeasure(t *testing.T) { func TestAnnotationSeriesMeasure(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
as := AnnotationSeries{ as := AnnotationSeries{
Style: Style{
Show: true,
Annotations: []Value2{ Annotations: []Value2{
{XValue: 1.0, YValue: 1.0, Label: "1.0"}, {XValue: 1.0, YValue: 1.0, Label: "1.0"},
{XValue: 2.0, YValue: 2.0, Label: "2.0"}, {XValue: 2.0, YValue: 2.0, Label: "2.0"},
@ -21,10 +24,10 @@ func TestAnnotationSeriesMeasure(t *testing.T) {
} }
r, err := PNG(110, 110) r, err := PNG(110, 110)
testutil.AssertNil(t, err) assert.Nil(err)
f, err := GetDefaultFont() f, err := GetDefaultFont()
testutil.AssertNil(t, err) assert.Nil(err)
xrange := &ContinuousRange{ xrange := &ContinuousRange{
Min: 1.0, Min: 1.0,
@ -49,18 +52,19 @@ func TestAnnotationSeriesMeasure(t *testing.T) {
} }
box := as.Measure(r, cb, xrange, yrange, sd) box := as.Measure(r, cb, xrange, yrange, sd)
testutil.AssertFalse(t, box.IsZero()) assert.False(box.IsZero())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, -5.0, box.Top) assert.Equal(-5.0, box.Top)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 5.0, box.Left) assert.Equal(5.0, box.Left)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 146.0, box.Right) //the top,left annotation sticks up 5px and out ~44px. assert.Equal(146.0, box.Right) //the top,left annotation sticks up 5px and out ~44px.
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 115.0, box.Bottom) assert.Equal(115.0, box.Bottom)
} }
func TestAnnotationSeriesRender(t *testing.T) { func TestAnnotationSeriesRender(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
as := AnnotationSeries{ as := AnnotationSeries{
Style: Style{ Style: Style{
Show: true,
FillColor: drawing.ColorWhite, FillColor: drawing.ColorWhite,
StrokeColor: drawing.ColorBlack, StrokeColor: drawing.ColorBlack,
}, },
@ -73,10 +77,10 @@ func TestAnnotationSeriesRender(t *testing.T) {
} }
r, err := PNG(110, 110) r, err := PNG(110, 110)
testutil.AssertNil(t, err) assert.Nil(err)
f, err := GetDefaultFont() f, err := GetDefaultFont()
testutil.AssertNil(t, err) assert.Nil(err)
xrange := &ContinuousRange{ xrange := &ContinuousRange{
Min: 1.0, Min: 1.0,
@ -103,13 +107,13 @@ func TestAnnotationSeriesRender(t *testing.T) {
as.Render(r, cb, xrange, yrange, sd) as.Render(r, cb, xrange, yrange, sd)
rr, isRaster := r.(*rasterRenderer) rr, isRaster := r.(*rasterRenderer)
testutil.AssertTrue(t, isRaster) assert.True(isRaster)
testutil.AssertNotNil(t, rr) assert.NotNil(rr)
c := rr.i.At(38, 70) c := rr.i.At(38, 70)
converted, isRGBA := color.RGBAModel.Convert(c).(color.RGBA) converted, isRGBA := color.RGBAModel.Convert(c).(color.RGBA)
testutil.AssertTrue(t, isRGBA) assert.True(isRGBA)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 0, converted.R) assert.Equal(0, converted.R)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 0, converted.G) assert.Equal(0, converted.G)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 0, converted.B) assert.Equal(0, converted.B)
} }

View file

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
package chart
var (
_ Sequence = (*Array)(nil)
// NewArray returns a new array from a given set of values.
// Array implements Sequence, which allows it to be used with the sequence helpers.
func NewArray(values ...float64) Array {
return Array(values)
// Array is a wrapper for an array of floats that implements `ValuesProvider`.
type Array []float64
// Len returns the value provider length.
func (a Array) Len() int {
return len(a)
// GetValue returns the value at a given index.
func (a Array) GetValue(index int) float64 {
return a[index]

View file

@ -14,8 +14,6 @@ type BarChart struct {
Title string Title string
TitleStyle Style TitleStyle Style
ColorPalette ColorPalette
Width int Width int
Height int Height int
DPI float64 DPI float64
@ -30,9 +28,6 @@ type BarChart struct {
BarSpacing int BarSpacing int
UseBaseValue bool
BaseValue float64
Font *truetype.Font Font *truetype.Font
defaultFont *truetype.Font defaultFont *truetype.Font
@ -128,7 +123,7 @@ func (bc BarChart) Render(rp RendererProvider, w io.Writer) error {
canvasBox = bc.getAdjustedCanvasBox(r, canvasBox, yr, yt) canvasBox = bc.getAdjustedCanvasBox(r, canvasBox, yr, yt)
yr = bc.setRangeDomains(canvasBox, yr) yr = bc.setRangeDomains(canvasBox, yr)
} }
bc.drawCanvas(r, canvasBox)
bc.drawBars(r, canvasBox, yr) bc.drawBars(r, canvasBox, yr)
bc.drawXAxis(r, canvasBox) bc.drawXAxis(r, canvasBox)
bc.drawYAxis(r, canvasBox, yr, yt) bc.drawYAxis(r, canvasBox, yr, yt)
@ -141,10 +136,6 @@ func (bc BarChart) Render(rp RendererProvider, w io.Writer) error {
return r.Save(w) return r.Save(w)
} }
func (bc BarChart) drawCanvas(r Renderer, canvasBox Box) {
Draw.Box(r, canvasBox, bc.getCanvasStyle())
func (bc BarChart) getRanges() Range { func (bc BarChart) getRanges() Range {
var yrange Range var yrange Range
if bc.YAxis.Range != nil && !bc.YAxis.Range.IsZero() { if bc.YAxis.Range != nil && !bc.YAxis.Range.IsZero() {
@ -201,21 +192,12 @@ func (bc BarChart) drawBars(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, yr Range) {
by = canvasBox.Bottom - yr.Translate(bar.Value) by = canvasBox.Bottom - yr.Translate(bar.Value)
if bc.UseBaseValue {
barBox = Box{
Top: by,
Left: bxl,
Right: bxr,
Bottom: canvasBox.Bottom - yr.Translate(bc.BaseValue),
} else {
barBox = Box{ barBox = Box{
Top: by, Top: by,
Left: bxl, Left: bxl,
Right: bxr, Right: bxr,
Bottom: canvasBox.Bottom, Bottom: canvasBox.Bottom,
} }
Draw.Box(r, barBox, bar.Style.InheritFrom(bc.styleDefaultsBar(index))) Draw.Box(r, barBox, bar.Style.InheritFrom(bc.styleDefaultsBar(index)))
@ -224,7 +206,7 @@ func (bc BarChart) drawBars(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, yr Range) {
} }
func (bc BarChart) drawXAxis(r Renderer, canvasBox Box) { func (bc BarChart) drawXAxis(r Renderer, canvasBox Box) {
if !bc.XAxis.Hidden { if bc.XAxis.Show {
axisStyle := bc.XAxis.InheritFrom(bc.styleDefaultsAxes()) axisStyle := bc.XAxis.InheritFrom(bc.styleDefaultsAxes())
axisStyle.WriteToRenderer(r) axisStyle.WriteToRenderer(r)
@ -263,44 +245,44 @@ func (bc BarChart) drawXAxis(r Renderer, canvasBox Box) {
} }
func (bc BarChart) drawYAxis(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, yr Range, ticks []Tick) { func (bc BarChart) drawYAxis(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, yr Range, ticks []Tick) {
if !bc.YAxis.Style.Hidden { if bc.YAxis.Style.Show {
bc.YAxis.Render(r, canvasBox, yr, bc.styleDefaultsAxes(), ticks) axisStyle := bc.YAxis.Style.InheritFrom(bc.styleDefaultsAxes())
r.MoveTo(canvasBox.Right, canvasBox.Top)
r.LineTo(canvasBox.Right, canvasBox.Bottom)
r.MoveTo(canvasBox.Right, canvasBox.Bottom)
r.LineTo(canvasBox.Right+DefaultHorizontalTickWidth, canvasBox.Bottom)
var ty int
var tb Box
for _, t := range ticks {
ty = canvasBox.Bottom - yr.Translate(t.Value)
r.MoveTo(canvasBox.Right, ty)
r.LineTo(canvasBox.Right+DefaultHorizontalTickWidth, ty)
tb = r.MeasureText(t.Label)
Draw.Text(r, t.Label, canvasBox.Right+DefaultYAxisMargin+5, ty+(tb.Height()>>1), axisStyle)
} }
} }
func (bc BarChart) drawTitle(r Renderer) { func (bc BarChart) drawTitle(r Renderer) {
if len(bc.Title) > 0 && !bc.TitleStyle.Hidden { if len(bc.Title) > 0 && bc.TitleStyle.Show {
r.SetFont(bc.TitleStyle.GetFont(bc.GetFont())) Draw.TextWithin(r, bc.Title,, bc.styleDefaultsTitle())
titleFontSize := bc.TitleStyle.GetFontSize(bc.getTitleFontSize())
textBox := r.MeasureText(bc.Title)
textWidth := textBox.Width()
textHeight := textBox.Height()
titleX := (bc.GetWidth() >> 1) - (textWidth >> 1)
titleY := bc.TitleStyle.Padding.GetTop(DefaultTitleTop) + textHeight
r.Text(bc.Title, titleX, titleY)
func (bc BarChart) getCanvasStyle() Style {
return bc.Canvas.InheritFrom(bc.styleDefaultsCanvas())
func (bc BarChart) styleDefaultsCanvas() Style {
return Style{
FillColor: bc.GetColorPalette().CanvasColor(),
StrokeColor: bc.GetColorPalette().CanvasStrokeColor(),
StrokeWidth: DefaultCanvasStrokeWidth,
} }
} }
func (bc BarChart) hasAxes() bool { func (bc BarChart) hasAxes() bool {
return !bc.YAxis.Style.Hidden return bc.YAxis.Style.Show
} }
func (bc BarChart) setRangeDomains(canvasBox Box, yr Range) Range { func (bc BarChart) setRangeDomains(canvasBox Box, yr Range) Range {
@ -320,7 +302,7 @@ func (bc BarChart) getValueFormatters() ValueFormatter {
} }
func (bc BarChart) getAxesTicks(r Renderer, yr Range, yf ValueFormatter) (yticks []Tick) { func (bc BarChart) getAxesTicks(r Renderer, yr Range, yf ValueFormatter) (yticks []Tick) {
if !bc.YAxis.Style.Hidden { if bc.YAxis.Style.Show {
yticks = bc.YAxis.GetTicks(r, yr, bc.styleDefaultsAxes(), yf) yticks = bc.YAxis.GetTicks(r, yr, bc.styleDefaultsAxes(), yf)
} }
return return
@ -366,7 +348,7 @@ func (bc BarChart) getAdjustedCanvasBox(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, yrange Range,
_, _, totalWidth := bc.calculateScaledTotalWidth(canvasBox) _, _, totalWidth := bc.calculateScaledTotalWidth(canvasBox)
if !bc.XAxis.Hidden { if bc.XAxis.Show {
xaxisHeight := DefaultVerticalTickHeight xaxisHeight := DefaultVerticalTickHeight
axisStyle := bc.XAxis.InheritFrom(bc.styleDefaultsAxes()) axisStyle := bc.XAxis.InheritFrom(bc.styleDefaultsAxes())
@ -384,7 +366,7 @@ func (bc BarChart) getAdjustedCanvasBox(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, yrange Range,
lines := Text.WrapFit(r, bar.Label, barLabelBox.Width(), axisStyle) lines := Text.WrapFit(r, bar.Label, barLabelBox.Width(), axisStyle)
linesBox := Text.MeasureLines(r, lines, axisStyle) linesBox := Text.MeasureLines(r, lines, axisStyle)
xaxisHeight = MinInt(linesBox.Height()+(2*DefaultXAxisMargin), xaxisHeight) xaxisHeight = Math.MinInt(linesBox.Height()+(2*DefaultXAxisMargin), xaxisHeight)
} }
} }
@ -398,7 +380,7 @@ func (bc BarChart) getAdjustedCanvasBox(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, yrange Range,
axesOuterBox = axesOuterBox.Grow(xbox) axesOuterBox = axesOuterBox.Grow(xbox)
} }
if !bc.YAxis.Style.Hidden { if bc.YAxis.Style.Show {
axesBounds := bc.YAxis.Measure(r, canvasBox, yrange, bc.styleDefaultsAxes(), yticks) axesBounds := bc.YAxis.Measure(r, canvasBox, yrange, bc.styleDefaultsAxes(), yticks)
axesOuterBox = axesOuterBox.Grow(axesBounds) axesOuterBox = axesOuterBox.Grow(axesBounds)
} }
@ -412,8 +394,8 @@ func (bc BarChart) box() Box {
dpb := bc.Background.Padding.GetBottom(50) dpb := bc.Background.Padding.GetBottom(50)
return Box{ return Box{
Top: bc.Background.Padding.GetTop(20), Top: 20,
Left: bc.Background.Padding.GetLeft(20), Left: 20,
Right: bc.GetWidth() - dpr, Right: bc.GetWidth() - dpr,
Bottom: bc.GetHeight() - dpb, Bottom: bc.GetHeight() - dpb,
} }
@ -425,23 +407,23 @@ func (bc BarChart) getBackgroundStyle() Style {
func (bc BarChart) styleDefaultsBackground() Style { func (bc BarChart) styleDefaultsBackground() Style {
return Style{ return Style{
FillColor: bc.GetColorPalette().BackgroundColor(), FillColor: DefaultBackgroundColor,
StrokeColor: bc.GetColorPalette().BackgroundStrokeColor(), StrokeColor: DefaultBackgroundStrokeColor,
StrokeWidth: DefaultStrokeWidth, StrokeWidth: DefaultStrokeWidth,
} }
} }
func (bc BarChart) styleDefaultsBar(index int) Style { func (bc BarChart) styleDefaultsBar(index int) Style {
return Style{ return Style{
StrokeColor: bc.GetColorPalette().GetSeriesColor(index), StrokeColor: GetAlternateColor(index),
StrokeWidth: 3.0, StrokeWidth: 3.0,
FillColor: bc.GetColorPalette().GetSeriesColor(index), FillColor: GetAlternateColor(index),
} }
} }
func (bc BarChart) styleDefaultsTitle() Style { func (bc BarChart) styleDefaultsTitle() Style {
return bc.TitleStyle.InheritFrom(Style{ return bc.TitleStyle.InheritFrom(Style{
FontColor: bc.GetColorPalette().TextColor(), FontColor: DefaultTextColor,
Font: bc.GetFont(), Font: bc.GetFont(),
FontSize: bc.getTitleFontSize(), FontSize: bc.getTitleFontSize(),
TextHorizontalAlign: TextHorizontalAlignCenter, TextHorizontalAlign: TextHorizontalAlignCenter,
@ -451,7 +433,7 @@ func (bc BarChart) styleDefaultsTitle() Style {
} }
func (bc BarChart) getTitleFontSize() float64 { func (bc BarChart) getTitleFontSize() float64 {
effectiveDimension := MinInt(bc.GetWidth(), bc.GetHeight()) effectiveDimension := Math.MinInt(bc.GetWidth(), bc.GetHeight())
if effectiveDimension >= 2048 { if effectiveDimension >= 2048 {
return 48 return 48
} else if effectiveDimension >= 1024 { } else if effectiveDimension >= 1024 {
@ -466,10 +448,10 @@ func (bc BarChart) getTitleFontSize() float64 {
func (bc BarChart) styleDefaultsAxes() Style { func (bc BarChart) styleDefaultsAxes() Style {
return Style{ return Style{
StrokeColor: bc.GetColorPalette().AxisStrokeColor(), StrokeColor: DefaultAxisColor,
Font: bc.GetFont(), Font: bc.GetFont(),
FontSize: DefaultAxisFontSize, FontSize: DefaultAxisFontSize,
FontColor: bc.GetColorPalette().TextColor(), FontColor: DefaultAxisColor,
TextHorizontalAlign: TextHorizontalAlignCenter, TextHorizontalAlign: TextHorizontalAlignCenter,
TextVerticalAlign: TextVerticalAlignTop, TextVerticalAlign: TextVerticalAlignTop,
TextWrap: TextWrapWord, TextWrap: TextWrapWord,
@ -481,11 +463,3 @@ func (bc BarChart) styleDefaultsElements() Style {
Font: bc.GetFont(), Font: bc.GetFont(),
} }
} }
// GetColorPalette returns the color palette for the chart.
func (bc BarChart) GetColorPalette() ColorPalette {
if bc.ColorPalette != nil {
return bc.ColorPalette
return AlternateColorPalette

View file

@ -5,15 +5,20 @@ import (
"math" "math"
"testing" "testing"
"" assert ""
) )
func TestBarChartRender(t *testing.T) { func TestBarChartRender(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
bc := BarChart{ bc := BarChart{
Width: 1024, Width: 1024,
Title: "Test Title", Title: "Test Title",
TitleStyle: StyleShow(),
XAxis: StyleShow(),
YAxis: YAxis{
Style: StyleShow(),
Bars: []Value{ Bars: []Value{
{Value: 1.0, Label: "One"}, {Value: 1.0, Label: "One"},
{Value: 2.0, Label: "Two"}, {Value: 2.0, Label: "Two"},
@ -25,16 +30,21 @@ func TestBarChartRender(t *testing.T) {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
err := bc.Render(PNG, buf) err := bc.Render(PNG, buf)
testutil.AssertNil(t, err) assert.Nil(err)
testutil.AssertNotZero(t, buf.Len()) assert.NotZero(buf.Len())
} }
func TestBarChartRenderZero(t *testing.T) { func TestBarChartRenderZero(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
bc := BarChart{ bc := BarChart{
Width: 1024, Width: 1024,
Title: "Test Title", Title: "Test Title",
TitleStyle: StyleShow(),
XAxis: StyleShow(),
YAxis: YAxis{
Style: StyleShow(),
Bars: []Value{ Bars: []Value{
{Value: 0.0, Label: "One"}, {Value: 0.0, Label: "One"},
{Value: 0.0, Label: "Two"}, {Value: 0.0, Label: "Two"},
@ -43,64 +53,64 @@ func TestBarChartRenderZero(t *testing.T) {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
err := bc.Render(PNG, buf) err := bc.Render(PNG, buf)
testutil.AssertNotNil(t, err) assert.NotNil(err)
} }
func TestBarChartProps(t *testing.T) { func TestBarChartProps(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
bc := BarChart{} bc := BarChart{}
testutil.AssertEqual(t, DefaultDPI, bc.GetDPI()) assert.Equal(DefaultDPI, bc.GetDPI())
bc.DPI = 100 bc.DPI = 100
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 100, bc.GetDPI()) assert.Equal(100, bc.GetDPI())
testutil.AssertNil(t, bc.GetFont()) assert.Nil(bc.GetFont())
f, err := GetDefaultFont() f, err := GetDefaultFont()
testutil.AssertNil(t, err) assert.Nil(err)
bc.Font = f bc.Font = f
testutil.AssertNotNil(t, bc.GetFont()) assert.NotNil(bc.GetFont())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, DefaultChartWidth, bc.GetWidth()) assert.Equal(DefaultChartWidth, bc.GetWidth())
bc.Width = DefaultChartWidth - 1 bc.Width = DefaultChartWidth - 1
testutil.AssertEqual(t, DefaultChartWidth-1, bc.GetWidth()) assert.Equal(DefaultChartWidth-1, bc.GetWidth())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, DefaultChartHeight, bc.GetHeight()) assert.Equal(DefaultChartHeight, bc.GetHeight())
bc.Height = DefaultChartHeight - 1 bc.Height = DefaultChartHeight - 1
testutil.AssertEqual(t, DefaultChartHeight-1, bc.GetHeight()) assert.Equal(DefaultChartHeight-1, bc.GetHeight())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, DefaultBarSpacing, bc.GetBarSpacing()) assert.Equal(DefaultBarSpacing, bc.GetBarSpacing())
bc.BarSpacing = 150 bc.BarSpacing = 150
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 150, bc.GetBarSpacing()) assert.Equal(150, bc.GetBarSpacing())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, DefaultBarWidth, bc.GetBarWidth()) assert.Equal(DefaultBarWidth, bc.GetBarWidth())
bc.BarWidth = 75 bc.BarWidth = 75
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 75, bc.GetBarWidth()) assert.Equal(75, bc.GetBarWidth())
} }
func TestBarChartRenderNoBars(t *testing.T) { func TestBarChartRenderNoBars(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
bc := BarChart{} bc := BarChart{}
err := bc.Render(PNG, bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})) err := bc.Render(PNG, bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}))
testutil.AssertNotNil(t, err) assert.NotNil(err)
} }
func TestBarChartGetRanges(t *testing.T) { func TestBarChartGetRanges(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
bc := BarChart{} bc := BarChart{}
yr := bc.getRanges() yr := bc.getRanges()
testutil.AssertNotNil(t, yr) assert.NotNil(yr)
testutil.AssertFalse(t, yr.IsZero()) assert.False(yr.IsZero())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, -math.MaxFloat64, yr.GetMax()) assert.Equal(-math.MaxFloat64, yr.GetMax())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, math.MaxFloat64, yr.GetMin()) assert.Equal(math.MaxFloat64, yr.GetMin())
} }
func TestBarChartGetRangesBarsMinMax(t *testing.T) { func TestBarChartGetRangesBarsMinMax(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
bc := BarChart{ bc := BarChart{
Bars: []Value{ Bars: []Value{
@ -110,15 +120,15 @@ func TestBarChartGetRangesBarsMinMax(t *testing.T) {
} }
yr := bc.getRanges() yr := bc.getRanges()
testutil.AssertNotNil(t, yr) assert.NotNil(yr)
testutil.AssertFalse(t, yr.IsZero()) assert.False(yr.IsZero())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 10, yr.GetMax()) assert.Equal(10, yr.GetMax())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 1, yr.GetMin()) assert.Equal(1, yr.GetMin())
} }
func TestBarChartGetRangesMinMax(t *testing.T) { func TestBarChartGetRangesMinMax(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
bc := BarChart{ bc := BarChart{
YAxis: YAxis{ YAxis: YAxis{
@ -138,15 +148,15 @@ func TestBarChartGetRangesMinMax(t *testing.T) {
} }
yr := bc.getRanges() yr := bc.getRanges()
testutil.AssertNotNil(t, yr) assert.NotNil(yr)
testutil.AssertFalse(t, yr.IsZero()) assert.False(yr.IsZero())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 15, yr.GetMax()) assert.Equal(15, yr.GetMax())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 5, yr.GetMin()) assert.Equal(5, yr.GetMin())
} }
func TestBarChartGetRangesTicksMinMax(t *testing.T) { func TestBarChartGetRangesTicksMinMax(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
bc := BarChart{ bc := BarChart{
YAxis: YAxis{ YAxis: YAxis{
@ -162,56 +172,57 @@ func TestBarChartGetRangesTicksMinMax(t *testing.T) {
} }
yr := bc.getRanges() yr := bc.getRanges()
testutil.AssertNotNil(t, yr) assert.NotNil(yr)
testutil.AssertFalse(t, yr.IsZero()) assert.False(yr.IsZero())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 11, yr.GetMax()) assert.Equal(11, yr.GetMax())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 7, yr.GetMin()) assert.Equal(7, yr.GetMin())
} }
func TestBarChartHasAxes(t *testing.T) { func TestBarChartHasAxes(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
bc := BarChart{} bc := BarChart{}
testutil.AssertTrue(t, bc.hasAxes()) assert.False(bc.hasAxes())
bc.YAxis = YAxis{ bc.YAxis = YAxis{
Style: Hidden(), Style: StyleShow(),
} }
testutil.AssertFalse(t, bc.hasAxes())
} }
func TestBarChartGetDefaultCanvasBox(t *testing.T) { func TestBarChartGetDefaultCanvasBox(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
bc := BarChart{} bc := BarChart{}
b := bc.getDefaultCanvasBox() b := bc.getDefaultCanvasBox()
testutil.AssertFalse(t, b.IsZero()) assert.False(b.IsZero())
} }
func TestBarChartSetRangeDomains(t *testing.T) { func TestBarChartSetRangeDomains(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
bc := BarChart{} bc := BarChart{}
cb := cb :=
yr := bc.getRanges() yr := bc.getRanges()
yr2 := bc.setRangeDomains(cb, yr) yr2 := bc.setRangeDomains(cb, yr)
testutil.AssertNotZero(t, yr2.GetDomain()) assert.NotZero(yr2.GetDomain())
} }
func TestBarChartGetValueFormatters(t *testing.T) { func TestBarChartGetValueFormatters(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
bc := BarChart{} bc := BarChart{}
vf := bc.getValueFormatters() vf := bc.getValueFormatters()
testutil.AssertNotNil(t, vf) assert.NotNil(vf)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, "1234.00", vf(1234.0)) assert.Equal("1234.00", vf(1234.0))
bc.YAxis.ValueFormatter = func(_ interface{}) string { return "test" } bc.YAxis.ValueFormatter = func(_ interface{}) string { return "test" }
testutil.AssertEqual(t, "test", bc.getValueFormatters()(1234)) assert.Equal("test", bc.getValueFormatters()(1234))
} }
func TestBarChartGetAxesTicks(t *testing.T) { func TestBarChartGetAxesTicks(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
bc := BarChart{ bc := BarChart{
Bars: []Value{ Bars: []Value{
@ -222,21 +233,20 @@ func TestBarChartGetAxesTicks(t *testing.T) {
} }
r, err := PNG(128, 128) r, err := PNG(128, 128)
testutil.AssertNil(t, err) assert.Nil(err)
yr := bc.getRanges() yr := bc.getRanges()
yf := bc.getValueFormatters() yf := bc.getValueFormatters()
bc.YAxis.Style.Hidden = true
ticks := bc.getAxesTicks(r, yr, yf) ticks := bc.getAxesTicks(r, yr, yf)
testutil.AssertEmpty(t, ticks) assert.Empty(ticks)
bc.YAxis.Style.Hidden = false bc.YAxis.Style.Show = true
ticks = bc.getAxesTicks(r, yr, yf) ticks = bc.getAxesTicks(r, yr, yf)
testutil.AssertLen(t, ticks, 2) assert.Len(ticks, 2)
} }
func TestBarChartCalculateEffectiveBarSpacing(t *testing.T) { func TestBarChartCalculateEffectiveBarSpacing(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
bc := BarChart{ bc := BarChart{
Width: 1024, Width: 1024,
@ -251,15 +261,15 @@ func TestBarChartCalculateEffectiveBarSpacing(t *testing.T) {
} }
spacing := bc.calculateEffectiveBarSpacing( spacing := bc.calculateEffectiveBarSpacing(
testutil.AssertNotZero(t, spacing) assert.NotZero(spacing)
bc.BarWidth = 250 bc.BarWidth = 250
spacing = bc.calculateEffectiveBarSpacing( spacing = bc.calculateEffectiveBarSpacing(
testutil.AssertZero(t, spacing) assert.Zero(spacing)
} }
func TestBarChartCalculateEffectiveBarWidth(t *testing.T) { func TestBarChartCalculateEffectiveBarWidth(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
bc := BarChart{ bc := BarChart{
Width: 1024, Width: 1024,
@ -276,35 +286,35 @@ func TestBarChartCalculateEffectiveBarWidth(t *testing.T) {
cb := cb :=
spacing := bc.calculateEffectiveBarSpacing( spacing := bc.calculateEffectiveBarSpacing(
testutil.AssertNotZero(t, spacing) assert.NotZero(spacing)
barWidth := bc.calculateEffectiveBarWidth(, spacing) barWidth := bc.calculateEffectiveBarWidth(, spacing)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 10, barWidth) assert.Equal(10, barWidth)
bc.BarWidth = 250 bc.BarWidth = 250
spacing = bc.calculateEffectiveBarSpacing( spacing = bc.calculateEffectiveBarSpacing(
testutil.AssertZero(t, spacing) assert.Zero(spacing)
barWidth = bc.calculateEffectiveBarWidth(, spacing) barWidth = bc.calculateEffectiveBarWidth(, spacing)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 199, barWidth) assert.Equal(199, barWidth)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, cb.Width()+1, bc.calculateTotalBarWidth(barWidth, spacing)) assert.Equal(cb.Width()+1, bc.calculateTotalBarWidth(barWidth, spacing))
bw, bs, total := bc.calculateScaledTotalWidth(cb) bw, bs, total := bc.calculateScaledTotalWidth(cb)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, spacing, bs) assert.Equal(spacing, bs)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, barWidth, bw) assert.Equal(barWidth, bw)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, cb.Width()+1, total) assert.Equal(cb.Width()+1, total)
} }
func TestBarChatGetTitleFontSize(t *testing.T) { func TestBarChatGetTitleFontSize(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
size := BarChart{Width: 2049, Height: 2049}.getTitleFontSize() size := BarChart{Width: 2049, Height: 2049}.getTitleFontSize()
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 48, size) assert.Equal(48, size)
size = BarChart{Width: 1025, Height: 1025}.getTitleFontSize() size = BarChart{Width: 1025, Height: 1025}.getTitleFontSize()
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 24, size) assert.Equal(24, size)
size = BarChart{Width: 513, Height: 513}.getTitleFontSize() size = BarChart{Width: 513, Height: 513}.getTitleFontSize()
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 18, size) assert.Equal(18, size)
size = BarChart{Width: 257, Height: 257}.getTitleFontSize() size = BarChart{Width: 257, Height: 257}.getTitleFontSize()
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 12, size) assert.Equal(12, size)
size = BarChart{Width: 128, Height: 128}.getTitleFontSize() size = BarChart{Width: 128, Height: 128}.getTitleFontSize()
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 10, size) assert.Equal(10, size)
} }

View file

@ -2,11 +2,7 @@ package chart
import ( import (
"fmt" "fmt"
) "math"
// Interface Assertions.
var (
_ Series = (*BollingerBandsSeries)(nil)
) )
// BollingerBandsSeries draws bollinger bands for an inner series. // BollingerBandsSeries draws bollinger bands for an inner series.
@ -18,9 +14,9 @@ type BollingerBandsSeries struct {
Period int Period int
K float64 K float64
InnerSeries ValuesProvider InnerSeries ValueProvider
valueBuffer *ValueBuffer valueBuffer *RingBuffer
} }
// GetName returns the name of the time series. // GetName returns the name of the time series.
@ -46,9 +42,7 @@ func (bbs BollingerBandsSeries) GetPeriod() int {
return bbs.Period return bbs.Period
} }
// GetK returns the K value, or the number of standard deviations above and below // GetK returns the K value.
// to band the simple moving average with.
// Typical K value is 2.0.
func (bbs BollingerBandsSeries) GetK(defaults ...float64) float64 { func (bbs BollingerBandsSeries) GetK(defaults ...float64) float64 {
if bbs.K == 0 { if bbs.K == 0 {
if len(defaults) > 0 { if len(defaults) > 0 {
@ -60,35 +54,35 @@ func (bbs BollingerBandsSeries) GetK(defaults ...float64) float64 {
} }
// Len returns the number of elements in the series. // Len returns the number of elements in the series.
func (bbs BollingerBandsSeries) Len() int { func (bbs *BollingerBandsSeries) Len() int {
return bbs.InnerSeries.Len() return bbs.InnerSeries.Len()
} }
// GetBoundedValues gets the bounded value for the series. // GetBoundedValue gets the bounded value for the series.
func (bbs *BollingerBandsSeries) GetBoundedValues(index int) (x, y1, y2 float64) { func (bbs *BollingerBandsSeries) GetBoundedValue(index int) (x, y1, y2 float64) {
if bbs.InnerSeries == nil { if bbs.InnerSeries == nil {
return return
} }
if bbs.valueBuffer == nil || index == 0 { if bbs.valueBuffer == nil || index == 0 {
bbs.valueBuffer = NewValueBufferWithCapacity(bbs.GetPeriod()) bbs.valueBuffer = NewRingBufferWithCapacity(bbs.GetPeriod())
} }
if bbs.valueBuffer.Len() >= bbs.GetPeriod() { if bbs.valueBuffer.Len() >= bbs.GetPeriod() {
bbs.valueBuffer.Dequeue() bbs.valueBuffer.Dequeue()
} }
px, py := bbs.InnerSeries.GetValues(index) px, py := bbs.InnerSeries.GetValue(index)
bbs.valueBuffer.Enqueue(py) bbs.valueBuffer.Enqueue(py)
x = px x = px
ay := Seq{bbs.valueBuffer}.Average() ay := bbs.getAverage(bbs.valueBuffer)
std := Seq{bbs.valueBuffer}.StdDev() std := bbs.getStdDev(bbs.valueBuffer)
y1 = ay + (bbs.GetK() * std) y1 = ay + (bbs.GetK() * std)
y2 = ay - (bbs.GetK() * std) y2 = ay - (bbs.GetK() * std)
return return
} }
// GetBoundedLastValues returns the last bounded value for the series. // GetBoundedLastValue returns the last bounded value for the series.
func (bbs *BollingerBandsSeries) GetBoundedLastValues() (x, y1, y2 float64) { func (bbs *BollingerBandsSeries) GetBoundedLastValue() (x, y1, y2 float64) {
if bbs.InnerSeries == nil { if bbs.InnerSeries == nil {
return return
} }
@ -99,15 +93,15 @@ func (bbs *BollingerBandsSeries) GetBoundedLastValues() (x, y1, y2 float64) {
startAt = 0 startAt = 0
} }
vb := NewValueBufferWithCapacity(period) vb := NewRingBufferWithCapacity(period)
for index := startAt; index < seriesLength; index++ { for index := startAt; index < seriesLength; index++ {
xn, yn := bbs.InnerSeries.GetValues(index) xn, yn := bbs.InnerSeries.GetValue(index)
vb.Enqueue(yn) vb.Enqueue(yn)
x = xn x = xn
} }
ay := Seq{vb}.Average() ay := bbs.getAverage(vb)
std := Seq{vb}.StdDev() std := bbs.getStdDev(vb)
y1 = ay + (bbs.GetK() * std) y1 = ay + (bbs.GetK() * std)
y2 = ay - (bbs.GetK() * std) y2 = ay - (bbs.GetK() * std)
@ -126,6 +120,37 @@ func (bbs *BollingerBandsSeries) Render(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrang
Draw.BoundedSeries(r, canvasBox, xrange, yrange, s, bbs, bbs.GetPeriod()) Draw.BoundedSeries(r, canvasBox, xrange, yrange, s, bbs, bbs.GetPeriod())
} }
func (bbs BollingerBandsSeries) getAverage(valueBuffer *RingBuffer) float64 {
var accum float64
valueBuffer.Each(func(v interface{}) {
if typed, isTyped := v.(float64); isTyped {
accum += typed
return accum / float64(valueBuffer.Len())
func (bbs BollingerBandsSeries) getVariance(valueBuffer *RingBuffer) float64 {
if valueBuffer.Len() == 0 {
return 0
var variance float64
m := bbs.getAverage(valueBuffer)
valueBuffer.Each(func(v interface{}) {
if n, isTyped := v.(float64); isTyped {
variance += (float64(n) - m) * (float64(n) - m)
return variance / float64(valueBuffer.Len())
func (bbs BollingerBandsSeries) getStdDev(valueBuffer *RingBuffer) float64 {
return math.Pow(bbs.getVariance(valueBuffer), 0.5)
// Validate validates the series. // Validate validates the series.
func (bbs BollingerBandsSeries) Validate() error { func (bbs BollingerBandsSeries) Validate() error {
if bbs.InnerSeries == nil { if bbs.InnerSeries == nil {

View file

@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
package chart package chart
import ( import (
"math" "math"
"testing" "testing"
"" ""
) )
func TestBollingerBandSeries(t *testing.T) { func TestBollingerBandSeries(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
s1 := mockValuesProvider{ s1 := mockValueProvider{
X: LinearRange(1.0, 100.0), X: Sequence.Float64(1.0, 100.0),
Y: RandomValuesWithMax(100, 1024), Y: Sequence.Random(100, 1024),
} }
bbs := &BollingerBandsSeries{ bbs := &BollingerBandsSeries{
@ -25,28 +24,28 @@ func TestBollingerBandSeries(t *testing.T) {
y2values := make([]float64, 100) y2values := make([]float64, 100)
for x := 0; x < 100; x++ { for x := 0; x < 100; x++ {
xvalues[x], y1values[x], y2values[x] = bbs.GetBoundedValues(x) xvalues[x], y1values[x], y2values[x] = bbs.GetBoundedValue(x)
} }
for x := bbs.GetPeriod(); x < 100; x++ { for x := bbs.GetPeriod(); x < 100; x++ {
testutil.AssertTrue(t, y1values[x] > y2values[x], fmt.Sprintf("%v vs. %v", y1values[x], y2values[x])) assert.True(y1values[x] > y2values[x])
} }
} }
func TestBollingerBandLastValue(t *testing.T) { func TestBollingerBandLastValue(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
s1 := mockValuesProvider{ s1 := mockValueProvider{
X: LinearRange(1.0, 100.0), X: Sequence.Float64(1.0, 100.0),
Y: LinearRange(1.0, 100.0), Y: Sequence.Float64(1.0, 100.0),
} }
bbs := &BollingerBandsSeries{ bbs := &BollingerBandsSeries{
InnerSeries: s1, InnerSeries: s1,
} }
x, y1, y2 := bbs.GetBoundedLastValues() x, y1, y2 := bbs.GetBoundedLastValue()
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 100.0, x) assert.Equal(100.0, x)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 101, math.Floor(y1)) assert.Equal(101, math.Floor(y1))
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 83, math.Floor(y2)) assert.Equal(83, math.Floor(y2))
} }

View file

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
package chart
import "fmt"
// BoundedLastValuesAnnotationSeries returns a last value annotation series for a bounded values provider.
func BoundedLastValuesAnnotationSeries(innerSeries FullBoundedValuesProvider, vfs ...ValueFormatter) AnnotationSeries {
lvx, lvy1, lvy2 := innerSeries.GetBoundedLastValues()
var vf ValueFormatter
if len(vfs) > 0 {
vf = vfs[0]
} else if typed, isTyped := innerSeries.(ValueFormatterProvider); isTyped {
_, vf = typed.GetValueFormatters()
} else {
vf = FloatValueFormatter
label1 := vf(lvy1)
label2 := vf(lvy2)
var seriesName string
var seriesStyle Style
if typed, isTyped := innerSeries.(Series); isTyped {
seriesName = fmt.Sprintf("%s - Last Values", typed.GetName())
seriesStyle = typed.GetStyle()
return AnnotationSeries{
Name: seriesName,
Style: seriesStyle,
Annotations: []Value2{
{XValue: lvx, YValue: lvy1, Label: label1},
{XValue: lvx, YValue: lvy2, Label: label2},

View file

@ -89,12 +89,12 @@ func (b Box) GetBottom(defaults int {
// Width returns the width // Width returns the width
func (b Box) Width() int { func (b Box) Width() int {
return AbsInt(b.Right - b.Left) return Math.AbsInt(b.Right - b.Left)
} }
// Height returns the height // Height returns the height
func (b Box) Height() int { func (b Box) Height() int {
return AbsInt(b.Bottom - b.Top) return Math.AbsInt(b.Bottom - b.Top)
} }
// Center returns the center of the box // Center returns the center of the box
@ -146,10 +146,10 @@ func (b Box) Equals(other Box) bool {
// Grow grows a box based on another box. // Grow grows a box based on another box.
func (b Box) Grow(other Box) Box { func (b Box) Grow(other Box) Box {
return Box{ return Box{
Top: MinInt(b.Top, other.Top), Top: Math.MinInt(b.Top, other.Top),
Left: MinInt(b.Left, other.Left), Left: Math.MinInt(b.Left, other.Left),
Right: MaxInt(b.Right, other.Right), Right: Math.MaxInt(b.Right, other.Right),
Bottom: MaxInt(b.Bottom, other.Bottom), Bottom: Math.MaxInt(b.Bottom, other.Bottom),
} }
} }
@ -220,10 +220,10 @@ func (b Box) Fit(other Box) Box {
func (b Box) Constrain(other Box) Box { func (b Box) Constrain(other Box) Box {
newBox := b.Clone() newBox := b.Clone()
newBox.Top = MaxInt(newBox.Top, other.Top) newBox.Top = Math.MaxInt(newBox.Top, other.Top)
newBox.Left = MaxInt(newBox.Left, other.Left) newBox.Left = Math.MaxInt(newBox.Left, other.Left)
newBox.Right = MinInt(newBox.Right, other.Right) newBox.Right = Math.MinInt(newBox.Right, other.Right)
newBox.Bottom = MinInt(newBox.Bottom, other.Bottom) newBox.Bottom = Math.MinInt(newBox.Bottom, other.Bottom)
return newBox return newBox
} }
@ -254,22 +254,6 @@ func (b Box) OuterConstrain(bounds, other Box) Box {
return newBox return newBox
} }
func (b Box) Validate() error {
if b.Left < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid left; must be >= 0")
if b.Right < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid right; must be > 0")
if b.Top < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid top; must be > 0")
if b.Bottom < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid bottom; must be > 0")
return nil
// BoxCorners is a box with independent corners. // BoxCorners is a box with independent corners.
type BoxCorners struct { type BoxCorners struct {
TopLeft, TopRight, BottomRight, BottomLeft Point TopLeft, TopRight, BottomRight, BottomLeft Point
@ -278,36 +262,36 @@ type BoxCorners struct {
// Box return the BoxCorners as a regular box. // Box return the BoxCorners as a regular box.
func (bc BoxCorners) Box() Box { func (bc BoxCorners) Box() Box {
return Box{ return Box{
Top: MinInt(bc.TopLeft.Y, bc.TopRight.Y), Top: Math.MinInt(bc.TopLeft.Y, bc.TopRight.Y),
Left: MinInt(bc.TopLeft.X, bc.BottomLeft.X), Left: Math.MinInt(bc.TopLeft.X, bc.BottomLeft.X),
Right: MaxInt(bc.TopRight.X, bc.BottomRight.X), Right: Math.MaxInt(bc.TopRight.X, bc.BottomRight.X),
Bottom: MaxInt(bc.BottomLeft.Y, bc.BottomRight.Y), Bottom: Math.MaxInt(bc.BottomLeft.Y, bc.BottomRight.Y),
} }
} }
// Width returns the width // Width returns the width
func (bc BoxCorners) Width() int { func (bc BoxCorners) Width() int {
minLeft := MinInt(bc.TopLeft.X, bc.BottomLeft.X) minLeft := Math.MinInt(bc.TopLeft.X, bc.BottomLeft.X)
maxRight := MaxInt(bc.TopRight.X, bc.BottomRight.X) maxRight := Math.MaxInt(bc.TopRight.X, bc.BottomRight.X)
return maxRight - minLeft return maxRight - minLeft
} }
// Height returns the height // Height returns the height
func (bc BoxCorners) Height() int { func (bc BoxCorners) Height() int {
minTop := MinInt(bc.TopLeft.Y, bc.TopRight.Y) minTop := Math.MinInt(bc.TopLeft.Y, bc.TopRight.Y)
maxBottom := MaxInt(bc.BottomLeft.Y, bc.BottomRight.Y) maxBottom := Math.MaxInt(bc.BottomLeft.Y, bc.BottomRight.Y)
return maxBottom - minTop return maxBottom - minTop
} }
// Center returns the center of the box // Center returns the center of the box
func (bc BoxCorners) Center() (x, y int) { func (bc BoxCorners) Center() (x, y int) {
left := MeanInt(bc.TopLeft.X, bc.BottomLeft.X) left := Math.MeanInt(bc.TopLeft.X, bc.BottomLeft.X)
right := MeanInt(bc.TopRight.X, bc.BottomRight.X) right := Math.MeanInt(bc.TopRight.X, bc.BottomRight.X)
x = ((right - left) >> 1) + left x = ((right - left) >> 1) + left
top := MeanInt(bc.TopLeft.Y, bc.TopRight.Y) top := Math.MeanInt(bc.TopLeft.Y, bc.TopRight.Y)
bottom := MeanInt(bc.BottomLeft.Y, bc.BottomRight.Y) bottom := Math.MeanInt(bc.BottomLeft.Y, bc.BottomRight.Y)
y = ((bottom - top) >> 1) + top y = ((bottom - top) >> 1) + top
return return
@ -317,12 +301,12 @@ func (bc BoxCorners) Center() (x, y int) {
func (bc BoxCorners) Rotate(thetaDegrees float64) BoxCorners { func (bc BoxCorners) Rotate(thetaDegrees float64) BoxCorners {
cx, cy := bc.Center() cx, cy := bc.Center()
thetaRadians := DegreesToRadians(thetaDegrees) thetaRadians := Math.DegreesToRadians(thetaDegrees)
tlx, tly := RotateCoordinate(cx, cy, bc.TopLeft.X, bc.TopLeft.Y, thetaRadians) tlx, tly := Math.RotateCoordinate(cx, cy, bc.TopLeft.X, bc.TopLeft.Y, thetaRadians)
trx, try := RotateCoordinate(cx, cy, bc.TopRight.X, bc.TopRight.Y, thetaRadians) trx, try := Math.RotateCoordinate(cx, cy, bc.TopRight.X, bc.TopRight.Y, thetaRadians)
brx, bry := RotateCoordinate(cx, cy, bc.BottomRight.X, bc.BottomRight.Y, thetaRadians) brx, bry := Math.RotateCoordinate(cx, cy, bc.BottomRight.X, bc.BottomRight.Y, thetaRadians)
blx, bly := RotateCoordinate(cx, cy, bc.BottomLeft.X, bc.BottomLeft.Y, thetaRadians) blx, bly := Math.RotateCoordinate(cx, cy, bc.BottomLeft.X, bc.BottomLeft.Y, thetaRadians)
return BoxCorners{ return BoxCorners{
TopLeft: Point{tlx, tly}, TopLeft: Point{tlx, tly},

View file

@ -4,131 +4,131 @@ import (
"math" "math"
"testing" "testing"
"" ""
) )
func TestBoxClone(t *testing.T) { func TestBoxClone(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
a := Box{Top: 5, Left: 5, Right: 15, Bottom: 15} a := Box{Top: 5, Left: 5, Right: 15, Bottom: 15}
b := a.Clone() b := a.Clone()
testutil.AssertTrue(t, a.Equals(b)) assert.True(a.Equals(b))
testutil.AssertTrue(t, b.Equals(a)) assert.True(b.Equals(a))
} }
func TestBoxEquals(t *testing.T) { func TestBoxEquals(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
a := Box{Top: 5, Left: 5, Right: 15, Bottom: 15} a := Box{Top: 5, Left: 5, Right: 15, Bottom: 15}
b := Box{Top: 10, Left: 10, Right: 30, Bottom: 30} b := Box{Top: 10, Left: 10, Right: 30, Bottom: 30}
c := Box{Top: 5, Left: 5, Right: 15, Bottom: 15} c := Box{Top: 5, Left: 5, Right: 15, Bottom: 15}
testutil.AssertTrue(t, a.Equals(a)) assert.True(a.Equals(a))
testutil.AssertTrue(t, a.Equals(c)) assert.True(a.Equals(c))
testutil.AssertTrue(t, c.Equals(a)) assert.True(c.Equals(a))
testutil.AssertFalse(t, a.Equals(b)) assert.False(a.Equals(b))
testutil.AssertFalse(t, c.Equals(b)) assert.False(c.Equals(b))
testutil.AssertFalse(t, b.Equals(a)) assert.False(b.Equals(a))
testutil.AssertFalse(t, b.Equals(c)) assert.False(b.Equals(c))
} }
func TestBoxIsBiggerThan(t *testing.T) { func TestBoxIsBiggerThan(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
a := Box{Top: 5, Left: 5, Right: 25, Bottom: 25} a := Box{Top: 5, Left: 5, Right: 25, Bottom: 25}
b := Box{Top: 10, Left: 10, Right: 20, Bottom: 20} // only half bigger b := Box{Top: 10, Left: 10, Right: 20, Bottom: 20} // only half bigger
c := Box{Top: 1, Left: 1, Right: 30, Bottom: 30} //bigger c := Box{Top: 1, Left: 1, Right: 30, Bottom: 30} //bigger
testutil.AssertTrue(t, a.IsBiggerThan(b)) assert.True(a.IsBiggerThan(b))
testutil.AssertFalse(t, a.IsBiggerThan(c)) assert.False(a.IsBiggerThan(c))
testutil.AssertTrue(t, c.IsBiggerThan(a)) assert.True(c.IsBiggerThan(a))
} }
func TestBoxIsSmallerThan(t *testing.T) { func TestBoxIsSmallerThan(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
a := Box{Top: 5, Left: 5, Right: 25, Bottom: 25} a := Box{Top: 5, Left: 5, Right: 25, Bottom: 25}
b := Box{Top: 10, Left: 10, Right: 20, Bottom: 20} // only half bigger b := Box{Top: 10, Left: 10, Right: 20, Bottom: 20} // only half bigger
c := Box{Top: 1, Left: 1, Right: 30, Bottom: 30} //bigger c := Box{Top: 1, Left: 1, Right: 30, Bottom: 30} //bigger
testutil.AssertFalse(t, a.IsSmallerThan(b)) assert.False(a.IsSmallerThan(b))
testutil.AssertTrue(t, a.IsSmallerThan(c)) assert.True(a.IsSmallerThan(c))
testutil.AssertFalse(t, c.IsSmallerThan(a)) assert.False(c.IsSmallerThan(a))
} }
func TestBoxGrow(t *testing.T) { func TestBoxGrow(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
a := Box{Top: 1, Left: 2, Right: 15, Bottom: 15} a := Box{Top: 1, Left: 2, Right: 15, Bottom: 15}
b := Box{Top: 4, Left: 5, Right: 30, Bottom: 35} b := Box{Top: 4, Left: 5, Right: 30, Bottom: 35}
c := a.Grow(b) c := a.Grow(b)
testutil.AssertFalse(t, c.Equals(b)) assert.False(c.Equals(b))
testutil.AssertFalse(t, c.Equals(a)) assert.False(c.Equals(a))
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 1, c.Top) assert.Equal(1, c.Top)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 2, c.Left) assert.Equal(2, c.Left)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 30, c.Right) assert.Equal(30, c.Right)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 35, c.Bottom) assert.Equal(35, c.Bottom)
} }
func TestBoxFit(t *testing.T) { func TestBoxFit(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
a := Box{Top: 64, Left: 64, Right: 192, Bottom: 192} a := Box{Top: 64, Left: 64, Right: 192, Bottom: 192}
b := Box{Top: 16, Left: 16, Right: 256, Bottom: 170} b := Box{Top: 16, Left: 16, Right: 256, Bottom: 170}
c := Box{Top: 16, Left: 16, Right: 170, Bottom: 256} c := Box{Top: 16, Left: 16, Right: 170, Bottom: 256}
fab := a.Fit(b) fab := a.Fit(b)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, a.Left, fab.Left) assert.Equal(a.Left, fab.Left)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, a.Right, fab.Right) assert.Equal(a.Right, fab.Right)
testutil.AssertTrue(t, fab.Top < fab.Bottom) assert.True(fab.Top < fab.Bottom)
testutil.AssertTrue(t, fab.Left < fab.Right) assert.True(fab.Left < fab.Right)
testutil.AssertTrue(t, math.Abs(b.Aspect()-fab.Aspect()) < 0.02) assert.True(math.Abs(b.Aspect()-fab.Aspect()) < 0.02)
fac := a.Fit(c) fac := a.Fit(c)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, a.Top, fac.Top) assert.Equal(a.Top, fac.Top)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, a.Bottom, fac.Bottom) assert.Equal(a.Bottom, fac.Bottom)
testutil.AssertTrue(t, math.Abs(c.Aspect()-fac.Aspect()) < 0.02) assert.True(math.Abs(c.Aspect()-fac.Aspect()) < 0.02)
} }
func TestBoxConstrain(t *testing.T) { func TestBoxConstrain(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
a := Box{Top: 64, Left: 64, Right: 192, Bottom: 192} a := Box{Top: 64, Left: 64, Right: 192, Bottom: 192}
b := Box{Top: 16, Left: 16, Right: 256, Bottom: 170} b := Box{Top: 16, Left: 16, Right: 256, Bottom: 170}
c := Box{Top: 16, Left: 16, Right: 170, Bottom: 256} c := Box{Top: 16, Left: 16, Right: 170, Bottom: 256}
cab := a.Constrain(b) cab := a.Constrain(b)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 64, cab.Top) assert.Equal(64, cab.Top)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 64, cab.Left) assert.Equal(64, cab.Left)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 192, cab.Right) assert.Equal(192, cab.Right)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 170, cab.Bottom) assert.Equal(170, cab.Bottom)
cac := a.Constrain(c) cac := a.Constrain(c)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 64, cac.Top) assert.Equal(64, cac.Top)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 64, cac.Left) assert.Equal(64, cac.Left)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 170, cac.Right) assert.Equal(170, cac.Right)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 192, cac.Bottom) assert.Equal(192, cac.Bottom)
} }
func TestBoxOuterConstrain(t *testing.T) { func TestBoxOuterConstrain(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
box := NewBox(0, 0, 100, 100) box := NewBox(0, 0, 100, 100)
canvas := NewBox(5, 5, 95, 95) canvas := NewBox(5, 5, 95, 95)
taller := NewBox(-10, 5, 50, 50) taller := NewBox(-10, 5, 50, 50)
c := canvas.OuterConstrain(box, taller) c := canvas.OuterConstrain(box, taller)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 15, c.Top, c.String()) assert.Equal(15, c.Top, c.String())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 5, c.Left, c.String()) assert.Equal(5, c.Left, c.String())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 95, c.Right, c.String()) assert.Equal(95, c.Right, c.String())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 95, c.Bottom, c.String()) assert.Equal(95, c.Bottom, c.String())
wider := NewBox(5, 5, 110, 50) wider := NewBox(5, 5, 110, 50)
d := canvas.OuterConstrain(box, wider) d := canvas.OuterConstrain(box, wider)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 5, d.Top, d.String()) assert.Equal(5, d.Top, d.String())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 5, d.Left, d.String()) assert.Equal(5, d.Left, d.String())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 85, d.Right, d.String()) assert.Equal(85, d.Right, d.String())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 95, d.Bottom, d.String()) assert.Equal(95, d.Bottom, d.String())
} }
func TestBoxShift(t *testing.T) { func TestBoxShift(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
b := Box{ b := Box{
Top: 5, Top: 5,
@ -138,14 +138,14 @@ func TestBoxShift(t *testing.T) {
} }
shifted := b.Shift(1, 2) shifted := b.Shift(1, 2)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 7, shifted.Top) assert.Equal(7, shifted.Top)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 6, shifted.Left) assert.Equal(6, shifted.Left)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 11, shifted.Right) assert.Equal(11, shifted.Right)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 12, shifted.Bottom) assert.Equal(12, shifted.Bottom)
} }
func TestBoxCenter(t *testing.T) { func TestBoxCenter(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
b := Box{ b := Box{
Top: 10, Top: 10,
@ -154,12 +154,12 @@ func TestBoxCenter(t *testing.T) {
Bottom: 30, Bottom: 30,
} }
cx, cy := b.Center() cx, cy := b.Center()
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 15, cx) assert.Equal(15, cx)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 20, cy) assert.Equal(20, cy)
} }
func TestBoxCornersCenter(t *testing.T) { func TestBoxCornersCenter(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
bc := BoxCorners{ bc := BoxCorners{
TopLeft: Point{5, 5}, TopLeft: Point{5, 5},
@ -169,12 +169,12 @@ func TestBoxCornersCenter(t *testing.T) {
} }
cx, cy := bc.Center() cx, cy := bc.Center()
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 10, cx) assert.Equal(10, cx)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 10, cy) assert.Equal(10, cy)
} }
func TestBoxCornersRotate(t *testing.T) { func TestBoxCornersRotate(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
bc := BoxCorners{ bc := BoxCorners{
TopLeft: Point{5, 5}, TopLeft: Point{5, 5},
@ -184,5 +184,5 @@ func TestBoxCornersRotate(t *testing.T) {
} }
rotated := bc.Rotate(45) rotated := bc.Rotate(45)
testutil.AssertTrue(t, rotated.TopLeft.Equals(Point{10, 3}), rotated.String()) assert.True(rotated.TopLeft.Equals(Point{10, 3}), rotated.String())
} }

View file

@ -14,8 +14,6 @@ type Chart struct {
Title string Title string
TitleStyle Style TitleStyle Style
ColorPalette ColorPalette
Width int Width int
Height int Height int
DPI float64 DPI float64
@ -32,8 +30,6 @@ type Chart struct {
Series []Series Series []Series
Elements []Renderable Elements []Renderable
Log Logger
} }
// GetDPI returns the dpi for the chart. // GetDPI returns the dpi for the chart.
@ -76,8 +72,8 @@ func (c Chart) Render(rp RendererProvider, w io.Writer) error {
if len(c.Series) == 0 { if len(c.Series) == 0 {
return errors.New("please provide at least one series") return errors.New("please provide at least one series")
} }
if err := c.checkHasVisibleSeries(); err != nil { if visibleSeriesErr := c.checkHasVisibleSeries(); visibleSeriesErr != nil {
return err return visibleSeriesErr
} }
c.YAxisSecondary.AxisType = YAxisSecondary c.YAxisSecondary.AxisType = YAxisSecondary
@ -102,13 +98,11 @@ func (c Chart) Render(rp RendererProvider, w io.Writer) error {
xr, yr, yra := c.getRanges() xr, yr, yra := c.getRanges()
canvasBox := c.getDefaultCanvasBox() canvasBox := c.getDefaultCanvasBox()
xf, yf, yfa := c.getValueFormatters() xf, yf, yfa := c.getValueFormatters()
Debugf(c.Log, "chart; canvas box: %v", canvasBox)
xr, yr, yra = c.setRangeDomains(canvasBox, xr, yr, yra) xr, yr, yra = c.setRangeDomains(canvasBox, xr, yr, yra)
err = c.checkRanges(xr, yr, yra) err = c.checkRanges(xr, yr, yra)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
// (try to) dump the raw background to the stream.
r.Save(w) r.Save(w)
return err return err
} }
@ -118,8 +112,6 @@ func (c Chart) Render(rp RendererProvider, w io.Writer) error {
canvasBox = c.getAxesAdjustedCanvasBox(r, canvasBox, xr, yr, yra, xt, yt, yta) canvasBox = c.getAxesAdjustedCanvasBox(r, canvasBox, xr, yr, yra, xt, yt, yta)
xr, yr, yra = c.setRangeDomains(canvasBox, xr, yr, yra) xr, yr, yra = c.setRangeDomains(canvasBox, xr, yr, yra)
Debugf(c.Log, "chart; axes adjusted canvas box: %v", canvasBox)
// do a second pass in case things haven't settled yet. // do a second pass in case things haven't settled yet.
xt, yt, yta = c.getAxesTicks(r, xr, yr, yra, xf, yf, yfa) xt, yt, yta = c.getAxesTicks(r, xr, yr, yra, xf, yf, yfa)
canvasBox = c.getAxesAdjustedCanvasBox(r, canvasBox, xr, yr, yra, xt, yt, yta) canvasBox = c.getAxesAdjustedCanvasBox(r, canvasBox, xr, yr, yra, xt, yt, yta)
@ -130,8 +122,6 @@ func (c Chart) Render(rp RendererProvider, w io.Writer) error {
canvasBox = c.getAnnotationAdjustedCanvasBox(r, canvasBox, xr, yr, yra, xf, yf, yfa) canvasBox = c.getAnnotationAdjustedCanvasBox(r, canvasBox, xr, yr, yra, xf, yf, yfa)
xr, yr, yra = c.setRangeDomains(canvasBox, xr, yr, yra) xr, yr, yra = c.setRangeDomains(canvasBox, xr, yr, yra)
xt, yt, yta = c.getAxesTicks(r, xr, yr, yra, xf, yf, yfa) xt, yt, yta = c.getAxesTicks(r, xr, yr, yra, xf, yf, yfa)
Debugf(c.Log, "chart; annotation adjusted canvas box: %v", canvasBox)
} }
c.drawCanvas(r, canvasBox) c.drawCanvas(r, canvasBox)
@ -150,15 +140,17 @@ func (c Chart) Render(rp RendererProvider, w io.Writer) error {
} }
func (c Chart) checkHasVisibleSeries() error { func (c Chart) checkHasVisibleSeries() error {
hasVisibleSeries := false
var style Style var style Style
for _, s := range c.Series { for _, s := range c.Series {
style = s.GetStyle() style = s.GetStyle()
if !style.Hidden { hasVisibleSeries = hasVisibleSeries || (style.IsZero() || style.Show)
if !hasVisibleSeries {
return fmt.Errorf("must have (1) visible series; make sure if you set a style, you set .Show = true")
return nil return nil
} }
return fmt.Errorf("chart render; must have (1) visible series")
func (c Chart) validateSeries() error { func (c Chart) validateSeries() error {
var err error var err error
@ -181,12 +173,12 @@ func (c Chart) getRanges() (xrange, yrange, yrangeAlt Range) {
// note: a possible future optimization is to not scan the series values if // note: a possible future optimization is to not scan the series values if
// all axis are represented by either custom ticks or custom ranges. // all axis are represented by either custom ticks or custom ranges.
for _, s := range c.Series { for _, s := range c.Series {
if !s.GetStyle().Hidden { if s.GetStyle().IsZero() || s.GetStyle().Show {
seriesAxis := s.GetYAxis() seriesAxis := s.GetYAxis()
if bvp, isBoundedValuesProvider := s.(BoundedValuesProvider); isBoundedValuesProvider { if bvp, isBoundedValueProvider := s.(BoundedValueProvider); isBoundedValueProvider {
seriesLength := bvp.Len() seriesLength := bvp.Len()
for index := 0; index < seriesLength; index++ { for index := 0; index < seriesLength; index++ {
vx, vy1, vy2 := bvp.GetBoundedValues(index) vx, vy1, vy2 := bvp.GetBoundedValue(index)
minx = math.Min(minx, vx) minx = math.Min(minx, vx)
maxx = math.Max(maxx, vx) maxx = math.Max(maxx, vx)
@ -204,10 +196,10 @@ func (c Chart) getRanges() (xrange, yrange, yrangeAlt Range) {
seriesMappedToSecondaryAxis = true seriesMappedToSecondaryAxis = true
} }
} }
} else if vp, isValuesProvider := s.(ValuesProvider); isValuesProvider { } else if vp, isValueProvider := s.(ValueProvider); isValueProvider {
seriesLength := vp.Len() seriesLength := vp.Len()
for index := 0; index < seriesLength; index++ { for index := 0; index < seriesLength; index++ {
vx, vy := vp.GetValues(index) vx, vy := vp.GetValue(index)
minx = math.Min(minx, vx) minx = math.Min(minx, vx)
maxx = math.Max(maxx, vx) maxx = math.Max(maxx, vx)
@ -268,15 +260,12 @@ func (c Chart) getRanges() (xrange, yrange, yrangeAlt Range) {
yrange.SetMin(miny) yrange.SetMin(miny)
yrange.SetMax(maxy) yrange.SetMax(maxy)
if !c.YAxis.Style.Hidden {
delta := yrange.GetDelta() delta := yrange.GetDelta()
roundTo := GetRoundToForDelta(delta) roundTo := Math.GetRoundToForDelta(delta)
rmin, rmax := RoundDown(yrange.GetMin(), roundTo), RoundUp(yrange.GetMax(), roundTo) rmin, rmax := Math.RoundDown(yrange.GetMin(), roundTo), Math.RoundUp(yrange.GetMax(), roundTo)
yrange.SetMin(rmin) yrange.SetMin(rmin)
yrange.SetMax(rmax) yrange.SetMax(rmax)
} }
if len(c.YAxisSecondary.Ticks) > 0 { if len(c.YAxisSecondary.Ticks) > 0 {
tickMin, tickMax := math.MaxFloat64, -math.MaxFloat64 tickMin, tickMax := math.MaxFloat64, -math.MaxFloat64
@ -290,20 +279,17 @@ func (c Chart) getRanges() (xrange, yrange, yrangeAlt Range) {
yrangeAlt.SetMin(minya) yrangeAlt.SetMin(minya)
yrangeAlt.SetMax(maxya) yrangeAlt.SetMax(maxya)
if !c.YAxisSecondary.Style.Hidden {
delta := yrangeAlt.GetDelta() delta := yrangeAlt.GetDelta()
roundTo := GetRoundToForDelta(delta) roundTo := Math.GetRoundToForDelta(delta)
rmin, rmax := RoundDown(yrangeAlt.GetMin(), roundTo), RoundUp(yrangeAlt.GetMax(), roundTo) rmin, rmax := Math.RoundDown(yrangeAlt.GetMin(), roundTo), Math.RoundUp(yrangeAlt.GetMax(), roundTo)
yrangeAlt.SetMin(rmin) yrangeAlt.SetMin(rmin)
yrangeAlt.SetMax(rmax) yrangeAlt.SetMax(rmax)
} }
return return
} }
func (c Chart) checkRanges(xr, yr, yra Range) error { func (c Chart) checkRanges(xr, yr, yra Range) error {
Debugf(c.Log, "checking xrange: %v", xr)
xDelta := xr.GetDelta() xDelta := xr.GetDelta()
if math.IsInf(xDelta, 0) { if math.IsInf(xDelta, 0) {
return errors.New("infinite x-range delta") return errors.New("infinite x-range delta")
@ -315,7 +301,6 @@ func (c Chart) checkRanges(xr, yr, yra Range) error {
return errors.New("zero x-range delta; there needs to be at least (2) values") return errors.New("zero x-range delta; there needs to be at least (2) values")
} }
Debugf(c.Log, "checking yrange: %v", yr)
yDelta := yr.GetDelta() yDelta := yr.GetDelta()
if math.IsInf(yDelta, 0) { if math.IsInf(yDelta, 0) {
return errors.New("infinite y-range delta") return errors.New("infinite y-range delta")
@ -325,7 +310,6 @@ func (c Chart) checkRanges(xr, yr, yra Range) error {
} }
if c.hasSecondarySeries() { if c.hasSecondarySeries() {
Debugf(c.Log, "checking secondary yrange: %v", yra)
yraDelta := yra.GetDelta() yraDelta := yra.GetDelta()
if math.IsInf(yraDelta, 0) { if math.IsInf(yraDelta, 0) {
return errors.New("infinite secondary y-range delta") return errors.New("infinite secondary y-range delta")
@ -356,29 +340,29 @@ func (c Chart) getValueFormatters() (x, y, ya ValueFormatter) {
} }
} }
if c.XAxis.ValueFormatter != nil { if c.XAxis.ValueFormatter != nil {
x = c.XAxis.GetValueFormatter() x = c.XAxis.ValueFormatter
} }
if c.YAxis.ValueFormatter != nil { if c.YAxis.ValueFormatter != nil {
y = c.YAxis.GetValueFormatter() y = c.YAxis.ValueFormatter
} }
if c.YAxisSecondary.ValueFormatter != nil { if c.YAxisSecondary.ValueFormatter != nil {
ya = c.YAxisSecondary.GetValueFormatter() ya = c.YAxisSecondary.ValueFormatter
} }
return return
} }
func (c Chart) hasAxes() bool { func (c Chart) hasAxes() bool {
return !c.XAxis.Style.Hidden || !c.YAxis.Style.Hidden || !c.YAxisSecondary.Style.Hidden return c.XAxis.Style.Show || c.YAxis.Style.Show || c.YAxisSecondary.Style.Show
} }
func (c Chart) getAxesTicks(r Renderer, xr, yr, yar Range, xf, yf, yfa ValueFormatter) (xticks, yticks, yticksAlt []Tick) { func (c Chart) getAxesTicks(r Renderer, xr, yr, yar Range, xf, yf, yfa ValueFormatter) (xticks, yticks, yticksAlt []Tick) {
if !c.XAxis.Style.Hidden { if c.XAxis.Style.Show {
xticks = c.XAxis.GetTicks(r, xr, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), xf) xticks = c.XAxis.GetTicks(r, xr, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), xf)
} }
if !c.YAxis.Style.Hidden { if c.YAxis.Style.Show {
yticks = c.YAxis.GetTicks(r, yr, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), yf) yticks = c.YAxis.GetTicks(r, yr, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), yf)
} }
if !c.YAxisSecondary.Style.Hidden { if c.YAxisSecondary.Style.Show {
yticksAlt = c.YAxisSecondary.GetTicks(r, yar, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), yfa) yticksAlt = c.YAxisSecondary.GetTicks(r, yar, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), yfa)
} }
return return
@ -386,19 +370,16 @@ func (c Chart) getAxesTicks(r Renderer, xr, yr, yar Range, xf, yf, yfa ValueForm
func (c Chart) getAxesAdjustedCanvasBox(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xr, yr, yra Range, xticks, yticks, yticksAlt []Tick) Box { func (c Chart) getAxesAdjustedCanvasBox(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xr, yr, yra Range, xticks, yticks, yticksAlt []Tick) Box {
axesOuterBox := canvasBox.Clone() axesOuterBox := canvasBox.Clone()
if !c.XAxis.Style.Hidden { if c.XAxis.Style.Show {
axesBounds := c.XAxis.Measure(r, canvasBox, xr, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), xticks) axesBounds := c.XAxis.Measure(r, canvasBox, xr, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), xticks)
Debugf(c.Log, "chart; x-axis measured %v", axesBounds)
axesOuterBox = axesOuterBox.Grow(axesBounds) axesOuterBox = axesOuterBox.Grow(axesBounds)
} }
if !c.YAxis.Style.Hidden { if c.YAxis.Style.Show {
axesBounds := c.YAxis.Measure(r, canvasBox, yr, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), yticks) axesBounds := c.YAxis.Measure(r, canvasBox, yr, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), yticks)
Debugf(c.Log, "chart; y-axis measured %v", axesBounds)
axesOuterBox = axesOuterBox.Grow(axesBounds) axesOuterBox = axesOuterBox.Grow(axesBounds)
} }
if !c.YAxisSecondary.Style.Hidden && c.hasSecondarySeries() { if c.YAxisSecondary.Style.Show {
axesBounds := c.YAxisSecondary.Measure(r, canvasBox, yra, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), yticksAlt) axesBounds := c.YAxisSecondary.Measure(r, canvasBox, yra, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), yticksAlt)
Debugf(c.Log, "chart; y-axis secondary measured %v", axesBounds)
axesOuterBox = axesOuterBox.Grow(axesBounds) axesOuterBox = axesOuterBox.Grow(axesBounds)
} }
@ -415,7 +396,7 @@ func (c Chart) setRangeDomains(canvasBox Box, xr, yr, yra Range) (Range, Range,
func (c Chart) hasAnnotationSeries() bool { func (c Chart) hasAnnotationSeries() bool {
for _, s := range c.Series { for _, s := range c.Series {
if as, isAnnotationSeries := s.(AnnotationSeries); isAnnotationSeries { if as, isAnnotationSeries := s.(AnnotationSeries); isAnnotationSeries {
if !as.GetStyle().Hidden { if as.Style.IsZero() || as.Style.Show {
return true return true
} }
} }
@ -436,7 +417,7 @@ func (c Chart) getAnnotationAdjustedCanvasBox(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xr, yr,
annotationSeriesBox := canvasBox.Clone() annotationSeriesBox := canvasBox.Clone()
for seriesIndex, s := range c.Series { for seriesIndex, s := range c.Series {
if as, isAnnotationSeries := s.(AnnotationSeries); isAnnotationSeries { if as, isAnnotationSeries := s.(AnnotationSeries); isAnnotationSeries {
if !as.GetStyle().Hidden { if as.Style.IsZero() || as.Style.Show {
style := c.styleDefaultsSeries(seriesIndex) style := c.styleDefaultsSeries(seriesIndex)
var annotationBounds Box var annotationBounds Box
if as.YAxis == YAxisPrimary { if as.YAxis == YAxisPrimary {
@ -473,19 +454,19 @@ func (c Chart) drawCanvas(r Renderer, canvasBox Box) {
} }
func (c Chart) drawAxes(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange, yrangeAlt Range, xticks, yticks, yticksAlt []Tick) { func (c Chart) drawAxes(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange, yrangeAlt Range, xticks, yticks, yticksAlt []Tick) {
if !c.XAxis.Style.Hidden { if c.XAxis.Style.Show {
c.XAxis.Render(r, canvasBox, xrange, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), xticks) c.XAxis.Render(r, canvasBox, xrange, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), xticks)
} }
if !c.YAxis.Style.Hidden { if c.YAxis.Style.Show {
c.YAxis.Render(r, canvasBox, yrange, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), yticks) c.YAxis.Render(r, canvasBox, yrange, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), yticks)
} }
if !c.YAxisSecondary.Style.Hidden { if c.YAxisSecondary.Style.Show {
c.YAxisSecondary.Render(r, canvasBox, yrangeAlt, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), yticksAlt) c.YAxisSecondary.Render(r, canvasBox, yrangeAlt, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), yticksAlt)
} }
} }
func (c Chart) drawSeries(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange, yrangeAlt Range, s Series, seriesIndex int) { func (c Chart) drawSeries(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange, yrangeAlt Range, s Series, seriesIndex int) {
if !s.GetStyle().Hidden { if s.GetStyle().IsZero() || s.GetStyle().Show {
if s.GetYAxis() == YAxisPrimary { if s.GetYAxis() == YAxisPrimary {
s.Render(r, canvasBox, xrange, yrange, c.styleDefaultsSeries(seriesIndex)) s.Render(r, canvasBox, xrange, yrange, c.styleDefaultsSeries(seriesIndex))
} else if s.GetYAxis() == YAxisSecondary { } else if s.GetYAxis() == YAxisSecondary {
@ -495,9 +476,9 @@ func (c Chart) drawSeries(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange, yrangeAlt R
} }
func (c Chart) drawTitle(r Renderer) { func (c Chart) drawTitle(r Renderer) {
if len(c.Title) > 0 && !c.TitleStyle.Hidden { if len(c.Title) > 0 && c.TitleStyle.Show {
r.SetFont(c.TitleStyle.GetFont(c.GetFont())) r.SetFont(c.TitleStyle.GetFont(c.GetFont()))
r.SetFontColor(c.TitleStyle.GetFontColor(c.GetColorPalette().TextColor())) r.SetFontColor(c.TitleStyle.GetFontColor(DefaultTextColor))
titleFontSize := c.TitleStyle.GetFontSize(DefaultTitleFontSize) titleFontSize := c.TitleStyle.GetFontSize(DefaultTitleFontSize)
r.SetFontSize(titleFontSize) r.SetFontSize(titleFontSize)
@ -515,24 +496,25 @@ func (c Chart) drawTitle(r Renderer) {
func (c Chart) styleDefaultsBackground() Style { func (c Chart) styleDefaultsBackground() Style {
return Style{ return Style{
FillColor: c.GetColorPalette().BackgroundColor(), FillColor: DefaultBackgroundColor,
StrokeColor: c.GetColorPalette().BackgroundStrokeColor(), StrokeColor: DefaultBackgroundStrokeColor,
StrokeWidth: DefaultBackgroundStrokeWidth, StrokeWidth: DefaultBackgroundStrokeWidth,
} }
} }
func (c Chart) styleDefaultsCanvas() Style { func (c Chart) styleDefaultsCanvas() Style {
return Style{ return Style{
FillColor: c.GetColorPalette().CanvasColor(), FillColor: DefaultCanvasColor,
StrokeColor: c.GetColorPalette().CanvasStrokeColor(), StrokeColor: DefaultCanvasStrokeColor,
StrokeWidth: DefaultCanvasStrokeWidth, StrokeWidth: DefaultCanvasStrokeWidth,
} }
} }
func (c Chart) styleDefaultsSeries(seriesIndex int) Style { func (c Chart) styleDefaultsSeries(seriesIndex int) Style {
strokeColor := GetDefaultColor(seriesIndex)
return Style{ return Style{
DotColor: c.GetColorPalette().GetSeriesColor(seriesIndex), DotColor: strokeColor,
StrokeColor: c.GetColorPalette().GetSeriesColor(seriesIndex), StrokeColor: strokeColor,
StrokeWidth: DefaultSeriesLineWidth, StrokeWidth: DefaultSeriesLineWidth,
Font: c.GetFont(), Font: c.GetFont(),
FontSize: DefaultFontSize, FontSize: DefaultFontSize,
@ -542,9 +524,9 @@ func (c Chart) styleDefaultsSeries(seriesIndex int) Style {
func (c Chart) styleDefaultsAxes() Style { func (c Chart) styleDefaultsAxes() Style {
return Style{ return Style{
Font: c.GetFont(), Font: c.GetFont(),
FontColor: c.GetColorPalette().TextColor(), FontColor: DefaultAxisColor,
FontSize: DefaultAxisFontSize, FontSize: DefaultAxisFontSize,
StrokeColor: c.GetColorPalette().AxisStrokeColor(), StrokeColor: DefaultAxisColor,
StrokeWidth: DefaultAxisLineWidth, StrokeWidth: DefaultAxisLineWidth,
} }
} }
@ -555,14 +537,6 @@ func (c Chart) styleDefaultsElements() Style {
} }
} }
// GetColorPalette returns the color palette for the chart.
func (c Chart) GetColorPalette() ColorPalette {
if c.ColorPalette != nil {
return c.ColorPalette
return DefaultColorPalette
// Box returns the chart bounds as a box. // Box returns the chart bounds as a box.
func (c Chart) Box() Box { func (c Chart) Box() Box {
dpr := c.Background.Padding.GetRight(DefaultBackgroundPadding.Right) dpr := c.Background.Padding.GetRight(DefaultBackgroundPadding.Right)

View file

@ -8,57 +8,57 @@ import (
"testing" "testing"
"time" "time"
"" ""
"" ""
) )
func TestChartGetDPI(t *testing.T) { func TestChartGetDPI(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
unset := Chart{} unset := Chart{}
testutil.AssertEqual(t, DefaultDPI, unset.GetDPI()) assert.Equal(DefaultDPI, unset.GetDPI())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 192, unset.GetDPI(192)) assert.Equal(192, unset.GetDPI(192))
set := Chart{DPI: 128} set := Chart{DPI: 128}
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 128, set.GetDPI()) assert.Equal(128, set.GetDPI())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 128, set.GetDPI(192)) assert.Equal(128, set.GetDPI(192))
} }
func TestChartGetFont(t *testing.T) { func TestChartGetFont(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
f, err := GetDefaultFont() f, err := GetDefaultFont()
testutil.AssertNil(t, err) assert.Nil(err)
unset := Chart{} unset := Chart{}
testutil.AssertNil(t, unset.GetFont()) assert.Nil(unset.GetFont())
set := Chart{Font: f} set := Chart{Font: f}
testutil.AssertNotNil(t, set.GetFont()) assert.NotNil(set.GetFont())
} }
func TestChartGetWidth(t *testing.T) { func TestChartGetWidth(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
unset := Chart{} unset := Chart{}
testutil.AssertEqual(t, DefaultChartWidth, unset.GetWidth()) assert.Equal(DefaultChartWidth, unset.GetWidth())
set := Chart{Width: DefaultChartWidth + 10} set := Chart{Width: DefaultChartWidth + 10}
testutil.AssertEqual(t, DefaultChartWidth+10, set.GetWidth()) assert.Equal(DefaultChartWidth+10, set.GetWidth())
} }
func TestChartGetHeight(t *testing.T) { func TestChartGetHeight(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
unset := Chart{} unset := Chart{}
testutil.AssertEqual(t, DefaultChartHeight, unset.GetHeight()) assert.Equal(DefaultChartHeight, unset.GetHeight())
set := Chart{Height: DefaultChartHeight + 10} set := Chart{Height: DefaultChartHeight + 10}
testutil.AssertEqual(t, DefaultChartHeight+10, set.GetHeight()) assert.Equal(DefaultChartHeight+10, set.GetHeight())
} }
func TestChartGetRanges(t *testing.T) { func TestChartGetRanges(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
c := Chart{ c := Chart{
Series: []Series{ Series: []Series{
@ -79,14 +79,14 @@ func TestChartGetRanges(t *testing.T) {
} }
xrange, yrange, yrangeAlt := c.getRanges() xrange, yrange, yrangeAlt := c.getRanges()
testutil.AssertEqual(t, -2.0, xrange.GetMin()) assert.Equal(-2.0, xrange.GetMin())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 5.0, xrange.GetMax()) assert.Equal(5.0, xrange.GetMax())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, -2.1, yrange.GetMin()) assert.Equal(-2.1, yrange.GetMin())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 4.5, yrange.GetMax()) assert.Equal(4.5, yrange.GetMax())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 10.0, yrangeAlt.GetMin()) assert.Equal(10.0, yrangeAlt.GetMin())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 14.0, yrangeAlt.GetMax()) assert.Equal(14.0, yrangeAlt.GetMax())
cSet := Chart{ cSet := Chart{
XAxis: XAxis{ XAxis: XAxis{
@ -116,18 +116,18 @@ func TestChartGetRanges(t *testing.T) {
} }
xr2, yr2, yra2 := cSet.getRanges() xr2, yr2, yra2 := cSet.getRanges()
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 9.8, xr2.GetMin()) assert.Equal(9.8, xr2.GetMin())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 19.8, xr2.GetMax()) assert.Equal(19.8, xr2.GetMax())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 9.9, yr2.GetMin()) assert.Equal(9.9, yr2.GetMin())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 19.9, yr2.GetMax()) assert.Equal(19.9, yr2.GetMax())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 9.7, yra2.GetMin()) assert.Equal(9.7, yra2.GetMin())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 19.7, yra2.GetMax()) assert.Equal(19.7, yra2.GetMax())
} }
func TestChartGetRangesUseTicks(t *testing.T) { func TestChartGetRangesUseTicks(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
// this test asserts that ticks should supercede manual ranges when generating the overall ranges. // this test asserts that ticks should supercede manual ranges when generating the overall ranges.
@ -155,15 +155,15 @@ func TestChartGetRangesUseTicks(t *testing.T) {
} }
xr, yr, yar := c.getRanges() xr, yr, yar := c.getRanges()
testutil.AssertEqual(t, -2.0, xr.GetMin()) assert.Equal(-2.0, xr.GetMin())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 2.0, xr.GetMax()) assert.Equal(2.0, xr.GetMax())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 0.0, yr.GetMin()) assert.Equal(0.0, yr.GetMin())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 5.0, yr.GetMax()) assert.Equal(5.0, yr.GetMax())
testutil.AssertTrue(t, yar.IsZero(), yar.String()) assert.True(yar.IsZero(), yar.String())
} }
func TestChartGetRangesUseUserRanges(t *testing.T) { func TestChartGetRangesUseUserRanges(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
c := Chart{ c := Chart{
YAxis: YAxis{ YAxis: YAxis{
@ -181,15 +181,15 @@ func TestChartGetRangesUseUserRanges(t *testing.T) {
} }
xr, yr, yar := c.getRanges() xr, yr, yar := c.getRanges()
testutil.AssertEqual(t, -2.0, xr.GetMin()) assert.Equal(-2.0, xr.GetMin())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 2.0, xr.GetMax()) assert.Equal(2.0, xr.GetMax())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, -5.0, yr.GetMin()) assert.Equal(-5.0, yr.GetMin())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 5.0, yr.GetMax()) assert.Equal(5.0, yr.GetMax())
testutil.AssertTrue(t, yar.IsZero(), yar.String()) assert.True(yar.IsZero(), yar.String())
} }
func TestChartGetBackgroundStyle(t *testing.T) { func TestChartGetBackgroundStyle(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
c := Chart{ c := Chart{
Background: Style{ Background: Style{
@ -198,11 +198,11 @@ func TestChartGetBackgroundStyle(t *testing.T) {
} }
bs := c.getBackgroundStyle() bs := c.getBackgroundStyle()
testutil.AssertEqual(t, bs.FillColor.String(), drawing.ColorBlack.String()) assert.Equal(bs.FillColor.String(), drawing.ColorBlack.String())
} }
func TestChartGetCanvasStyle(t *testing.T) { func TestChartGetCanvasStyle(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
c := Chart{ c := Chart{
Canvas: Style{ Canvas: Style{
@ -211,19 +211,19 @@ func TestChartGetCanvasStyle(t *testing.T) {
} }
bs := c.getCanvasStyle() bs := c.getCanvasStyle()
testutil.AssertEqual(t, bs.FillColor.String(), drawing.ColorBlack.String()) assert.Equal(bs.FillColor.String(), drawing.ColorBlack.String())
} }
func TestChartGetDefaultCanvasBox(t *testing.T) { func TestChartGetDefaultCanvasBox(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
c := Chart{} c := Chart{}
canvasBoxDefault := c.getDefaultCanvasBox() canvasBoxDefault := c.getDefaultCanvasBox()
testutil.AssertFalse(t, canvasBoxDefault.IsZero()) assert.False(canvasBoxDefault.IsZero())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, DefaultBackgroundPadding.Top, canvasBoxDefault.Top) assert.Equal(DefaultBackgroundPadding.Top, canvasBoxDefault.Top)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, DefaultBackgroundPadding.Left, canvasBoxDefault.Left) assert.Equal(DefaultBackgroundPadding.Left, canvasBoxDefault.Left)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, c.GetWidth()-DefaultBackgroundPadding.Right, canvasBoxDefault.Right) assert.Equal(c.GetWidth()-DefaultBackgroundPadding.Right, canvasBoxDefault.Right)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, c.GetHeight()-DefaultBackgroundPadding.Bottom, canvasBoxDefault.Bottom) assert.Equal(c.GetHeight()-DefaultBackgroundPadding.Bottom, canvasBoxDefault.Bottom)
custom := Chart{ custom := Chart{
Background: Style{ Background: Style{
@ -236,15 +236,15 @@ func TestChartGetDefaultCanvasBox(t *testing.T) {
}, },
} }
canvasBoxCustom := custom.getDefaultCanvasBox() canvasBoxCustom := custom.getDefaultCanvasBox()
testutil.AssertFalse(t, canvasBoxCustom.IsZero()) assert.False(canvasBoxCustom.IsZero())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, DefaultBackgroundPadding.Top+1, canvasBoxCustom.Top) assert.Equal(DefaultBackgroundPadding.Top+1, canvasBoxCustom.Top)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, DefaultBackgroundPadding.Left+1, canvasBoxCustom.Left) assert.Equal(DefaultBackgroundPadding.Left+1, canvasBoxCustom.Left)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, c.GetWidth()-(DefaultBackgroundPadding.Right+1), canvasBoxCustom.Right) assert.Equal(c.GetWidth()-(DefaultBackgroundPadding.Right+1), canvasBoxCustom.Right)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, c.GetHeight()-(DefaultBackgroundPadding.Bottom+1), canvasBoxCustom.Bottom) assert.Equal(c.GetHeight()-(DefaultBackgroundPadding.Bottom+1), canvasBoxCustom.Bottom)
} }
func TestChartGetValueFormatters(t *testing.T) { func TestChartGetValueFormatters(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
c := Chart{ c := Chart{
Series: []Series{ Series: []Series{
@ -265,95 +265,90 @@ func TestChartGetValueFormatters(t *testing.T) {
} }
dxf, dyf, dyaf := c.getValueFormatters() dxf, dyf, dyaf := c.getValueFormatters()
testutil.AssertNotNil(t, dxf) assert.NotNil(dxf)
testutil.AssertNotNil(t, dyf) assert.NotNil(dyf)
testutil.AssertNotNil(t, dyaf) assert.NotNil(dyaf)
} }
func TestChartHasAxes(t *testing.T) { func TestChartHasAxes(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
testutil.AssertTrue(t, Chart{}.hasAxes()) assert.False(Chart{}.hasAxes())
testutil.AssertFalse(t, Chart{XAxis: XAxis{Style: Hidden()}, YAxis: YAxis{Style: Hidden()}, YAxisSecondary: YAxis{Style: Hidden()}}.hasAxes())
x := Chart{ x := Chart{
XAxis: XAxis{ XAxis: XAxis{
Style: Hidden(), Style: Style{
Show: true,
}, },
YAxis: YAxis{
Style: Shown(),
YAxisSecondary: YAxis{
Style: Hidden(),
}, },
} }
testutil.AssertTrue(t, x.hasAxes()) assert.True(x.hasAxes())
y := Chart{ y := Chart{
XAxis: XAxis{
Style: Shown(),
YAxis: YAxis{ YAxis: YAxis{
Style: Hidden(), Style: Style{
Show: true,
}, },
YAxisSecondary: YAxis{
Style: Hidden(),
}, },
} }
testutil.AssertTrue(t, y.hasAxes()) assert.True(y.hasAxes())
ya := Chart{ ya := Chart{
XAxis: XAxis{
Style: Hidden(),
YAxis: YAxis{
Style: Hidden(),
YAxisSecondary: YAxis{ YAxisSecondary: YAxis{
Style: Shown(), Style: Style{
Show: true,
}, },
} }
testutil.AssertTrue(t, ya.hasAxes()) assert.True(ya.hasAxes())
} }
func TestChartGetAxesTicks(t *testing.T) { func TestChartGetAxesTicks(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
r, err := PNG(1024, 1024) r, err := PNG(1024, 1024)
testutil.AssertNil(t, err) assert.Nil(err)
c := Chart{ c := Chart{
XAxis: XAxis{ XAxis: XAxis{
Style: Style{Show: true},
Range: &ContinuousRange{Min: 9.8, Max: 19.8}, Range: &ContinuousRange{Min: 9.8, Max: 19.8},
}, },
YAxis: YAxis{ YAxis: YAxis{
Style: Style{Show: true},
Range: &ContinuousRange{Min: 9.9, Max: 19.9}, Range: &ContinuousRange{Min: 9.9, Max: 19.9},
}, },
YAxisSecondary: YAxis{ YAxisSecondary: YAxis{
Style: Style{Show: true},
Range: &ContinuousRange{Min: 9.7, Max: 19.7}, Range: &ContinuousRange{Min: 9.7, Max: 19.7},
}, },
} }
xr, yr, yar := c.getRanges() xr, yr, yar := c.getRanges()
xt, yt, yat := c.getAxesTicks(r, xr, yr, yar, FloatValueFormatter, FloatValueFormatter, FloatValueFormatter) xt, yt, yat := c.getAxesTicks(r, xr, yr, yar, FloatValueFormatter, FloatValueFormatter, FloatValueFormatter)
testutil.AssertNotEmpty(t, xt) assert.NotEmpty(xt)
testutil.AssertNotEmpty(t, yt) assert.NotEmpty(yt)
testutil.AssertNotEmpty(t, yat) assert.NotEmpty(yat)
} }
func TestChartSingleSeries(t *testing.T) { func TestChartSingleSeries(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
now := time.Now() now := time.Now()
c := Chart{ c := Chart{
Title: "Hello!", Title: "Hello!",
TitleStyle: StyleShow(),
Width: 1024, Width: 1024,
Height: 400, Height: 400,
YAxis: YAxis{ YAxis: YAxis{
Style: StyleShow(),
Range: &ContinuousRange{ Range: &ContinuousRange{
Min: 0.0, Min: 0.0,
Max: 4.0, Max: 4.0,
}, },
}, },
XAxis: XAxis{
Style: StyleShow(),
Series: []Series{ Series: []Series{
TimeSeries{ TimeSeries{
Name: "goog", Name: "goog",
@ -365,11 +360,11 @@ func TestChartSingleSeries(t *testing.T) {
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) buffer := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
c.Render(PNG, buffer) c.Render(PNG, buffer)
testutil.AssertNotEmpty(t, buffer.Bytes()) assert.NotEmpty(buffer.Bytes())
} }
func TestChartRegressionBadRanges(t *testing.T) { func TestChartRegressionBadRanges(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
c := Chart{ c := Chart{
Series: []Series{ Series: []Series{
@ -381,11 +376,11 @@ func TestChartRegressionBadRanges(t *testing.T) {
} }
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) buffer := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
c.Render(PNG, buffer) c.Render(PNG, buffer)
testutil.AssertTrue(t, true, "Render needs to finish.") assert.True(true, "Render needs to finish.")
} }
func TestChartRegressionBadRangesByUser(t *testing.T) { func TestChartRegressionBadRangesByUser(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
c := Chart{ c := Chart{
YAxis: YAxis{ YAxis: YAxis{
@ -396,43 +391,43 @@ func TestChartRegressionBadRangesByUser(t *testing.T) {
}, },
Series: []Series{ Series: []Series{
ContinuousSeries{ ContinuousSeries{
XValues: LinearRange(1.0, 10.0), XValues: Sequence.Float64(1.0, 10.0),
YValues: LinearRange(1.0, 10.0), YValues: Sequence.Float64(1.0, 10.0),
}, },
}, },
} }
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{}) buffer := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
c.Render(PNG, buffer) c.Render(PNG, buffer)
testutil.AssertTrue(t, true, "Render needs to finish.") assert.True(true, "Render needs to finish.")
} }
func TestChartValidatesSeries(t *testing.T) { func TestChartValidatesSeries(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
c := Chart{ c := Chart{
Series: []Series{ Series: []Series{
ContinuousSeries{ ContinuousSeries{
XValues: LinearRange(1.0, 10.0), XValues: Sequence.Float64(1.0, 10.0),
YValues: LinearRange(1.0, 10.0), YValues: Sequence.Float64(1.0, 10.0),
}, },
}, },
} }
testutil.AssertNil(t, c.validateSeries()) assert.Nil(c.validateSeries())
c = Chart{ c = Chart{
Series: []Series{ Series: []Series{
ContinuousSeries{ ContinuousSeries{
XValues: LinearRange(1.0, 10.0), XValues: Sequence.Float64(1.0, 10.0),
}, },
}, },
} }
testutil.AssertNotNil(t, c.validateSeries()) assert.NotNil(c.validateSeries())
} }
func TestChartCheckRanges(t *testing.T) { func TestChartCheckRanges(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
c := Chart{ c := Chart{
Series: []Series{ Series: []Series{
@ -444,11 +439,27 @@ func TestChartCheckRanges(t *testing.T) {
} }
xr, yr, yra := c.getRanges() xr, yr, yra := c.getRanges()
testutil.AssertNil(t, c.checkRanges(xr, yr, yra)) assert.Nil(c.checkRanges(xr, yr, yra))
func TestChartCheckRangesFailure(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
c := Chart{
Series: []Series{
XValues: []float64{1.0, 2.0},
YValues: []float64{3.14, 3.14},
xr, yr, yra := c.getRanges()
assert.NotNil(c.checkRanges(xr, yr, yra))
} }
func TestChartCheckRangesWithRanges(t *testing.T) { func TestChartCheckRangesWithRanges(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
c := Chart{ c := Chart{
XAxis: XAxis{ XAxis: XAxis{
@ -472,7 +483,7 @@ func TestChartCheckRangesWithRanges(t *testing.T) {
} }
xr, yr, yra := c.getRanges() xr, yr, yra := c.getRanges()
testutil.AssertNil(t, c.checkRanges(xr, yr, yra)) assert.Nil(c.checkRanges(xr, yr, yra))
} }
func at(i image.Image, x, y int) drawing.Color { func at(i image.Image, x, y int) drawing.Color {
@ -480,115 +491,85 @@ func at(i image.Image, x, y int) drawing.Color {
} }
func TestChartE2ELine(t *testing.T) { func TestChartE2ELine(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
c := Chart{ c := Chart{
Height: 50, Height: 50,
Width: 50, Width: 50,
TitleStyle: Hidden(),
XAxis: HideXAxis(),
YAxis: HideYAxis(),
YAxisSecondary: HideYAxis(),
Canvas: Style{ Canvas: Style{
Padding: BoxZero, Padding: Box{IsSet: true},
}, },
Background: Style{ Background: Style{
Padding: BoxZero, Padding: Box{IsSet: true},
}, },
Series: []Series{ Series: []Series{
ContinuousSeries{ ContinuousSeries{
XValues: LinearRangeWithStep(0, 4, 1), XValues: Sequence.Float64(0, 4, 1),
YValues: LinearRangeWithStep(0, 4, 1), YValues: Sequence.Float64(0, 4, 1),
}, },
}, },
} }
var buffer = &bytes.Buffer{} var buffer = &bytes.Buffer{}
err := c.Render(PNG, buffer) err := c.Render(PNG, buffer)
testutil.AssertNil(t, err) assert.Nil(err)
// do color tests ... // do color tests ...
i, err := png.Decode(buffer) i, err := png.Decode(buffer)
testutil.AssertNil(t, err) assert.Nil(err)
// test the bottom and top of the line // test the bottom and top of the line
testutil.AssertEqual(t, drawing.ColorWhite, at(i, 0, 0)) assert.Equal(drawing.ColorWhite, at(i, 0, 0))
testutil.AssertEqual(t, drawing.ColorWhite, at(i, 49, 49)) assert.Equal(drawing.ColorWhite, at(i, 49, 49))
// test a line mid point // test a line mid point
defaultSeriesColor := GetDefaultColor(0) defaultSeriesColor := GetDefaultColor(0)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, defaultSeriesColor, at(i, 0, 49)) assert.Equal(defaultSeriesColor, at(i, 0, 49))
testutil.AssertEqual(t, defaultSeriesColor, at(i, 49, 0)) assert.Equal(defaultSeriesColor, at(i, 49, 0))
testutil.AssertEqual(t, drawing.ColorFromHex("bddbf6"), at(i, 24, 24)) assert.Equal(drawing.ColorFromHex("bddbf6"), at(i, 24, 24))
} }
func TestChartE2ELineWithFill(t *testing.T) { func TestChartE2ELineWithFill(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
logBuffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
c := Chart{ c := Chart{
Height: 50, Height: 50,
Width: 50, Width: 50,
Canvas: Style{ Canvas: Style{
Padding: BoxZero, Padding: Box{IsSet: true},
}, },
Background: Style{ Background: Style{
Padding: BoxZero, Padding: Box{IsSet: true},
}, },
TitleStyle: Hidden(),
XAxis: HideXAxis(),
YAxis: HideYAxis(),
YAxisSecondary: HideYAxis(),
Series: []Series{ Series: []Series{
ContinuousSeries{ ContinuousSeries{
Style: Style{ Style: Style{
Show: true,
StrokeColor: drawing.ColorBlue, StrokeColor: drawing.ColorBlue,
FillColor: drawing.ColorRed, FillColor: drawing.ColorRed,
}, },
XValues: LinearRangeWithStep(0, 4, 1), XValues: Sequence.Float64(0, 4, 1),
YValues: LinearRangeWithStep(0, 4, 1), YValues: Sequence.Float64(0, 4, 1),
}, },
}, },
Log: NewLogger(OptLoggerStdout(logBuffer), OptLoggerStderr(logBuffer)),
} }
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 5, len(c.Series[0].(ContinuousSeries).XValues))
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 5, len(c.Series[0].(ContinuousSeries).YValues))
var buffer = &bytes.Buffer{} var buffer = &bytes.Buffer{}
err := c.Render(PNG, buffer) err := c.Render(PNG, buffer)
testutil.AssertNil(t, err) assert.Nil(err)
// do color tests ...
i, err := png.Decode(buffer) i, err := png.Decode(buffer)
testutil.AssertNil(t, err) assert.Nil(err)
// test the bottom and top of the line // test the bottom and top of the line
testutil.AssertEqual(t, drawing.ColorWhite, at(i, 0, 0)) assert.Equal(drawing.ColorWhite, at(i, 0, 0))
testutil.AssertEqual(t, drawing.ColorRed, at(i, 49, 49)) assert.Equal(drawing.ColorRed, at(i, 49, 49))
// test a line mid point // test a line mid point
defaultSeriesColor := drawing.ColorBlue defaultSeriesColor := drawing.ColorBlue
testutil.AssertEqual(t, defaultSeriesColor, at(i, 0, 49)) assert.Equal(defaultSeriesColor, at(i, 0, 49))
testutil.AssertEqual(t, defaultSeriesColor, at(i, 49, 0)) assert.Equal(defaultSeriesColor, at(i, 49, 0))
func Test_Chart_cve(t *testing.T) {
poc := StackedBarChart{
Title: "poc",
Bars: []StackedBar{
Name: "11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111",
Values: []Value{
{Value: 1, Label: "infinite"},
{Value: 1, Label: "loop"},
var imgContent bytes.Buffer
err := poc.Render(PNG, &imgContent)
testutil.AssertNotNil(t, err)
} }

View file

@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
package main
import (
var (
outputPath = flag.String("output", "", "The output file")
inputFormat = flag.String("format", "csv", "The input format, either 'csv' or 'tsv' (defaults to 'csv')")
inputPath = flag.String("f", "", "The input file")
reverse = flag.Bool("reverse", false, "If we should reverse the inputs")
hideLegend = flag.Bool("hide-legend", false, "If we should omit the chart legend")
hideSMA = flag.Bool("hide-sma", false, "If we should omit simple moving average")
hideLinreg = flag.Bool("hide-linreg", false, "If we should omit linear regressions")
hideLastValues = flag.Bool("hide-last-values", false, "If we should omit last values")
func main() {
log := chart.NewLogger()
var rawData []byte
var err error
if *inputPath != "" {
if *inputPath == "-" {
rawData, err = ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin)
if err != nil {
} else {
rawData, err = ioutil.ReadFile(*inputPath)
if err != nil {
} else if len(flag.Args()) > 0 {
rawData = []byte(flag.Args()[0])
} else {
var parts []string
switch *inputFormat {
case "csv":
parts = chart.SplitCSV(string(rawData))
case "tsv":
parts = strings.Split(string(rawData), "\t")
log.FatalErr(fmt.Errorf("invalid format; must be 'csv' or 'tsv'"))
yvalues, err := chart.ParseFloats(parts...)
if err != nil {
if *reverse {
yvalues = chart.ValueSequence(yvalues...).Reverse().Values()
var series []chart.Series
mainSeries := chart.ContinuousSeries{
Name: "Values",
XValues: chart.LinearRange(1, float64(len(yvalues))),
YValues: yvalues,
series = append(series, mainSeries)
smaSeries := &chart.SMASeries{
Name: "SMA",
Style: chart.Style{
Hidden: *hideSMA,
StrokeColor: chart.ColorRed,
StrokeDashArray: []float64{5.0, 5.0},
InnerSeries: mainSeries,
series = append(series, smaSeries)
linRegSeries := &chart.LinearRegressionSeries{
Name: "Values - Lin. Reg.",
Style: chart.Style{
Hidden: *hideLinreg,
InnerSeries: mainSeries,
series = append(series, linRegSeries)
mainLastValue := chart.LastValueAnnotationSeries(mainSeries)
mainLastValue.Style = chart.Style{
Hidden: *hideLastValues,
series = append(series, mainLastValue)
linregLastValue := chart.LastValueAnnotationSeries(linRegSeries)
linregLastValue.Style = chart.Style{
Hidden: (*hideLastValues || *hideLinreg),
series = append(series, linregLastValue)
smaLastValue := chart.LastValueAnnotationSeries(smaSeries)
smaLastValue.Style = chart.Style{
Hidden: (*hideLastValues || *hideSMA),
series = append(series, smaLastValue)
graph := chart.Chart{
Background: chart.Style{
Padding: chart.Box{
Top: 50,
Series: series,
if !*hideLegend {
graph.Elements = []chart.Renderable{chart.LegendThin(&graph)}
var output *os.File
if *outputPath != "" {
output, err = os.Create(*outputPath)
if err != nil {
} else {
output, err = ioutil.TempFile("", "*.png")
if err != nil {
if err := graph.Render(chart.PNG, output); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stdout, output.Name())

View file

@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
package chart
import ""
var (
// ColorWhite is white.
ColorWhite = drawing.Color{R: 255, G: 255, B: 255, A: 255}
// ColorBlue is the basic theme blue color.
ColorBlue = drawing.Color{R: 0, G: 116, B: 217, A: 255}
// ColorCyan is the basic theme cyan color.
ColorCyan = drawing.Color{R: 0, G: 217, B: 210, A: 255}
// ColorGreen is the basic theme green color.
ColorGreen = drawing.Color{R: 0, G: 217, B: 101, A: 255}
// ColorRed is the basic theme red color.
ColorRed = drawing.Color{R: 217, G: 0, B: 116, A: 255}
// ColorOrange is the basic theme orange color.
ColorOrange = drawing.Color{R: 217, G: 101, B: 0, A: 255}
// ColorYellow is the basic theme yellow color.
ColorYellow = drawing.Color{R: 217, G: 210, B: 0, A: 255}
// ColorBlack is the basic theme black color.
ColorBlack = drawing.Color{R: 51, G: 51, B: 51, A: 255}
// ColorLightGray is the basic theme light gray color.
ColorLightGray = drawing.Color{R: 239, G: 239, B: 239, A: 255}
// ColorAlternateBlue is a alternate theme color.
ColorAlternateBlue = drawing.Color{R: 106, G: 195, B: 203, A: 255}
// ColorAlternateGreen is a alternate theme color.
ColorAlternateGreen = drawing.Color{R: 42, G: 190, B: 137, A: 255}
// ColorAlternateGray is a alternate theme color.
ColorAlternateGray = drawing.Color{R: 110, G: 128, B: 139, A: 255}
// ColorAlternateYellow is a alternate theme color.
ColorAlternateYellow = drawing.Color{R: 240, G: 174, B: 90, A: 255}
// ColorAlternateLightGray is a alternate theme color.
ColorAlternateLightGray = drawing.Color{R: 187, G: 190, B: 191, A: 255}
// ColorTransparent is a transparent (alpha zero) color.
ColorTransparent = drawing.Color{R: 1, G: 1, B: 1, A: 0}
var (
// DefaultBackgroundColor is the default chart background color.
// It is equivalent to css color:white.
DefaultBackgroundColor = ColorWhite
// DefaultBackgroundStrokeColor is the default chart border color.
// It is equivalent to color:white.
DefaultBackgroundStrokeColor = ColorWhite
// DefaultCanvasColor is the default chart canvas color.
// It is equivalent to css color:white.
DefaultCanvasColor = ColorWhite
// DefaultCanvasStrokeColor is the default chart canvas stroke color.
// It is equivalent to css color:white.
DefaultCanvasStrokeColor = ColorWhite
// DefaultTextColor is the default chart text color.
// It is equivalent to #333333.
DefaultTextColor = ColorBlack
// DefaultAxisColor is the default chart axis line color.
// It is equivalent to #333333.
DefaultAxisColor = ColorBlack
// DefaultStrokeColor is the default chart border color.
// It is equivalent to #efefef.
DefaultStrokeColor = ColorLightGray
// DefaultFillColor is the default fill color.
// It is equivalent to #0074d9.
DefaultFillColor = ColorBlue
// DefaultAnnotationFillColor is the default annotation background color.
DefaultAnnotationFillColor = ColorWhite
// DefaultGridLineColor is the default grid line color.
DefaultGridLineColor = ColorLightGray
var (
// DefaultColors are a couple default series colors.
DefaultColors = []drawing.Color{
// DefaultAlternateColors are a couple alternate colors.
DefaultAlternateColors = []drawing.Color{
// GetDefaultColor returns a color from the default list by index.
// NOTE: the index will wrap around (using a modulo).
func GetDefaultColor(index int) drawing.Color {
finalIndex := index % len(DefaultColors)
return DefaultColors[finalIndex]
// GetAlternateColor returns a color from the default list by index.
// NOTE: the index will wrap around (using a modulo).
func GetAlternateColor(index int) drawing.Color {
finalIndex := index % len(DefaultAlternateColors)
return DefaultAlternateColors[finalIndex]
// ColorPalette is a set of colors that.
type ColorPalette interface {
BackgroundColor() drawing.Color
BackgroundStrokeColor() drawing.Color
CanvasColor() drawing.Color
CanvasStrokeColor() drawing.Color
AxisStrokeColor() drawing.Color
TextColor() drawing.Color
GetSeriesColor(index int) drawing.Color
// DefaultColorPalette represents the default palatte.
var DefaultColorPalette defaultColorPalette
type defaultColorPalette struct{}
func (dp defaultColorPalette) BackgroundColor() drawing.Color {
return DefaultBackgroundColor
func (dp defaultColorPalette) BackgroundStrokeColor() drawing.Color {
return DefaultBackgroundStrokeColor
func (dp defaultColorPalette) CanvasColor() drawing.Color {
return DefaultCanvasColor
func (dp defaultColorPalette) CanvasStrokeColor() drawing.Color {
return DefaultCanvasStrokeColor
func (dp defaultColorPalette) AxisStrokeColor() drawing.Color {
return DefaultAxisColor
func (dp defaultColorPalette) TextColor() drawing.Color {
return DefaultTextColor
func (dp defaultColorPalette) GetSeriesColor(index int) drawing.Color {
return GetDefaultColor(index)
// AlternateColorPalette represents the default palatte.
var AlternateColorPalette alternateColorPalette
type alternateColorPalette struct{}
func (ap alternateColorPalette) BackgroundColor() drawing.Color {
return DefaultBackgroundColor
func (ap alternateColorPalette) BackgroundStrokeColor() drawing.Color {
return DefaultBackgroundStrokeColor
func (ap alternateColorPalette) CanvasColor() drawing.Color {
return DefaultCanvasColor
func (ap alternateColorPalette) CanvasStrokeColor() drawing.Color {
return DefaultCanvasStrokeColor
func (ap alternateColorPalette) AxisStrokeColor() drawing.Color {
return DefaultAxisColor
func (ap alternateColorPalette) TextColor() drawing.Color {
return DefaultTextColor
func (ap alternateColorPalette) GetSeriesColor(index int) drawing.Color {
return GetAlternateColor(index)

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ type ConcatSeries []Series
func (cs ConcatSeries) Len() int { func (cs ConcatSeries) Len() int {
total := 0 total := 0
for _, s := range cs { for _, s := range cs {
if typed, isValuesProvider := s.(ValuesProvider); isValuesProvider { if typed, isValueProvider := s.(ValueProvider); isValueProvider {
total += typed.Len() total += typed.Len()
} }
} }
@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ func (cs ConcatSeries) Len() int {
func (cs ConcatSeries) GetValue(index int) (x, y float64) { func (cs ConcatSeries) GetValue(index int) (x, y float64) {
cursor := 0 cursor := 0
for _, s := range cs { for _, s := range cs {
if typed, isValuesProvider := s.(ValuesProvider); isValuesProvider { if typed, isValueProvider := s.(ValueProvider); isValueProvider {
len := typed.Len() len := typed.Len()
if index < cursor+len { if index < cursor+len {
x, y = typed.GetValues(index - cursor) //FENCEPOSTS. x, y = typed.GetValue(index - cursor) //FENCEPOSTS.
return return
} }
cursor += typed.Len() cursor += typed.Len()

View file

@ -3,39 +3,39 @@ package chart
import ( import (
"testing" "testing"
"" assert ""
) )
func TestConcatSeries(t *testing.T) { func TestConcatSeries(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
s1 := ContinuousSeries{ s1 := ContinuousSeries{
XValues: LinearRange(1.0, 10.0), XValues: Sequence.Float64(1.0, 10.0),
YValues: LinearRange(1.0, 10.0), YValues: Sequence.Float64(1.0, 10.0),
} }
s2 := ContinuousSeries{ s2 := ContinuousSeries{
XValues: LinearRange(11, 20.0), XValues: Sequence.Float64(11, 20.0),
YValues: LinearRange(10.0, 1.0), YValues: Sequence.Float64(10.0, 1.0),
} }
s3 := ContinuousSeries{ s3 := ContinuousSeries{
XValues: LinearRange(21, 30.0), XValues: Sequence.Float64(21, 30.0),
YValues: LinearRange(1.0, 10.0), YValues: Sequence.Float64(1.0, 10.0),
} }
cs := ConcatSeries([]Series{s1, s2, s3}) cs := ConcatSeries([]Series{s1, s2, s3})
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 30, cs.Len()) assert.Equal(30, cs.Len())
x0, y0 := cs.GetValue(0) x0, y0 := cs.GetValue(0)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 1.0, x0) assert.Equal(1.0, x0)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 1.0, y0) assert.Equal(1.0, y0)
xm, ym := cs.GetValue(19) xm, ym := cs.GetValue(19)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 20.0, xm) assert.Equal(20.0, xm)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 1.0, ym) assert.Equal(1.0, ym)
xn, yn := cs.GetValue(29) xn, yn := cs.GetValue(29)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 30.0, xn) assert.Equal(30.0, xn)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 10.0, yn) assert.Equal(10.0, yn)
} }

View file

@ -62,9 +62,6 @@ func (r *ContinuousRange) SetDomain(domain int) {
// String returns a simple string for the ContinuousRange. // String returns a simple string for the ContinuousRange.
func (r ContinuousRange) String() string { func (r ContinuousRange) String() string {
if r.GetDelta() == 0 {
return "ContinuousRange [empty]"
return fmt.Sprintf("ContinuousRange [%.2f,%.2f] => %d", r.Min, r.Max, r.Domain) return fmt.Sprintf("ContinuousRange [%.2f,%.2f] => %d", r.Min, r.Max, r.Domain)
} }

View file

@ -3,20 +3,20 @@ package chart
import ( import (
"testing" "testing"
"" ""
) )
func TestRangeTranslate(t *testing.T) { func TestRangeTranslate(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
values := []float64{1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 2.7, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0} values := []float64{1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 2.7, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0}
r := ContinuousRange{Domain: 1000} r := ContinuousRange{Domain: 1000}
r.Min, r.Max = MinMax(values...) r.Min, r.Max = Math.MinAndMax(values...)
// delta = ~7.0 // delta = ~7.0
// value = ~5.0 // value = ~5.0
// domain = ~1000 // domain = ~1000
// 5/8 * 1000 ~= // 5/8 * 1000 ~=
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 0, r.Translate(1.0)) assert.Equal(0, r.Translate(1.0))
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 1000, r.Translate(8.0)) assert.Equal(1000, r.Translate(8.0))
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 572, r.Translate(5.0)) assert.Equal(572, r.Translate(5.0))
} }

View file

@ -2,13 +2,6 @@ package chart
import "fmt" import "fmt"
// Interface Assertions.
var (
_ Series = (*ContinuousSeries)(nil)
_ FirstValuesProvider = (*ContinuousSeries)(nil)
_ LastValuesProvider = (*ContinuousSeries)(nil)
// ContinuousSeries represents a line on a chart. // ContinuousSeries represents a line on a chart.
type ContinuousSeries struct { type ContinuousSeries struct {
Name string Name string
@ -38,18 +31,13 @@ func (cs ContinuousSeries) Len() int {
return len(cs.XValues) return len(cs.XValues)
} }
// GetValues gets the x,y values at a given index. // GetValue gets a value at a given index.
func (cs ContinuousSeries) GetValues(index int) (float64, float64) { func (cs ContinuousSeries) GetValue(index int) (float64, float64) {
return cs.XValues[index], cs.YValues[index] return cs.XValues[index], cs.YValues[index]
} }
// GetFirstValues gets the first x,y values. // GetLastValue gets the last value.
func (cs ContinuousSeries) GetFirstValues() (float64, float64) { func (cs ContinuousSeries) GetLastValue() (float64, float64) {
return cs.XValues[0], cs.YValues[0]
// GetLastValues gets the last x,y values.
func (cs ContinuousSeries) GetLastValues() (float64, float64) {
return cs.XValues[len(cs.XValues)-1], cs.YValues[len(cs.YValues)-1] return cs.XValues[len(cs.XValues)-1], cs.YValues[len(cs.YValues)-1]
} }
@ -82,15 +70,11 @@ func (cs ContinuousSeries) Render(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Rang
// Validate validates the series. // Validate validates the series.
func (cs ContinuousSeries) Validate() error { func (cs ContinuousSeries) Validate() error {
if len(cs.XValues) == 0 { if len(cs.XValues) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("continuous series; must have xvalues set") return fmt.Errorf("continuous series must have xvalues set")
} }
if len(cs.YValues) == 0 { if len(cs.YValues) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("continuous series; must have yvalues set") return fmt.Errorf("continuous series must have yvalues set")
if len(cs.XValues) != len(cs.YValues) {
return fmt.Errorf("continuous series; must have same length xvalues as yvalues")
} }
return nil return nil
} }

View file

@ -4,35 +4,35 @@ import (
"fmt" "fmt"
"testing" "testing"
"" assert ""
) )
func TestContinuousSeries(t *testing.T) { func TestContinuousSeries(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
cs := ContinuousSeries{ cs := ContinuousSeries{
Name: "Test Series", Name: "Test Series",
XValues: LinearRange(1.0, 10.0), XValues: Sequence.Float64(1.0, 10.0),
YValues: LinearRange(1.0, 10.0), YValues: Sequence.Float64(1.0, 10.0),
} }
testutil.AssertEqual(t, "Test Series", cs.GetName()) assert.Equal("Test Series", cs.GetName())
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 10, cs.Len()) assert.Equal(10, cs.Len())
x0, y0 := cs.GetValues(0) x0, y0 := cs.GetValue(0)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 1.0, x0) assert.Equal(1.0, x0)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 1.0, y0) assert.Equal(1.0, y0)
xn, yn := cs.GetValues(9) xn, yn := cs.GetValue(9)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 10.0, xn) assert.Equal(10.0, xn)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 10.0, yn) assert.Equal(10.0, yn)
xn, yn = cs.GetLastValues() xn, yn = cs.GetLastValue()
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 10.0, xn) assert.Equal(10.0, xn)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 10.0, yn) assert.Equal(10.0, yn)
} }
func TestContinuousSeriesValueFormatter(t *testing.T) { func TestContinuousSeriesValueFormatter(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
cs := ContinuousSeries{ cs := ContinuousSeries{
XValueFormatter: func(v interface{}) string { XValueFormatter: func(v interface{}) string {
@ -44,29 +44,29 @@ func TestContinuousSeriesValueFormatter(t *testing.T) {
} }
xf, yf := cs.GetValueFormatters() xf, yf := cs.GetValueFormatters()
testutil.AssertEqual(t, "0.100000 foo", xf(0.1)) assert.Equal("0.100000 foo", xf(0.1))
testutil.AssertEqual(t, "0.100000 bar", yf(0.1)) assert.Equal("0.100000 bar", yf(0.1))
} }
func TestContinuousSeriesValidate(t *testing.T) { func TestContinuousSeriesValidate(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
cs := ContinuousSeries{ cs := ContinuousSeries{
Name: "Test Series", Name: "Test Series",
XValues: LinearRange(1.0, 10.0), XValues: Sequence.Float64(1.0, 10.0),
YValues: LinearRange(1.0, 10.0), YValues: Sequence.Float64(1.0, 10.0),
} }
testutil.AssertNil(t, cs.Validate()) assert.Nil(cs.Validate())
cs = ContinuousSeries{ cs = ContinuousSeries{
Name: "Test Series", Name: "Test Series",
XValues: LinearRange(1.0, 10.0), XValues: Sequence.Float64(1.0, 10.0),
} }
testutil.AssertNotNil(t, cs.Validate()) assert.NotNil(cs.Validate())
cs = ContinuousSeries{ cs = ContinuousSeries{
Name: "Test Series", Name: "Test Series",
YValues: LinearRange(1.0, 10.0), YValues: Sequence.Float64(1.0, 10.0),
} }
testutil.AssertNotNil(t, cs.Validate()) assert.NotNil(cs.Validate())
} }

date.go Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
package chart
import (
const (
// AllDaysMask is a bitmask of all the days of the week.
AllDaysMask = 1<<uint(time.Sunday) | 1<<uint(time.Monday) | 1<<uint(time.Tuesday) | 1<<uint(time.Wednesday) | 1<<uint(time.Thursday) | 1<<uint(time.Friday) | 1<<uint(time.Saturday)
// WeekDaysMask is a bitmask of all the weekdays of the week.
WeekDaysMask = 1<<uint(time.Monday) | 1<<uint(time.Tuesday) | 1<<uint(time.Wednesday) | 1<<uint(time.Thursday) | 1<<uint(time.Friday)
//WeekendDaysMask is a bitmask of the weekend days of the week.
WeekendDaysMask = 1<<uint(time.Sunday) | 1<<uint(time.Saturday)
var (
// DaysOfWeek are all the time.Weekday in an array for utility purposes.
DaysOfWeek = []time.Weekday{
// WeekDays are the business time.Weekday in an array.
WeekDays = []time.Weekday{
// WeekendDays are the weekend time.Weekday in an array.
WeekendDays = []time.Weekday{
//Epoch is unix epoc saved for utility purposes.
Epoch = time.Unix(0, 0)
var (
_easternLock sync.Mutex
_eastern *time.Location
// NYSEOpen is when the NYSE opens.
func NYSEOpen() time.Time { return Date.Time(9, 30, 0, 0, Date.Eastern()) }
// NYSEClose is when the NYSE closes.
func NYSEClose() time.Time { return Date.Time(16, 0, 0, 0, Date.Eastern()) }
// NASDAQOpen is when NASDAQ opens.
func NASDAQOpen() time.Time { return Date.Time(9, 30, 0, 0, Date.Eastern()) }
// NASDAQClose is when NASDAQ closes.
func NASDAQClose() time.Time { return Date.Time(16, 0, 0, 0, Date.Eastern()) }
// NYSEArcaOpen is when NYSEARCA opens.
func NYSEArcaOpen() time.Time { return Date.Time(4, 0, 0, 0, Date.Eastern()) }
// NYSEArcaClose is when NYSEARCA closes.
func NYSEArcaClose() time.Time { return Date.Time(20, 0, 0, 0, Date.Eastern()) }
// HolidayProvider is a function that returns if a given time falls on a holiday.
type HolidayProvider func(time.Time) bool
// defaultHolidayProvider implements `HolidayProvider` and just returns false.
func defaultHolidayProvider(_ time.Time) bool { return false }
var (
// Date contains utility functions that operate on dates.
Date = &date{}
type date struct{}
// IsNYSEHoliday returns if a date was/is on a nyse holiday day.
func (d date) IsNYSEHoliday(t time.Time) bool {
te := t.In(d.Eastern())
if te.Year() == 2013 {
if te.Month() == 1 {
return te.Day() == 1 || te.Day() == 21
} else if te.Month() == 2 {
return te.Day() == 18
} else if te.Month() == 3 {
return te.Day() == 29
} else if te.Month() == 5 {
return te.Day() == 27
} else if te.Month() == 7 {
return te.Day() == 4
} else if te.Month() == 9 {
return te.Day() == 2
} else if te.Month() == 11 {
return te.Day() == 28
} else if te.Month() == 12 {
return te.Day() == 25
} else if te.Year() == 2014 {
if te.Month() == 1 {
return te.Day() == 1 || te.Day() == 20
} else if te.Month() == 2 {
return te.Day() == 17
} else if te.Month() == 4 {
return te.Day() == 18
} else if te.Month() == 5 {
return te.Day() == 26
} else if te.Month() == 7 {
return te.Day() == 4
} else if te.Month() == 9 {
return te.Day() == 1
} else if te.Month() == 11 {
return te.Day() == 27
} else if te.Month() == 12 {
return te.Day() == 25
} else if te.Year() == 2015 {
if te.Month() == 1 {
return te.Day() == 1 || te.Day() == 19
} else if te.Month() == 2 {
return te.Day() == 16
} else if te.Month() == 4 {
return te.Day() == 3
} else if te.Month() == 5 {
return te.Day() == 25
} else if te.Month() == 7 {
return te.Day() == 3
} else if te.Month() == 9 {
return te.Day() == 7
} else if te.Month() == 11 {
return te.Day() == 26
} else if te.Month() == 12 {
return te.Day() == 25
} else if te.Year() == 2016 {
if te.Month() == 1 {
return te.Day() == 1 || te.Day() == 18
} else if te.Month() == 2 {
return te.Day() == 15
} else if te.Month() == 3 {
return te.Day() == 25
} else if te.Month() == 5 {
return te.Day() == 30
} else if te.Month() == 7 {
return te.Day() == 4
} else if te.Month() == 9 {
return te.Day() == 5
} else if te.Month() == 11 {
return te.Day() == 24 || te.Day() == 25
} else if te.Month() == 12 {
return te.Day() == 26
} else if te.Year() == 2017 {
if te.Month() == 1 {
return te.Day() == 1 || te.Day() == 16
} else if te.Month() == 2 {
return te.Day() == 20
} else if te.Month() == 4 {
return te.Day() == 15
} else if te.Month() == 5 {
return te.Day() == 29
} else if te.Month() == 7 {
return te.Day() == 4
} else if te.Month() == 9 {
return te.Day() == 4
} else if te.Month() == 11 {
return te.Day() == 23
} else if te.Month() == 12 {
return te.Day() == 25
} else if te.Year() == 2018 {
if te.Month() == 1 {
return te.Day() == 1 || te.Day() == 15
} else if te.Month() == 2 {
return te.Day() == 19
} else if te.Month() == 3 {
return te.Day() == 30
} else if te.Month() == 5 {
return te.Day() == 28
} else if te.Month() == 7 {
return te.Day() == 4
} else if te.Month() == 9 {
return te.Day() == 3
} else if te.Month() == 11 {
return te.Day() == 22
} else if te.Month() == 12 {
return te.Day() == 25
return false
// IsNYSEArcaHoliday returns that returns if a given time falls on a holiday.
func (d date) IsNYSEArcaHoliday(t time.Time) bool {
return d.IsNYSEHoliday(t)
// IsNASDAQHoliday returns if a date was a NASDAQ holiday day.
func (d date) IsNASDAQHoliday(t time.Time) bool {
return d.IsNYSEHoliday(t)
// Time returns a new time.Time for the given clock components.
func (d date) Time(hour, min, sec, nsec int, loc *time.Location) time.Time {
return time.Date(0, 0, 0, hour, min, sec, nsec, loc)
func (d date) Date(year, month, day int, loc *time.Location) time.Time {
return time.Date(year, time.Month(month), day, 12, 0, 0, 0, loc)
// On returns the clock components of clock (hour,minute,second) on the date components of d.
func (d date) On(clock, cd time.Time) time.Time {
tzAdjusted := cd.In(clock.Location())
return time.Date(tzAdjusted.Year(), tzAdjusted.Month(), tzAdjusted.Day(), clock.Hour(), clock.Minute(), clock.Second(), clock.Nanosecond(), clock.Location())
// NoonOn is a shortcut for On(Time(12,0,0), cd) a.k.a. noon on a given date.
func (d date) NoonOn(cd time.Time) time.Time {
return time.Date(cd.Year(), cd.Month(), cd.Day(), 12, 0, 0, 0, cd.Location())
// Optional returns a pointer reference to a given time.
func (d date) Optional(t time.Time) *time.Time {
return &t
// IsWeekDay returns if the day is a monday->friday.
func (d date) IsWeekDay(day time.Weekday) bool {
return !d.IsWeekendDay(day)
// IsWeekendDay returns if the day is a monday->friday.
func (d date) IsWeekendDay(day time.Weekday) bool {
return day == time.Saturday || day == time.Sunday
// Before returns if a timestamp is strictly before another date (ignoring hours, minutes etc.)
func (d date) Before(before, reference time.Time) bool {
tzAdjustedBefore := before.In(reference.Location())
if tzAdjustedBefore.Year() < reference.Year() {
return true
if tzAdjustedBefore.Month() < reference.Month() {
return true
return tzAdjustedBefore.Year() == reference.Year() && tzAdjustedBefore.Month() == reference.Month() && tzAdjustedBefore.Day() < reference.Day()
// NextMarketOpen returns the next market open after a given time.
func (d date) NextMarketOpen(after, openTime time.Time, isHoliday HolidayProvider) time.Time {
afterLocalized := after.In(openTime.Location())
todaysOpen := d.On(openTime, afterLocalized)
if isHoliday == nil {
isHoliday = defaultHolidayProvider
todayIsValidTradingDay := d.IsWeekDay(todaysOpen.Weekday()) && !isHoliday(todaysOpen)
if (afterLocalized.Equal(todaysOpen) || afterLocalized.Before(todaysOpen)) && todayIsValidTradingDay {
return todaysOpen
for cursorDay := 1; cursorDay < 7; cursorDay++ {
newDay := todaysOpen.AddDate(0, 0, cursorDay)
isValidTradingDay := d.IsWeekDay(newDay.Weekday()) && !isHoliday(newDay)
if isValidTradingDay {
return d.On(openTime, newDay)
panic("Have exhausted day window looking for next market open.")
// NextMarketClose returns the next market close after a given time.
func (d date) NextMarketClose(after, closeTime time.Time, isHoliday HolidayProvider) time.Time {
afterLocalized := after.In(closeTime.Location())
if isHoliday == nil {
isHoliday = defaultHolidayProvider
todaysClose := d.On(closeTime, afterLocalized)
if afterLocalized.Before(todaysClose) && d.IsWeekDay(todaysClose.Weekday()) && !isHoliday(todaysClose) {
return todaysClose
if afterLocalized.Equal(todaysClose) { //rare but it might happen.
return todaysClose
for cursorDay := 1; cursorDay < 6; cursorDay++ {
newDay := todaysClose.AddDate(0, 0, cursorDay)
if d.IsWeekDay(newDay.Weekday()) && !isHoliday(newDay) {
return d.On(closeTime, newDay)
panic("Have exhausted day window looking for next market close.")
// CalculateMarketSecondsBetween calculates the number of seconds the market was open between two dates.
func (d date) CalculateMarketSecondsBetween(start, end, marketOpen, marketClose time.Time, isHoliday HolidayProvider) (seconds int64) {
startEastern := start.In(d.Eastern())
endEastern := end.In(d.Eastern())
startMarketOpen := d.On(marketOpen, startEastern)
startMarketClose := d.On(marketClose, startEastern)
if !d.IsWeekendDay(startMarketOpen.Weekday()) && !isHoliday(startMarketOpen) {
if (startEastern.Equal(startMarketOpen) || startEastern.After(startMarketOpen)) && startEastern.Before(startMarketClose) {
if endEastern.Before(startMarketClose) {
seconds += int64(endEastern.Sub(startEastern) / time.Second)
} else {
seconds += int64(startMarketClose.Sub(startEastern) / time.Second)
cursor := d.NextMarketOpen(startMarketClose, marketOpen, isHoliday)
for d.Before(cursor, endEastern) {
if d.IsWeekDay(cursor.Weekday()) && !isHoliday(cursor) {
close := d.NextMarketClose(cursor, marketClose, isHoliday)
seconds += int64(close.Sub(cursor) / time.Second)
cursor = cursor.AddDate(0, 0, 1)
finalMarketOpen := d.NextMarketOpen(cursor, marketOpen, isHoliday)
finalMarketClose := d.NextMarketClose(cursor, marketClose, isHoliday)
if endEastern.After(finalMarketOpen) {
if endEastern.Before(finalMarketClose) {
seconds += int64(endEastern.Sub(finalMarketOpen) / time.Second)
} else {
seconds += int64(finalMarketClose.Sub(finalMarketOpen) / time.Second)
const (
_secondsPerHour = 60 * 60
_secondsPerDay = 60 * 60 * 24
func (d date) DiffDays(t1, t2 time.Time) (days int) {
t1n := t1.Unix()
t2n := t2.Unix()
diff := t2n - t1n //yields seconds
return int(diff / (_secondsPerDay))
func (d date) DiffHours(t1, t2 time.Time) (hours int) {
t1n := t1.Unix()
t2n := t2.Unix()
diff := t2n - t1n //yields seconds
return int(diff / (_secondsPerHour))
// NextDay returns the timestamp advanced a day.
func (d date) NextDay(ts time.Time) time.Time {
return ts.AddDate(0, 0, 1)
// NextHour returns the next timestamp on the hour.
func (d date) NextHour(ts time.Time) time.Time {
//advance a full hour ...
advanced := ts.Add(time.Hour)
minutes := time.Duration(advanced.Minute()) * time.Minute
final := advanced.Add(-minutes)
return time.Date(final.Year(), final.Month(), final.Day(), final.Hour(), 0, 0, 0, final.Location())
// NextDayOfWeek returns the next instance of a given weekday after a given timestamp.
func (d date) NextDayOfWeek(after time.Time, dayOfWeek time.Weekday) time.Time {
afterWeekday := after.Weekday()
if afterWeekday == dayOfWeek {
return after.AddDate(0, 0, 7)
// 1 vs 5 ~ add 4 days
if afterWeekday < dayOfWeek {
dayDelta := int(dayOfWeek - afterWeekday)
return after.AddDate(0, 0, dayDelta)
// 5 vs 1, add 7-(5-1) ~ 3 days
dayDelta := 7 - int(afterWeekday-dayOfWeek)
return after.AddDate(0, 0, dayDelta)
// Start returns the earliest (min) time in a list of times.
func (d date) Start(times []time.Time) time.Time {
if len(times) == 0 {
return time.Time{}
start := times[0]
for _, t := range times[1:] {
if t.Before(start) {
start = t
return start
// Start returns the earliest (min) time in a list of times.
func (d date) End(times []time.Time) time.Time {
if len(times) == 0 {
return time.Time{}
end := times[0]
for _, t := range times[1:] {
if t.After(end) {
end = t
return end

date_posix.go Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
// +build !windows
package chart
import "time"
// Eastern returns the eastern timezone.
func (d date) Eastern() *time.Location {
if _eastern == nil {
defer _easternLock.Unlock()
if _eastern == nil {
_eastern, _ = time.LoadLocation("America/New_York")
return _eastern

date_test.go Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
package chart
import (
assert ""
func parse(v string) time.Time {
ts, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02", v)
return ts
func TestDateTime(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
ts := Date.Time(5, 6, 7, 8, time.UTC)
assert.Equal(05, ts.Hour())
assert.Equal(06, ts.Minute())
assert.Equal(07, ts.Second())
assert.Equal(8, ts.Nanosecond())
assert.Equal(time.UTC, ts.Location())
func TestDateDate(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
ts := Date.Date(2015, 5, 6, time.UTC)
assert.Equal(2015, ts.Year())
assert.Equal(5, ts.Month())
assert.Equal(6, ts.Day())
assert.Equal(time.UTC, ts.Location())
func TestDateOn(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
ts := Date.On(Date.Time(5, 4, 3, 2, time.UTC), Date.Date(2016, 6, 7, Date.Eastern()))
assert.Equal(2016, ts.Year())
assert.Equal(6, ts.Month())
assert.Equal(7, ts.Day())
assert.Equal(5, ts.Hour())
assert.Equal(4, ts.Minute())
assert.Equal(3, ts.Second())
assert.Equal(2, ts.Nanosecond())
assert.Equal(time.UTC, ts.Location())
func TestDateNoonOn(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
noon := Date.NoonOn(time.Date(2016, 04, 03, 02, 01, 0, 0, time.UTC))
assert.Equal(2016, noon.Year())
assert.Equal(4, noon.Month())
assert.Equal(3, noon.Day())
assert.Equal(12, noon.Hour())
assert.Equal(0, noon.Minute())
assert.Equal(time.UTC, noon.Location())
func TestDateBefore(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
assert.True(Date.Before(parse("2015-07-02"), parse("2016-07-01")))
assert.True(Date.Before(parse("2016-06-01"), parse("2016-07-01")))
assert.True(Date.Before(parse("2016-07-01"), parse("2016-07-02")))
assert.False(Date.Before(parse("2016-07-01"), parse("2016-07-01")))
assert.False(Date.Before(parse("2016-07-03"), parse("2016-07-01")))
assert.False(Date.Before(parse("2016-08-03"), parse("2016-07-01")))
assert.False(Date.Before(parse("2017-08-03"), parse("2016-07-01")))
func TestDateBeforeHandlesTimezones(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
tuesdayUTC := time.Date(2016, 8, 02, 22, 00, 0, 0, time.UTC)
mondayUTC := time.Date(2016, 8, 01, 1, 00, 0, 0, time.UTC)
sundayEST := time.Date(2016, 7, 31, 22, 00, 0, 0, Date.Eastern())
assert.True(Date.Before(sundayEST, tuesdayUTC))
assert.False(Date.Before(sundayEST, mondayUTC))
func TestNextMarketOpen(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
beforeOpen := time.Date(2016, 07, 18, 9, 0, 0, 0, Date.Eastern())
todayOpen := time.Date(2016, 07, 18, 9, 30, 0, 0, Date.Eastern())
afterOpen := time.Date(2016, 07, 18, 9, 31, 0, 0, Date.Eastern())
tomorrowOpen := time.Date(2016, 07, 19, 9, 30, 0, 0, Date.Eastern())
afterFriday := time.Date(2016, 07, 22, 9, 31, 0, 0, Date.Eastern())
mondayOpen := time.Date(2016, 07, 25, 9, 30, 0, 0, Date.Eastern())
weekend := time.Date(2016, 07, 23, 9, 31, 0, 0, Date.Eastern())
assert.True(todayOpen.Equal(Date.NextMarketOpen(beforeOpen, NYSEOpen(), Date.IsNYSEHoliday)))
assert.True(tomorrowOpen.Equal(Date.NextMarketOpen(afterOpen, NYSEOpen(), Date.IsNYSEHoliday)))
assert.True(mondayOpen.Equal(Date.NextMarketOpen(afterFriday, NYSEOpen(), Date.IsNYSEHoliday)))
assert.True(mondayOpen.Equal(Date.NextMarketOpen(weekend, NYSEOpen(), Date.IsNYSEHoliday)))
assert.Equal(Date.Eastern(), todayOpen.Location())
assert.Equal(Date.Eastern(), tomorrowOpen.Location())
assert.Equal(Date.Eastern(), mondayOpen.Location())
testRegression := time.Date(2016, 07, 18, 16, 0, 0, 0, Date.Eastern())
shouldbe := time.Date(2016, 07, 19, 9, 30, 0, 0, Date.Eastern())
assert.True(shouldbe.Equal(Date.NextMarketOpen(testRegression, NYSEOpen(), Date.IsNYSEHoliday)))
func TestNextMarketClose(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
beforeClose := time.Date(2016, 07, 18, 15, 0, 0, 0, Date.Eastern())
todayClose := time.Date(2016, 07, 18, 16, 00, 0, 0, Date.Eastern())
afterClose := time.Date(2016, 07, 18, 16, 1, 0, 0, Date.Eastern())
tomorrowClose := time.Date(2016, 07, 19, 16, 00, 0, 0, Date.Eastern())
afterFriday := time.Date(2016, 07, 22, 16, 1, 0, 0, Date.Eastern())
mondayClose := time.Date(2016, 07, 25, 16, 0, 0, 0, Date.Eastern())
weekend := time.Date(2016, 07, 23, 9, 31, 0, 0, Date.Eastern())
assert.True(todayClose.Equal(Date.NextMarketClose(beforeClose, NYSEClose(), Date.IsNYSEHoliday)))
assert.True(tomorrowClose.Equal(Date.NextMarketClose(afterClose, NYSEClose(), Date.IsNYSEHoliday)))
assert.True(mondayClose.Equal(Date.NextMarketClose(afterFriday, NYSEClose(), Date.IsNYSEHoliday)))
assert.True(mondayClose.Equal(Date.NextMarketClose(weekend, NYSEClose(), Date.IsNYSEHoliday)))
assert.Equal(Date.Eastern(), todayClose.Location())
assert.Equal(Date.Eastern(), tomorrowClose.Location())
assert.Equal(Date.Eastern(), mondayClose.Location())
func TestCalculateMarketSecondsBetween(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
start := time.Date(2016, 07, 18, 9, 30, 0, 0, Date.Eastern())
end := time.Date(2016, 07, 22, 16, 00, 0, 0, Date.Eastern())
shouldbe := 5 * 6.5 * 60 * 60
assert.Equal(shouldbe, Date.CalculateMarketSecondsBetween(start, end, NYSEOpen(), NYSEClose(), Date.IsNYSEHoliday))
func TestCalculateMarketSecondsBetween1D(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
start := time.Date(2016, 07, 22, 9, 45, 0, 0, Date.Eastern())
end := time.Date(2016, 07, 22, 15, 45, 0, 0, Date.Eastern())
shouldbe := 6 * 60 * 60
assert.Equal(shouldbe, Date.CalculateMarketSecondsBetween(start, end, NYSEOpen(), NYSEClose(), Date.IsNYSEHoliday))
func TestCalculateMarketSecondsBetweenLTM(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
start := time.Date(2015, 07, 01, 9, 30, 0, 0, Date.Eastern())
end := time.Date(2016, 07, 01, 9, 30, 0, 0, Date.Eastern())
shouldbe := 253 * 6.5 * 60 * 60 //253 full market days since this date last year.
assert.Equal(shouldbe, Date.CalculateMarketSecondsBetween(start, end, NYSEOpen(), NYSEClose(), Date.IsNYSEHoliday))
func TestDateNextHour(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
start := time.Date(2015, 07, 01, 9, 30, 0, 0, Date.Eastern())
next := Date.NextHour(start)
assert.Equal(2015, next.Year())
assert.Equal(07, next.Month())
assert.Equal(01, next.Day())
assert.Equal(10, next.Hour())
assert.Equal(00, next.Minute())
next = Date.NextHour(next)
assert.Equal(11, next.Hour())
next = Date.NextHour(next)
assert.Equal(12, next.Hour())
func TestDateNextDayOfWeek(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
weds := Date.Date(2016, 8, 10, time.UTC)
fri := Date.Date(2016, 8, 12, time.UTC)
sun := Date.Date(2016, 8, 14, time.UTC)
mon := Date.Date(2016, 8, 15, time.UTC)
weds2 := Date.Date(2016, 8, 17, time.UTC)
nextFri := Date.NextDayOfWeek(weds, time.Friday)
nextSunday := Date.NextDayOfWeek(weds, time.Sunday)
nextMonday := Date.NextDayOfWeek(weds, time.Monday)
nextWeds := Date.NextDayOfWeek(weds, time.Wednesday)
assert.Equal(fri.Year(), nextFri.Year())
assert.Equal(fri.Month(), nextFri.Month())
assert.Equal(fri.Day(), nextFri.Day())
assert.Equal(sun.Year(), nextSunday.Year())
assert.Equal(sun.Month(), nextSunday.Month())
assert.Equal(sun.Day(), nextSunday.Day())
assert.Equal(mon.Year(), nextMonday.Year())
assert.Equal(mon.Month(), nextMonday.Month())
assert.Equal(mon.Day(), nextMonday.Day())
assert.Equal(weds2.Year(), nextWeds.Year())
assert.Equal(weds2.Month(), nextWeds.Month())
assert.Equal(weds2.Day(), nextWeds.Day())
assert.Equal(time.UTC, nextFri.Location())
assert.Equal(time.UTC, nextSunday.Location())
assert.Equal(time.UTC, nextMonday.Location())
func TestDateIsNYSEHoliday(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
cursor := time.Date(2013, 01, 01, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
end := time.Date(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
var holidays int
for Date.Before(cursor, end) {
if Date.IsNYSEHoliday(cursor) {
cursor = cursor.AddDate(0, 0, 1)
assert.Equal(holidays, 55)
func TestTimeStart(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
times := []time.Time{
time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -4),
time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -2),
time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -1),
time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -3),
time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -5),
assert.InTimeDelta(Date.Start(times), times[4], time.Millisecond)
func TestTimeEnd(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
times := []time.Time{
time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -4),
time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -2),
time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -1),
time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -3),
time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -5),
assert.InTimeDelta(Date.End(times), times[2], time.Millisecond)
func TestDateDiffDays(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
t1 := time.Date(2017, 02, 27, 12, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
t2 := time.Date(2017, 01, 10, 3, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
t3 := time.Date(2017, 02, 24, 16, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
assert.Equal(48, Date.DiffDays(t2, t1))
assert.Equal(2, Date.DiffDays(t3, t1)) // technically we should round down.
func TestDateDiffHours(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
t1 := time.Date(2017, 02, 27, 12, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
t2 := time.Date(2017, 02, 24, 16, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
t3 := time.Date(2017, 02, 28, 12, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
assert.Equal(68, Date.DiffHours(t2, t1))
assert.Equal(24, Date.DiffHours(t1, t3))

date_windows.go Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
// +build windows
package chart
import "time"
// Eastern returns the eastern timezone.
func (d date) Eastern() *time.Location {
if _eastern == nil {
defer _easternLock.Unlock()
if _eastern == nil {
_eastern, _ = time.LoadLocation("EST")
return _eastern

View file

@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
package chart package chart
import (
const ( const (
// DefaultChartHeight is the default chart height. // DefaultChartHeight is the default chart height.
DefaultChartHeight = 400 DefaultChartHeight = 400
@ -75,6 +82,96 @@ const (
DefaultBarWidth = 50 DefaultBarWidth = 50
) )
var (
// ColorWhite is white.
ColorWhite = drawing.Color{R: 255, G: 255, B: 255, A: 255}
// ColorBlue is the basic theme blue color.
ColorBlue = drawing.Color{R: 0, G: 116, B: 217, A: 255}
// ColorCyan is the basic theme cyan color.
ColorCyan = drawing.Color{R: 0, G: 217, B: 210, A: 255}
// ColorGreen is the basic theme green color.
ColorGreen = drawing.Color{R: 0, G: 217, B: 101, A: 255}
// ColorRed is the basic theme red color.
ColorRed = drawing.Color{R: 217, G: 0, B: 116, A: 255}
// ColorOrange is the basic theme orange color.
ColorOrange = drawing.Color{R: 217, G: 101, B: 0, A: 255}
// ColorYellow is the basic theme yellow color.
ColorYellow = drawing.Color{R: 217, G: 210, B: 0, A: 255}
// ColorBlack is the basic theme black color.
ColorBlack = drawing.Color{R: 51, G: 51, B: 51, A: 255}
// ColorLightGray is the basic theme light gray color.
ColorLightGray = drawing.Color{R: 239, G: 239, B: 239, A: 255}
// ColorAlternateBlue is a alternate theme color.
ColorAlternateBlue = drawing.Color{R: 106, G: 195, B: 203, A: 255}
// ColorAlternateGreen is a alternate theme color.
ColorAlternateGreen = drawing.Color{R: 42, G: 190, B: 137, A: 255}
// ColorAlternateGray is a alternate theme color.
ColorAlternateGray = drawing.Color{R: 110, G: 128, B: 139, A: 255}
// ColorAlternateYellow is a alternate theme color.
ColorAlternateYellow = drawing.Color{R: 240, G: 174, B: 90, A: 255}
// ColorAlternateLightGray is a alternate theme color.
ColorAlternateLightGray = drawing.Color{R: 187, G: 190, B: 191, A: 255}
// ColorTransparent is a transparent (alpha zero) color.
ColorTransparent = drawing.Color{R: 1, G: 1, B: 1, A: 0}
var (
// DefaultBackgroundColor is the default chart background color.
// It is equivalent to css color:white.
DefaultBackgroundColor = ColorWhite
// DefaultBackgroundStrokeColor is the default chart border color.
// It is equivalent to color:white.
DefaultBackgroundStrokeColor = ColorWhite
// DefaultCanvasColor is the default chart canvas color.
// It is equivalent to css color:white.
DefaultCanvasColor = ColorWhite
// DefaultCanvasStrokeColor is the default chart canvas stroke color.
// It is equivalent to css color:white.
DefaultCanvasStrokeColor = ColorWhite
// DefaultTextColor is the default chart text color.
// It is equivalent to #333333.
DefaultTextColor = ColorBlack
// DefaultAxisColor is the default chart axis line color.
// It is equivalent to #333333.
DefaultAxisColor = ColorBlack
// DefaultStrokeColor is the default chart border color.
// It is equivalent to #efefef.
DefaultStrokeColor = ColorLightGray
// DefaultFillColor is the default fill color.
// It is equivalent to #0074d9.
DefaultFillColor = ColorBlue
// DefaultAnnotationFillColor is the default annotation background color.
DefaultAnnotationFillColor = ColorWhite
// DefaultGridLineColor is the default grid line color.
DefaultGridLineColor = ColorLightGray
var (
// DefaultColors are a couple default series colors.
DefaultColors = []drawing.Color{
// DefaultAlternateColors are a couple alternate colors.
DefaultAlternateColors = []drawing.Color{
var ( var (
// DashArrayDots is a dash array that represents '....' style stroke dashes. // DashArrayDots is a dash array that represents '....' style stroke dashes.
DashArrayDots = []int{1, 1} DashArrayDots = []int{1, 1}
@ -86,18 +183,49 @@ var (
DashArrayDashesLarge = []int{10, 10} DashArrayDashesLarge = []int{10, 10}
) )
// NewColor returns a new color.
func NewColor(r, g, b, a uint8) drawing.Color {
return drawing.Color{R: r, G: g, B: b, A: a}
// GetDefaultColor returns a color from the default list by index.
// NOTE: the index will wrap around (using a modulo).
func GetDefaultColor(index int) drawing.Color {
finalIndex := index % len(DefaultColors)
return DefaultColors[finalIndex]
// GetAlternateColor returns a color from the default list by index.
// NOTE: the index will wrap around (using a modulo).
func GetAlternateColor(index int) drawing.Color {
finalIndex := index % len(DefaultAlternateColors)
return DefaultAlternateColors[finalIndex]
var ( var (
// DefaultAnnotationPadding is the padding around an annotation. // DefaultAnnotationPadding is the padding around an annotation.
DefaultAnnotationPadding = Box{Top: 5, Left: 5, Right: 5, Bottom: 5} DefaultAnnotationPadding = Box{Top: 5, Left: 5, Right: 5, Bottom: 5}
// DefaultBackgroundPadding is the default canvas padding config. // DefaultBackgroundPadding is the default canvas padding config.
DefaultBackgroundPadding = Box{Top: 5, Left: 5, Right: 5, Bottom: 5} DefaultBackgroundPadding = Box{Top: 5, Left: 5, Right: 5, Bottom: 5}
) )
const ( var (
// ContentTypePNG is the png mime type. _defaultFontLock sync.Mutex
ContentTypePNG = "image/png" _defaultFont *truetype.Font
// ContentTypeSVG is the svg mime type.
ContentTypeSVG = "image/svg+xml"
) )
// GetDefaultFont returns the default font (Roboto-Medium).
func GetDefaultFont() (*truetype.Font, error) {
if _defaultFont == nil {
defer _defaultFontLock.Unlock()
if _defaultFont == nil {
font, err := truetype.Parse(roboto)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_defaultFont = font
return _defaultFont, nil

View file

@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
package chart
import (
// DonutChart is a chart that draws sections of a circle based on percentages with an hole.
type DonutChart struct {
Title string
TitleStyle Style
ColorPalette ColorPalette
Width int
Height int
DPI float64
Background Style
Canvas Style
SliceStyle Style
Font *truetype.Font
defaultFont *truetype.Font
Values []Value
Elements []Renderable
// GetDPI returns the dpi for the chart.
func (pc DonutChart) GetDPI(defaults ...float64) float64 {
if pc.DPI == 0 {
if len(defaults) > 0 {
return defaults[0]
return DefaultDPI
return pc.DPI
// GetFont returns the text font.
func (pc DonutChart) GetFont() *truetype.Font {
if pc.Font == nil {
return pc.defaultFont
return pc.Font
// GetWidth returns the chart width or the default value.
func (pc DonutChart) GetWidth() int {
if pc.Width == 0 {
return DefaultChartWidth
return pc.Width
// GetHeight returns the chart height or the default value.
func (pc DonutChart) GetHeight() int {
if pc.Height == 0 {
return DefaultChartWidth
return pc.Height
// Render renders the chart with the given renderer to the given io.Writer.
func (pc DonutChart) Render(rp RendererProvider, w io.Writer) error {
if len(pc.Values) == 0 {
return errors.New("please provide at least one value")
r, err := rp(pc.GetWidth(), pc.GetHeight())
if err != nil {
return err
if pc.Font == nil {
defaultFont, err := GetDefaultFont()
if err != nil {
return err
pc.defaultFont = defaultFont
canvasBox := pc.getDefaultCanvasBox()
canvasBox = pc.getCircleAdjustedCanvasBox(canvasBox)
pc.drawCanvas(r, canvasBox)
finalValues, err := pc.finalizeValues(pc.Values)
if err != nil {
return err
pc.drawSlices(r, canvasBox, finalValues)
for _, a := range pc.Elements {
a(r, canvasBox, pc.styleDefaultsElements())
return r.Save(w)
func (pc DonutChart) drawBackground(r Renderer) {
Draw.Box(r, Box{
Right: pc.GetWidth(),
Bottom: pc.GetHeight(),
}, pc.getBackgroundStyle())
func (pc DonutChart) drawCanvas(r Renderer, canvasBox Box) {
Draw.Box(r, canvasBox, pc.getCanvasStyle())
func (pc DonutChart) drawTitle(r Renderer) {
if len(pc.Title) > 0 && !pc.TitleStyle.Hidden {
Draw.TextWithin(r, pc.Title, pc.Box(), pc.styleDefaultsTitle())
func (pc DonutChart) drawSlices(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, values []Value) {
cx, cy := canvasBox.Center()
diameter := MinInt(canvasBox.Width(), canvasBox.Height())
radius := float64(diameter>>1) / 1.1
labelRadius := (radius * 2.83) / 3.0
// draw the donut slices
var rads, delta, delta2, total float64
var lx, ly int
if len(values) == 1 {
r.MoveTo(cx, cy)
r.Circle(radius, cx, cy)
} else {
for index, v := range values {
r.MoveTo(cx, cy)
rads = PercentToRadians(total)
delta = PercentToRadians(v.Value)
r.ArcTo(cx, cy, (radius / 1.25), (radius / 1.25), rads, delta)
r.LineTo(cx, cy)
total = total + v.Value
//making the donut hole
v := Value{Value: 100, Label: "center"}
styletemp := pc.SliceStyle.InheritFrom(Style{
StrokeColor: ColorWhite, StrokeWidth: 4.0, FillColor: ColorWhite, FontColor: ColorWhite, //Font: pc.GetFont(),//FontSize: pc.getScaledFontSize(),
r.MoveTo(cx, cy)
r.ArcTo(cx, cy, (radius / 3.5), (radius / 3.5), DegreesToRadians(0), DegreesToRadians(359))
r.LineTo(cx, cy)
// draw the labels
total = 0
for index, v := range values {
if len(v.Label) > 0 {
delta2 = PercentToRadians(total + (v.Value / 2.0))
delta2 = RadianAdd(delta2, _pi2)
lx, ly = CirclePoint(cx, cy, labelRadius, delta2)
tb := r.MeasureText(v.Label)
lx = lx - (tb.Width() >> 1)
ly = ly + (tb.Height() >> 1)
r.Text(v.Label, lx, ly)
total = total + v.Value
func (pc DonutChart) finalizeValues(values []Value) ([]Value, error) {
finalValues := Values(values).Normalize()
if len(finalValues) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("donut chart must contain at least (1) non-zero value")
return finalValues, nil
func (pc DonutChart) getDefaultCanvasBox() Box {
return pc.Box()
func (pc DonutChart) getCircleAdjustedCanvasBox(canvasBox Box) Box {
circleDiameter := MinInt(canvasBox.Width(), canvasBox.Height())
square := Box{
Right: circleDiameter,
Bottom: circleDiameter,
return canvasBox.Fit(square)
func (pc DonutChart) getBackgroundStyle() Style {
return pc.Background.InheritFrom(pc.styleDefaultsBackground())
func (pc DonutChart) getCanvasStyle() Style {
return pc.Canvas.InheritFrom(pc.styleDefaultsCanvas())
func (pc DonutChart) styleDefaultsCanvas() Style {
return Style{
FillColor: pc.GetColorPalette().CanvasColor(),
StrokeColor: pc.GetColorPalette().CanvasStrokeColor(),
StrokeWidth: DefaultStrokeWidth,
func (pc DonutChart) styleDefaultsDonutChartValue() Style {
return Style{
StrokeColor: pc.GetColorPalette().TextColor(),
StrokeWidth: 4.0,
FillColor: pc.GetColorPalette().TextColor(),
func (pc DonutChart) styleDonutChartValue(index int) Style {
return pc.SliceStyle.InheritFrom(Style{
StrokeColor: ColorWhite,
StrokeWidth: 4.0,
FillColor: pc.GetColorPalette().GetSeriesColor(index),
FontSize: pc.getScaledFontSize(),
FontColor: pc.GetColorPalette().TextColor(),
Font: pc.GetFont(),
func (pc DonutChart) getScaledFontSize() float64 {
effectiveDimension := MinInt(pc.GetWidth(), pc.GetHeight())
if effectiveDimension >= 2048 {
return 48.0
} else if effectiveDimension >= 1024 {
return 24.0
} else if effectiveDimension > 512 {
return 18.0
} else if effectiveDimension > 256 {
return 12.0
return 10.0
func (pc DonutChart) styleDefaultsBackground() Style {
return Style{
FillColor: pc.GetColorPalette().BackgroundColor(),
StrokeColor: pc.GetColorPalette().BackgroundStrokeColor(),
StrokeWidth: DefaultStrokeWidth,
func (pc DonutChart) styleDefaultsElements() Style {
return Style{
Font: pc.GetFont(),
func (pc DonutChart) styleDefaultsTitle() Style {
return pc.TitleStyle.InheritFrom(Style{
FontColor: pc.GetColorPalette().TextColor(),
Font: pc.GetFont(),
FontSize: pc.getTitleFontSize(),
TextHorizontalAlign: TextHorizontalAlignCenter,
TextVerticalAlign: TextVerticalAlignTop,
TextWrap: TextWrapWord,
func (pc DonutChart) getTitleFontSize() float64 {
effectiveDimension := MinInt(pc.GetWidth(), pc.GetHeight())
if effectiveDimension >= 2048 {
return 48
} else if effectiveDimension >= 1024 {
return 24
} else if effectiveDimension >= 512 {
return 18
} else if effectiveDimension >= 256 {
return 12
return 10
// GetColorPalette returns the color palette for the chart.
func (pc DonutChart) GetColorPalette() ColorPalette {
if pc.ColorPalette != nil {
return pc.ColorPalette
return AlternateColorPalette
// Box returns the chart bounds as a box.
func (pc DonutChart) Box() Box {
dpr := pc.Background.Padding.GetRight(DefaultBackgroundPadding.Right)
dpb := pc.Background.Padding.GetBottom(DefaultBackgroundPadding.Bottom)
return Box{
Top: pc.Background.Padding.GetTop(DefaultBackgroundPadding.Top),
Left: pc.Background.Padding.GetLeft(DefaultBackgroundPadding.Left),
Right: pc.GetWidth() - dpr,
Bottom: pc.GetHeight() - dpb,

View file

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
package chart
import (
func TestDonutChart(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper
pie := DonutChart{
Canvas: Style{
FillColor: ColorLightGray,
Values: []Value{
{Value: 10, Label: "Blue"},
{Value: 9, Label: "Green"},
{Value: 8, Label: "Gray"},
{Value: 7, Label: "Orange"},
{Value: 6, Label: "HEANG"},
{Value: 5, Label: "??"},
{Value: 2, Label: "!!"},
b := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
pie.Render(PNG, b)
testutil.AssertNotZero(t, b.Len())
func TestDonutChartDropsZeroValues(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper
pie := DonutChart{
Canvas: Style{
FillColor: ColorLightGray,
Values: []Value{
{Value: 5, Label: "Blue"},
{Value: 5, Label: "Green"},
{Value: 0, Label: "Gray"},
b := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
err := pie.Render(PNG, b)
testutil.AssertNil(t, err)
func TestDonutChartAllZeroValues(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper
pie := DonutChart{
Canvas: Style{
FillColor: ColorLightGray,
Values: []Value{
{Value: 0, Label: "Blue"},
{Value: 0, Label: "Green"},
{Value: 0, Label: "Gray"},
b := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
err := pie.Render(PNG, b)
testutil.AssertNotNil(t, err)

View file

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
package chart package chart
import ( import "math"
var ( var (
// Draw contains helpers for drawing common objects. // Draw contains helpers for drawing common objects.
@ -12,7 +10,7 @@ var (
type draw struct{} type draw struct{}
// LineSeries draws a line series with a renderer. // LineSeries draws a line series with a renderer.
func (d draw) LineSeries(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, style Style, vs ValuesProvider) { func (d draw) LineSeries(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, style Style, vs ValueProvider) {
if vs.Len() == 0 { if vs.Len() == 0 {
return return
} }
@ -20,7 +18,7 @@ func (d draw) LineSeries(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, style
cb := canvasBox.Bottom cb := canvasBox.Bottom
cl := canvasBox.Left cl := canvasBox.Left
v0x, v0y := vs.GetValues(0) v0x, v0y := vs.GetValue(0)
x0 := cl + xrange.Translate(v0x) x0 := cl + xrange.Translate(v0x)
y0 := cb - yrange.Translate(v0y) y0 := cb - yrange.Translate(v0y)
@ -33,13 +31,13 @@ func (d draw) LineSeries(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, style
style.GetFillOptions().WriteDrawingOptionsToRenderer(r) style.GetFillOptions().WriteDrawingOptionsToRenderer(r)
r.MoveTo(x0, y0) r.MoveTo(x0, y0)
for i := 1; i < vs.Len(); i++ { for i := 1; i < vs.Len(); i++ {
vx, vy = vs.GetValues(i) vx, vy = vs.GetValue(i)
x = cl + xrange.Translate(vx) x = cl + xrange.Translate(vx)
y = cb - yrange.Translate(vy) y = cb - yrange.Translate(vy)
r.LineTo(x, y) r.LineTo(x, y)
} }
r.LineTo(x, MinInt(cb, cb-yv0)) r.LineTo(x, Math.MinInt(cb, cb-yv0))
r.LineTo(x0, MinInt(cb, cb-yv0)) r.LineTo(x0, Math.MinInt(cb, cb-yv0))
r.LineTo(x0, y0) r.LineTo(x0, y0)
r.Fill() r.Fill()
} }
@ -49,7 +47,7 @@ func (d draw) LineSeries(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, style
r.MoveTo(x0, y0) r.MoveTo(x0, y0)
for i := 1; i < vs.Len(); i++ { for i := 1; i < vs.Len(); i++ {
vx, vy = vs.GetValues(i) vx, vy = vs.GetValue(i)
x = cl + xrange.Translate(vx) x = cl + xrange.Translate(vx)
y = cb - yrange.Translate(vy) y = cb - yrange.Translate(vy)
r.LineTo(x, y) r.LineTo(x, y)
@ -58,34 +56,23 @@ func (d draw) LineSeries(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, style
} }
if style.ShouldDrawDot() { if style.ShouldDrawDot() {
defaultDotWidth := style.GetDotWidth() dotWidth := style.GetDotWidth()
style.GetDotOptions().WriteDrawingOptionsToRenderer(r) style.GetDotOptions().WriteDrawingOptionsToRenderer(r)
for i := 0; i < vs.Len(); i++ { for i := 0; i < vs.Len(); i++ {
vx, vy = vs.GetValues(i) vx, vy = vs.GetValue(i)
x = cl + xrange.Translate(vx) x = cl + xrange.Translate(vx)
y = cb - yrange.Translate(vy) y = cb - yrange.Translate(vy)
dotWidth := defaultDotWidth
if style.DotWidthProvider != nil {
dotWidth = style.DotWidthProvider(xrange, yrange, i, vx, vy)
if style.DotColorProvider != nil {
dotColor := style.DotColorProvider(xrange, yrange, i, vx, vy)
r.Circle(dotWidth, x, y) r.Circle(dotWidth, x, y)
r.FillStroke() r.FillStroke()
} }
} }
} }
// BoundedSeries draws a series that implements BoundedValuesProvider. // BoundedSeries draws a series that implements BoundedValueProvider.
func (d draw) BoundedSeries(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, style Style, bbs BoundedValuesProvider, drawOffsetIndexes { func (d draw) BoundedSeries(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, style Style, bbs BoundedValueProvider, drawOffsetIndexes {
drawOffsetIndex := 0 drawOffsetIndex := 0
if len(drawOffsetIndexes) > 0 { if len(drawOffsetIndexes) > 0 {
drawOffsetIndex = drawOffsetIndexes[0] drawOffsetIndex = drawOffsetIndexes[0]
@ -94,7 +81,7 @@ func (d draw) BoundedSeries(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, sty
cb := canvasBox.Bottom cb := canvasBox.Bottom
cl := canvasBox.Left cl := canvasBox.Left
v0x, v0y1, v0y2 := bbs.GetBoundedValues(0) v0x, v0y1, v0y2 := bbs.GetBoundedValue(0)
x0 := cl + xrange.Translate(v0x) x0 := cl + xrange.Translate(v0x)
y0 := cb - yrange.Translate(v0y1) y0 := cb - yrange.Translate(v0y1)
@ -109,7 +96,7 @@ func (d draw) BoundedSeries(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, sty
style.GetFillAndStrokeOptions().WriteToRenderer(r) style.GetFillAndStrokeOptions().WriteToRenderer(r)
r.MoveTo(x0, y0) r.MoveTo(x0, y0)
for i := 1; i < bbs.Len(); i++ { for i := 1; i < bbs.Len(); i++ {
vx, vy1, vy2 = bbs.GetBoundedValues(i) vx, vy1, vy2 = bbs.GetBoundedValue(i)
xvalues[i] = vx xvalues[i] = vx
y2values[i] = vy2 y2values[i] = vy2
@ -135,7 +122,7 @@ func (d draw) BoundedSeries(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, sty
} }
// HistogramSeries draws a value provider as boxes from 0. // HistogramSeries draws a value provider as boxes from 0.
func (d draw) HistogramSeries(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, style Style, vs ValuesProvider, barWidths { func (d draw) HistogramSeries(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, style Style, vs ValueProvider, barWidths {
if vs.Len() == 0 { if vs.Len() == 0 {
return return
} }
@ -152,7 +139,7 @@ func (d draw) HistogramSeries(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, s
//foreach datapoint, draw a box. //foreach datapoint, draw a box.
for index := 0; index < seriesLength; index++ { for index := 0; index < seriesLength; index++ {
vx, vy := vs.GetValues(index) vx, vy := vs.GetValue(index)
y0 := yrange.Translate(0) y0 := yrange.Translate(0)
x := cl + xrange.Translate(vx) x := cl + xrange.Translate(vx)
y := yrange.Translate(vy) y := yrange.Translate(vy)
@ -296,10 +283,8 @@ func (d draw) TextWithin(r Renderer, text string, box Box, style Style) {
switch style.GetTextVerticalAlign() { switch style.GetTextVerticalAlign() {
case TextVerticalAlignBottom, TextVerticalAlignBaseline: // i have to build better baseline handling into measure text case TextVerticalAlignBottom, TextVerticalAlignBaseline: // i have to build better baseline handling into measure text
y = y - linesBox.Height() y = y - linesBox.Height()
case TextVerticalAlignMiddle: case TextVerticalAlignMiddle, TextVerticalAlignMiddleBaseline:
y = y + (box.Height() >> 1) - (linesBox.Height() >> 1) y = (y - linesBox.Height()) >> 1
case TextVerticalAlignMiddleBaseline:
y = y + (box.Height() >> 1) - linesBox.Height()
} }
var tx, ty int var tx, ty int

View file

@ -2,46 +2,27 @@ package drawing
import ( import (
"fmt" "fmt"
"strconv" "strconv"
) )
// Basic Colors from:
var ( var (
// ColorTransparent is a fully transparent color. // ColorTransparent is a fully transparent color.
ColorTransparent = Color{R: 255, G: 255, B: 255, A: 0} ColorTransparent = Color{}
// ColorWhite is white. // ColorWhite is white.
ColorWhite = Color{R: 255, G: 255, B: 255, A: 255} ColorWhite = Color{R: 255, G: 255, B: 255, A: 255}
// ColorBlack is black. // ColorBlack is black.
ColorBlack = Color{R: 0, G: 0, B: 0, A: 255} ColorBlack = Color{R: 0, G: 0, B: 0, A: 255}
// ColorRed is red. // ColorRed is red.
ColorRed = Color{R: 255, G: 0, B: 0, A: 255} ColorRed = Color{R: 255, G: 0, B: 0, A: 255}
// ColorGreen is green. // ColorGreen is green.
ColorGreen = Color{R: 0, G: 128, B: 0, A: 255} ColorGreen = Color{R: 0, G: 255, B: 0, A: 255}
// ColorBlue is blue. // ColorBlue is blue.
ColorBlue = Color{R: 0, G: 0, B: 255, A: 255} ColorBlue = Color{R: 0, G: 0, B: 255, A: 255}
// ColorSilver is a known color.
ColorSilver = Color{R: 192, G: 192, B: 192, A: 255}
// ColorMaroon is a known color.
ColorMaroon = Color{R: 128, G: 0, B: 0, A: 255}
// ColorPurple is a known color.
ColorPurple = Color{R: 128, G: 0, B: 128, A: 255}
// ColorFuchsia is a known color.
ColorFuchsia = Color{R: 255, G: 0, B: 255, A: 255}
// ColorLime is a known color.
ColorLime = Color{R: 0, G: 255, B: 0, A: 255}
// ColorOlive is a known color.
ColorOlive = Color{R: 128, G: 128, B: 0, A: 255}
// ColorYellow is a known color.
ColorYellow = Color{R: 255, G: 255, B: 0, A: 255}
// ColorNavy is a known color.
ColorNavy = Color{R: 0, G: 0, B: 128, A: 255}
// ColorTeal is a known color.
ColorTeal = Color{R: 0, G: 128, B: 128, A: 255}
// ColorAqua is a known color.
ColorAqua = Color{R: 0, G: 255, B: 255, A: 255}
) )
func parseHex(hex string) uint8 { func parseHex(hex string) uint8 {
@ -49,97 +30,8 @@ func parseHex(hex string) uint8 {
return uint8(v) return uint8(v)
} }
// ParseColor parses a color from a string.
func ParseColor(rawColor string) Color {
if strings.HasPrefix(rawColor, "rgba") {
return ColorFromRGBA(rawColor)
if strings.HasPrefix(rawColor, "rgb") {
return ColorFromRGB(rawColor)
if strings.HasPrefix(rawColor, "#") {
return ColorFromHex(rawColor)
return ColorFromKnown(rawColor)
var rgbaexpr = regexp.MustCompile(`rgba\((?P<R>.+),(?P<G>.+),(?P<B>.+),(?P<A>.+)\)`)
// ColorFromRGBA returns a color from an `rgba()` css function.
func ColorFromRGBA(rgba string) (output Color) {
values := rgbaexpr.FindStringSubmatch(rgba)
for i, name := range rgbaexpr.SubexpNames() {
if i == 0 {
if i >= len(values) {
switch name {
case "R":
value := strings.TrimSpace(values[i])
parsed, _ := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 16)
output.R = uint8(parsed)
case "G":
value := strings.TrimSpace(values[i])
parsed, _ := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 16)
output.G = uint8(parsed)
case "B":
value := strings.TrimSpace(values[i])
parsed, _ := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 16)
output.B = uint8(parsed)
case "A":
value := strings.TrimSpace(values[i])
parsed, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 32)
if parsed > 1 {
parsed = 1
} else if parsed < 0 {
parsed = 0
output.A = uint8(parsed * 255)
var rgbexpr = regexp.MustCompile(`rgb\((?P<R>.+),(?P<G>.+),(?P<B>.+)\)`)
// ColorFromRGB returns a color from an `rgb()` css function.
func ColorFromRGB(rgb string) (output Color) {
output.A = 255
values := rgbexpr.FindStringSubmatch(rgb)
for i, name := range rgbaexpr.SubexpNames() {
if i == 0 {
if i >= len(values) {
switch name {
case "R":
value := strings.TrimSpace(values[i])
parsed, _ := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 16)
output.R = uint8(parsed)
case "G":
value := strings.TrimSpace(values[i])
parsed, _ := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 16)
output.G = uint8(parsed)
case "B":
value := strings.TrimSpace(values[i])
parsed, _ := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 16)
output.B = uint8(parsed)
// ColorFromHex returns a color from a css hex code. // ColorFromHex returns a color from a css hex code.
// NOTE: it will trim a leading '#' character if present.
func ColorFromHex(hex string) Color { func ColorFromHex(hex string) Color {
if strings.HasPrefix(hex, "#") {
hex = strings.TrimPrefix(hex, "#")
var c Color var c Color
if len(hex) == 3 { if len(hex) == 3 {
c.R = parseHex(string(hex[0])) * 0x11 c.R = parseHex(string(hex[0])) * 0x11
@ -154,46 +46,6 @@ func ColorFromHex(hex string) Color {
return c return c
} }
// ColorFromKnown returns an internal color from a known (basic) color name.
func ColorFromKnown(known string) Color {
switch strings.ToLower(known) {
case "transparent":
return ColorTransparent
case "white":
return ColorWhite
case "black":
return ColorBlack
case "red":
return ColorRed
case "blue":
return ColorBlue
case "green":
return ColorGreen
case "silver":
return ColorSilver
case "maroon":
return ColorMaroon
case "purple":
return ColorPurple
case "fuchsia":
return ColorFuchsia
case "lime":
return ColorLime
case "olive":
return ColorOlive
case "yellow":
return ColorYellow
case "navy":
return ColorNavy
case "teal":
return ColorTeal
case "aqua":
return ColorAqua
return Color{}
// ColorFromAlphaMixedRGBA returns the system alpha mixed rgba values. // ColorFromAlphaMixedRGBA returns the system alpha mixed rgba values.
func ColorFromAlphaMixedRGBA(r, g, b, a uint32) Color { func ColorFromAlphaMixedRGBA(r, g, b, a uint32) Color {
fa := float64(a) / 255.0 fa := float64(a) / 255.0
@ -205,11 +57,6 @@ func ColorFromAlphaMixedRGBA(r, g, b, a uint32) Color {
return c return c
} }
// ColorChannelFromFloat returns a normalized byte from a given float value.
func ColorChannelFromFloat(v float64) uint8 {
return uint8(v * 255)
// Color is our internal color type because color.Color is bullshit. // Color is our internal color type because color.Color is bullshit.
type Color struct { type Color struct {
R, G, B, A uint8 R, G, B, A uint8

View file

@ -1,114 +1,53 @@
package drawing package drawing
import ( import (
"testing" "testing"
"image/color" "image/color"
"" ""
) )
func TestColorFromHex(t *testing.T) { func TestColorFromHex(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
white := ColorFromHex("FFFFFF") white := ColorFromHex("FFFFFF")
testutil.AssertEqual(t, ColorWhite, white) assert.Equal(ColorWhite, white)
shortWhite := ColorFromHex("FFF") shortWhite := ColorFromHex("FFF")
testutil.AssertEqual(t, ColorWhite, shortWhite) assert.Equal(ColorWhite, shortWhite)
black := ColorFromHex("000000") black := ColorFromHex("000000")
testutil.AssertEqual(t, ColorBlack, black) assert.Equal(ColorBlack, black)
shortBlack := ColorFromHex("000") shortBlack := ColorFromHex("000")
testutil.AssertEqual(t, ColorBlack, shortBlack) assert.Equal(ColorBlack, shortBlack)
red := ColorFromHex("FF0000") red := ColorFromHex("FF0000")
testutil.AssertEqual(t, ColorRed, red) assert.Equal(ColorRed, red)
shortRed := ColorFromHex("F00") shortRed := ColorFromHex("F00")
testutil.AssertEqual(t, ColorRed, shortRed) assert.Equal(ColorRed, shortRed)
green := ColorFromHex("008000") green := ColorFromHex("00FF00")
testutil.AssertEqual(t, ColorGreen, green) assert.Equal(ColorGreen, green)
// shortGreen := ColorFromHex("0F0") shortGreen := ColorFromHex("0F0")
// testutil.AssertEqual(t, ColorGreen, shortGreen) assert.Equal(ColorGreen, shortGreen)
blue := ColorFromHex("0000FF") blue := ColorFromHex("0000FF")
testutil.AssertEqual(t, ColorBlue, blue) assert.Equal(ColorBlue, blue)
shortBlue := ColorFromHex("00F") shortBlue := ColorFromHex("00F")
testutil.AssertEqual(t, ColorBlue, shortBlue) assert.Equal(ColorBlue, shortBlue)
func TestColorFromHex_handlesHash(t *testing.T) {
withHash := ColorFromHex("#FF0000")
testutil.AssertEqual(t, ColorRed, withHash)
withoutHash := ColorFromHex("#FF0000")
testutil.AssertEqual(t, ColorRed, withoutHash)
} }
func TestColorFromAlphaMixedRGBA(t *testing.T) { func TestColorFromAlphaMixedRGBA(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
black := ColorFromAlphaMixedRGBA(color.Black.RGBA()) black := ColorFromAlphaMixedRGBA(color.Black.RGBA())
testutil.AssertTrue(t, black.Equals(ColorBlack), black.String()) assert.True(black.Equals(ColorBlack), black.String())
white := ColorFromAlphaMixedRGBA(color.White.RGBA()) white := ColorFromAlphaMixedRGBA(color.White.RGBA())
testutil.AssertTrue(t, white.Equals(ColorWhite), white.String()) assert.True(white.Equals(ColorWhite), white.String())
func Test_ColorFromRGBA(t *testing.T) {
value := "rgba(192, 192, 192, 1.0)"
parsed := ColorFromRGBA(value)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, ColorSilver, parsed)
value = "rgba(192,192,192,1.0)"
parsed = ColorFromRGBA(value)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, ColorSilver, parsed)
value = "rgba(192,192,192,1.5)"
parsed = ColorFromRGBA(value)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, ColorSilver, parsed)
func TestParseColor(t *testing.T) {
testCases := [...]struct {
Input string
Expected Color
{"", Color{}},
{"white", ColorWhite},
{"WHITE", ColorWhite}, // caps!
{"black", ColorBlack},
{"red", ColorRed},
{"green", ColorGreen},
{"blue", ColorBlue},
{"silver", ColorSilver},
{"maroon", ColorMaroon},
{"purple", ColorPurple},
{"fuchsia", ColorFuchsia},
{"lime", ColorLime},
{"olive", ColorOlive},
{"yellow", ColorYellow},
{"navy", ColorNavy},
{"teal", ColorTeal},
{"aqua", ColorAqua},
{"rgba(192, 192, 192, 1.0)", ColorSilver},
{"rgba(192,192,192,1.0)", ColorSilver},
{"rgb(192, 192, 192)", ColorSilver},
{"rgb(192,192,192)", ColorSilver},
{"#FF0000", ColorRed},
{"#008000", ColorGreen},
{"#0000FF", ColorBlue},
{"#F00", ColorRed},
{"#080", Color{0, 136, 0, 255}},
{"#00F", ColorBlue},
for index, tc := range testCases {
actual := ParseColor(tc.Input)
testutil.AssertEqual(t, tc.Expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("test case: %d -> %s", index, tc.Input))
} }

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package drawing
import ( import (
"testing" "testing"
"" assert ""
) )
type point struct { type point struct {
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ func (ml mockLine) Len() int {
} }
func TestTraceQuad(t *testing.T) { func TestTraceQuad(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
// Quad // Quad
// x1, y1, cpx1, cpy2, x2, y2 float64 // x1, y1, cpx1, cpy2, x2, y2 float64
@ -31,5 +31,5 @@ func TestTraceQuad(t *testing.T) {
quad := []float64{10, 20, 20, 20, 20, 10} quad := []float64{10, 20, 20, 20, 20, 10}
liner := &mockLine{} liner := &mockLine{}
TraceQuad(liner, quad, 0.5) TraceQuad(liner, quad, 0.5)
testutil.AssertNotZero(t, liner.Len()) assert.NotZero(liner.Len())
} }

View file

@ -7,13 +7,6 @@ const (
DefaultEMAPeriod = 12 DefaultEMAPeriod = 12
) )
// Interface Assertions.
var (
_ Series = (*EMASeries)(nil)
_ FirstValuesProvider = (*EMASeries)(nil)
_ LastValuesProvider = (*EMASeries)(nil)
// EMASeries is a computed series. // EMASeries is a computed series.
type EMASeries struct { type EMASeries struct {
Name string Name string
@ -21,7 +14,7 @@ type EMASeries struct {
YAxis YAxisType YAxis YAxisType
Period int Period int
InnerSeries ValuesProvider InnerSeries ValueProvider
cache []float64 cache []float64
} }
@ -59,36 +52,23 @@ func (ema EMASeries) GetSigma() float64 {
return 2.0 / (float64(ema.GetPeriod()) + 1) return 2.0 / (float64(ema.GetPeriod()) + 1)
} }
// GetValues gets a value at a given index. // GetValue gets a value at a given index.
func (ema *EMASeries) GetValues(index int) (x, y float64) { func (ema *EMASeries) GetValue(index int) (x, y float64) {
if ema.InnerSeries == nil { if ema.InnerSeries == nil {
return return
} }
if len(ema.cache) == 0 { if len(ema.cache) == 0 {
ema.ensureCachedValues() ema.ensureCachedValues()
} }
vx, _ := ema.InnerSeries.GetValues(index) vx, _ := ema.InnerSeries.GetValue(index)
x = vx x = vx
y = ema.cache[index] y = ema.cache[index]
return return
} }
// GetFirstValues computes the first moving average value. // GetLastValue computes the last moving average value but walking back window size samples,
func (ema *EMASeries) GetFirstValues() (x, y float64) {
if ema.InnerSeries == nil {
if len(ema.cache) == 0 {
x, _ = ema.InnerSeries.GetValues(0)
y = ema.cache[0]
// GetLastValues computes the last moving average value but walking back window size samples,
// and recomputing the last moving average chunk. // and recomputing the last moving average chunk.
func (ema *EMASeries) GetLastValues() (x, y float64) { func (ema *EMASeries) GetLastValue() (x, y float64) {
if ema.InnerSeries == nil { if ema.InnerSeries == nil {
return return
} }
@ -96,7 +76,7 @@ func (ema *EMASeries) GetLastValues() (x, y float64) {
ema.ensureCachedValues() ema.ensureCachedValues()
} }
lastIndex := ema.InnerSeries.Len() - 1 lastIndex := ema.InnerSeries.Len() - 1
x, _ = ema.InnerSeries.GetValues(lastIndex) x, _ = ema.InnerSeries.GetValue(lastIndex)
y = ema.cache[lastIndex] y = ema.cache[lastIndex]
return return
} }
@ -106,7 +86,7 @@ func (ema *EMASeries) ensureCachedValues() {
ema.cache = make([]float64, seriesLength) ema.cache = make([]float64, seriesLength)
sigma := ema.GetSigma() sigma := ema.GetSigma()
for x := 0; x < seriesLength; x++ { for x := 0; x < seriesLength; x++ {
_, y := ema.InnerSeries.GetValues(x) _, y := ema.InnerSeries.GetValue(x)
if x == 0 { if x == 0 {
ema.cache[x] = y ema.cache[x] = y
continue continue

View file

@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ package chart
import ( import (
"testing" "testing"
"" ""
) )
var ( var (
emaXValues = LinearRange(1.0, 50.0) emaXValues = Sequence.Float64(1.0, 50.0)
emaYValues = []float64{ emaYValues = []float64{
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2,
@ -73,13 +73,13 @@ var (
) )
func TestEMASeries(t *testing.T) { func TestEMASeries(t *testing.T) {
// replaced new assertions helper assert := assert.New(t)
mockSeries := mockValuesProvider{ mockSeries := mockValueProvider{
emaXValues, emaXValues,
emaYValues, emaYValues,
} }
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 50, mockSeries.Len()) assert.Equal(50, mockSeries.Len())
ema := &EMASeries{ ema := &EMASeries{
InnerSeries: mockSeries, InnerSeries: mockSeries,
@ -87,19 +87,19 @@ func TestEMASeries(t *testing.T) {
} }
sig := ema.GetSigma() sig := ema.GetSigma()
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 2.0/(26.0+1), sig) assert.Equal(2.0/(26.0+1), sig)
var yvalues []float64 var yvalues []float64
for x := 0; x < ema.Len(); x++ { for x := 0; x < ema.Len(); x++ {
_, y := ema.GetValues(x) _, y := ema.GetValue(x)
yvalues = append(yvalues, y) yvalues = append(yvalues, y)
} }
for index, yv := range yvalues { for index, yv := range yvalues {
testutil.AssertInDelta(t, yv, emaExpected[index], emaDelta) assert.InDelta(yv, emaExpected[index], emaDelta)
} }
lvx, lvy := ema.GetLastValues() lvx, lvy := ema.GetLastValue()
testutil.AssertEqual(t, 50.0, lvx) assert.Equal(50.0, lvx)
testutil.AssertInDelta(t, lvy, emaExpected[49], emaDelta) assert.InDelta(lvy, emaExpected[49], emaDelta)
} }

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 26 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 22 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 24 KiB

View file

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
package main
//go:generate go run main.go
import (
func main() {
graph := chart.BarChart{
Title: "Test Bar Chart",
Background: chart.Style{
Padding: chart.Box{
Top: 40,
Height: 512,
BarWidth: 60,
Bars: []chart.Value{
{Value: 5.25, Label: "Blue"},
{Value: 4.88, Label: "Green"},
{Value: 4.74, Label: "Gray"},
{Value: 3.22, Label: "Orange"},
{Value: 3, Label: "Test"},
{Value: 2.27, Label: "??"},
{Value: 1, Label: "!!"},
f, _ := os.Create("output.png")
defer f.Close()
graph.Render(chart.PNG, f)

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 19 KiB

View file

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
package main
//go:generate go run main.go
import (
func main() {
profitStyle := chart.Style{
FillColor: drawing.ColorFromHex("13c158"),
StrokeColor: drawing.ColorFromHex("13c158"),
StrokeWidth: 0,
lossStyle := chart.Style{
FillColor: drawing.ColorFromHex("c11313"),
StrokeColor: drawing.ColorFromHex("c11313"),
StrokeWidth: 0,
sbc := chart.BarChart{
Title: "Bar Chart Using BaseValue",
Background: chart.Style{
Padding: chart.Box{
Top: 40,
Height: 512,
BarWidth: 60,
YAxis: chart.YAxis{
Ticks: []chart.Tick{
{Value: -4.0, Label: "-4"},
{Value: -2.0, Label: "-2"},
{Value: 0, Label: "0"},
{Value: 2.0, Label: "2"},
{Value: 4.0, Label: "4"},
{Value: 6.0, Label: "6"},
{Value: 8.0, Label: "8"},
{Value: 10.0, Label: "10"},
{Value: 12.0, Label: "12"},
UseBaseValue: true,
BaseValue: 0.0,
Bars: []chart.Value{
{Value: 10.0, Style: profitStyle, Label: "Profit"},
{Value: 12.0, Style: profitStyle, Label: "More Profit"},
{Value: 8.0, Style: profitStyle, Label: "Still Profit"},
{Value: -4.0, Style: lossStyle, Label: "Loss!"},
{Value: 3.0, Style: profitStyle, Label: "Phew Ok"},
{Value: -2.0, Style: lossStyle, Label: "Oh No!"},
f, _ := os.Create("output.png")
defer f.Close()
sbc.Render(chart.PNG, f)

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more