diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index ab2dcb7..3e4b6e1 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -16,3 +16,4 @@
# Other
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/coverage.html b/coverage.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9957897..0000000
--- a/coverage.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11486 +0,0 @@
package chart
-import (
- "fmt"
- "math"
- util "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/util"
-// Interface Assertions.
-var (
- _ Series = (*AnnotationSeries)(nil)
-// AnnotationSeries is a series of labels on the chart.
-type AnnotationSeries struct {
- Name string
- Style Style
- YAxis YAxisType
- Annotations []Value2
-// GetName returns the name of the time series.
-func (as AnnotationSeries) GetName() string {
- return as.Name
-// GetStyle returns the line style.
-func (as AnnotationSeries) GetStyle() Style {
- return as.Style
-// GetYAxis returns which YAxis the series draws on.
-func (as AnnotationSeries) GetYAxis() YAxisType {
- return as.YAxis
-func (as AnnotationSeries) annotationStyleDefaults(defaults Style) Style {
- return Style{
- FontColor: DefaultTextColor,
- Font: defaults.Font,
- FillColor: DefaultAnnotationFillColor,
- FontSize: DefaultAnnotationFontSize,
- StrokeColor: defaults.StrokeColor,
- StrokeWidth: defaults.StrokeWidth,
- Padding: DefaultAnnotationPadding,
- }
-// Measure returns a bounds box of the series.
-func (as AnnotationSeries) Measure(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, defaults Style) Box {
- box := Box{
- Top: math.MaxInt32,
- Left: math.MaxInt32,
- Right: 0,
- Bottom: 0,
- }
- if as.Style.IsZero() || as.Style.Show {
- seriesStyle := as.Style.InheritFrom(as.annotationStyleDefaults(defaults))
- for _, a := range as.Annotations {
- style := a.Style.InheritFrom(seriesStyle)
- lx := canvasBox.Left + xrange.Translate(a.XValue)
- ly := canvasBox.Bottom - yrange.Translate(a.YValue)
- ab := Draw.MeasureAnnotation(r, canvasBox, style, lx, ly, a.Label)
- box.Top = util.Math.MinInt(box.Top, ab.Top)
- box.Left = util.Math.MinInt(box.Left, ab.Left)
- box.Right = util.Math.MaxInt(box.Right, ab.Right)
- box.Bottom = util.Math.MaxInt(box.Bottom, ab.Bottom)
- }
- }
- return box
-// Render draws the series.
-func (as AnnotationSeries) Render(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, defaults Style) {
- if as.Style.IsZero() || as.Style.Show {
- seriesStyle := as.Style.InheritFrom(as.annotationStyleDefaults(defaults))
- for _, a := range as.Annotations {
- style := a.Style.InheritFrom(seriesStyle)
- lx := canvasBox.Left + xrange.Translate(a.XValue)
- ly := canvasBox.Bottom - yrange.Translate(a.YValue)
- Draw.Annotation(r, canvasBox, style, lx, ly, a.Label)
- }
- }
-// Validate validates the series.
-func (as AnnotationSeries) Validate() error {
- if len(as.Annotations) == 0 {
- return fmt.Errorf("annotation series requires annotations to be set and not empty")
- }
- return nil
package chart
-import (
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "math"
- "github.com/golang/freetype/truetype"
- util "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/util"
-// BarChart is a chart that draws bars on a range.
-type BarChart struct {
- Title string
- TitleStyle Style
- ColorPalette ColorPalette
- Width int
- Height int
- DPI float64
- BarWidth int
- Background Style
- Canvas Style
- XAxis Style
- YAxis YAxis
- BarSpacing int
- UseBaseValue bool
- BaseValue float64
- Font *truetype.Font
- defaultFont *truetype.Font
- Bars []Value
- Elements []Renderable
-// GetDPI returns the dpi for the chart.
-func (bc BarChart) GetDPI() float64 {
- if bc.DPI == 0 {
- return DefaultDPI
- }
- return bc.DPI
-// GetFont returns the text font.
-func (bc BarChart) GetFont() *truetype.Font {
- if bc.Font == nil {
- return bc.defaultFont
- }
- return bc.Font
-// GetWidth returns the chart width or the default value.
-func (bc BarChart) GetWidth() int {
- if bc.Width == 0 {
- return DefaultChartWidth
- }
- return bc.Width
-// GetHeight returns the chart height or the default value.
-func (bc BarChart) GetHeight() int {
- if bc.Height == 0 {
- return DefaultChartHeight
- }
- return bc.Height
-// GetBarSpacing returns the spacing between bars.
-func (bc BarChart) GetBarSpacing() int {
- if bc.BarSpacing == 0 {
- return DefaultBarSpacing
- }
- return bc.BarSpacing
-// GetBarWidth returns the default bar width.
-func (bc BarChart) GetBarWidth() int {
- if bc.BarWidth == 0 {
- return DefaultBarWidth
- }
- return bc.BarWidth
-// Render renders the chart with the given renderer to the given io.Writer.
-func (bc BarChart) Render(rp RendererProvider, w io.Writer) error {
- if len(bc.Bars) == 0 {
- return errors.New("please provide at least one bar")
- }
- r, err := rp(bc.GetWidth(), bc.GetHeight())
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if bc.Font == nil {
- defaultFont, err := GetDefaultFont()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- bc.defaultFont = defaultFont
- }
- r.SetDPI(bc.GetDPI())
- bc.drawBackground(r)
- var canvasBox Box
- var yt []Tick
- var yr Range
- var yf ValueFormatter
- canvasBox = bc.getDefaultCanvasBox()
- yr = bc.getRanges()
- if yr.GetMax()-yr.GetMin() == 0 {
- return fmt.Errorf("invalid data range; cannot be zero")
- }
- yr = bc.setRangeDomains(canvasBox, yr)
- yf = bc.getValueFormatters()
- if bc.hasAxes() {
- yt = bc.getAxesTicks(r, yr, yf)
- canvasBox = bc.getAdjustedCanvasBox(r, canvasBox, yr, yt)
- yr = bc.setRangeDomains(canvasBox, yr)
- }
- bc.drawCanvas(r, canvasBox)
- bc.drawBars(r, canvasBox, yr)
- bc.drawXAxis(r, canvasBox)
- bc.drawYAxis(r, canvasBox, yr, yt)
- bc.drawTitle(r)
- for _, a := range bc.Elements {
- a(r, canvasBox, bc.styleDefaultsElements())
- }
- return r.Save(w)
-func (bc BarChart) drawCanvas(r Renderer, canvasBox Box) {
- Draw.Box(r, canvasBox, bc.getCanvasStyle())
-func (bc BarChart) getRanges() Range {
- var yrange Range
- if bc.YAxis.Range != nil && !bc.YAxis.Range.IsZero() {
- yrange = bc.YAxis.Range
- } else {
- yrange = &ContinuousRange{}
- }
- if !yrange.IsZero() {
- return yrange
- }
- if len(bc.YAxis.Ticks) > 0 {
- tickMin, tickMax := math.MaxFloat64, -math.MaxFloat64
- for _, t := range bc.YAxis.Ticks {
- tickMin = math.Min(tickMin, t.Value)
- tickMax = math.Max(tickMax, t.Value)
- }
- yrange.SetMin(tickMin)
- yrange.SetMax(tickMax)
- return yrange
- }
- min, max := math.MaxFloat64, -math.MaxFloat64
- for _, b := range bc.Bars {
- min = math.Min(b.Value, min)
- max = math.Max(b.Value, max)
- }
- yrange.SetMin(min)
- yrange.SetMax(max)
- return yrange
-func (bc BarChart) drawBackground(r Renderer) {
- Draw.Box(r, Box{
- Right: bc.GetWidth(),
- Bottom: bc.GetHeight(),
- }, bc.getBackgroundStyle())
-func (bc BarChart) drawBars(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, yr Range) {
- xoffset := canvasBox.Left
- width, spacing, _ := bc.calculateScaledTotalWidth(canvasBox)
- bs2 := spacing >> 1
- var barBox Box
- var bxl, bxr, by int
- for index, bar := range bc.Bars {
- bxl = xoffset + bs2
- bxr = bxl + width
- by = canvasBox.Bottom - yr.Translate(bar.Value)
- if bc.UseBaseValue {
- barBox = Box{
- Top: by,
- Left: bxl,
- Right: bxr,
- Bottom: canvasBox.Bottom - yr.Translate(bc.BaseValue),
- }
- } else {
- barBox = Box{
- Top: by,
- Left: bxl,
- Right: bxr,
- Bottom: canvasBox.Bottom,
- }
- }
- Draw.Box(r, barBox, bar.Style.InheritFrom(bc.styleDefaultsBar(index)))
- xoffset += width + spacing
- }
-func (bc BarChart) drawXAxis(r Renderer, canvasBox Box) {
- if bc.XAxis.Show {
- axisStyle := bc.XAxis.InheritFrom(bc.styleDefaultsAxes())
- axisStyle.WriteToRenderer(r)
- width, spacing, _ := bc.calculateScaledTotalWidth(canvasBox)
- r.MoveTo(canvasBox.Left, canvasBox.Bottom)
- r.LineTo(canvasBox.Right, canvasBox.Bottom)
- r.Stroke()
- r.MoveTo(canvasBox.Left, canvasBox.Bottom)
- r.LineTo(canvasBox.Left, canvasBox.Bottom+DefaultVerticalTickHeight)
- r.Stroke()
- cursor := canvasBox.Left
- for index, bar := range bc.Bars {
- barLabelBox := Box{
- Top: canvasBox.Bottom + DefaultXAxisMargin,
- Left: cursor,
- Right: cursor + width + spacing,
- Bottom: bc.GetHeight(),
- }
- if len(bar.Label) > 0 {
- Draw.TextWithin(r, bar.Label, barLabelBox, axisStyle)
- }
- axisStyle.WriteToRenderer(r)
- if index < len(bc.Bars)-1 {
- r.MoveTo(barLabelBox.Right, canvasBox.Bottom)
- r.LineTo(barLabelBox.Right, canvasBox.Bottom+DefaultVerticalTickHeight)
- r.Stroke()
- }
- cursor += width + spacing
- }
- }
-func (bc BarChart) drawYAxis(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, yr Range, ticks []Tick) {
- if bc.YAxis.Style.Show {
- axisStyle := bc.YAxis.Style.InheritFrom(bc.styleDefaultsAxes())
- axisStyle.WriteToRenderer(r)
- r.MoveTo(canvasBox.Right, canvasBox.Top)
- r.LineTo(canvasBox.Right, canvasBox.Bottom)
- r.Stroke()
- r.MoveTo(canvasBox.Right, canvasBox.Bottom)
- r.LineTo(canvasBox.Right+DefaultHorizontalTickWidth, canvasBox.Bottom)
- r.Stroke()
- var ty int
- var tb Box
- for _, t := range ticks {
- ty = canvasBox.Bottom - yr.Translate(t.Value)
- axisStyle.GetStrokeOptions().WriteToRenderer(r)
- r.MoveTo(canvasBox.Right, ty)
- r.LineTo(canvasBox.Right+DefaultHorizontalTickWidth, ty)
- r.Stroke()
- axisStyle.GetTextOptions().WriteToRenderer(r)
- tb = r.MeasureText(t.Label)
- Draw.Text(r, t.Label, canvasBox.Right+DefaultYAxisMargin+5, ty+(tb.Height()>>1), axisStyle)
- }
- }
-func (bc BarChart) drawTitle(r Renderer) {
- if len(bc.Title) > 0 && bc.TitleStyle.Show {
- r.SetFont(bc.TitleStyle.GetFont(bc.GetFont()))
- r.SetFontColor(bc.TitleStyle.GetFontColor(bc.GetColorPalette().TextColor()))
- titleFontSize := bc.TitleStyle.GetFontSize(bc.getTitleFontSize())
- r.SetFontSize(titleFontSize)
- textBox := r.MeasureText(bc.Title)
- textWidth := textBox.Width()
- textHeight := textBox.Height()
- titleX := (bc.GetWidth() >> 1) - (textWidth >> 1)
- titleY := bc.TitleStyle.Padding.GetTop(DefaultTitleTop) + textHeight
- r.Text(bc.Title, titleX, titleY)
- }
-func (bc BarChart) getCanvasStyle() Style {
- return bc.Canvas.InheritFrom(bc.styleDefaultsCanvas())
-func (bc BarChart) styleDefaultsCanvas() Style {
- return Style{
- FillColor: bc.GetColorPalette().CanvasColor(),
- StrokeColor: bc.GetColorPalette().CanvasStrokeColor(),
- StrokeWidth: DefaultCanvasStrokeWidth,
- }
-func (bc BarChart) hasAxes() bool {
- return bc.YAxis.Style.Show
-func (bc BarChart) setRangeDomains(canvasBox Box, yr Range) Range {
- yr.SetDomain(canvasBox.Height())
- return yr
-func (bc BarChart) getDefaultCanvasBox() Box {
- return bc.box()
-func (bc BarChart) getValueFormatters() ValueFormatter {
- if bc.YAxis.ValueFormatter != nil {
- return bc.YAxis.ValueFormatter
- }
- return FloatValueFormatter
-func (bc BarChart) getAxesTicks(r Renderer, yr Range, yf ValueFormatter) (yticks []Tick) {
- if bc.YAxis.Style.Show {
- yticks = bc.YAxis.GetTicks(r, yr, bc.styleDefaultsAxes(), yf)
- }
- return
-func (bc BarChart) calculateEffectiveBarSpacing(canvasBox Box) int {
- totalWithBaseSpacing := bc.calculateTotalBarWidth(bc.GetBarWidth(), bc.GetBarSpacing())
- if totalWithBaseSpacing > canvasBox.Width() {
- lessBarWidths := canvasBox.Width() - (len(bc.Bars) * bc.GetBarWidth())
- if lessBarWidths > 0 {
- return int(math.Ceil(float64(lessBarWidths) / float64(len(bc.Bars))))
- }
- return 0
- }
- return bc.GetBarSpacing()
-func (bc BarChart) calculateEffectiveBarWidth(canvasBox Box, spacing int) int {
- totalWithBaseWidth := bc.calculateTotalBarWidth(bc.GetBarWidth(), spacing)
- if totalWithBaseWidth > canvasBox.Width() {
- totalLessBarSpacings := canvasBox.Width() - (len(bc.Bars) * spacing)
- if totalLessBarSpacings > 0 {
- return int(math.Ceil(float64(totalLessBarSpacings) / float64(len(bc.Bars))))
- }
- return 0
- }
- return bc.GetBarWidth()
-func (bc BarChart) calculateTotalBarWidth(barWidth, spacing int) int {
- return len(bc.Bars) * (barWidth + spacing)
-func (bc BarChart) calculateScaledTotalWidth(canvasBox Box) (width, spacing, total int) {
- spacing = bc.calculateEffectiveBarSpacing(canvasBox)
- width = bc.calculateEffectiveBarWidth(canvasBox, spacing)
- total = bc.calculateTotalBarWidth(width, spacing)
- return
-func (bc BarChart) getAdjustedCanvasBox(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, yrange Range, yticks []Tick) Box {
- axesOuterBox := canvasBox.Clone()
- _, _, totalWidth := bc.calculateScaledTotalWidth(canvasBox)
- if bc.XAxis.Show {
- xaxisHeight := DefaultVerticalTickHeight
- axisStyle := bc.XAxis.InheritFrom(bc.styleDefaultsAxes())
- axisStyle.WriteToRenderer(r)
- cursor := canvasBox.Left
- for _, bar := range bc.Bars {
- if len(bar.Label) > 0 {
- barLabelBox := Box{
- Top: canvasBox.Bottom + DefaultXAxisMargin,
- Left: cursor,
- Right: cursor + bc.GetBarWidth() + bc.GetBarSpacing(),
- Bottom: bc.GetHeight(),
- }
- lines := Text.WrapFit(r, bar.Label, barLabelBox.Width(), axisStyle)
- linesBox := Text.MeasureLines(r, lines, axisStyle)
- xaxisHeight = util.Math.MinInt(linesBox.Height()+(2*DefaultXAxisMargin), xaxisHeight)
- }
- }
- xbox := Box{
- Top: canvasBox.Top,
- Left: canvasBox.Left,
- Right: canvasBox.Left + totalWidth,
- Bottom: bc.GetHeight() - xaxisHeight,
- }
- axesOuterBox = axesOuterBox.Grow(xbox)
- }
- if bc.YAxis.Style.Show {
- axesBounds := bc.YAxis.Measure(r, canvasBox, yrange, bc.styleDefaultsAxes(), yticks)
- axesOuterBox = axesOuterBox.Grow(axesBounds)
- }
- return canvasBox.OuterConstrain(bc.box(), axesOuterBox)
-// box returns the chart bounds as a box.
-func (bc BarChart) box() Box {
- dpr := bc.Background.Padding.GetRight(10)
- dpb := bc.Background.Padding.GetBottom(50)
- return Box{
- Top: bc.Background.Padding.GetTop(20),
- Left: bc.Background.Padding.GetLeft(20),
- Right: bc.GetWidth() - dpr,
- Bottom: bc.GetHeight() - dpb,
- }
-func (bc BarChart) getBackgroundStyle() Style {
- return bc.Background.InheritFrom(bc.styleDefaultsBackground())
-func (bc BarChart) styleDefaultsBackground() Style {
- return Style{
- FillColor: bc.GetColorPalette().BackgroundColor(),
- StrokeColor: bc.GetColorPalette().BackgroundStrokeColor(),
- StrokeWidth: DefaultStrokeWidth,
- }
-func (bc BarChart) styleDefaultsBar(index int) Style {
- return Style{
- StrokeColor: bc.GetColorPalette().GetSeriesColor(index),
- StrokeWidth: 3.0,
- FillColor: bc.GetColorPalette().GetSeriesColor(index),
- }
-func (bc BarChart) styleDefaultsTitle() Style {
- return bc.TitleStyle.InheritFrom(Style{
- FontColor: bc.GetColorPalette().TextColor(),
- Font: bc.GetFont(),
- FontSize: bc.getTitleFontSize(),
- TextHorizontalAlign: TextHorizontalAlignCenter,
- TextVerticalAlign: TextVerticalAlignTop,
- TextWrap: TextWrapWord,
- })
-func (bc BarChart) getTitleFontSize() float64 {
- effectiveDimension := util.Math.MinInt(bc.GetWidth(), bc.GetHeight())
- if effectiveDimension >= 2048 {
- return 48
- } else if effectiveDimension >= 1024 {
- return 24
- } else if effectiveDimension >= 512 {
- return 18
- } else if effectiveDimension >= 256 {
- return 12
- }
- return 10
-func (bc BarChart) styleDefaultsAxes() Style {
- return Style{
- StrokeColor: bc.GetColorPalette().AxisStrokeColor(),
- Font: bc.GetFont(),
- FontSize: DefaultAxisFontSize,
- FontColor: bc.GetColorPalette().TextColor(),
- TextHorizontalAlign: TextHorizontalAlignCenter,
- TextVerticalAlign: TextVerticalAlignTop,
- TextWrap: TextWrapWord,
- }
-func (bc BarChart) styleDefaultsElements() Style {
- return Style{
- Font: bc.GetFont(),
- }
-// GetColorPalette returns the color palette for the chart.
-func (bc BarChart) GetColorPalette() ColorPalette {
- if bc.ColorPalette != nil {
- return bc.ColorPalette
- }
- return AlternateColorPalette
package chart
-import (
- "fmt"
- "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/seq"
-// Interface Assertions.
-var (
- _ Series = (*BollingerBandsSeries)(nil)
-// BollingerBandsSeries draws bollinger bands for an inner series.
-// Bollinger bands are defined by two lines, one at SMA+k*stddev, one at SMA-k*stdev.
-type BollingerBandsSeries struct {
- Name string
- Style Style
- YAxis YAxisType
- Period int
- K float64
- InnerSeries ValuesProvider
- valueBuffer *seq.Buffer
-// GetName returns the name of the time series.
-func (bbs BollingerBandsSeries) GetName() string {
- return bbs.Name
-// GetStyle returns the line style.
-func (bbs BollingerBandsSeries) GetStyle() Style {
- return bbs.Style
-// GetYAxis returns which YAxis the series draws on.
-func (bbs BollingerBandsSeries) GetYAxis() YAxisType {
- return bbs.YAxis
-// GetPeriod returns the window size.
-func (bbs BollingerBandsSeries) GetPeriod() int {
- if bbs.Period == 0 {
- return DefaultSimpleMovingAveragePeriod
- }
- return bbs.Period
-// GetK returns the K value, or the number of standard deviations above and below
-// to band the simple moving average with.
-// Typical K value is 2.0.
-func (bbs BollingerBandsSeries) GetK(defaults ...float64) float64 {
- if bbs.K == 0 {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- return 2.0
- }
- return bbs.K
-// Len returns the number of elements in the series.
-func (bbs BollingerBandsSeries) Len() int {
- return bbs.InnerSeries.Len()
-// GetBoundedValues gets the bounded value for the series.
-func (bbs *BollingerBandsSeries) GetBoundedValues(index int) (x, y1, y2 float64) {
- if bbs.InnerSeries == nil {
- return
- }
- if bbs.valueBuffer == nil || index == 0 {
- bbs.valueBuffer = seq.NewBufferWithCapacity(bbs.GetPeriod())
- }
- if bbs.valueBuffer.Len() >= bbs.GetPeriod() {
- bbs.valueBuffer.Dequeue()
- }
- px, py := bbs.InnerSeries.GetValues(index)
- bbs.valueBuffer.Enqueue(py)
- x = px
- ay := seq.New(bbs.valueBuffer).Average()
- std := seq.New(bbs.valueBuffer).StdDev()
- y1 = ay + (bbs.GetK() * std)
- y2 = ay - (bbs.GetK() * std)
- return
-// GetBoundedLastValues returns the last bounded value for the series.
-func (bbs *BollingerBandsSeries) GetBoundedLastValues() (x, y1, y2 float64) {
- if bbs.InnerSeries == nil {
- return
- }
- period := bbs.GetPeriod()
- seriesLength := bbs.InnerSeries.Len()
- startAt := seriesLength - period
- if startAt < 0 {
- startAt = 0
- }
- vb := seq.NewBufferWithCapacity(period)
- for index := startAt; index < seriesLength; index++ {
- xn, yn := bbs.InnerSeries.GetValues(index)
- vb.Enqueue(yn)
- x = xn
- }
- ay := seq.Seq{Provider: vb}.Average()
- std := seq.Seq{Provider: vb}.StdDev()
- y1 = ay + (bbs.GetK() * std)
- y2 = ay - (bbs.GetK() * std)
- return
-// Render renders the series.
-func (bbs *BollingerBandsSeries) Render(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, defaults Style) {
- s := bbs.Style.InheritFrom(defaults.InheritFrom(Style{
- StrokeWidth: 1.0,
- StrokeColor: DefaultAxisColor.WithAlpha(64),
- FillColor: DefaultAxisColor.WithAlpha(32),
- }))
- Draw.BoundedSeries(r, canvasBox, xrange, yrange, s, bbs, bbs.GetPeriod())
-// Validate validates the series.
-func (bbs BollingerBandsSeries) Validate() error {
- if bbs.InnerSeries == nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("bollinger bands series requires InnerSeries to be set")
- }
- return nil
package chart
-import (
- "fmt"
- "math"
- util "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/util"
-var (
- // BoxZero is a preset box that represents an intentional zero value.
- BoxZero = Box{IsSet: true}
-// NewBox returns a new (set) box.
-func NewBox(top, left, right, bottom int) Box {
- return Box{
- IsSet: true,
- Top: top,
- Left: left,
- Right: right,
- Bottom: bottom,
- }
-// Box represents the main 4 dimensions of a box.
-type Box struct {
- Top int
- Left int
- Right int
- Bottom int
- IsSet bool
-// IsZero returns if the box is set or not.
-func (b Box) IsZero() bool {
- if b.IsSet {
- return false
- }
- return b.Top == 0 && b.Left == 0 && b.Right == 0 && b.Bottom == 0
-// String returns a string representation of the box.
-func (b Box) String() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("box(%d,%d,%d,%d)", b.Top, b.Left, b.Right, b.Bottom)
-// GetTop returns a coalesced value with a default.
-func (b Box) GetTop(defaults ...int) int {
- if !b.IsSet && b.Top == 0 {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- return 0
- }
- return b.Top
-// GetLeft returns a coalesced value with a default.
-func (b Box) GetLeft(defaults ...int) int {
- if !b.IsSet && b.Left == 0 {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- return 0
- }
- return b.Left
-// GetRight returns a coalesced value with a default.
-func (b Box) GetRight(defaults ...int) int {
- if !b.IsSet && b.Right == 0 {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- return 0
- }
- return b.Right
-// GetBottom returns a coalesced value with a default.
-func (b Box) GetBottom(defaults ...int) int {
- if !b.IsSet && b.Bottom == 0 {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- return 0
- }
- return b.Bottom
-// Width returns the width
-func (b Box) Width() int {
- return util.Math.AbsInt(b.Right - b.Left)
-// Height returns the height
-func (b Box) Height() int {
- return util.Math.AbsInt(b.Bottom - b.Top)
-// Center returns the center of the box
-func (b Box) Center() (x, y int) {
- w2, h2 := b.Width()>>1, b.Height()>>1
- return b.Left + w2, b.Top + h2
-// Aspect returns the aspect ratio of the box.
-func (b Box) Aspect() float64 {
- return float64(b.Width()) / float64(b.Height())
-// Clone returns a new copy of the box.
-func (b Box) Clone() Box {
- return Box{
- IsSet: b.IsSet,
- Top: b.Top,
- Left: b.Left,
- Right: b.Right,
- Bottom: b.Bottom,
- }
-// IsBiggerThan returns if a box is bigger than another box.
-func (b Box) IsBiggerThan(other Box) bool {
- return b.Top < other.Top ||
- b.Bottom > other.Bottom ||
- b.Left < other.Left ||
- b.Right > other.Right
-// IsSmallerThan returns if a box is smaller than another box.
-func (b Box) IsSmallerThan(other Box) bool {
- return b.Top > other.Top &&
- b.Bottom < other.Bottom &&
- b.Left > other.Left &&
- b.Right < other.Right
-// Equals returns if the box equals another box.
-func (b Box) Equals(other Box) bool {
- return b.Top == other.Top &&
- b.Left == other.Left &&
- b.Right == other.Right &&
- b.Bottom == other.Bottom
-// Grow grows a box based on another box.
-func (b Box) Grow(other Box) Box {
- return Box{
- Top: util.Math.MinInt(b.Top, other.Top),
- Left: util.Math.MinInt(b.Left, other.Left),
- Right: util.Math.MaxInt(b.Right, other.Right),
- Bottom: util.Math.MaxInt(b.Bottom, other.Bottom),
- }
-// Shift pushes a box by x,y.
-func (b Box) Shift(x, y int) Box {
- return Box{
- Top: b.Top + y,
- Left: b.Left + x,
- Right: b.Right + x,
- Bottom: b.Bottom + y,
- }
-// Corners returns the box as a set of corners.
-func (b Box) Corners() BoxCorners {
- return BoxCorners{
- TopLeft: Point{b.Left, b.Top},
- TopRight: Point{b.Right, b.Top},
- BottomRight: Point{b.Right, b.Bottom},
- BottomLeft: Point{b.Left, b.Bottom},
- }
-// Fit is functionally the inverse of grow.
-// Fit maintains the original aspect ratio of the `other` box,
-// but constrains it to the bounds of the target box.
-func (b Box) Fit(other Box) Box {
- ba := b.Aspect()
- oa := other.Aspect()
- if oa == ba {
- return b.Clone()
- }
- bw, bh := float64(b.Width()), float64(b.Height())
- bw2 := int(bw) >> 1
- bh2 := int(bh) >> 1
- if oa > ba { // ex. 16:9 vs. 4:3
- var noh2 int
- if oa > 1.0 {
- noh2 = int(bw/oa) >> 1
- } else {
- noh2 = int(bh*oa) >> 1
- }
- return Box{
- Top: (b.Top + bh2) - noh2,
- Left: b.Left,
- Right: b.Right,
- Bottom: (b.Top + bh2) + noh2,
- }
- }
- var now2 int
- if oa > 1.0 {
- now2 = int(bh/oa) >> 1
- } else {
- now2 = int(bw*oa) >> 1
- }
- return Box{
- Top: b.Top,
- Left: (b.Left + bw2) - now2,
- Right: (b.Left + bw2) + now2,
- Bottom: b.Bottom,
- }
-// Constrain is similar to `Fit` except that it will work
-// more literally like the opposite of grow.
-func (b Box) Constrain(other Box) Box {
- newBox := b.Clone()
- newBox.Top = util.Math.MaxInt(newBox.Top, other.Top)
- newBox.Left = util.Math.MaxInt(newBox.Left, other.Left)
- newBox.Right = util.Math.MinInt(newBox.Right, other.Right)
- newBox.Bottom = util.Math.MinInt(newBox.Bottom, other.Bottom)
- return newBox
-// OuterConstrain is similar to `Constraint` with the difference
-// that it applies corrections
-func (b Box) OuterConstrain(bounds, other Box) Box {
- newBox := b.Clone()
- if other.Top < bounds.Top {
- delta := bounds.Top - other.Top
- newBox.Top = b.Top + delta
- }
- if other.Left < bounds.Left {
- delta := bounds.Left - other.Left
- newBox.Left = b.Left + delta
- }
- if other.Right > bounds.Right {
- delta := other.Right - bounds.Right
- newBox.Right = b.Right - delta
- }
- if other.Bottom > bounds.Bottom {
- delta := other.Bottom - bounds.Bottom
- newBox.Bottom = b.Bottom - delta
- }
- return newBox
-// BoxCorners is a box with independent corners.
-type BoxCorners struct {
- TopLeft, TopRight, BottomRight, BottomLeft Point
-// Box return the BoxCorners as a regular box.
-func (bc BoxCorners) Box() Box {
- return Box{
- Top: util.Math.MinInt(bc.TopLeft.Y, bc.TopRight.Y),
- Left: util.Math.MinInt(bc.TopLeft.X, bc.BottomLeft.X),
- Right: util.Math.MaxInt(bc.TopRight.X, bc.BottomRight.X),
- Bottom: util.Math.MaxInt(bc.BottomLeft.Y, bc.BottomRight.Y),
- }
-// Width returns the width
-func (bc BoxCorners) Width() int {
- minLeft := util.Math.MinInt(bc.TopLeft.X, bc.BottomLeft.X)
- maxRight := util.Math.MaxInt(bc.TopRight.X, bc.BottomRight.X)
- return maxRight - minLeft
-// Height returns the height
-func (bc BoxCorners) Height() int {
- minTop := util.Math.MinInt(bc.TopLeft.Y, bc.TopRight.Y)
- maxBottom := util.Math.MaxInt(bc.BottomLeft.Y, bc.BottomRight.Y)
- return maxBottom - minTop
-// Center returns the center of the box
-func (bc BoxCorners) Center() (x, y int) {
- left := util.Math.MeanInt(bc.TopLeft.X, bc.BottomLeft.X)
- right := util.Math.MeanInt(bc.TopRight.X, bc.BottomRight.X)
- x = ((right - left) >> 1) + left
- top := util.Math.MeanInt(bc.TopLeft.Y, bc.TopRight.Y)
- bottom := util.Math.MeanInt(bc.BottomLeft.Y, bc.BottomRight.Y)
- y = ((bottom - top) >> 1) + top
- return
-// Rotate rotates the box.
-func (bc BoxCorners) Rotate(thetaDegrees float64) BoxCorners {
- cx, cy := bc.Center()
- thetaRadians := util.Math.DegreesToRadians(thetaDegrees)
- tlx, tly := util.Math.RotateCoordinate(cx, cy, bc.TopLeft.X, bc.TopLeft.Y, thetaRadians)
- trx, try := util.Math.RotateCoordinate(cx, cy, bc.TopRight.X, bc.TopRight.Y, thetaRadians)
- brx, bry := util.Math.RotateCoordinate(cx, cy, bc.BottomRight.X, bc.BottomRight.Y, thetaRadians)
- blx, bly := util.Math.RotateCoordinate(cx, cy, bc.BottomLeft.X, bc.BottomLeft.Y, thetaRadians)
- return BoxCorners{
- TopLeft: Point{tlx, tly},
- TopRight: Point{trx, try},
- BottomRight: Point{brx, bry},
- BottomLeft: Point{blx, bly},
- }
-// Equals returns if the box equals another box.
-func (bc BoxCorners) Equals(other BoxCorners) bool {
- return bc.TopLeft.Equals(other.TopLeft) &&
- bc.TopRight.Equals(other.TopRight) &&
- bc.BottomRight.Equals(other.BottomRight) &&
- bc.BottomLeft.Equals(other.BottomLeft)
-func (bc BoxCorners) String() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("BoxC{%s,%s,%s,%s}", bc.TopLeft.String(), bc.TopRight.String(), bc.BottomRight.String(), bc.BottomLeft.String())
-// Point is an X,Y pair
-type Point struct {
- X, Y int
-// DistanceTo calculates the distance to another point.
-func (p Point) DistanceTo(other Point) float64 {
- dx := math.Pow(float64(p.X-other.X), 2)
- dy := math.Pow(float64(p.Y-other.Y), 2)
- return math.Pow(dx+dy, 0.5)
-// Equals returns if a point equals another point.
-func (p Point) Equals(other Point) bool {
- return p.X == other.X && p.Y == other.Y
-// String returns a string representation of the point.
-func (p Point) String() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("P{%d,%d}", p.X, p.Y)
package chart
-import (
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "math"
- "github.com/golang/freetype/truetype"
- util "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/util"
-// Chart is what we're drawing.
-type Chart struct {
- Title string
- TitleStyle Style
- ColorPalette ColorPalette
- Width int
- Height int
- DPI float64
- Background Style
- Canvas Style
- XAxis XAxis
- YAxis YAxis
- YAxisSecondary YAxis
- Font *truetype.Font
- defaultFont *truetype.Font
- Series []Series
- Elements []Renderable
-// GetDPI returns the dpi for the chart.
-func (c Chart) GetDPI(defaults ...float64) float64 {
- if c.DPI == 0 {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- return DefaultDPI
- }
- return c.DPI
-// GetFont returns the text font.
-func (c Chart) GetFont() *truetype.Font {
- if c.Font == nil {
- return c.defaultFont
- }
- return c.Font
-// GetWidth returns the chart width or the default value.
-func (c Chart) GetWidth() int {
- if c.Width == 0 {
- return DefaultChartWidth
- }
- return c.Width
-// GetHeight returns the chart height or the default value.
-func (c Chart) GetHeight() int {
- if c.Height == 0 {
- return DefaultChartHeight
- }
- return c.Height
-// Render renders the chart with the given renderer to the given io.Writer.
-func (c Chart) Render(rp RendererProvider, w io.Writer) error {
- if len(c.Series) == 0 {
- return errors.New("please provide at least one series")
- }
- if visibleSeriesErr := c.checkHasVisibleSeries(); visibleSeriesErr != nil {
- return visibleSeriesErr
- }
- c.YAxisSecondary.AxisType = YAxisSecondary
- r, err := rp(c.GetWidth(), c.GetHeight())
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if c.Font == nil {
- defaultFont, err := GetDefaultFont()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- c.defaultFont = defaultFont
- }
- r.SetDPI(c.GetDPI(DefaultDPI))
- c.drawBackground(r)
- var xt, yt, yta []Tick
- xr, yr, yra := c.getRanges()
- canvasBox := c.getDefaultCanvasBox()
- xf, yf, yfa := c.getValueFormatters()
- xr, yr, yra = c.setRangeDomains(canvasBox, xr, yr, yra)
- err = c.checkRanges(xr, yr, yra)
- if err != nil {
- r.Save(w)
- return err
- }
- if c.hasAxes() {
- xt, yt, yta = c.getAxesTicks(r, xr, yr, yra, xf, yf, yfa)
- canvasBox = c.getAxesAdjustedCanvasBox(r, canvasBox, xr, yr, yra, xt, yt, yta)
- xr, yr, yra = c.setRangeDomains(canvasBox, xr, yr, yra)
- // do a second pass in case things haven't settled yet.
- xt, yt, yta = c.getAxesTicks(r, xr, yr, yra, xf, yf, yfa)
- canvasBox = c.getAxesAdjustedCanvasBox(r, canvasBox, xr, yr, yra, xt, yt, yta)
- xr, yr, yra = c.setRangeDomains(canvasBox, xr, yr, yra)
- }
- if c.hasAnnotationSeries() {
- canvasBox = c.getAnnotationAdjustedCanvasBox(r, canvasBox, xr, yr, yra, xf, yf, yfa)
- xr, yr, yra = c.setRangeDomains(canvasBox, xr, yr, yra)
- xt, yt, yta = c.getAxesTicks(r, xr, yr, yra, xf, yf, yfa)
- }
- c.drawCanvas(r, canvasBox)
- c.drawAxes(r, canvasBox, xr, yr, yra, xt, yt, yta)
- for index, series := range c.Series {
- c.drawSeries(r, canvasBox, xr, yr, yra, series, index)
- }
- c.drawTitle(r)
- for _, a := range c.Elements {
- a(r, canvasBox, c.styleDefaultsElements())
- }
- return r.Save(w)
-func (c Chart) checkHasVisibleSeries() error {
- hasVisibleSeries := false
- var style Style
- for _, s := range c.Series {
- style = s.GetStyle()
- hasVisibleSeries = hasVisibleSeries || (style.IsZero() || style.Show)
- }
- if !hasVisibleSeries {
- return fmt.Errorf("must have (1) visible series; make sure if you set a style, you set .Show = true")
- }
- return nil
-func (c Chart) validateSeries() error {
- var err error
- for _, s := range c.Series {
- err = s.Validate()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- return nil
-func (c Chart) getRanges() (xrange, yrange, yrangeAlt Range) {
- var minx, maxx float64 = math.MaxFloat64, -math.MaxFloat64
- var miny, maxy float64 = math.MaxFloat64, -math.MaxFloat64
- var minya, maxya float64 = math.MaxFloat64, -math.MaxFloat64
- seriesMappedToSecondaryAxis := false
- // note: a possible future optimization is to not scan the series values if
- // all axis are represented by either custom ticks or custom ranges.
- for _, s := range c.Series {
- if s.GetStyle().IsZero() || s.GetStyle().Show {
- seriesAxis := s.GetYAxis()
- if bvp, isBoundedValuesProvider := s.(BoundedValuesProvider); isBoundedValuesProvider {
- seriesLength := bvp.Len()
- for index := 0; index < seriesLength; index++ {
- vx, vy1, vy2 := bvp.GetBoundedValues(index)
- minx = math.Min(minx, vx)
- maxx = math.Max(maxx, vx)
- if seriesAxis == YAxisPrimary {
- miny = math.Min(miny, vy1)
- miny = math.Min(miny, vy2)
- maxy = math.Max(maxy, vy1)
- maxy = math.Max(maxy, vy2)
- } else if seriesAxis == YAxisSecondary {
- minya = math.Min(minya, vy1)
- minya = math.Min(minya, vy2)
- maxya = math.Max(maxya, vy1)
- maxya = math.Max(maxya, vy2)
- seriesMappedToSecondaryAxis = true
- }
- }
- } else if vp, isValuesProvider := s.(ValuesProvider); isValuesProvider {
- seriesLength := vp.Len()
- for index := 0; index < seriesLength; index++ {
- vx, vy := vp.GetValues(index)
- minx = math.Min(minx, vx)
- maxx = math.Max(maxx, vx)
- if seriesAxis == YAxisPrimary {
- miny = math.Min(miny, vy)
- maxy = math.Max(maxy, vy)
- } else if seriesAxis == YAxisSecondary {
- minya = math.Min(minya, vy)
- maxya = math.Max(maxya, vy)
- seriesMappedToSecondaryAxis = true
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if c.XAxis.Range == nil {
- xrange = &ContinuousRange{}
- } else {
- xrange = c.XAxis.Range
- }
- if c.YAxis.Range == nil {
- yrange = &ContinuousRange{}
- } else {
- yrange = c.YAxis.Range
- }
- if c.YAxisSecondary.Range == nil {
- yrangeAlt = &ContinuousRange{}
- } else {
- yrangeAlt = c.YAxisSecondary.Range
- }
- if len(c.XAxis.Ticks) > 0 {
- tickMin, tickMax := math.MaxFloat64, -math.MaxFloat64
- for _, t := range c.XAxis.Ticks {
- tickMin = math.Min(tickMin, t.Value)
- tickMax = math.Max(tickMax, t.Value)
- }
- xrange.SetMin(tickMin)
- xrange.SetMax(tickMax)
- } else if xrange.IsZero() {
- xrange.SetMin(minx)
- xrange.SetMax(maxx)
- }
- if len(c.YAxis.Ticks) > 0 {
- tickMin, tickMax := math.MaxFloat64, -math.MaxFloat64
- for _, t := range c.YAxis.Ticks {
- tickMin = math.Min(tickMin, t.Value)
- tickMax = math.Max(tickMax, t.Value)
- }
- yrange.SetMin(tickMin)
- yrange.SetMax(tickMax)
- } else if yrange.IsZero() {
- yrange.SetMin(miny)
- yrange.SetMax(maxy)
- // only round if we're showing the axis
- if c.YAxis.Style.Show {
- delta := yrange.GetDelta()
- roundTo := util.Math.GetRoundToForDelta(delta)
- rmin, rmax := util.Math.RoundDown(yrange.GetMin(), roundTo), util.Math.RoundUp(yrange.GetMax(), roundTo)
- yrange.SetMin(rmin)
- yrange.SetMax(rmax)
- }
- }
- if len(c.YAxisSecondary.Ticks) > 0 {
- tickMin, tickMax := math.MaxFloat64, -math.MaxFloat64
- for _, t := range c.YAxis.Ticks {
- tickMin = math.Min(tickMin, t.Value)
- tickMax = math.Max(tickMax, t.Value)
- }
- yrangeAlt.SetMin(tickMin)
- yrangeAlt.SetMax(tickMax)
- } else if seriesMappedToSecondaryAxis && yrangeAlt.IsZero() {
- yrangeAlt.SetMin(minya)
- yrangeAlt.SetMax(maxya)
- if c.YAxisSecondary.Style.Show {
- delta := yrangeAlt.GetDelta()
- roundTo := util.Math.GetRoundToForDelta(delta)
- rmin, rmax := util.Math.RoundDown(yrangeAlt.GetMin(), roundTo), util.Math.RoundUp(yrangeAlt.GetMax(), roundTo)
- yrangeAlt.SetMin(rmin)
- yrangeAlt.SetMax(rmax)
- }
- }
- return
-func (c Chart) checkRanges(xr, yr, yra Range) error {
- xDelta := xr.GetDelta()
- if math.IsInf(xDelta, 0) {
- return errors.New("infinite x-range delta")
- }
- if math.IsNaN(xDelta) {
- return errors.New("nan x-range delta")
- }
- if xDelta == 0 {
- return errors.New("zero x-range delta; there needs to be at least (2) values")
- }
- yDelta := yr.GetDelta()
- if math.IsInf(yDelta, 0) {
- return errors.New("infinite y-range delta")
- }
- if math.IsNaN(yDelta) {
- return errors.New("nan y-range delta")
- }
- if c.hasSecondarySeries() {
- yraDelta := yra.GetDelta()
- if math.IsInf(yraDelta, 0) {
- return errors.New("infinite secondary y-range delta")
- }
- if math.IsNaN(yraDelta) {
- return errors.New("nan secondary y-range delta")
- }
- }
- return nil
-func (c Chart) getDefaultCanvasBox() Box {
- return c.Box()
-func (c Chart) getValueFormatters() (x, y, ya ValueFormatter) {
- for _, s := range c.Series {
- if vfp, isVfp := s.(ValueFormatterProvider); isVfp {
- sx, sy := vfp.GetValueFormatters()
- if s.GetYAxis() == YAxisPrimary {
- x = sx
- y = sy
- } else if s.GetYAxis() == YAxisSecondary {
- x = sx
- ya = sy
- }
- }
- }
- if c.XAxis.ValueFormatter != nil {
- x = c.XAxis.GetValueFormatter()
- }
- if c.YAxis.ValueFormatter != nil {
- y = c.YAxis.GetValueFormatter()
- }
- if c.YAxisSecondary.ValueFormatter != nil {
- ya = c.YAxisSecondary.GetValueFormatter()
- }
- return
-func (c Chart) hasAxes() bool {
- return c.XAxis.Style.Show || c.YAxis.Style.Show || c.YAxisSecondary.Style.Show
-func (c Chart) getAxesTicks(r Renderer, xr, yr, yar Range, xf, yf, yfa ValueFormatter) (xticks, yticks, yticksAlt []Tick) {
- if c.XAxis.Style.Show {
- xticks = c.XAxis.GetTicks(r, xr, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), xf)
- }
- if c.YAxis.Style.Show {
- yticks = c.YAxis.GetTicks(r, yr, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), yf)
- }
- if c.YAxisSecondary.Style.Show {
- yticksAlt = c.YAxisSecondary.GetTicks(r, yar, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), yfa)
- }
- return
-func (c Chart) getAxesAdjustedCanvasBox(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xr, yr, yra Range, xticks, yticks, yticksAlt []Tick) Box {
- axesOuterBox := canvasBox.Clone()
- if c.XAxis.Style.Show {
- axesBounds := c.XAxis.Measure(r, canvasBox, xr, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), xticks)
- axesOuterBox = axesOuterBox.Grow(axesBounds)
- }
- if c.YAxis.Style.Show {
- axesBounds := c.YAxis.Measure(r, canvasBox, yr, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), yticks)
- axesOuterBox = axesOuterBox.Grow(axesBounds)
- }
- if c.YAxisSecondary.Style.Show {
- axesBounds := c.YAxisSecondary.Measure(r, canvasBox, yra, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), yticksAlt)
- axesOuterBox = axesOuterBox.Grow(axesBounds)
- }
- return canvasBox.OuterConstrain(c.Box(), axesOuterBox)
-func (c Chart) setRangeDomains(canvasBox Box, xr, yr, yra Range) (Range, Range, Range) {
- xr.SetDomain(canvasBox.Width())
- yr.SetDomain(canvasBox.Height())
- yra.SetDomain(canvasBox.Height())
- return xr, yr, yra
-func (c Chart) hasAnnotationSeries() bool {
- for _, s := range c.Series {
- if as, isAnnotationSeries := s.(AnnotationSeries); isAnnotationSeries {
- if as.Style.IsZero() || as.Style.Show {
- return true
- }
- }
- }
- return false
-func (c Chart) hasSecondarySeries() bool {
- for _, s := range c.Series {
- if s.GetYAxis() == YAxisSecondary {
- return true
- }
- }
- return false
-func (c Chart) getAnnotationAdjustedCanvasBox(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xr, yr, yra Range, xf, yf, yfa ValueFormatter) Box {
- annotationSeriesBox := canvasBox.Clone()
- for seriesIndex, s := range c.Series {
- if as, isAnnotationSeries := s.(AnnotationSeries); isAnnotationSeries {
- if as.Style.IsZero() || as.Style.Show {
- style := c.styleDefaultsSeries(seriesIndex)
- var annotationBounds Box
- if as.YAxis == YAxisPrimary {
- annotationBounds = as.Measure(r, canvasBox, xr, yr, style)
- } else if as.YAxis == YAxisSecondary {
- annotationBounds = as.Measure(r, canvasBox, xr, yra, style)
- }
- annotationSeriesBox = annotationSeriesBox.Grow(annotationBounds)
- }
- }
- }
- return canvasBox.OuterConstrain(c.Box(), annotationSeriesBox)
-func (c Chart) getBackgroundStyle() Style {
- return c.Background.InheritFrom(c.styleDefaultsBackground())
-func (c Chart) drawBackground(r Renderer) {
- Draw.Box(r, Box{
- Right: c.GetWidth(),
- Bottom: c.GetHeight(),
- }, c.getBackgroundStyle())
-func (c Chart) getCanvasStyle() Style {
- return c.Canvas.InheritFrom(c.styleDefaultsCanvas())
-func (c Chart) drawCanvas(r Renderer, canvasBox Box) {
- Draw.Box(r, canvasBox, c.getCanvasStyle())
-func (c Chart) drawAxes(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange, yrangeAlt Range, xticks, yticks, yticksAlt []Tick) {
- if c.XAxis.Style.Show {
- c.XAxis.Render(r, canvasBox, xrange, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), xticks)
- }
- if c.YAxis.Style.Show {
- c.YAxis.Render(r, canvasBox, yrange, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), yticks)
- }
- if c.YAxisSecondary.Style.Show {
- c.YAxisSecondary.Render(r, canvasBox, yrangeAlt, c.styleDefaultsAxes(), yticksAlt)
- }
-func (c Chart) drawSeries(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange, yrangeAlt Range, s Series, seriesIndex int) {
- if s.GetStyle().IsZero() || s.GetStyle().Show {
- if s.GetYAxis() == YAxisPrimary {
- s.Render(r, canvasBox, xrange, yrange, c.styleDefaultsSeries(seriesIndex))
- } else if s.GetYAxis() == YAxisSecondary {
- s.Render(r, canvasBox, xrange, yrangeAlt, c.styleDefaultsSeries(seriesIndex))
- }
- }
-func (c Chart) drawTitle(r Renderer) {
- if len(c.Title) > 0 && c.TitleStyle.Show {
- r.SetFont(c.TitleStyle.GetFont(c.GetFont()))
- r.SetFontColor(c.TitleStyle.GetFontColor(c.GetColorPalette().TextColor()))
- titleFontSize := c.TitleStyle.GetFontSize(DefaultTitleFontSize)
- r.SetFontSize(titleFontSize)
- textBox := r.MeasureText(c.Title)
- textWidth := textBox.Width()
- textHeight := textBox.Height()
- titleX := (c.GetWidth() >> 1) - (textWidth >> 1)
- titleY := c.TitleStyle.Padding.GetTop(DefaultTitleTop) + textHeight
- r.Text(c.Title, titleX, titleY)
- }
-func (c Chart) styleDefaultsBackground() Style {
- return Style{
- FillColor: c.GetColorPalette().BackgroundColor(),
- StrokeColor: c.GetColorPalette().BackgroundStrokeColor(),
- StrokeWidth: DefaultBackgroundStrokeWidth,
- }
-func (c Chart) styleDefaultsCanvas() Style {
- return Style{
- FillColor: c.GetColorPalette().CanvasColor(),
- StrokeColor: c.GetColorPalette().CanvasStrokeColor(),
- StrokeWidth: DefaultCanvasStrokeWidth,
- }
-func (c Chart) styleDefaultsSeries(seriesIndex int) Style {
- return Style{
- DotColor: c.GetColorPalette().GetSeriesColor(seriesIndex),
- StrokeColor: c.GetColorPalette().GetSeriesColor(seriesIndex),
- StrokeWidth: DefaultSeriesLineWidth,
- Font: c.GetFont(),
- FontSize: DefaultFontSize,
- }
-func (c Chart) styleDefaultsAxes() Style {
- return Style{
- Font: c.GetFont(),
- FontColor: c.GetColorPalette().TextColor(),
- FontSize: DefaultAxisFontSize,
- StrokeColor: c.GetColorPalette().AxisStrokeColor(),
- StrokeWidth: DefaultAxisLineWidth,
- }
-func (c Chart) styleDefaultsElements() Style {
- return Style{
- Font: c.GetFont(),
- }
-// GetColorPalette returns the color palette for the chart.
-func (c Chart) GetColorPalette() ColorPalette {
- if c.ColorPalette != nil {
- return c.ColorPalette
- }
- return DefaultColorPalette
-// Box returns the chart bounds as a box.
-func (c Chart) Box() Box {
- dpr := c.Background.Padding.GetRight(DefaultBackgroundPadding.Right)
- dpb := c.Background.Padding.GetBottom(DefaultBackgroundPadding.Bottom)
- return Box{
- Top: c.Background.Padding.GetTop(DefaultBackgroundPadding.Top),
- Left: c.Background.Padding.GetLeft(DefaultBackgroundPadding.Left),
- Right: c.GetWidth() - dpr,
- Bottom: c.GetHeight() - dpb,
- }
package chart
-import "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/drawing"
-var (
- // ColorWhite is white.
- ColorWhite = drawing.Color{R: 255, G: 255, B: 255, A: 255}
- // ColorBlue is the basic theme blue color.
- ColorBlue = drawing.Color{R: 0, G: 116, B: 217, A: 255}
- // ColorCyan is the basic theme cyan color.
- ColorCyan = drawing.Color{R: 0, G: 217, B: 210, A: 255}
- // ColorGreen is the basic theme green color.
- ColorGreen = drawing.Color{R: 0, G: 217, B: 101, A: 255}
- // ColorRed is the basic theme red color.
- ColorRed = drawing.Color{R: 217, G: 0, B: 116, A: 255}
- // ColorOrange is the basic theme orange color.
- ColorOrange = drawing.Color{R: 217, G: 101, B: 0, A: 255}
- // ColorYellow is the basic theme yellow color.
- ColorYellow = drawing.Color{R: 217, G: 210, B: 0, A: 255}
- // ColorBlack is the basic theme black color.
- ColorBlack = drawing.Color{R: 51, G: 51, B: 51, A: 255}
- // ColorLightGray is the basic theme light gray color.
- ColorLightGray = drawing.Color{R: 239, G: 239, B: 239, A: 255}
- // ColorAlternateBlue is a alternate theme color.
- ColorAlternateBlue = drawing.Color{R: 106, G: 195, B: 203, A: 255}
- // ColorAlternateGreen is a alternate theme color.
- ColorAlternateGreen = drawing.Color{R: 42, G: 190, B: 137, A: 255}
- // ColorAlternateGray is a alternate theme color.
- ColorAlternateGray = drawing.Color{R: 110, G: 128, B: 139, A: 255}
- // ColorAlternateYellow is a alternate theme color.
- ColorAlternateYellow = drawing.Color{R: 240, G: 174, B: 90, A: 255}
- // ColorAlternateLightGray is a alternate theme color.
- ColorAlternateLightGray = drawing.Color{R: 187, G: 190, B: 191, A: 255}
- // ColorTransparent is a transparent (alpha zero) color.
- ColorTransparent = drawing.Color{R: 1, G: 1, B: 1, A: 0}
-var (
- // DefaultBackgroundColor is the default chart background color.
- // It is equivalent to css color:white.
- DefaultBackgroundColor = ColorWhite
- // DefaultBackgroundStrokeColor is the default chart border color.
- // It is equivalent to color:white.
- DefaultBackgroundStrokeColor = ColorWhite
- // DefaultCanvasColor is the default chart canvas color.
- // It is equivalent to css color:white.
- DefaultCanvasColor = ColorWhite
- // DefaultCanvasStrokeColor is the default chart canvas stroke color.
- // It is equivalent to css color:white.
- DefaultCanvasStrokeColor = ColorWhite
- // DefaultTextColor is the default chart text color.
- // It is equivalent to #333333.
- DefaultTextColor = ColorBlack
- // DefaultAxisColor is the default chart axis line color.
- // It is equivalent to #333333.
- DefaultAxisColor = ColorBlack
- // DefaultStrokeColor is the default chart border color.
- // It is equivalent to #efefef.
- DefaultStrokeColor = ColorLightGray
- // DefaultFillColor is the default fill color.
- // It is equivalent to #0074d9.
- DefaultFillColor = ColorBlue
- // DefaultAnnotationFillColor is the default annotation background color.
- DefaultAnnotationFillColor = ColorWhite
- // DefaultGridLineColor is the default grid line color.
- DefaultGridLineColor = ColorLightGray
-var (
- // DefaultColors are a couple default series colors.
- DefaultColors = []drawing.Color{
- ColorBlue,
- ColorGreen,
- ColorRed,
- ColorCyan,
- ColorOrange,
- }
- // DefaultAlternateColors are a couple alternate colors.
- DefaultAlternateColors = []drawing.Color{
- ColorAlternateBlue,
- ColorAlternateGreen,
- ColorAlternateGray,
- ColorAlternateYellow,
- ColorBlue,
- ColorGreen,
- ColorRed,
- ColorCyan,
- ColorOrange,
- }
-// GetDefaultColor returns a color from the default list by index.
-// NOTE: the index will wrap around (using a modulo).
-func GetDefaultColor(index int) drawing.Color {
- finalIndex := index % len(DefaultColors)
- return DefaultColors[finalIndex]
-// GetAlternateColor returns a color from the default list by index.
-// NOTE: the index will wrap around (using a modulo).
-func GetAlternateColor(index int) drawing.Color {
- finalIndex := index % len(DefaultAlternateColors)
- return DefaultAlternateColors[finalIndex]
-// ColorPalette is a set of colors that.
-type ColorPalette interface {
- BackgroundColor() drawing.Color
- BackgroundStrokeColor() drawing.Color
- CanvasColor() drawing.Color
- CanvasStrokeColor() drawing.Color
- AxisStrokeColor() drawing.Color
- TextColor() drawing.Color
- GetSeriesColor(index int) drawing.Color
-// DefaultColorPalette represents the default palatte.
-var DefaultColorPalette defaultColorPalette
-type defaultColorPalette struct{}
-func (dp defaultColorPalette) BackgroundColor() drawing.Color {
- return DefaultBackgroundColor
-func (dp defaultColorPalette) BackgroundStrokeColor() drawing.Color {
- return DefaultBackgroundStrokeColor
-func (dp defaultColorPalette) CanvasColor() drawing.Color {
- return DefaultCanvasColor
-func (dp defaultColorPalette) CanvasStrokeColor() drawing.Color {
- return DefaultCanvasStrokeColor
-func (dp defaultColorPalette) AxisStrokeColor() drawing.Color {
- return DefaultAxisColor
-func (dp defaultColorPalette) TextColor() drawing.Color {
- return DefaultTextColor
-func (dp defaultColorPalette) GetSeriesColor(index int) drawing.Color {
- return GetDefaultColor(index)
-// AlternateColorPalette represents the default palatte.
-var AlternateColorPalette alternateColorPalette
-type alternateColorPalette struct{}
-func (ap alternateColorPalette) BackgroundColor() drawing.Color {
- return DefaultBackgroundColor
-func (ap alternateColorPalette) BackgroundStrokeColor() drawing.Color {
- return DefaultBackgroundStrokeColor
-func (ap alternateColorPalette) CanvasColor() drawing.Color {
- return DefaultCanvasColor
-func (ap alternateColorPalette) CanvasStrokeColor() drawing.Color {
- return DefaultCanvasStrokeColor
-func (ap alternateColorPalette) AxisStrokeColor() drawing.Color {
- return DefaultAxisColor
-func (ap alternateColorPalette) TextColor() drawing.Color {
- return DefaultTextColor
-func (ap alternateColorPalette) GetSeriesColor(index int) drawing.Color {
- return GetAlternateColor(index)
package chart
-// ConcatSeries is a special type of series that concatenates its `InnerSeries`.
-type ConcatSeries []Series
-// Len returns the length of the concatenated set of series.
-func (cs ConcatSeries) Len() int {
- total := 0
- for _, s := range cs {
- if typed, isValuesProvider := s.(ValuesProvider); isValuesProvider {
- total += typed.Len()
- }
- }
- return total
-// GetValue returns the value at the (meta) index (i.e 0 => totalLen-1)
-func (cs ConcatSeries) GetValue(index int) (x, y float64) {
- cursor := 0
- for _, s := range cs {
- if typed, isValuesProvider := s.(ValuesProvider); isValuesProvider {
- len := typed.Len()
- if index < cursor+len {
- x, y = typed.GetValues(index - cursor) //FENCEPOSTS.
- return
- }
- cursor += typed.Len()
- }
- }
- return
-// Validate validates the series.
-func (cs ConcatSeries) Validate() error {
- var err error
- for _, s := range cs {
- err = s.Validate()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- return nil
package chart
-import (
- "fmt"
- "math"
-// ContinuousRange represents a boundary for a set of numbers.
-type ContinuousRange struct {
- Min float64
- Max float64
- Domain int
- Descending bool
-// IsDescending returns if the range is descending.
-func (r ContinuousRange) IsDescending() bool {
- return r.Descending
-// IsZero returns if the ContinuousRange has been set or not.
-func (r ContinuousRange) IsZero() bool {
- return (r.Min == 0 || math.IsNaN(r.Min)) &&
- (r.Max == 0 || math.IsNaN(r.Max)) &&
- r.Domain == 0
-// GetMin gets the min value for the continuous range.
-func (r ContinuousRange) GetMin() float64 {
- return r.Min
-// SetMin sets the min value for the continuous range.
-func (r *ContinuousRange) SetMin(min float64) {
- r.Min = min
-// GetMax returns the max value for the continuous range.
-func (r ContinuousRange) GetMax() float64 {
- return r.Max
-// SetMax sets the max value for the continuous range.
-func (r *ContinuousRange) SetMax(max float64) {
- r.Max = max
-// GetDelta returns the difference between the min and max value.
-func (r ContinuousRange) GetDelta() float64 {
- return r.Max - r.Min
-// GetDomain returns the range domain.
-func (r ContinuousRange) GetDomain() int {
- return r.Domain
-// SetDomain sets the range domain.
-func (r *ContinuousRange) SetDomain(domain int) {
- r.Domain = domain
-// String returns a simple string for the ContinuousRange.
-func (r ContinuousRange) String() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("ContinuousRange [%.2f,%.2f] => %d", r.Min, r.Max, r.Domain)
-// Translate maps a given value into the ContinuousRange space.
-func (r ContinuousRange) Translate(value float64) int {
- normalized := value - r.Min
- ratio := normalized / r.GetDelta()
- if r.IsDescending() {
- return r.Domain - int(math.Ceil(ratio*float64(r.Domain)))
- }
- return int(math.Ceil(ratio * float64(r.Domain)))
package chart
-import "fmt"
-// Interface Assertions.
-var (
- _ Series = (*ContinuousSeries)(nil)
- _ FirstValuesProvider = (*ContinuousSeries)(nil)
- _ LastValuesProvider = (*ContinuousSeries)(nil)
-// ContinuousSeries represents a line on a chart.
-type ContinuousSeries struct {
- Name string
- Style Style
- YAxis YAxisType
- XValueFormatter ValueFormatter
- YValueFormatter ValueFormatter
- XValues []float64
- YValues []float64
-// GetName returns the name of the time series.
-func (cs ContinuousSeries) GetName() string {
- return cs.Name
-// GetStyle returns the line style.
-func (cs ContinuousSeries) GetStyle() Style {
- return cs.Style
-// Len returns the number of elements in the series.
-func (cs ContinuousSeries) Len() int {
- return len(cs.XValues)
-// GetValues gets the x,y values at a given index.
-func (cs ContinuousSeries) GetValues(index int) (float64, float64) {
- return cs.XValues[index], cs.YValues[index]
-// GetFirstValues gets the first x,y values.
-func (cs ContinuousSeries) GetFirstValues() (float64, float64) {
- return cs.XValues[0], cs.YValues[0]
-// GetLastValues gets the last x,y values.
-func (cs ContinuousSeries) GetLastValues() (float64, float64) {
- return cs.XValues[len(cs.XValues)-1], cs.YValues[len(cs.YValues)-1]
-// GetValueFormatters returns value formatter defaults for the series.
-func (cs ContinuousSeries) GetValueFormatters() (x, y ValueFormatter) {
- if cs.XValueFormatter != nil {
- x = cs.XValueFormatter
- } else {
- x = FloatValueFormatter
- }
- if cs.YValueFormatter != nil {
- y = cs.YValueFormatter
- } else {
- y = FloatValueFormatter
- }
- return
-// GetYAxis returns which YAxis the series draws on.
-func (cs ContinuousSeries) GetYAxis() YAxisType {
- return cs.YAxis
-// Render renders the series.
-func (cs ContinuousSeries) Render(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, defaults Style) {
- style := cs.Style.InheritFrom(defaults)
- Draw.LineSeries(r, canvasBox, xrange, yrange, style, cs)
-// Validate validates the series.
-func (cs ContinuousSeries) Validate() error {
- if len(cs.XValues) == 0 {
- return fmt.Errorf("continuous series must have xvalues set")
- }
- if len(cs.YValues) == 0 {
- return fmt.Errorf("continuous series must have yvalues set")
- }
- return nil
package chart
-import (
- "math"
- util "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/util"
-var (
- // Draw contains helpers for drawing common objects.
- Draw = &draw{}
-type draw struct{}
-// LineSeries draws a line series with a renderer.
-func (d draw) LineSeries(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, style Style, vs ValuesProvider) {
- if vs.Len() == 0 {
- return
- }
- cb := canvasBox.Bottom
- cl := canvasBox.Left
- v0x, v0y := vs.GetValues(0)
- x0 := cl + xrange.Translate(v0x)
- y0 := cb - yrange.Translate(v0y)
- yv0 := yrange.Translate(0)
- var vx, vy float64
- var x, y int
- if style.ShouldDrawStroke() && style.ShouldDrawFill() {
- style.GetFillOptions().WriteDrawingOptionsToRenderer(r)
- r.MoveTo(x0, y0)
- for i := 1; i < vs.Len(); i++ {
- vx, vy = vs.GetValues(i)
- x = cl + xrange.Translate(vx)
- y = cb - yrange.Translate(vy)
- r.LineTo(x, y)
- }
- r.LineTo(x, util.Math.MinInt(cb, cb-yv0))
- r.LineTo(x0, util.Math.MinInt(cb, cb-yv0))
- r.LineTo(x0, y0)
- r.Fill()
- }
- if style.ShouldDrawStroke() {
- style.GetStrokeOptions().WriteDrawingOptionsToRenderer(r)
- r.MoveTo(x0, y0)
- for i := 1; i < vs.Len(); i++ {
- vx, vy = vs.GetValues(i)
- x = cl + xrange.Translate(vx)
- y = cb - yrange.Translate(vy)
- r.LineTo(x, y)
- }
- r.Stroke()
- }
- if style.ShouldDrawDot() {
- defaultDotWidth := style.GetDotWidth()
- style.GetDotOptions().WriteDrawingOptionsToRenderer(r)
- for i := 0; i < vs.Len(); i++ {
- vx, vy = vs.GetValues(i)
- x = cl + xrange.Translate(vx)
- y = cb - yrange.Translate(vy)
- dotWidth := defaultDotWidth
- if style.DotWidthProvider != nil {
- dotWidth = style.DotWidthProvider(xrange, yrange, i, vx, vy)
- }
- if style.DotColorProvider != nil {
- dotColor := style.DotColorProvider(xrange, yrange, i, vx, vy)
- r.SetFillColor(dotColor)
- r.SetStrokeColor(dotColor)
- }
- r.Circle(dotWidth, x, y)
- r.FillStroke()
- }
- }
-// BoundedSeries draws a series that implements BoundedValuesProvider.
-func (d draw) BoundedSeries(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, style Style, bbs BoundedValuesProvider, drawOffsetIndexes ...int) {
- drawOffsetIndex := 0
- if len(drawOffsetIndexes) > 0 {
- drawOffsetIndex = drawOffsetIndexes[0]
- }
- cb := canvasBox.Bottom
- cl := canvasBox.Left
- v0x, v0y1, v0y2 := bbs.GetBoundedValues(0)
- x0 := cl + xrange.Translate(v0x)
- y0 := cb - yrange.Translate(v0y1)
- var vx, vy1, vy2 float64
- var x, y int
- xvalues := make([]float64, bbs.Len())
- xvalues[0] = v0x
- y2values := make([]float64, bbs.Len())
- y2values[0] = v0y2
- style.GetFillAndStrokeOptions().WriteToRenderer(r)
- r.MoveTo(x0, y0)
- for i := 1; i < bbs.Len(); i++ {
- vx, vy1, vy2 = bbs.GetBoundedValues(i)
- xvalues[i] = vx
- y2values[i] = vy2
- x = cl + xrange.Translate(vx)
- y = cb - yrange.Translate(vy1)
- if i > drawOffsetIndex {
- r.LineTo(x, y)
- } else {
- r.MoveTo(x, y)
- }
- }
- y = cb - yrange.Translate(vy2)
- r.LineTo(x, y)
- for i := bbs.Len() - 1; i >= drawOffsetIndex; i-- {
- vx, vy2 = xvalues[i], y2values[i]
- x = cl + xrange.Translate(vx)
- y = cb - yrange.Translate(vy2)
- r.LineTo(x, y)
- }
- r.Close()
- r.FillStroke()
-// HistogramSeries draws a value provider as boxes from 0.
-func (d draw) HistogramSeries(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, style Style, vs ValuesProvider, barWidths ...int) {
- if vs.Len() == 0 {
- return
- }
- //calculate bar width?
- seriesLength := vs.Len()
- barWidth := int(math.Floor(float64(xrange.GetDomain()) / float64(seriesLength)))
- if len(barWidths) > 0 {
- barWidth = barWidths[0]
- }
- cb := canvasBox.Bottom
- cl := canvasBox.Left
- //foreach datapoint, draw a box.
- for index := 0; index < seriesLength; index++ {
- vx, vy := vs.GetValues(index)
- y0 := yrange.Translate(0)
- x := cl + xrange.Translate(vx)
- y := yrange.Translate(vy)
- d.Box(r, Box{
- Top: cb - y0,
- Left: x - (barWidth >> 1),
- Right: x + (barWidth >> 1),
- Bottom: cb - y,
- }, style)
- }
-// MeasureAnnotation measures how big an annotation would be.
-func (d draw) MeasureAnnotation(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, style Style, lx, ly int, label string) Box {
- style.WriteToRenderer(r)
- defer r.ResetStyle()
- textBox := r.MeasureText(label)
- textWidth := textBox.Width()
- textHeight := textBox.Height()
- halfTextHeight := textHeight >> 1
- pt := style.Padding.GetTop(DefaultAnnotationPadding.Top)
- pl := style.Padding.GetLeft(DefaultAnnotationPadding.Left)
- pr := style.Padding.GetRight(DefaultAnnotationPadding.Right)
- pb := style.Padding.GetBottom(DefaultAnnotationPadding.Bottom)
- strokeWidth := style.GetStrokeWidth()
- top := ly - (pt + halfTextHeight)
- right := lx + pl + pr + textWidth + DefaultAnnotationDeltaWidth + int(strokeWidth)
- bottom := ly + (pb + halfTextHeight)
- return Box{
- Top: top,
- Left: lx,
- Right: right,
- Bottom: bottom,
- }
-// Annotation draws an anotation with a renderer.
-func (d draw) Annotation(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, style Style, lx, ly int, label string) {
- style.GetTextOptions().WriteToRenderer(r)
- defer r.ResetStyle()
- textBox := r.MeasureText(label)
- textWidth := textBox.Width()
- halfTextHeight := textBox.Height() >> 1
- style.GetFillAndStrokeOptions().WriteToRenderer(r)
- pt := style.Padding.GetTop(DefaultAnnotationPadding.Top)
- pl := style.Padding.GetLeft(DefaultAnnotationPadding.Left)
- pr := style.Padding.GetRight(DefaultAnnotationPadding.Right)
- pb := style.Padding.GetBottom(DefaultAnnotationPadding.Bottom)
- textX := lx + pl + DefaultAnnotationDeltaWidth
- textY := ly + halfTextHeight
- ltx := lx + DefaultAnnotationDeltaWidth
- lty := ly - (pt + halfTextHeight)
- rtx := lx + pl + pr + textWidth + DefaultAnnotationDeltaWidth
- rty := ly - (pt + halfTextHeight)
- rbx := lx + pl + pr + textWidth + DefaultAnnotationDeltaWidth
- rby := ly + (pb + halfTextHeight)
- lbx := lx + DefaultAnnotationDeltaWidth
- lby := ly + (pb + halfTextHeight)
- r.MoveTo(lx, ly)
- r.LineTo(ltx, lty)
- r.LineTo(rtx, rty)
- r.LineTo(rbx, rby)
- r.LineTo(lbx, lby)
- r.LineTo(lx, ly)
- r.Close()
- r.FillStroke()
- style.GetTextOptions().WriteToRenderer(r)
- r.Text(label, textX, textY)
-// Box draws a box with a given style.
-func (d draw) Box(r Renderer, b Box, s Style) {
- s.GetFillAndStrokeOptions().WriteToRenderer(r)
- defer r.ResetStyle()
- r.MoveTo(b.Left, b.Top)
- r.LineTo(b.Right, b.Top)
- r.LineTo(b.Right, b.Bottom)
- r.LineTo(b.Left, b.Bottom)
- r.LineTo(b.Left, b.Top)
- r.FillStroke()
-func (d draw) BoxRotated(r Renderer, b Box, thetaDegrees float64, s Style) {
- d.BoxCorners(r, b.Corners().Rotate(thetaDegrees), s)
-func (d draw) BoxCorners(r Renderer, bc BoxCorners, s Style) {
- s.GetFillAndStrokeOptions().WriteToRenderer(r)
- defer r.ResetStyle()
- r.MoveTo(bc.TopLeft.X, bc.TopLeft.Y)
- r.LineTo(bc.TopRight.X, bc.TopRight.Y)
- r.LineTo(bc.BottomRight.X, bc.BottomRight.Y)
- r.LineTo(bc.BottomLeft.X, bc.BottomLeft.Y)
- r.Close()
- r.FillStroke()
-// DrawText draws text with a given style.
-func (d draw) Text(r Renderer, text string, x, y int, style Style) {
- style.GetTextOptions().WriteToRenderer(r)
- defer r.ResetStyle()
- r.Text(text, x, y)
-func (d draw) MeasureText(r Renderer, text string, style Style) Box {
- style.GetTextOptions().WriteToRenderer(r)
- defer r.ResetStyle()
- return r.MeasureText(text)
-// TextWithin draws the text within a given box.
-func (d draw) TextWithin(r Renderer, text string, box Box, style Style) {
- style.GetTextOptions().WriteToRenderer(r)
- defer r.ResetStyle()
- lines := Text.WrapFit(r, text, box.Width(), style)
- linesBox := Text.MeasureLines(r, lines, style)
- y := box.Top
- switch style.GetTextVerticalAlign() {
- case TextVerticalAlignBottom, TextVerticalAlignBaseline: // i have to build better baseline handling into measure text
- y = y - linesBox.Height()
- case TextVerticalAlignMiddle, TextVerticalAlignMiddleBaseline:
- y = (y - linesBox.Height()) >> 1
- }
- var tx, ty int
- for _, line := range lines {
- lineBox := r.MeasureText(line)
- switch style.GetTextHorizontalAlign() {
- case TextHorizontalAlignCenter:
- tx = box.Left + ((box.Width() - lineBox.Width()) >> 1)
- case TextHorizontalAlignRight:
- tx = box.Right - lineBox.Width()
- default:
- tx = box.Left
- }
- if style.TextRotationDegrees == 0 {
- ty = y + lineBox.Height()
- } else {
- ty = y
- }
- r.Text(line, tx, ty)
- y += lineBox.Height() + style.GetTextLineSpacing()
- }
package drawing
-import (
- "fmt"
- "strconv"
-var (
- // ColorTransparent is a fully transparent color.
- ColorTransparent = Color{}
- // ColorWhite is white.
- ColorWhite = Color{R: 255, G: 255, B: 255, A: 255}
- // ColorBlack is black.
- ColorBlack = Color{R: 0, G: 0, B: 0, A: 255}
- // ColorRed is red.
- ColorRed = Color{R: 255, G: 0, B: 0, A: 255}
- // ColorGreen is green.
- ColorGreen = Color{R: 0, G: 255, B: 0, A: 255}
- // ColorBlue is blue.
- ColorBlue = Color{R: 0, G: 0, B: 255, A: 255}
-func parseHex(hex string) uint8 {
- v, _ := strconv.ParseInt(hex, 16, 16)
- return uint8(v)
-// ColorFromHex returns a color from a css hex code.
-func ColorFromHex(hex string) Color {
- var c Color
- if len(hex) == 3 {
- c.R = parseHex(string(hex[0])) * 0x11
- c.G = parseHex(string(hex[1])) * 0x11
- c.B = parseHex(string(hex[2])) * 0x11
- } else {
- c.R = parseHex(string(hex[0:2]))
- c.G = parseHex(string(hex[2:4]))
- c.B = parseHex(string(hex[4:6]))
- }
- c.A = 255
- return c
-// ColorFromAlphaMixedRGBA returns the system alpha mixed rgba values.
-func ColorFromAlphaMixedRGBA(r, g, b, a uint32) Color {
- fa := float64(a) / 255.0
- var c Color
- c.R = uint8(float64(r) / fa)
- c.G = uint8(float64(g) / fa)
- c.B = uint8(float64(b) / fa)
- c.A = uint8(a | (a >> 8))
- return c
-// ColorChannelFromFloat returns a normalized byte from a given float value.
-func ColorChannelFromFloat(v float64) uint8 {
- return uint8(v * 255)
-// Color is our internal color type because color.Color is bullshit.
-type Color struct {
- R, G, B, A uint8
-// RGBA returns the color as a pre-alpha mixed color set.
-func (c Color) RGBA() (r, g, b, a uint32) {
- fa := float64(c.A) / 255.0
- r = uint32(float64(uint32(c.R)) * fa)
- r |= r << 8
- g = uint32(float64(uint32(c.G)) * fa)
- g |= g << 8
- b = uint32(float64(uint32(c.B)) * fa)
- b |= b << 8
- a = uint32(c.A)
- a |= a << 8
- return
-// IsZero returns if the color has been set or not.
-func (c Color) IsZero() bool {
- return c.R == 0 && c.G == 0 && c.B == 0 && c.A == 0
-// IsTransparent returns if the colors alpha channel is zero.
-func (c Color) IsTransparent() bool {
- return c.A == 0
-// WithAlpha returns a copy of the color with a given alpha.
-func (c Color) WithAlpha(a uint8) Color {
- return Color{
- R: c.R,
- G: c.G,
- B: c.B,
- A: a,
- }
-// Equals returns true if the color equals another.
-func (c Color) Equals(other Color) bool {
- return c.R == other.R &&
- c.G == other.G &&
- c.B == other.B &&
- c.A == other.A
-// AverageWith averages two colors.
-func (c Color) AverageWith(other Color) Color {
- return Color{
- R: (c.R + other.R) >> 1,
- G: (c.G + other.G) >> 1,
- B: (c.B + other.B) >> 1,
- A: c.A,
- }
-// String returns a css string representation of the color.
-func (c Color) String() string {
- fa := float64(c.A) / float64(255)
- return fmt.Sprintf("rgba(%v,%v,%v,%.1f)", c.R, c.G, c.B, fa)
package drawing
-import "math"
-const (
- // CurveRecursionLimit represents the maximum recursion that is really necessary to subsivide a curve into straight lines
- CurveRecursionLimit = 32
-// Cubic
-// x1, y1, cpx1, cpy1, cpx2, cpy2, x2, y2 float64
-// SubdivideCubic a Bezier cubic curve in 2 equivalents Bezier cubic curves.
-// c1 and c2 parameters are the resulting curves
-func SubdivideCubic(c, c1, c2 []float64) {
- // First point of c is the first point of c1
- c1[0], c1[1] = c[0], c[1]
- // Last point of c is the last point of c2
- c2[6], c2[7] = c[6], c[7]
- // Subdivide segment using midpoints
- c1[2] = (c[0] + c[2]) / 2
- c1[3] = (c[1] + c[3]) / 2
- midX := (c[2] + c[4]) / 2
- midY := (c[3] + c[5]) / 2
- c2[4] = (c[4] + c[6]) / 2
- c2[5] = (c[5] + c[7]) / 2
- c1[4] = (c1[2] + midX) / 2
- c1[5] = (c1[3] + midY) / 2
- c2[2] = (midX + c2[4]) / 2
- c2[3] = (midY + c2[5]) / 2
- c1[6] = (c1[4] + c2[2]) / 2
- c1[7] = (c1[5] + c2[3]) / 2
- // Last Point of c1 is equal to the first point of c2
- c2[0], c2[1] = c1[6], c1[7]
-// TraceCubic generate lines subdividing the cubic curve using a Liner
-// flattening_threshold helps determines the flattening expectation of the curve
-func TraceCubic(t Liner, cubic []float64, flatteningThreshold float64) {
- // Allocation curves
- var curves [CurveRecursionLimit * 8]float64
- copy(curves[0:8], cubic[0:8])
- i := 0
- // current curve
- var c []float64
- var dx, dy, d2, d3 float64
- for i >= 0 {
- c = curves[i*8:]
- dx = c[6] - c[0]
- dy = c[7] - c[1]
- d2 = math.Abs((c[2]-c[6])*dy - (c[3]-c[7])*dx)
- d3 = math.Abs((c[4]-c[6])*dy - (c[5]-c[7])*dx)
- // if it's flat then trace a line
- if (d2+d3)*(d2+d3) < flatteningThreshold*(dx*dx+dy*dy) || i == len(curves)-1 {
- t.LineTo(c[6], c[7])
- i--
- } else {
- // second half of bezier go lower onto the stack
- SubdivideCubic(c, curves[(i+1)*8:], curves[i*8:])
- i++
- }
- }
-// Quad
-// x1, y1, cpx1, cpy2, x2, y2 float64
-// SubdivideQuad a Bezier quad curve in 2 equivalents Bezier quad curves.
-// c1 and c2 parameters are the resulting curves
-func SubdivideQuad(c, c1, c2 []float64) {
- // First point of c is the first point of c1
- c1[0], c1[1] = c[0], c[1]
- // Last point of c is the last point of c2
- c2[4], c2[5] = c[4], c[5]
- // Subdivide segment using midpoints
- c1[2] = (c[0] + c[2]) / 2
- c1[3] = (c[1] + c[3]) / 2
- c2[2] = (c[2] + c[4]) / 2
- c2[3] = (c[3] + c[5]) / 2
- c1[4] = (c1[2] + c2[2]) / 2
- c1[5] = (c1[3] + c2[3]) / 2
- c2[0], c2[1] = c1[4], c1[5]
- return
-func traceWindowIndices(i int) (startAt, endAt int) {
- startAt = i * 6
- endAt = startAt + 6
- return
-func traceCalcDeltas(c []float64) (dx, dy, d float64) {
- dx = c[4] - c[0]
- dy = c[5] - c[1]
- d = math.Abs(((c[2]-c[4])*dy - (c[3]-c[5])*dx))
- return
-func traceIsFlat(dx, dy, d, threshold float64) bool {
- return (d * d) < threshold*(dx*dx+dy*dy)
-func traceGetWindow(curves []float64, i int) []float64 {
- startAt, endAt := traceWindowIndices(i)
- return curves[startAt:endAt]
-// TraceQuad generate lines subdividing the curve using a Liner
-// flattening_threshold helps determines the flattening expectation of the curve
-func TraceQuad(t Liner, quad []float64, flatteningThreshold float64) {
- const curveLen = CurveRecursionLimit * 6
- const curveEndIndex = curveLen - 1
- const lastIteration = CurveRecursionLimit - 1
- // Allocates curves stack
- curves := make([]float64, curveLen)
- // copy 6 elements from the quad path to the stack
- copy(curves[0:6], quad[0:6])
- var i int
- var c []float64
- var dx, dy, d float64
- for i >= 0 {
- c = traceGetWindow(curves, i)
- dx, dy, d = traceCalcDeltas(c)
- // bail early if the distance is 0
- if d == 0 {
- return
- }
- // if it's flat then trace a line
- if traceIsFlat(dx, dy, d, flatteningThreshold) || i == lastIteration {
- t.LineTo(c[4], c[5])
- i--
- } else {
- SubdivideQuad(c, traceGetWindow(curves, i+1), traceGetWindow(curves, i))
- i++
- }
- }
-// TraceArc trace an arc using a Liner
-func TraceArc(t Liner, x, y, rx, ry, start, angle, scale float64) (lastX, lastY float64) {
- end := start + angle
- clockWise := true
- if angle < 0 {
- clockWise = false
- }
- ra := (math.Abs(rx) + math.Abs(ry)) / 2
- da := math.Acos(ra/(ra+0.125/scale)) * 2
- //normalize
- if !clockWise {
- da = -da
- }
- angle = start + da
- var curX, curY float64
- for {
- if (angle < end-da/4) != clockWise {
- curX = x + math.Cos(end)*rx
- curY = y + math.Sin(end)*ry
- return curX, curY
- }
- curX = x + math.Cos(angle)*rx
- curY = y + math.Sin(angle)*ry
- angle += da
- t.LineTo(curX, curY)
- }
package drawing
-// NewDashVertexConverter creates a new dash converter.
-func NewDashVertexConverter(dash []float64, dashOffset float64, flattener Flattener) *DashVertexConverter {
- var dasher DashVertexConverter
- dasher.dash = dash
- dasher.currentDash = 0
- dasher.dashOffset = dashOffset
- dasher.next = flattener
- return &dasher
-// DashVertexConverter is a converter for dash vertexes.
-type DashVertexConverter struct {
- next Flattener
- x, y, distance float64
- dash []float64
- currentDash int
- dashOffset float64
-// LineTo implements the pathbuilder interface.
-func (dasher *DashVertexConverter) LineTo(x, y float64) {
- dasher.lineTo(x, y)
-// MoveTo implements the pathbuilder interface.
-func (dasher *DashVertexConverter) MoveTo(x, y float64) {
- dasher.next.MoveTo(x, y)
- dasher.x, dasher.y = x, y
- dasher.distance = dasher.dashOffset
- dasher.currentDash = 0
-// LineJoin implements the pathbuilder interface.
-func (dasher *DashVertexConverter) LineJoin() {
- dasher.next.LineJoin()
-// Close implements the pathbuilder interface.
-func (dasher *DashVertexConverter) Close() {
- dasher.next.Close()
-// End implements the pathbuilder interface.
-func (dasher *DashVertexConverter) End() {
- dasher.next.End()
-func (dasher *DashVertexConverter) lineTo(x, y float64) {
- rest := dasher.dash[dasher.currentDash] - dasher.distance
- for rest < 0 {
- dasher.distance = dasher.distance - dasher.dash[dasher.currentDash]
- dasher.currentDash = (dasher.currentDash + 1) % len(dasher.dash)
- rest = dasher.dash[dasher.currentDash] - dasher.distance
- }
- d := distance(dasher.x, dasher.y, x, y)
- for d >= rest {
- k := rest / d
- lx := dasher.x + k*(x-dasher.x)
- ly := dasher.y + k*(y-dasher.y)
- if dasher.currentDash%2 == 0 {
- // line
- dasher.next.LineTo(lx, ly)
- } else {
- // gap
- dasher.next.End()
- dasher.next.MoveTo(lx, ly)
- }
- d = d - rest
- dasher.x, dasher.y = lx, ly
- dasher.currentDash = (dasher.currentDash + 1) % len(dasher.dash)
- rest = dasher.dash[dasher.currentDash]
- }
- dasher.distance = d
- if dasher.currentDash%2 == 0 {
- // line
- dasher.next.LineTo(x, y)
- } else {
- // gap
- dasher.next.End()
- dasher.next.MoveTo(x, y)
- }
- if dasher.distance >= dasher.dash[dasher.currentDash] {
- dasher.distance = dasher.distance - dasher.dash[dasher.currentDash]
- dasher.currentDash = (dasher.currentDash + 1) % len(dasher.dash)
- }
- dasher.x, dasher.y = x, y
package drawing
-// DemuxFlattener is a flattener
-type DemuxFlattener struct {
- Flatteners []Flattener
-// MoveTo implements the path builder interface.
-func (dc DemuxFlattener) MoveTo(x, y float64) {
- for _, flattener := range dc.Flatteners {
- flattener.MoveTo(x, y)
- }
-// LineTo implements the path builder interface.
-func (dc DemuxFlattener) LineTo(x, y float64) {
- for _, flattener := range dc.Flatteners {
- flattener.LineTo(x, y)
- }
-// LineJoin implements the path builder interface.
-func (dc DemuxFlattener) LineJoin() {
- for _, flattener := range dc.Flatteners {
- flattener.LineJoin()
- }
-// Close implements the path builder interface.
-func (dc DemuxFlattener) Close() {
- for _, flattener := range dc.Flatteners {
- flattener.Close()
- }
-// End implements the path builder interface.
-func (dc DemuxFlattener) End() {
- for _, flattener := range dc.Flatteners {
- flattener.End()
- }
package drawing
-// Liner receive segment definition
-type Liner interface {
- // LineTo Draw a line from the current position to the point (x, y)
- LineTo(x, y float64)
-// Flattener receive segment definition
-type Flattener interface {
- // MoveTo Start a New line from the point (x, y)
- MoveTo(x, y float64)
- // LineTo Draw a line from the current position to the point (x, y)
- LineTo(x, y float64)
- // LineJoin add the most recent starting point to close the path to create a polygon
- LineJoin()
- // Close add the most recent starting point to close the path to create a polygon
- Close()
- // End mark the current line as finished so we can draw caps
- End()
-// Flatten convert curves into straight segments keeping join segments info
-func Flatten(path *Path, flattener Flattener, scale float64) {
- // First Point
- var startX, startY float64
- // Current Point
- var x, y float64
- var i int
- for _, cmp := range path.Components {
- switch cmp {
- case MoveToComponent:
- x, y = path.Points[i], path.Points[i+1]
- startX, startY = x, y
- if i != 0 {
- flattener.End()
- }
- flattener.MoveTo(x, y)
- i += 2
- case LineToComponent:
- x, y = path.Points[i], path.Points[i+1]
- flattener.LineTo(x, y)
- flattener.LineJoin()
- i += 2
- case QuadCurveToComponent:
- // we include the previous point for the start of the curve
- TraceQuad(flattener, path.Points[i-2:], 0.5)
- x, y = path.Points[i+2], path.Points[i+3]
- flattener.LineTo(x, y)
- i += 4
- case CubicCurveToComponent:
- TraceCubic(flattener, path.Points[i-2:], 0.5)
- x, y = path.Points[i+4], path.Points[i+5]
- flattener.LineTo(x, y)
- i += 6
- case ArcToComponent:
- x, y = TraceArc(flattener, path.Points[i], path.Points[i+1], path.Points[i+2], path.Points[i+3], path.Points[i+4], path.Points[i+5], scale)
- flattener.LineTo(x, y)
- i += 6
- case CloseComponent:
- flattener.LineTo(startX, startY)
- flattener.Close()
- }
- }
- flattener.End()
-// SegmentedPath is a path of disparate point sectinos.
-type SegmentedPath struct {
- Points []float64
-// MoveTo implements the path interface.
-func (p *SegmentedPath) MoveTo(x, y float64) {
- p.Points = append(p.Points, x, y)
- // TODO need to mark this point as moveto
-// LineTo implements the path interface.
-func (p *SegmentedPath) LineTo(x, y float64) {
- p.Points = append(p.Points, x, y)
-// LineJoin implements the path interface.
-func (p *SegmentedPath) LineJoin() {
- // TODO need to mark the current point as linejoin
-// Close implements the path interface.
-func (p *SegmentedPath) Close() {
- // TODO Close
-// End implements the path interface.
-func (p *SegmentedPath) End() {
- // Nothing to do
package drawing
-import (
- "github.com/golang/freetype/raster"
- "golang.org/x/image/math/fixed"
-// FtLineBuilder is a builder for freetype raster glyphs.
-type FtLineBuilder struct {
- Adder raster.Adder
-// MoveTo implements the path builder interface.
-func (liner FtLineBuilder) MoveTo(x, y float64) {
- liner.Adder.Start(fixed.Point26_6{X: fixed.Int26_6(x * 64), Y: fixed.Int26_6(y * 64)})
-// LineTo implements the path builder interface.
-func (liner FtLineBuilder) LineTo(x, y float64) {
- liner.Adder.Add1(fixed.Point26_6{X: fixed.Int26_6(x * 64), Y: fixed.Int26_6(y * 64)})
-// LineJoin implements the path builder interface.
-func (liner FtLineBuilder) LineJoin() {}
-// Close implements the path builder interface.
-func (liner FtLineBuilder) Close() {}
-// End implements the path builder interface.
-func (liner FtLineBuilder) End() {}
package drawing
-import (
- "image/color"
- "image/draw"
-// PolylineBresenham draws a polyline to an image
-func PolylineBresenham(img draw.Image, c color.Color, s ...float64) {
- for i := 2; i < len(s); i += 2 {
- Bresenham(img, c, int(s[i-2]+0.5), int(s[i-1]+0.5), int(s[i]+0.5), int(s[i+1]+0.5))
- }
-// Bresenham draws a line between (x0, y0) and (x1, y1)
-func Bresenham(img draw.Image, color color.Color, x0, y0, x1, y1 int) {
- dx := abs(x1 - x0)
- dy := abs(y1 - y0)
- var sx, sy int
- if x0 < x1 {
- sx = 1
- } else {
- sx = -1
- }
- if y0 < y1 {
- sy = 1
- } else {
- sy = -1
- }
- err := dx - dy
- var e2 int
- for {
- img.Set(x0, y0, color)
- if x0 == x1 && y0 == y1 {
- return
- }
- e2 = 2 * err
- if e2 > -dy {
- err = err - dy
- x0 = x0 + sx
- }
- if e2 < dx {
- err = err + dx
- y0 = y0 + sy
- }
- }
package drawing
-import (
- "math"
-// Matrix represents an affine transformation
-type Matrix [6]float64
-const (
- epsilon = 1e-6
-// Determinant compute the determinant of the matrix
-func (tr Matrix) Determinant() float64 {
- return tr[0]*tr[3] - tr[1]*tr[2]
-// Transform applies the transformation matrix to points. It modify the points passed in parameter.
-func (tr Matrix) Transform(points []float64) {
- for i, j := 0, 1; j < len(points); i, j = i+2, j+2 {
- x := points[i]
- y := points[j]
- points[i] = x*tr[0] + y*tr[2] + tr[4]
- points[j] = x*tr[1] + y*tr[3] + tr[5]
- }
-// TransformPoint applies the transformation matrix to point. It returns the point the transformed point.
-func (tr Matrix) TransformPoint(x, y float64) (xres, yres float64) {
- xres = x*tr[0] + y*tr[2] + tr[4]
- yres = x*tr[1] + y*tr[3] + tr[5]
- return xres, yres
-func minMax(x, y float64) (min, max float64) {
- if x > y {
- return y, x
- }
- return x, y
-// TransformRectangle applies the transformation matrix to the rectangle represented by the min and the max point of the rectangle
-func (tr Matrix) TransformRectangle(x0, y0, x2, y2 float64) (nx0, ny0, nx2, ny2 float64) {
- points := []float64{x0, y0, x2, y0, x2, y2, x0, y2}
- tr.Transform(points)
- points[0], points[2] = minMax(points[0], points[2])
- points[4], points[6] = minMax(points[4], points[6])
- points[1], points[3] = minMax(points[1], points[3])
- points[5], points[7] = minMax(points[5], points[7])
- nx0 = math.Min(points[0], points[4])
- ny0 = math.Min(points[1], points[5])
- nx2 = math.Max(points[2], points[6])
- ny2 = math.Max(points[3], points[7])
- return nx0, ny0, nx2, ny2
-// InverseTransform applies the transformation inverse matrix to the rectangle represented by the min and the max point of the rectangle
-func (tr Matrix) InverseTransform(points []float64) {
- d := tr.Determinant() // matrix determinant
- for i, j := 0, 1; j < len(points); i, j = i+2, j+2 {
- x := points[i]
- y := points[j]
- points[i] = ((x-tr[4])*tr[3] - (y-tr[5])*tr[2]) / d
- points[j] = ((y-tr[5])*tr[0] - (x-tr[4])*tr[1]) / d
- }
-// InverseTransformPoint applies the transformation inverse matrix to point. It returns the point the transformed point.
-func (tr Matrix) InverseTransformPoint(x, y float64) (xres, yres float64) {
- d := tr.Determinant() // matrix determinant
- xres = ((x-tr[4])*tr[3] - (y-tr[5])*tr[2]) / d
- yres = ((y-tr[5])*tr[0] - (x-tr[4])*tr[1]) / d
- return xres, yres
-// VectorTransform applies the transformation matrix to points without using the translation parameter of the affine matrix.
-// It modify the points passed in parameter.
-func (tr Matrix) VectorTransform(points []float64) {
- for i, j := 0, 1; j < len(points); i, j = i+2, j+2 {
- x := points[i]
- y := points[j]
- points[i] = x*tr[0] + y*tr[2]
- points[j] = x*tr[1] + y*tr[3]
- }
-// NewIdentityMatrix creates an identity transformation matrix.
-func NewIdentityMatrix() Matrix {
- return Matrix{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0}
-// NewTranslationMatrix creates a transformation matrix with a translation tx and ty translation parameter
-func NewTranslationMatrix(tx, ty float64) Matrix {
- return Matrix{1, 0, 0, 1, tx, ty}
-// NewScaleMatrix creates a transformation matrix with a sx, sy scale factor
-func NewScaleMatrix(sx, sy float64) Matrix {
- return Matrix{sx, 0, 0, sy, 0, 0}
-// NewRotationMatrix creates a rotation transformation matrix. angle is in radian
-func NewRotationMatrix(angle float64) Matrix {
- c := math.Cos(angle)
- s := math.Sin(angle)
- return Matrix{c, s, -s, c, 0, 0}
-// NewMatrixFromRects creates a transformation matrix, combining a scale and a translation, that transform rectangle1 into rectangle2.
-func NewMatrixFromRects(rectangle1, rectangle2 [4]float64) Matrix {
- xScale := (rectangle2[2] - rectangle2[0]) / (rectangle1[2] - rectangle1[0])
- yScale := (rectangle2[3] - rectangle2[1]) / (rectangle1[3] - rectangle1[1])
- xOffset := rectangle2[0] - (rectangle1[0] * xScale)
- yOffset := rectangle2[1] - (rectangle1[1] * yScale)
- return Matrix{xScale, 0, 0, yScale, xOffset, yOffset}
-// Inverse computes the inverse matrix
-func (tr *Matrix) Inverse() {
- d := tr.Determinant() // matrix determinant
- tr0, tr1, tr2, tr3, tr4, tr5 := tr[0], tr[1], tr[2], tr[3], tr[4], tr[5]
- tr[0] = tr3 / d
- tr[1] = -tr1 / d
- tr[2] = -tr2 / d
- tr[3] = tr0 / d
- tr[4] = (tr2*tr5 - tr3*tr4) / d
- tr[5] = (tr1*tr4 - tr0*tr5) / d
-// Copy copies the matrix.
-func (tr Matrix) Copy() Matrix {
- var result Matrix
- copy(result[:], tr[:])
- return result
-// Compose multiplies trToConcat x tr
-func (tr *Matrix) Compose(trToCompose Matrix) {
- tr0, tr1, tr2, tr3, tr4, tr5 := tr[0], tr[1], tr[2], tr[3], tr[4], tr[5]
- tr[0] = trToCompose[0]*tr0 + trToCompose[1]*tr2
- tr[1] = trToCompose[1]*tr3 + trToCompose[0]*tr1
- tr[2] = trToCompose[2]*tr0 + trToCompose[3]*tr2
- tr[3] = trToCompose[3]*tr3 + trToCompose[2]*tr1
- tr[4] = trToCompose[4]*tr0 + trToCompose[5]*tr2 + tr4
- tr[5] = trToCompose[5]*tr3 + trToCompose[4]*tr1 + tr5
-// Scale adds a scale to the matrix
-func (tr *Matrix) Scale(sx, sy float64) {
- tr[0] = sx * tr[0]
- tr[1] = sx * tr[1]
- tr[2] = sy * tr[2]
- tr[3] = sy * tr[3]
-// Translate adds a translation to the matrix
-func (tr *Matrix) Translate(tx, ty float64) {
- tr[4] = tx*tr[0] + ty*tr[2] + tr[4]
- tr[5] = ty*tr[3] + tx*tr[1] + tr[5]
-// Rotate adds a rotation to the matrix.
-func (tr *Matrix) Rotate(radians float64) {
- c := math.Cos(radians)
- s := math.Sin(radians)
- t0 := c*tr[0] + s*tr[2]
- t1 := s*tr[3] + c*tr[1]
- t2 := c*tr[2] - s*tr[0]
- t3 := c*tr[3] - s*tr[1]
- tr[0] = t0
- tr[1] = t1
- tr[2] = t2
- tr[3] = t3
-// GetTranslation gets the matrix traslation.
-func (tr Matrix) GetTranslation() (x, y float64) {
- return tr[4], tr[5]
-// GetScaling gets the matrix scaling.
-func (tr Matrix) GetScaling() (x, y float64) {
- return tr[0], tr[3]
-// GetScale computes a scale for the matrix
-func (tr Matrix) GetScale() float64 {
- x := 0.707106781*tr[0] + 0.707106781*tr[1]
- y := 0.707106781*tr[2] + 0.707106781*tr[3]
- return math.Sqrt(x*x + y*y)
-// ******************** Testing ********************
-// Equals tests if a two transformation are equal. A tolerance is applied when comparing matrix elements.
-func (tr Matrix) Equals(tr2 Matrix) bool {
- for i := 0; i < 6; i = i + 1 {
- if !fequals(tr[i], tr2[i]) {
- return false
- }
- }
- return true
-// IsIdentity tests if a transformation is the identity transformation. A tolerance is applied when comparing matrix elements.
-func (tr Matrix) IsIdentity() bool {
- return fequals(tr[4], 0) && fequals(tr[5], 0) && tr.IsTranslation()
-// IsTranslation tests if a transformation is is a pure translation. A tolerance is applied when comparing matrix elements.
-func (tr Matrix) IsTranslation() bool {
- return fequals(tr[0], 1) && fequals(tr[1], 0) && fequals(tr[2], 0) && fequals(tr[3], 1)
-// fequals compares two floats. return true if the distance between the two floats is less than epsilon, false otherwise
-func fequals(float1, float2 float64) bool {
- return math.Abs(float1-float2) <= epsilon
package drawing
-import (
- "image"
- "image/color"
- "golang.org/x/image/draw"
- "golang.org/x/image/math/f64"
- "github.com/golang/freetype/raster"
-// Painter implements the freetype raster.Painter and has a SetColor method like the RGBAPainter
-type Painter interface {
- raster.Painter
- SetColor(color color.Color)
-// DrawImage draws an image into dest using an affine transformation matrix, an op and a filter
-func DrawImage(src image.Image, dest draw.Image, tr Matrix, op draw.Op, filter ImageFilter) {
- var transformer draw.Transformer
- switch filter {
- case LinearFilter:
- transformer = draw.NearestNeighbor
- case BilinearFilter:
- transformer = draw.BiLinear
- case BicubicFilter:
- transformer = draw.CatmullRom
- }
- transformer.Transform(dest, f64.Aff3{tr[0], tr[1], tr[4], tr[2], tr[3], tr[5]}, src, src.Bounds(), op, nil)
package drawing
-import (
- "fmt"
- "math"
-// PathBuilder describes the interface for path drawing.
-type PathBuilder interface {
- // LastPoint returns the current point of the current sub path
- LastPoint() (x, y float64)
- // MoveTo creates a new subpath that start at the specified point
- MoveTo(x, y float64)
- // LineTo adds a line to the current subpath
- LineTo(x, y float64)
- // QuadCurveTo adds a quadratic Bézier curve to the current subpath
- QuadCurveTo(cx, cy, x, y float64)
- // CubicCurveTo adds a cubic Bézier curve to the current subpath
- CubicCurveTo(cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x, y float64)
- // ArcTo adds an arc to the current subpath
- ArcTo(cx, cy, rx, ry, startAngle, angle float64)
- // Close creates a line from the current point to the last MoveTo
- // point (if not the same) and mark the path as closed so the
- // first and last lines join nicely.
- Close()
-// PathComponent represents component of a path
-type PathComponent int
-const (
- // MoveToComponent is a MoveTo component in a Path
- MoveToComponent PathComponent = iota
- // LineToComponent is a LineTo component in a Path
- LineToComponent
- // QuadCurveToComponent is a QuadCurveTo component in a Path
- QuadCurveToComponent
- // CubicCurveToComponent is a CubicCurveTo component in a Path
- CubicCurveToComponent
- // ArcToComponent is a ArcTo component in a Path
- ArcToComponent
- // CloseComponent is a ArcTo component in a Path
- CloseComponent
-// Path stores points
-type Path struct {
- // Components is a slice of PathComponent in a Path and mark the role of each points in the Path
- Components []PathComponent
- // Points are combined with Components to have a specific role in the path
- Points []float64
- // Last Point of the Path
- x, y float64
-func (p *Path) appendToPath(cmd PathComponent, points ...float64) {
- p.Components = append(p.Components, cmd)
- p.Points = append(p.Points, points...)
-// LastPoint returns the current point of the current path
-func (p *Path) LastPoint() (x, y float64) {
- return p.x, p.y
-// MoveTo starts a new path at (x, y) position
-func (p *Path) MoveTo(x, y float64) {
- p.appendToPath(MoveToComponent, x, y)
- p.x = x
- p.y = y
-// LineTo adds a line to the current path
-func (p *Path) LineTo(x, y float64) {
- if len(p.Components) == 0 { //special case when no move has been done
- p.MoveTo(0, 0)
- }
- p.appendToPath(LineToComponent, x, y)
- p.x = x
- p.y = y
-// QuadCurveTo adds a quadratic bezier curve to the current path
-func (p *Path) QuadCurveTo(cx, cy, x, y float64) {
- if len(p.Components) == 0 { //special case when no move has been done
- p.MoveTo(0, 0)
- }
- p.appendToPath(QuadCurveToComponent, cx, cy, x, y)
- p.x = x
- p.y = y
-// CubicCurveTo adds a cubic bezier curve to the current path
-func (p *Path) CubicCurveTo(cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x, y float64) {
- if len(p.Components) == 0 { //special case when no move has been done
- p.MoveTo(0, 0)
- }
- p.appendToPath(CubicCurveToComponent, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x, y)
- p.x = x
- p.y = y
-// ArcTo adds an arc to the path
-func (p *Path) ArcTo(cx, cy, rx, ry, startAngle, delta float64) {
- endAngle := startAngle + delta
- clockWise := true
- if delta < 0 {
- clockWise = false
- }
- // normalize
- if clockWise {
- for endAngle < startAngle {
- endAngle += math.Pi * 2.0
- }
- } else {
- for startAngle < endAngle {
- startAngle += math.Pi * 2.0
- }
- }
- startX := cx + math.Cos(startAngle)*rx
- startY := cy + math.Sin(startAngle)*ry
- if len(p.Components) > 0 {
- p.LineTo(startX, startY)
- } else {
- p.MoveTo(startX, startY)
- }
- p.appendToPath(ArcToComponent, cx, cy, rx, ry, startAngle, delta)
- p.x = cx + math.Cos(endAngle)*rx
- p.y = cy + math.Sin(endAngle)*ry
-// Close closes the current path
-func (p *Path) Close() {
- p.appendToPath(CloseComponent)
-// Copy make a clone of the current path and return it
-func (p *Path) Copy() (dest *Path) {
- dest = new(Path)
- dest.Components = make([]PathComponent, len(p.Components))
- copy(dest.Components, p.Components)
- dest.Points = make([]float64, len(p.Points))
- copy(dest.Points, p.Points)
- dest.x, dest.y = p.x, p.y
- return dest
-// Clear reset the path
-func (p *Path) Clear() {
- p.Components = p.Components[0:0]
- p.Points = p.Points[0:0]
- return
-// IsEmpty returns true if the path is empty
-func (p *Path) IsEmpty() bool {
- return len(p.Components) == 0
-// String returns a debug text view of the path
-func (p *Path) String() string {
- s := ""
- j := 0
- for _, cmd := range p.Components {
- switch cmd {
- case MoveToComponent:
- s += fmt.Sprintf("MoveTo: %f, %f\n", p.Points[j], p.Points[j+1])
- j = j + 2
- case LineToComponent:
- s += fmt.Sprintf("LineTo: %f, %f\n", p.Points[j], p.Points[j+1])
- j = j + 2
- case QuadCurveToComponent:
- s += fmt.Sprintf("QuadCurveTo: %f, %f, %f, %f\n", p.Points[j], p.Points[j+1], p.Points[j+2], p.Points[j+3])
- j = j + 4
- case CubicCurveToComponent:
- s += fmt.Sprintf("CubicCurveTo: %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f\n", p.Points[j], p.Points[j+1], p.Points[j+2], p.Points[j+3], p.Points[j+4], p.Points[j+5])
- j = j + 6
- case ArcToComponent:
- s += fmt.Sprintf("ArcTo: %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f\n", p.Points[j], p.Points[j+1], p.Points[j+2], p.Points[j+3], p.Points[j+4], p.Points[j+5])
- j = j + 6
- case CloseComponent:
- s += "Close\n"
- }
- }
- return s
package drawing
-import (
- "errors"
- "image"
- "image/color"
- "math"
- "github.com/golang/freetype/raster"
- "github.com/golang/freetype/truetype"
- "golang.org/x/image/draw"
- "golang.org/x/image/font"
- "golang.org/x/image/math/fixed"
-// NewRasterGraphicContext creates a new Graphic context from an image.
-func NewRasterGraphicContext(img draw.Image) (*RasterGraphicContext, error) {
- var painter Painter
- switch selectImage := img.(type) {
- case *image.RGBA:
- painter = raster.NewRGBAPainter(selectImage)
- default:
- return nil, errors.New("NewRasterGraphicContext() :: invalid image type")
- }
- return NewRasterGraphicContextWithPainter(img, painter), nil
-// NewRasterGraphicContextWithPainter creates a new Graphic context from an image and a Painter (see Freetype-go)
-func NewRasterGraphicContextWithPainter(img draw.Image, painter Painter) *RasterGraphicContext {
- width, height := img.Bounds().Dx(), img.Bounds().Dy()
- return &RasterGraphicContext{
- NewStackGraphicContext(),
- img,
- painter,
- raster.NewRasterizer(width, height),
- raster.NewRasterizer(width, height),
- &truetype.GlyphBuf{},
- DefaultDPI,
- }
-// RasterGraphicContext is the implementation of GraphicContext for a raster image
-type RasterGraphicContext struct {
- *StackGraphicContext
- img draw.Image
- painter Painter
- fillRasterizer *raster.Rasterizer
- strokeRasterizer *raster.Rasterizer
- glyphBuf *truetype.GlyphBuf
- DPI float64
-// SetDPI sets the screen resolution in dots per inch.
-func (rgc *RasterGraphicContext) SetDPI(dpi float64) {
- rgc.DPI = dpi
- rgc.recalc()
-// GetDPI returns the resolution of the Image GraphicContext
-func (rgc *RasterGraphicContext) GetDPI() float64 {
- return rgc.DPI
-// Clear fills the current canvas with a default transparent color
-func (rgc *RasterGraphicContext) Clear() {
- width, height := rgc.img.Bounds().Dx(), rgc.img.Bounds().Dy()
- rgc.ClearRect(0, 0, width, height)
-// ClearRect fills the current canvas with a default transparent color at the specified rectangle
-func (rgc *RasterGraphicContext) ClearRect(x1, y1, x2, y2 int) {
- imageColor := image.NewUniform(rgc.current.FillColor)
- draw.Draw(rgc.img, image.Rect(x1, y1, x2, y2), imageColor, image.ZP, draw.Over)
-// DrawImage draws the raster image in the current canvas
-func (rgc *RasterGraphicContext) DrawImage(img image.Image) {
- DrawImage(img, rgc.img, rgc.current.Tr, draw.Over, BilinearFilter)
-// FillString draws the text at point (0, 0)
-func (rgc *RasterGraphicContext) FillString(text string) (cursor float64, err error) {
- cursor, err = rgc.FillStringAt(text, 0, 0)
- return
-// FillStringAt draws the text at the specified point (x, y)
-func (rgc *RasterGraphicContext) FillStringAt(text string, x, y float64) (cursor float64, err error) {
- cursor, err = rgc.CreateStringPath(text, x, y)
- rgc.Fill()
- return
-// StrokeString draws the contour of the text at point (0, 0)
-func (rgc *RasterGraphicContext) StrokeString(text string) (cursor float64, err error) {
- cursor, err = rgc.StrokeStringAt(text, 0, 0)
- return
-// StrokeStringAt draws the contour of the text at point (x, y)
-func (rgc *RasterGraphicContext) StrokeStringAt(text string, x, y float64) (cursor float64, err error) {
- cursor, err = rgc.CreateStringPath(text, x, y)
- rgc.Stroke()
- return
-func (rgc *RasterGraphicContext) drawGlyph(glyph truetype.Index, dx, dy float64) error {
- if err := rgc.glyphBuf.Load(rgc.current.Font, fixed.Int26_6(rgc.current.Scale), glyph, font.HintingNone); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- e0 := 0
- for _, e1 := range rgc.glyphBuf.Ends {
- DrawContour(rgc, rgc.glyphBuf.Points[e0:e1], dx, dy)
- e0 = e1
- }
- return nil
-// CreateStringPath creates a path from the string s at x, y, and returns the string width.
-// The text is placed so that the left edge of the em square of the first character of s
-// and the baseline intersect at x, y. The majority of the affected pixels will be
-// above and to the right of the point, but some may be below or to the left.
-// For example, drawing a string that starts with a 'J' in an italic font may
-// affect pixels below and left of the point.
-func (rgc *RasterGraphicContext) CreateStringPath(s string, x, y float64) (cursor float64, err error) {
- f := rgc.GetFont()
- if f == nil {
- err = errors.New("No font loaded, cannot continue")
- return
- }
- rgc.recalc()
- startx := x
- prev, hasPrev := truetype.Index(0), false
- for _, rc := range s {
- index := f.Index(rc)
- if hasPrev {
- x += fUnitsToFloat64(f.Kern(fixed.Int26_6(rgc.current.Scale), prev, index))
- }
- err = rgc.drawGlyph(index, x, y)
- if err != nil {
- cursor = x - startx
- return
- }
- x += fUnitsToFloat64(f.HMetric(fixed.Int26_6(rgc.current.Scale), index).AdvanceWidth)
- prev, hasPrev = index, true
- }
- cursor = x - startx
- return
-// GetStringBounds returns the approximate pixel bounds of a string.
-func (rgc *RasterGraphicContext) GetStringBounds(s string) (left, top, right, bottom float64, err error) {
- f := rgc.GetFont()
- if f == nil {
- err = errors.New("No font loaded, cannot continue")
- return
- }
- rgc.recalc()
- left = math.MaxFloat64
- top = math.MaxFloat64
- cursor := 0.0
- prev, hasPrev := truetype.Index(0), false
- for _, rc := range s {
- index := f.Index(rc)
- if hasPrev {
- cursor += fUnitsToFloat64(f.Kern(fixed.Int26_6(rgc.current.Scale), prev, index))
- }
- if err = rgc.glyphBuf.Load(rgc.current.Font, fixed.Int26_6(rgc.current.Scale), index, font.HintingNone); err != nil {
- return
- }
- e0 := 0
- for _, e1 := range rgc.glyphBuf.Ends {
- ps := rgc.glyphBuf.Points[e0:e1]
- for _, p := range ps {
- x, y := pointToF64Point(p)
- top = math.Min(top, y)
- bottom = math.Max(bottom, y)
- left = math.Min(left, x+cursor)
- right = math.Max(right, x+cursor)
- }
- e0 = e1
- }
- cursor += fUnitsToFloat64(f.HMetric(fixed.Int26_6(rgc.current.Scale), index).AdvanceWidth)
- prev, hasPrev = index, true
- }
- return
-// recalc recalculates scale and bounds values from the font size, screen
-// resolution and font metrics, and invalidates the glyph cache.
-func (rgc *RasterGraphicContext) recalc() {
- rgc.current.Scale = rgc.current.FontSizePoints * float64(rgc.DPI)
-// SetFont sets the font used to draw text.
-func (rgc *RasterGraphicContext) SetFont(font *truetype.Font) {
- rgc.current.Font = font
-// GetFont returns the font used to draw text.
-func (rgc *RasterGraphicContext) GetFont() *truetype.Font {
- return rgc.current.Font
-// SetFontSize sets the font size in points (as in ``a 12 point font'').
-func (rgc *RasterGraphicContext) SetFontSize(fontSizePoints float64) {
- rgc.current.FontSizePoints = fontSizePoints
- rgc.recalc()
-func (rgc *RasterGraphicContext) paint(rasterizer *raster.Rasterizer, color color.Color) {
- rgc.painter.SetColor(color)
- rasterizer.Rasterize(rgc.painter)
- rasterizer.Clear()
- rgc.current.Path.Clear()
-// Stroke strokes the paths with the color specified by SetStrokeColor
-func (rgc *RasterGraphicContext) Stroke(paths ...*Path) {
- paths = append(paths, rgc.current.Path)
- rgc.strokeRasterizer.UseNonZeroWinding = true
- stroker := NewLineStroker(rgc.current.Cap, rgc.current.Join, Transformer{Tr: rgc.current.Tr, Flattener: FtLineBuilder{Adder: rgc.strokeRasterizer}})
- stroker.HalfLineWidth = rgc.current.LineWidth / 2
- var liner Flattener
- if rgc.current.Dash != nil && len(rgc.current.Dash) > 0 {
- liner = NewDashVertexConverter(rgc.current.Dash, rgc.current.DashOffset, stroker)
- } else {
- liner = stroker
- }
- for _, p := range paths {
- Flatten(p, liner, rgc.current.Tr.GetScale())
- }
- rgc.paint(rgc.strokeRasterizer, rgc.current.StrokeColor)
-// Fill fills the paths with the color specified by SetFillColor
-func (rgc *RasterGraphicContext) Fill(paths ...*Path) {
- paths = append(paths, rgc.current.Path)
- rgc.fillRasterizer.UseNonZeroWinding = rgc.current.FillRule == FillRuleWinding
- flattener := Transformer{Tr: rgc.current.Tr, Flattener: FtLineBuilder{Adder: rgc.fillRasterizer}}
- for _, p := range paths {
- Flatten(p, flattener, rgc.current.Tr.GetScale())
- }
- rgc.paint(rgc.fillRasterizer, rgc.current.FillColor)
-// FillStroke first fills the paths and than strokes them
-func (rgc *RasterGraphicContext) FillStroke(paths ...*Path) {
- paths = append(paths, rgc.current.Path)
- rgc.fillRasterizer.UseNonZeroWinding = rgc.current.FillRule == FillRuleWinding
- rgc.strokeRasterizer.UseNonZeroWinding = true
- flattener := Transformer{Tr: rgc.current.Tr, Flattener: FtLineBuilder{Adder: rgc.fillRasterizer}}
- stroker := NewLineStroker(rgc.current.Cap, rgc.current.Join, Transformer{Tr: rgc.current.Tr, Flattener: FtLineBuilder{Adder: rgc.strokeRasterizer}})
- stroker.HalfLineWidth = rgc.current.LineWidth / 2
- var liner Flattener
- if rgc.current.Dash != nil && len(rgc.current.Dash) > 0 {
- liner = NewDashVertexConverter(rgc.current.Dash, rgc.current.DashOffset, stroker)
- } else {
- liner = stroker
- }
- demux := DemuxFlattener{Flatteners: []Flattener{flattener, liner}}
- for _, p := range paths {
- Flatten(p, demux, rgc.current.Tr.GetScale())
- }
- // Fill
- rgc.paint(rgc.fillRasterizer, rgc.current.FillColor)
- // Stroke
- rgc.paint(rgc.strokeRasterizer, rgc.current.StrokeColor)
package drawing
-import (
- "image"
- "image/color"
- "github.com/golang/freetype/truetype"
-// StackGraphicContext is a context that does thngs.
-type StackGraphicContext struct {
- current *ContextStack
-// ContextStack is a graphic context implementation.
-type ContextStack struct {
- Tr Matrix
- Path *Path
- LineWidth float64
- Dash []float64
- DashOffset float64
- StrokeColor color.Color
- FillColor color.Color
- FillRule FillRule
- Cap LineCap
- Join LineJoin
- FontSizePoints float64
- Font *truetype.Font
- Scale float64
- Previous *ContextStack
-// NewStackGraphicContext Create a new Graphic context from an image
-func NewStackGraphicContext() *StackGraphicContext {
- gc := &StackGraphicContext{}
- gc.current = new(ContextStack)
- gc.current.Tr = NewIdentityMatrix()
- gc.current.Path = new(Path)
- gc.current.LineWidth = 1.0
- gc.current.StrokeColor = image.Black
- gc.current.FillColor = image.White
- gc.current.Cap = RoundCap
- gc.current.FillRule = FillRuleEvenOdd
- gc.current.Join = RoundJoin
- gc.current.FontSizePoints = 10
- return gc
-// GetMatrixTransform returns the matrix transform.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) GetMatrixTransform() Matrix {
- return gc.current.Tr
-// SetMatrixTransform sets the matrix transform.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) SetMatrixTransform(tr Matrix) {
- gc.current.Tr = tr
-// ComposeMatrixTransform composes a transform into the current transform.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) ComposeMatrixTransform(tr Matrix) {
- gc.current.Tr.Compose(tr)
-// Rotate rotates the matrix transform by an angle in degrees.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) Rotate(angle float64) {
- gc.current.Tr.Rotate(angle)
-// Translate translates a transform.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) Translate(tx, ty float64) {
- gc.current.Tr.Translate(tx, ty)
-// Scale scales a transform.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) Scale(sx, sy float64) {
- gc.current.Tr.Scale(sx, sy)
-// SetStrokeColor sets the stroke color.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) SetStrokeColor(c color.Color) {
- gc.current.StrokeColor = c
-// SetFillColor sets the fill color.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) SetFillColor(c color.Color) {
- gc.current.FillColor = c
-// SetFillRule sets the fill rule.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) SetFillRule(f FillRule) {
- gc.current.FillRule = f
-// SetLineWidth sets the line width.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) SetLineWidth(lineWidth float64) {
- gc.current.LineWidth = lineWidth
-// SetLineCap sets the line cap.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) SetLineCap(cap LineCap) {
- gc.current.Cap = cap
-// SetLineJoin sets the line join.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) SetLineJoin(join LineJoin) {
- gc.current.Join = join
-// SetLineDash sets the line dash.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) SetLineDash(dash []float64, dashOffset float64) {
- gc.current.Dash = dash
- gc.current.DashOffset = dashOffset
-// SetFontSize sets the font size.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) SetFontSize(fontSizePoints float64) {
- gc.current.FontSizePoints = fontSizePoints
-// GetFontSize gets the font size.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) GetFontSize() float64 {
- return gc.current.FontSizePoints
-// SetFont sets the current font.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) SetFont(f *truetype.Font) {
- gc.current.Font = f
-// GetFont returns the font.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) GetFont() *truetype.Font {
- return gc.current.Font
-// BeginPath starts a new path.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) BeginPath() {
- gc.current.Path.Clear()
-// IsEmpty returns if the path is empty.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) IsEmpty() bool {
- return gc.current.Path.IsEmpty()
-// LastPoint returns the last point on the path.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) LastPoint() (x float64, y float64) {
- return gc.current.Path.LastPoint()
-// MoveTo moves the cursor for a path.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) MoveTo(x, y float64) {
- gc.current.Path.MoveTo(x, y)
-// LineTo draws a line.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) LineTo(x, y float64) {
- gc.current.Path.LineTo(x, y)
-// QuadCurveTo draws a quad curve.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) QuadCurveTo(cx, cy, x, y float64) {
- gc.current.Path.QuadCurveTo(cx, cy, x, y)
-// CubicCurveTo draws a cubic curve.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) CubicCurveTo(cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x, y float64) {
- gc.current.Path.CubicCurveTo(cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x, y)
-// ArcTo draws an arc.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) ArcTo(cx, cy, rx, ry, startAngle, delta float64) {
- gc.current.Path.ArcTo(cx, cy, rx, ry, startAngle, delta)
-// Close closes a path.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) Close() {
- gc.current.Path.Close()
-// Save pushes a context onto the stack.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) Save() {
- context := new(ContextStack)
- context.FontSizePoints = gc.current.FontSizePoints
- context.Font = gc.current.Font
- context.LineWidth = gc.current.LineWidth
- context.StrokeColor = gc.current.StrokeColor
- context.FillColor = gc.current.FillColor
- context.FillRule = gc.current.FillRule
- context.Dash = gc.current.Dash
- context.DashOffset = gc.current.DashOffset
- context.Cap = gc.current.Cap
- context.Join = gc.current.Join
- context.Path = gc.current.Path.Copy()
- context.Font = gc.current.Font
- context.Scale = gc.current.Scale
- copy(context.Tr[:], gc.current.Tr[:])
- context.Previous = gc.current
- gc.current = context
-// Restore restores the previous context.
-func (gc *StackGraphicContext) Restore() {
- if gc.current.Previous != nil {
- oldContext := gc.current
- gc.current = gc.current.Previous
- oldContext.Previous = nil
- }
// Copyright 2010 The draw2d Authors. All rights reserved.
-// created: 13/12/2010 by Laurent Le Goff
-package drawing
-// NewLineStroker creates a new line stroker.
-func NewLineStroker(c LineCap, j LineJoin, flattener Flattener) *LineStroker {
- l := new(LineStroker)
- l.Flattener = flattener
- l.HalfLineWidth = 0.5
- l.Cap = c
- l.Join = j
- return l
-// LineStroker draws the stroke portion of a line.
-type LineStroker struct {
- Flattener Flattener
- HalfLineWidth float64
- Cap LineCap
- Join LineJoin
- vertices []float64
- rewind []float64
- x, y, nx, ny float64
-// MoveTo implements the path builder interface.
-func (l *LineStroker) MoveTo(x, y float64) {
- l.x, l.y = x, y
-// LineTo implements the path builder interface.
-func (l *LineStroker) LineTo(x, y float64) {
- l.line(l.x, l.y, x, y)
-// LineJoin implements the path builder interface.
-func (l *LineStroker) LineJoin() {}
-func (l *LineStroker) line(x1, y1, x2, y2 float64) {
- dx := (x2 - x1)
- dy := (y2 - y1)
- d := vectorDistance(dx, dy)
- if d != 0 {
- nx := dy * l.HalfLineWidth / d
- ny := -(dx * l.HalfLineWidth / d)
- l.appendVertex(x1+nx, y1+ny, x2+nx, y2+ny, x1-nx, y1-ny, x2-nx, y2-ny)
- l.x, l.y, l.nx, l.ny = x2, y2, nx, ny
- }
-// Close implements the path builder interface.
-func (l *LineStroker) Close() {
- if len(l.vertices) > 1 {
- l.appendVertex(l.vertices[0], l.vertices[1], l.rewind[0], l.rewind[1])
- }
-// End implements the path builder interface.
-func (l *LineStroker) End() {
- if len(l.vertices) > 1 {
- l.Flattener.MoveTo(l.vertices[0], l.vertices[1])
- for i, j := 2, 3; j < len(l.vertices); i, j = i+2, j+2 {
- l.Flattener.LineTo(l.vertices[i], l.vertices[j])
- }
- }
- for i, j := len(l.rewind)-2, len(l.rewind)-1; j > 0; i, j = i-2, j-2 {
- l.Flattener.LineTo(l.rewind[i], l.rewind[j])
- }
- if len(l.vertices) > 1 {
- l.Flattener.LineTo(l.vertices[0], l.vertices[1])
- }
- l.Flattener.End()
- // reinit vertices
- l.vertices = l.vertices[0:0]
- l.rewind = l.rewind[0:0]
- l.x, l.y, l.nx, l.ny = 0, 0, 0, 0
-func (l *LineStroker) appendVertex(vertices ...float64) {
- s := len(vertices) / 2
- l.vertices = append(l.vertices, vertices[:s]...)
- l.rewind = append(l.rewind, vertices[s:]...)
package drawing
-import (
- "github.com/golang/freetype/truetype"
- "golang.org/x/image/math/fixed"
-// DrawContour draws the given closed contour at the given sub-pixel offset.
-func DrawContour(path PathBuilder, ps []truetype.Point, dx, dy float64) {
- if len(ps) == 0 {
- return
- }
- startX, startY := pointToF64Point(ps[0])
- path.MoveTo(startX+dx, startY+dy)
- q0X, q0Y, on0 := startX, startY, true
- for _, p := range ps[1:] {
- qX, qY := pointToF64Point(p)
- on := p.Flags&0x01 != 0
- if on {
- if on0 {
- path.LineTo(qX+dx, qY+dy)
- } else {
- path.QuadCurveTo(q0X+dx, q0Y+dy, qX+dx, qY+dy)
- }
- } else if !on0 {
- midX := (q0X + qX) / 2
- midY := (q0Y + qY) / 2
- path.QuadCurveTo(q0X+dx, q0Y+dy, midX+dx, midY+dy)
- }
- q0X, q0Y, on0 = qX, qY, on
- }
- // Close the curve.
- if on0 {
- path.LineTo(startX+dx, startY+dy)
- } else {
- path.QuadCurveTo(q0X+dx, q0Y+dy, startX+dx, startY+dy)
- }
-// FontExtents contains font metric information.
-type FontExtents struct {
- // Ascent is the distance that the text
- // extends above the baseline.
- Ascent float64
- // Descent is the distance that the text
- // extends below the baseline. The descent
- // is given as a negative value.
- Descent float64
- // Height is the distance from the lowest
- // descending point to the highest ascending
- // point.
- Height float64
-// Extents returns the FontExtents for a font.
-// TODO needs to read this https://developer.apple.com/fonts/TrueType-Reference-Manual/RM02/Chap2.html#intro
-func Extents(font *truetype.Font, size float64) FontExtents {
- bounds := font.Bounds(fixed.Int26_6(font.FUnitsPerEm()))
- scale := size / float64(font.FUnitsPerEm())
- return FontExtents{
- Ascent: float64(bounds.Max.Y) * scale,
- Descent: float64(bounds.Min.Y) * scale,
- Height: float64(bounds.Max.Y-bounds.Min.Y) * scale,
- }
// Copyright 2010 The draw2d Authors. All rights reserved.
-// created: 13/12/2010 by Laurent Le Goff
-package drawing
-// Transformer apply the Matrix transformation tr
-type Transformer struct {
- Tr Matrix
- Flattener Flattener
-// MoveTo implements the path builder interface.
-func (t Transformer) MoveTo(x, y float64) {
- u := x*t.Tr[0] + y*t.Tr[2] + t.Tr[4]
- v := x*t.Tr[1] + y*t.Tr[3] + t.Tr[5]
- t.Flattener.MoveTo(u, v)
-// LineTo implements the path builder interface.
-func (t Transformer) LineTo(x, y float64) {
- u := x*t.Tr[0] + y*t.Tr[2] + t.Tr[4]
- v := x*t.Tr[1] + y*t.Tr[3] + t.Tr[5]
- t.Flattener.LineTo(u, v)
-// LineJoin implements the path builder interface.
-func (t Transformer) LineJoin() {
- t.Flattener.LineJoin()
-// Close implements the path builder interface.
-func (t Transformer) Close() {
- t.Flattener.Close()
-// End implements the path builder interface.
-func (t Transformer) End() {
- t.Flattener.End()
package drawing
-import (
- "math"
- "golang.org/x/image/math/fixed"
- "github.com/golang/freetype/raster"
- "github.com/golang/freetype/truetype"
-// PixelsToPoints returns the points for a given number of pixels at a DPI.
-func PixelsToPoints(dpi, pixels float64) (points float64) {
- points = (pixels * 72.0) / dpi
- return
-// PointsToPixels returns the pixels for a given number of points at a DPI.
-func PointsToPixels(dpi, points float64) (pixels float64) {
- pixels = (points * dpi) / 72.0
- return
-func abs(i int) int {
- if i < 0 {
- return -i
- }
- return i
-func distance(x1, y1, x2, y2 float64) float64 {
- return vectorDistance(x2-x1, y2-y1)
-func vectorDistance(dx, dy float64) float64 {
- return float64(math.Sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy))
-func toFtCap(c LineCap) raster.Capper {
- switch c {
- case RoundCap:
- return raster.RoundCapper
- case ButtCap:
- return raster.ButtCapper
- case SquareCap:
- return raster.SquareCapper
- }
- return raster.RoundCapper
-func toFtJoin(j LineJoin) raster.Joiner {
- switch j {
- case RoundJoin:
- return raster.RoundJoiner
- case BevelJoin:
- return raster.BevelJoiner
- }
- return raster.RoundJoiner
-func pointToF64Point(p truetype.Point) (x, y float64) {
- return fUnitsToFloat64(p.X), -fUnitsToFloat64(p.Y)
-func fUnitsToFloat64(x fixed.Int26_6) float64 {
- scaled := x << 2
- return float64(scaled/256) + float64(scaled%256)/256.0
package chart
-import "fmt"
-const (
- // DefaultEMAPeriod is the default EMA period used in the sigma calculation.
- DefaultEMAPeriod = 12
-// Interface Assertions.
-var (
- _ Series = (*EMASeries)(nil)
- _ FirstValuesProvider = (*EMASeries)(nil)
- _ LastValuesProvider = (*EMASeries)(nil)
-// EMASeries is a computed series.
-type EMASeries struct {
- Name string
- Style Style
- YAxis YAxisType
- Period int
- InnerSeries ValuesProvider
- cache []float64
-// GetName returns the name of the time series.
-func (ema EMASeries) GetName() string {
- return ema.Name
-// GetStyle returns the line style.
-func (ema EMASeries) GetStyle() Style {
- return ema.Style
-// GetYAxis returns which YAxis the series draws on.
-func (ema EMASeries) GetYAxis() YAxisType {
- return ema.YAxis
-// GetPeriod returns the window size.
-func (ema EMASeries) GetPeriod() int {
- if ema.Period == 0 {
- return DefaultEMAPeriod
- }
- return ema.Period
-// Len returns the number of elements in the series.
-func (ema EMASeries) Len() int {
- return ema.InnerSeries.Len()
-// GetSigma returns the smoothing factor for the serise.
-func (ema EMASeries) GetSigma() float64 {
- return 2.0 / (float64(ema.GetPeriod()) + 1)
-// GetValues gets a value at a given index.
-func (ema *EMASeries) GetValues(index int) (x, y float64) {
- if ema.InnerSeries == nil {
- return
- }
- if len(ema.cache) == 0 {
- ema.ensureCachedValues()
- }
- vx, _ := ema.InnerSeries.GetValues(index)
- x = vx
- y = ema.cache[index]
- return
-// GetFirstValues computes the first moving average value.
-func (ema *EMASeries) GetFirstValues() (x, y float64) {
- if ema.InnerSeries == nil {
- return
- }
- if len(ema.cache) == 0 {
- ema.ensureCachedValues()
- }
- x, _ = ema.InnerSeries.GetValues(0)
- y = ema.cache[0]
- return
-// GetLastValues computes the last moving average value but walking back window size samples,
-// and recomputing the last moving average chunk.
-func (ema *EMASeries) GetLastValues() (x, y float64) {
- if ema.InnerSeries == nil {
- return
- }
- if len(ema.cache) == 0 {
- ema.ensureCachedValues()
- }
- lastIndex := ema.InnerSeries.Len() - 1
- x, _ = ema.InnerSeries.GetValues(lastIndex)
- y = ema.cache[lastIndex]
- return
-func (ema *EMASeries) ensureCachedValues() {
- seriesLength := ema.InnerSeries.Len()
- ema.cache = make([]float64, seriesLength)
- sigma := ema.GetSigma()
- for x := 0; x < seriesLength; x++ {
- _, y := ema.InnerSeries.GetValues(x)
- if x == 0 {
- ema.cache[x] = y
- continue
- }
- previousEMA := ema.cache[x-1]
- ema.cache[x] = ((y - previousEMA) * sigma) + previousEMA
- }
-// Render renders the series.
-func (ema *EMASeries) Render(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, defaults Style) {
- style := ema.Style.InheritFrom(defaults)
- Draw.LineSeries(r, canvasBox, xrange, yrange, style, ema)
-// Validate validates the series.
-func (ema *EMASeries) Validate() error {
- if ema.InnerSeries == nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("ema series requires InnerSeries to be set")
- }
- return nil
package chart
-import "fmt"
-// FirstValueAnnotation returns an annotation series of just the first value of a value provider as an annotation.
-func FirstValueAnnotation(innerSeries ValuesProvider, vfs ...ValueFormatter) AnnotationSeries {
- var vf ValueFormatter
- if len(vfs) > 0 {
- vf = vfs[0]
- } else if typed, isTyped := innerSeries.(ValueFormatterProvider); isTyped {
- _, vf = typed.GetValueFormatters()
- } else {
- vf = FloatValueFormatter
- }
- var firstValue Value2
- if typed, isTyped := innerSeries.(FirstValuesProvider); isTyped {
- firstValue.XValue, firstValue.YValue = typed.GetFirstValues()
- firstValue.Label = vf(firstValue.YValue)
- } else {
- firstValue.XValue, firstValue.YValue = innerSeries.GetValues(0)
- firstValue.Label = vf(firstValue.YValue)
- }
- var seriesName string
- var seriesStyle Style
- if typed, isTyped := innerSeries.(Series); isTyped {
- seriesName = fmt.Sprintf("%s - First Value", typed.GetName())
- seriesStyle = typed.GetStyle()
- }
- return AnnotationSeries{
- Name: seriesName,
- Style: seriesStyle,
- Annotations: []Value2{firstValue},
- }
package chart
-import (
- "sync"
- "github.com/golang/freetype/truetype"
- "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/roboto"
-var (
- _defaultFontLock sync.Mutex
- _defaultFont *truetype.Font
-// GetDefaultFont returns the default font (Roboto-Medium).
-func GetDefaultFont() (*truetype.Font, error) {
- if _defaultFont == nil {
- _defaultFontLock.Lock()
- defer _defaultFontLock.Unlock()
- if _defaultFont == nil {
- font, err := truetype.Parse(roboto.Roboto)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- _defaultFont = font
- }
- }
- return _defaultFont, nil
package chart
-// GridLineProvider is a type that provides grid lines.
-type GridLineProvider interface {
- GetGridLines(ticks []Tick, isVertical bool, majorStyle, minorStyle Style) []GridLine
-// GridLine is a line on a graph canvas.
-type GridLine struct {
- IsMinor bool
- Style Style
- Value float64
-// Major returns if the gridline is a `major` line.
-func (gl GridLine) Major() bool {
- return !gl.IsMinor
-// Minor returns if the gridline is a `minor` line.
-func (gl GridLine) Minor() bool {
- return gl.IsMinor
-// Render renders the gridline
-func (gl GridLine) Render(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, ra Range, isVertical bool, defaults Style) {
- r.SetStrokeColor(gl.Style.GetStrokeColor(defaults.GetStrokeColor()))
- r.SetStrokeWidth(gl.Style.GetStrokeWidth(defaults.GetStrokeWidth()))
- r.SetStrokeDashArray(gl.Style.GetStrokeDashArray(defaults.GetStrokeDashArray()))
- if isVertical {
- lineLeft := canvasBox.Left + ra.Translate(gl.Value)
- lineBottom := canvasBox.Bottom
- lineTop := canvasBox.Top
- r.MoveTo(lineLeft, lineBottom)
- r.LineTo(lineLeft, lineTop)
- r.Stroke()
- } else {
- lineLeft := canvasBox.Left
- lineRight := canvasBox.Right
- lineHeight := canvasBox.Bottom - ra.Translate(gl.Value)
- r.MoveTo(lineLeft, lineHeight)
- r.LineTo(lineRight, lineHeight)
- r.Stroke()
- }
-// GenerateGridLines generates grid lines.
-func GenerateGridLines(ticks []Tick, majorStyle, minorStyle Style) []GridLine {
- var gl []GridLine
- isMinor := false
- if len(ticks) < 3 {
- return gl
- }
- for _, t := range ticks[1 : len(ticks)-1] {
- s := majorStyle
- if isMinor {
- s = minorStyle
- }
- gl = append(gl, GridLine{
- Style: s,
- IsMinor: isMinor,
- Value: t.Value,
- })
- isMinor = !isMinor
- }
- return gl
package chart
-import "fmt"
-// HistogramSeries is a special type of series that draws as a histogram.
-// Some peculiarities; it will always be lower bounded at 0 (at the very least).
-// This may alter ranges a bit and generally you want to put a histogram series on it's own y-axis.
-type HistogramSeries struct {
- Name string
- Style Style
- YAxis YAxisType
- InnerSeries ValuesProvider
-// GetName implements Series.GetName.
-func (hs HistogramSeries) GetName() string {
- return hs.Name
-// GetStyle implements Series.GetStyle.
-func (hs HistogramSeries) GetStyle() Style {
- return hs.Style
-// GetYAxis returns which yaxis the series is mapped to.
-func (hs HistogramSeries) GetYAxis() YAxisType {
- return hs.YAxis
-// Len implements BoundedValuesProvider.Len.
-func (hs HistogramSeries) Len() int {
- return hs.InnerSeries.Len()
-// GetValues implements ValuesProvider.GetValues.
-func (hs HistogramSeries) GetValues(index int) (x, y float64) {
- return hs.InnerSeries.GetValues(index)
-// GetBoundedValues implements BoundedValuesProvider.GetBoundedValue
-func (hs HistogramSeries) GetBoundedValues(index int) (x, y1, y2 float64) {
- vx, vy := hs.InnerSeries.GetValues(index)
- x = vx
- if vy > 0 {
- y1 = vy
- return
- }
- y2 = vy
- return
-// Render implements Series.Render.
-func (hs HistogramSeries) Render(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, defaults Style) {
- style := hs.Style.InheritFrom(defaults)
- Draw.HistogramSeries(r, canvasBox, xrange, yrange, style, hs)
-// Validate validates the series.
-func (hs HistogramSeries) Validate() error {
- if hs.InnerSeries == nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("histogram series requires InnerSeries to be set")
- }
- return nil
package chart
-import (
- "bytes"
- "errors"
- "image"
- "image/png"
-// RGBACollector is a render target for a chart.
-type RGBACollector interface {
- SetRGBA(i *image.RGBA)
-// ImageWriter is a special type of io.Writer that produces a final image.
-type ImageWriter struct {
- rgba *image.RGBA
- contents *bytes.Buffer
-func (ir *ImageWriter) Write(buffer []byte) (int, error) {
- if ir.contents == nil {
- ir.contents = bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
- }
- return ir.contents.Write(buffer)
-// SetRGBA sets a raw version of the image.
-func (ir *ImageWriter) SetRGBA(i *image.RGBA) {
- ir.rgba = i
-// Image returns an *image.Image for the result.
-func (ir *ImageWriter) Image() (image.Image, error) {
- if ir.rgba != nil {
- return ir.rgba, nil
- }
- if ir.contents != nil && ir.contents.Len() > 0 {
- return png.Decode(ir.contents)
- }
- return nil, errors.New("no valid sources for image data, cannot continue")
package chart
-import "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/drawing"
-// Jet is a color map provider based on matlab's jet color map.
-func Jet(v, vmin, vmax float64) drawing.Color {
- c := drawing.Color{R: 0xff, G: 0xff, B: 0xff, A: 0xff} // white
- var dv float64
- if v < vmin {
- v = vmin
- }
- if v > vmax {
- v = vmax
- }
- dv = vmax - vmin
- if v < (vmin + 0.25*dv) {
- c.R = 0
- c.G = drawing.ColorChannelFromFloat(4 * (v - vmin) / dv)
- } else if v < (vmin + 0.5*dv) {
- c.R = 0
- c.B = drawing.ColorChannelFromFloat(1 + 4*(vmin+0.25*dv-v)/dv)
- } else if v < (vmin + 0.75*dv) {
- c.R = drawing.ColorChannelFromFloat(4 * (v - vmin - 0.5*dv) / dv)
- c.B = 0
- } else {
- c.G = drawing.ColorChannelFromFloat(1 + 4*(vmin+0.75*dv-v)/dv)
- c.B = 0
- }
- return c
package chart
-import "fmt"
-// LastValueAnnotation returns an annotation series of just the last value of a value provider.
-func LastValueAnnotation(innerSeries ValuesProvider, vfs ...ValueFormatter) AnnotationSeries {
- var vf ValueFormatter
- if len(vfs) > 0 {
- vf = vfs[0]
- } else if typed, isTyped := innerSeries.(ValueFormatterProvider); isTyped {
- _, vf = typed.GetValueFormatters()
- } else {
- vf = FloatValueFormatter
- }
- var lastValue Value2
- if typed, isTyped := innerSeries.(LastValuesProvider); isTyped {
- lastValue.XValue, lastValue.YValue = typed.GetLastValues()
- lastValue.Label = vf(lastValue.YValue)
- } else {
- lastValue.XValue, lastValue.YValue = innerSeries.GetValues(innerSeries.Len() - 1)
- lastValue.Label = vf(lastValue.YValue)
- }
- var seriesName string
- var seriesStyle Style
- if typed, isTyped := innerSeries.(Series); isTyped {
- seriesName = fmt.Sprintf("%s - Last Value", typed.GetName())
- seriesStyle = typed.GetStyle()
- }
- return AnnotationSeries{
- Name: seriesName,
- Style: seriesStyle,
- Annotations: []Value2{lastValue},
- }
package chart
-import (
- "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/drawing"
- "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/util"
-// Legend returns a legend renderable function.
-func Legend(c *Chart, userDefaults ...Style) Renderable {
- return func(r Renderer, cb Box, chartDefaults Style) {
- legendDefaults := Style{
- FillColor: drawing.ColorWhite,
- FontColor: DefaultTextColor,
- FontSize: 8.0,
- StrokeColor: DefaultAxisColor,
- StrokeWidth: DefaultAxisLineWidth,
- }
- var legendStyle Style
- if len(userDefaults) > 0 {
- legendStyle = userDefaults[0].InheritFrom(chartDefaults.InheritFrom(legendDefaults))
- } else {
- legendStyle = chartDefaults.InheritFrom(legendDefaults)
- }
- legendPadding := Box{
- Top: 5,
- Left: 5,
- Right: 5,
- Bottom: 5,
- }
- lineTextGap := 5
- lineLengthMinimum := 25
- var labels []string
- var lines []Style
- for index, s := range c.Series {
- if s.GetStyle().IsZero() || s.GetStyle().Show {
- if _, isAnnotationSeries := s.(AnnotationSeries); !isAnnotationSeries {
- labels = append(labels, s.GetName())
- lines = append(lines, s.GetStyle().InheritFrom(c.styleDefaultsSeries(index)))
- }
- }
- }
- legend := Box{
- Top: cb.Top,
- Left: cb.Left,
- // bottom and right will be sized by the legend content + relevant padding.
- }
- legendContent := Box{
- Top: legend.Top + legendPadding.Top,
- Left: legend.Left + legendPadding.Left,
- Right: legend.Left + legendPadding.Left,
- Bottom: legend.Top + legendPadding.Top,
- }
- legendStyle.GetTextOptions().WriteToRenderer(r)
- // measure
- labelCount := 0
- for x := 0; x < len(labels); x++ {
- if len(labels[x]) > 0 {
- tb := r.MeasureText(labels[x])
- if labelCount > 0 {
- legendContent.Bottom += DefaultMinimumTickVerticalSpacing
- }
- legendContent.Bottom += tb.Height()
- right := legendContent.Left + tb.Width() + lineTextGap + lineLengthMinimum
- legendContent.Right = util.Math.MaxInt(legendContent.Right, right)
- labelCount++
- }
- }
- legend = legend.Grow(legendContent)
- legend.Right = legendContent.Right + legendPadding.Right
- legend.Bottom = legendContent.Bottom + legendPadding.Bottom
- Draw.Box(r, legend, legendStyle)
- legendStyle.GetTextOptions().WriteToRenderer(r)
- ycursor := legendContent.Top
- tx := legendContent.Left
- legendCount := 0
- var label string
- for x := 0; x < len(labels); x++ {
- label = labels[x]
- if len(label) > 0 {
- if legendCount > 0 {
- ycursor += DefaultMinimumTickVerticalSpacing
- }
- tb := r.MeasureText(label)
- ty := ycursor + tb.Height()
- r.Text(label, tx, ty)
- th2 := tb.Height() >> 1
- lx := tx + tb.Width() + lineTextGap
- ly := ty - th2
- lx2 := legendContent.Right - legendPadding.Right
- r.SetStrokeColor(lines[x].GetStrokeColor())
- r.SetStrokeWidth(lines[x].GetStrokeWidth())
- r.SetStrokeDashArray(lines[x].GetStrokeDashArray())
- r.MoveTo(lx, ly)
- r.LineTo(lx2, ly)
- r.Stroke()
- ycursor += tb.Height()
- legendCount++
- }
- }
- }
-// LegendThin is a legend that doesn't obscure the chart area.
-func LegendThin(c *Chart, userDefaults ...Style) Renderable {
- return func(r Renderer, cb Box, chartDefaults Style) {
- legendDefaults := Style{
- FillColor: drawing.ColorWhite,
- FontColor: DefaultTextColor,
- FontSize: 8.0,
- StrokeColor: DefaultAxisColor,
- StrokeWidth: DefaultAxisLineWidth,
- Padding: Box{
- Top: 2,
- Left: 7,
- Right: 7,
- Bottom: 5,
- },
- }
- var legendStyle Style
- if len(userDefaults) > 0 {
- legendStyle = userDefaults[0].InheritFrom(chartDefaults.InheritFrom(legendDefaults))
- } else {
- legendStyle = chartDefaults.InheritFrom(legendDefaults)
- }
- r.SetFont(legendStyle.GetFont())
- r.SetFontColor(legendStyle.GetFontColor())
- r.SetFontSize(legendStyle.GetFontSize())
- var labels []string
- var lines []Style
- for index, s := range c.Series {
- if s.GetStyle().IsZero() || s.GetStyle().Show {
- if _, isAnnotationSeries := s.(AnnotationSeries); !isAnnotationSeries {
- labels = append(labels, s.GetName())
- lines = append(lines, s.GetStyle().InheritFrom(c.styleDefaultsSeries(index)))
- }
- }
- }
- var textHeight int
- var textWidth int
- var textBox Box
- for x := 0; x < len(labels); x++ {
- if len(labels[x]) > 0 {
- textBox = r.MeasureText(labels[x])
- textHeight = util.Math.MaxInt(textBox.Height(), textHeight)
- textWidth = util.Math.MaxInt(textBox.Width(), textWidth)
- }
- }
- legendBoxHeight := textHeight + legendStyle.Padding.Top + legendStyle.Padding.Bottom
- chartPadding := cb.Top
- legendYMargin := (chartPadding - legendBoxHeight) >> 1
- legendBox := Box{
- Left: cb.Left,
- Right: cb.Right,
- Top: legendYMargin,
- Bottom: legendYMargin + legendBoxHeight,
- }
- Draw.Box(r, legendBox, legendDefaults)
- r.SetFont(legendStyle.GetFont())
- r.SetFontColor(legendStyle.GetFontColor())
- r.SetFontSize(legendStyle.GetFontSize())
- lineTextGap := 5
- lineLengthMinimum := 25
- tx := legendBox.Left + legendStyle.Padding.Left
- ty := legendYMargin + legendStyle.Padding.Top + textHeight
- var label string
- var lx, ly int
- th2 := textHeight >> 1
- for index := range labels {
- label = labels[index]
- if len(label) > 0 {
- textBox = r.MeasureText(label)
- r.Text(label, tx, ty)
- lx = tx + textBox.Width() + lineTextGap
- ly = ty - th2
- r.SetStrokeColor(lines[index].GetStrokeColor())
- r.SetStrokeWidth(lines[index].GetStrokeWidth())
- r.SetStrokeDashArray(lines[index].GetStrokeDashArray())
- r.MoveTo(lx, ly)
- r.LineTo(lx+lineLengthMinimum, ly)
- r.Stroke()
- tx += textBox.Width() + DefaultMinimumTickHorizontalSpacing + lineTextGap + lineLengthMinimum
- }
- }
- }
-// LegendLeft is a legend that is designed for longer series lists.
-func LegendLeft(c *Chart, userDefaults ...Style) Renderable {
- return func(r Renderer, cb Box, chartDefaults Style) {
- legendDefaults := Style{
- FillColor: drawing.ColorWhite,
- FontColor: DefaultTextColor,
- FontSize: 8.0,
- StrokeColor: DefaultAxisColor,
- StrokeWidth: DefaultAxisLineWidth,
- }
- var legendStyle Style
- if len(userDefaults) > 0 {
- legendStyle = userDefaults[0].InheritFrom(chartDefaults.InheritFrom(legendDefaults))
- } else {
- legendStyle = chartDefaults.InheritFrom(legendDefaults)
- }
- legendPadding := Box{
- Top: 5,
- Left: 5,
- Right: 5,
- Bottom: 5,
- }
- lineTextGap := 5
- lineLengthMinimum := 25
- var labels []string
- var lines []Style
- for index, s := range c.Series {
- if s.GetStyle().IsZero() || s.GetStyle().Show {
- if _, isAnnotationSeries := s.(AnnotationSeries); !isAnnotationSeries {
- labels = append(labels, s.GetName())
- lines = append(lines, s.GetStyle().InheritFrom(c.styleDefaultsSeries(index)))
- }
- }
- }
- legend := Box{
- Top: 5,
- Left: 5,
- // bottom and right will be sized by the legend content + relevant padding.
- }
- legendContent := Box{
- Top: legend.Top + legendPadding.Top,
- Left: legend.Left + legendPadding.Left,
- Right: legend.Left + legendPadding.Left,
- Bottom: legend.Top + legendPadding.Top,
- }
- legendStyle.GetTextOptions().WriteToRenderer(r)
- // measure
- labelCount := 0
- for x := 0; x < len(labels); x++ {
- if len(labels[x]) > 0 {
- tb := r.MeasureText(labels[x])
- if labelCount > 0 {
- legendContent.Bottom += DefaultMinimumTickVerticalSpacing
- }
- legendContent.Bottom += tb.Height()
- right := legendContent.Left + tb.Width() + lineTextGap + lineLengthMinimum
- legendContent.Right = util.Math.MaxInt(legendContent.Right, right)
- labelCount++
- }
- }
- legend = legend.Grow(legendContent)
- legend.Right = legendContent.Right + legendPadding.Right
- legend.Bottom = legendContent.Bottom + legendPadding.Bottom
- Draw.Box(r, legend, legendStyle)
- legendStyle.GetTextOptions().WriteToRenderer(r)
- ycursor := legendContent.Top
- tx := legendContent.Left
- legendCount := 0
- var label string
- for x := 0; x < len(labels); x++ {
- label = labels[x]
- if len(label) > 0 {
- if legendCount > 0 {
- ycursor += DefaultMinimumTickVerticalSpacing
- }
- tb := r.MeasureText(label)
- ty := ycursor + tb.Height()
- r.Text(label, tx, ty)
- th2 := tb.Height() >> 1
- lx := tx + tb.Width() + lineTextGap
- ly := ty - th2
- lx2 := legendContent.Right - legendPadding.Right
- r.SetStrokeColor(lines[x].GetStrokeColor())
- r.SetStrokeWidth(lines[x].GetStrokeWidth())
- r.SetStrokeDashArray(lines[x].GetStrokeDashArray())
- r.MoveTo(lx, ly)
- r.LineTo(lx2, ly)
- r.Stroke()
- ycursor += tb.Height()
- legendCount++
- }
- }
- }
package chart
-// LinearCoefficientProvider is a type that returns linear cofficients.
-type LinearCoefficientProvider interface {
- Coefficients() (m, b, stdev, avg float64)
-// LinearCoefficients returns a fixed linear coefficient pair.
-func LinearCoefficients(m, b float64) LinearCoefficientSet {
- return LinearCoefficientSet{
- M: m,
- B: b,
- }
-// NormalizedLinearCoefficients returns a fixed linear coefficient pair.
-func NormalizedLinearCoefficients(m, b, stdev, avg float64) LinearCoefficientSet {
- return LinearCoefficientSet{
- M: m,
- B: b,
- StdDev: stdev,
- Avg: avg,
- }
-// LinearCoefficientSet is the m and b values for the linear equation in the form:
-// y = (m*x) + b
-type LinearCoefficientSet struct {
- M float64
- B float64
- StdDev float64
- Avg float64
-// Coefficients returns the coefficients.
-func (lcs LinearCoefficientSet) Coefficients() (m, b, stdev, avg float64) {
- m = lcs.M
- b = lcs.B
- stdev = lcs.StdDev
- avg = lcs.Avg
- return
package chart
-import (
- "fmt"
- "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/seq"
- util "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/util"
-// Interface Assertions.
-var (
- _ Series = (*LinearRegressionSeries)(nil)
- _ FirstValuesProvider = (*LinearRegressionSeries)(nil)
- _ LastValuesProvider = (*LinearRegressionSeries)(nil)
- _ LinearCoefficientProvider = (*LinearRegressionSeries)(nil)
-// LinearRegressionSeries is a series that plots the n-nearest neighbors
-// linear regression for the values.
-type LinearRegressionSeries struct {
- Name string
- Style Style
- YAxis YAxisType
- Limit int
- Offset int
- InnerSeries ValuesProvider
- m float64
- b float64
- avgx float64
- stddevx float64
-// Coefficients returns the linear coefficients for the series.
-func (lrs LinearRegressionSeries) Coefficients() (m, b, stdev, avg float64) {
- if lrs.IsZero() {
- lrs.computeCoefficients()
- }
- m = lrs.m
- b = lrs.b
- stdev = lrs.stddevx
- avg = lrs.avgx
- return
-// GetName returns the name of the time series.
-func (lrs LinearRegressionSeries) GetName() string {
- return lrs.Name
-// GetStyle returns the line style.
-func (lrs LinearRegressionSeries) GetStyle() Style {
- return lrs.Style
-// GetYAxis returns which YAxis the series draws on.
-func (lrs LinearRegressionSeries) GetYAxis() YAxisType {
- return lrs.YAxis
-// Len returns the number of elements in the series.
-func (lrs LinearRegressionSeries) Len() int {
- return util.Math.MinInt(lrs.GetLimit(), lrs.InnerSeries.Len()-lrs.GetOffset())
-// GetLimit returns the window size.
-func (lrs LinearRegressionSeries) GetLimit() int {
- if lrs.Limit == 0 {
- return lrs.InnerSeries.Len()
- }
- return lrs.Limit
-// GetEndIndex returns the effective limit end.
-func (lrs LinearRegressionSeries) GetEndIndex() int {
- windowEnd := lrs.GetOffset() + lrs.GetLimit()
- innerSeriesLastIndex := lrs.InnerSeries.Len() - 1
- return util.Math.MinInt(windowEnd, innerSeriesLastIndex)
-// GetOffset returns the data offset.
-func (lrs LinearRegressionSeries) GetOffset() int {
- if lrs.Offset == 0 {
- return 0
- }
- return lrs.Offset
-// GetValues gets a value at a given index.
-func (lrs *LinearRegressionSeries) GetValues(index int) (x, y float64) {
- if lrs.InnerSeries == nil || lrs.InnerSeries.Len() == 0 {
- return
- }
- if lrs.IsZero() {
- lrs.computeCoefficients()
- }
- offset := lrs.GetOffset()
- effectiveIndex := util.Math.MinInt(index+offset, lrs.InnerSeries.Len())
- x, y = lrs.InnerSeries.GetValues(effectiveIndex)
- y = (lrs.m * lrs.normalize(x)) + lrs.b
- return
-// GetFirstValues computes the first linear regression value.
-func (lrs *LinearRegressionSeries) GetFirstValues() (x, y float64) {
- if lrs.InnerSeries == nil || lrs.InnerSeries.Len() == 0 {
- return
- }
- if lrs.IsZero() {
- lrs.computeCoefficients()
- }
- x, y = lrs.InnerSeries.GetValues(0)
- y = (lrs.m * lrs.normalize(x)) + lrs.b
- return
-// GetLastValues computes the last linear regression value.
-func (lrs *LinearRegressionSeries) GetLastValues() (x, y float64) {
- if lrs.InnerSeries == nil || lrs.InnerSeries.Len() == 0 {
- return
- }
- if lrs.IsZero() {
- lrs.computeCoefficients()
- }
- endIndex := lrs.GetEndIndex()
- x, y = lrs.InnerSeries.GetValues(endIndex)
- y = (lrs.m * lrs.normalize(x)) + lrs.b
- return
-// Render renders the series.
-func (lrs *LinearRegressionSeries) Render(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, defaults Style) {
- style := lrs.Style.InheritFrom(defaults)
- Draw.LineSeries(r, canvasBox, xrange, yrange, style, lrs)
-// Validate validates the series.
-func (lrs *LinearRegressionSeries) Validate() error {
- if lrs.InnerSeries == nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("linear regression series requires InnerSeries to be set")
- }
- return nil
-// IsZero returns if we've computed the coefficients or not.
-func (lrs *LinearRegressionSeries) IsZero() bool {
- return lrs.m == 0 && lrs.b == 0
-// internal helpers
-func (lrs *LinearRegressionSeries) normalize(xvalue float64) float64 {
- return (xvalue - lrs.avgx) / lrs.stddevx
-// computeCoefficients computes the `m` and `b` terms in the linear formula given by `y = mx+b`.
-func (lrs *LinearRegressionSeries) computeCoefficients() {
- startIndex := lrs.GetOffset()
- endIndex := lrs.GetEndIndex()
- p := float64(endIndex - startIndex)
- xvalues := seq.NewBufferWithCapacity(lrs.Len())
- for index := startIndex; index < endIndex; index++ {
- x, _ := lrs.InnerSeries.GetValues(index)
- xvalues.Enqueue(x)
- }
- lrs.avgx = seq.Seq{Provider: xvalues}.Average()
- lrs.stddevx = seq.Seq{Provider: xvalues}.StdDev()
- var sumx, sumy, sumxx, sumxy float64
- for index := startIndex; index < endIndex; index++ {
- x, y := lrs.InnerSeries.GetValues(index)
- x = lrs.normalize(x)
- sumx += x
- sumy += y
- sumxx += x * x
- sumxy += x * y
- }
- lrs.m = (p*sumxy - sumx*sumy) / (p*sumxx - sumx*sumx)
- lrs.b = (sumy / p) - (lrs.m * sumx / p)
package chart
-import (
- "fmt"
-// Interface Assertions.
-var (
- _ Series = (*LinearSeries)(nil)
- _ FirstValuesProvider = (*LinearSeries)(nil)
- _ LastValuesProvider = (*LinearSeries)(nil)
-// LinearSeries is a series that plots a line in a given domain.
-type LinearSeries struct {
- Name string
- Style Style
- YAxis YAxisType
- XValues []float64
- InnerSeries LinearCoefficientProvider
- m float64
- b float64
- stdev float64
- avg float64
-// GetName returns the name of the time series.
-func (ls LinearSeries) GetName() string {
- return ls.Name
-// GetStyle returns the line style.
-func (ls LinearSeries) GetStyle() Style {
- return ls.Style
-// GetYAxis returns which YAxis the series draws on.
-func (ls LinearSeries) GetYAxis() YAxisType {
- return ls.YAxis
-// Len returns the number of elements in the series.
-func (ls LinearSeries) Len() int {
- return len(ls.XValues)
-// GetEndIndex returns the effective limit end.
-func (ls LinearSeries) GetEndIndex() int {
- return len(ls.XValues) - 1
-// GetValues gets a value at a given index.
-func (ls *LinearSeries) GetValues(index int) (x, y float64) {
- if ls.InnerSeries == nil || len(ls.XValues) == 0 {
- return
- }
- if ls.IsZero() {
- ls.computeCoefficients()
- }
- x = ls.XValues[index]
- y = (ls.m * ls.normalize(x)) + ls.b
- return
-// GetFirstValues computes the first linear regression value.
-func (ls *LinearSeries) GetFirstValues() (x, y float64) {
- if ls.InnerSeries == nil || len(ls.XValues) == 0 {
- return
- }
- if ls.IsZero() {
- ls.computeCoefficients()
- }
- x, y = ls.GetValues(0)
- return
-// GetLastValues computes the last linear regression value.
-func (ls *LinearSeries) GetLastValues() (x, y float64) {
- if ls.InnerSeries == nil || len(ls.XValues) == 0 {
- return
- }
- if ls.IsZero() {
- ls.computeCoefficients()
- }
- x, y = ls.GetValues(ls.GetEndIndex())
- return
-// Render renders the series.
-func (ls *LinearSeries) Render(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, defaults Style) {
- Draw.LineSeries(r, canvasBox, xrange, yrange, ls.Style.InheritFrom(defaults), ls)
-// Validate validates the series.
-func (ls LinearSeries) Validate() error {
- if ls.InnerSeries == nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("linear regression series requires InnerSeries to be set")
- }
- return nil
-// IsZero returns if the linear series has computed coefficients or not.
-func (ls LinearSeries) IsZero() bool {
- return ls.m == 0 && ls.b == 0
-// computeCoefficients computes the `m` and `b` terms in the linear formula given by `y = mx+b`.
-func (ls *LinearSeries) computeCoefficients() {
- ls.m, ls.b, ls.stdev, ls.avg = ls.InnerSeries.Coefficients()
-func (ls *LinearSeries) normalize(xvalue float64) float64 {
- if ls.avg > 0 && ls.stdev > 0 {
- return (xvalue - ls.avg) / ls.stdev
- }
- return xvalue
package chart
-import "fmt"
-const (
- // DefaultMACDPeriodPrimary is the long window.
- DefaultMACDPeriodPrimary = 26
- // DefaultMACDPeriodSecondary is the short window.
- DefaultMACDPeriodSecondary = 12
- // DefaultMACDSignalPeriod is the signal period to compute for the MACD.
- DefaultMACDSignalPeriod = 9
-// MACDSeries computes the difference between the MACD line and the MACD Signal line.
-// It is used in technical analysis and gives a lagging indicator of momentum.
-type MACDSeries struct {
- Name string
- Style Style
- YAxis YAxisType
- InnerSeries ValuesProvider
- PrimaryPeriod int
- SecondaryPeriod int
- SignalPeriod int
- signal *MACDSignalSeries
- macdl *MACDLineSeries
-// Validate validates the series.
-func (macd MACDSeries) Validate() error {
- var err error
- if macd.signal != nil {
- err = macd.signal.Validate()
- }
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if macd.macdl != nil {
- err = macd.macdl.Validate()
- }
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return nil
-// GetPeriods returns the primary and secondary periods.
-func (macd MACDSeries) GetPeriods() (w1, w2, sig int) {
- if macd.PrimaryPeriod == 0 {
- w1 = DefaultMACDPeriodPrimary
- } else {
- w1 = macd.PrimaryPeriod
- }
- if macd.SecondaryPeriod == 0 {
- w2 = DefaultMACDPeriodSecondary
- } else {
- w2 = macd.SecondaryPeriod
- }
- if macd.SignalPeriod == 0 {
- sig = DefaultMACDSignalPeriod
- } else {
- sig = macd.SignalPeriod
- }
- return
-// GetName returns the name of the time series.
-func (macd MACDSeries) GetName() string {
- return macd.Name
-// GetStyle returns the line style.
-func (macd MACDSeries) GetStyle() Style {
- return macd.Style
-// GetYAxis returns which YAxis the series draws on.
-func (macd MACDSeries) GetYAxis() YAxisType {
- return macd.YAxis
-// Len returns the number of elements in the series.
-func (macd MACDSeries) Len() int {
- if macd.InnerSeries == nil {
- return 0
- }
- return macd.InnerSeries.Len()
-// GetValues gets a value at a given index. For MACD it is the signal value.
-func (macd *MACDSeries) GetValues(index int) (x float64, y float64) {
- if macd.InnerSeries == nil {
- return
- }
- if macd.signal == nil || macd.macdl == nil {
- macd.ensureChildSeries()
- }
- _, lv := macd.macdl.GetValues(index)
- _, sv := macd.signal.GetValues(index)
- x, _ = macd.InnerSeries.GetValues(index)
- y = lv - sv
- return
-func (macd *MACDSeries) ensureChildSeries() {
- w1, w2, sig := macd.GetPeriods()
- macd.signal = &MACDSignalSeries{
- InnerSeries: macd.InnerSeries,
- PrimaryPeriod: w1,
- SecondaryPeriod: w2,
- SignalPeriod: sig,
- }
- macd.macdl = &MACDLineSeries{
- InnerSeries: macd.InnerSeries,
- PrimaryPeriod: w1,
- SecondaryPeriod: w2,
- }
-// MACDSignalSeries computes the EMA of the MACDLineSeries.
-type MACDSignalSeries struct {
- Name string
- Style Style
- YAxis YAxisType
- InnerSeries ValuesProvider
- PrimaryPeriod int
- SecondaryPeriod int
- SignalPeriod int
- signal *EMASeries
-// Validate validates the series.
-func (macds MACDSignalSeries) Validate() error {
- if macds.signal != nil {
- return macds.signal.Validate()
- }
- return nil
-// GetPeriods returns the primary and secondary periods.
-func (macds MACDSignalSeries) GetPeriods() (w1, w2, sig int) {
- if macds.PrimaryPeriod == 0 {
- w1 = DefaultMACDPeriodPrimary
- } else {
- w1 = macds.PrimaryPeriod
- }
- if macds.SecondaryPeriod == 0 {
- w2 = DefaultMACDPeriodSecondary
- } else {
- w2 = macds.SecondaryPeriod
- }
- if macds.SignalPeriod == 0 {
- sig = DefaultMACDSignalPeriod
- } else {
- sig = macds.SignalPeriod
- }
- return
-// GetName returns the name of the time series.
-func (macds MACDSignalSeries) GetName() string {
- return macds.Name
-// GetStyle returns the line style.
-func (macds MACDSignalSeries) GetStyle() Style {
- return macds.Style
-// GetYAxis returns which YAxis the series draws on.
-func (macds MACDSignalSeries) GetYAxis() YAxisType {
- return macds.YAxis
-// Len returns the number of elements in the series.
-func (macds *MACDSignalSeries) Len() int {
- if macds.InnerSeries == nil {
- return 0
- }
- return macds.InnerSeries.Len()
-// GetValues gets a value at a given index. For MACD it is the signal value.
-func (macds *MACDSignalSeries) GetValues(index int) (x float64, y float64) {
- if macds.InnerSeries == nil {
- return
- }
- if macds.signal == nil {
- macds.ensureSignal()
- }
- x, _ = macds.InnerSeries.GetValues(index)
- _, y = macds.signal.GetValues(index)
- return
-func (macds *MACDSignalSeries) ensureSignal() {
- w1, w2, sig := macds.GetPeriods()
- macds.signal = &EMASeries{
- InnerSeries: &MACDLineSeries{
- InnerSeries: macds.InnerSeries,
- PrimaryPeriod: w1,
- SecondaryPeriod: w2,
- },
- Period: sig,
- }
-// Render renders the series.
-func (macds *MACDSignalSeries) Render(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, defaults Style) {
- style := macds.Style.InheritFrom(defaults)
- Draw.LineSeries(r, canvasBox, xrange, yrange, style, macds)
-// MACDLineSeries is a series that computes the inner ema1-ema2 value as a series.
-type MACDLineSeries struct {
- Name string
- Style Style
- YAxis YAxisType
- InnerSeries ValuesProvider
- PrimaryPeriod int
- SecondaryPeriod int
- ema1 *EMASeries
- ema2 *EMASeries
- Sigma float64
-// Validate validates the series.
-func (macdl MACDLineSeries) Validate() error {
- var err error
- if macdl.ema1 != nil {
- err = macdl.ema1.Validate()
- }
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if macdl.ema2 != nil {
- err = macdl.ema2.Validate()
- }
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if macdl.InnerSeries == nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("MACDLineSeries: must provide an inner series")
- }
- return nil
-// GetName returns the name of the time series.
-func (macdl MACDLineSeries) GetName() string {
- return macdl.Name
-// GetStyle returns the line style.
-func (macdl MACDLineSeries) GetStyle() Style {
- return macdl.Style
-// GetYAxis returns which YAxis the series draws on.
-func (macdl MACDLineSeries) GetYAxis() YAxisType {
- return macdl.YAxis
-// GetPeriods returns the primary and secondary periods.
-func (macdl MACDLineSeries) GetPeriods() (w1, w2 int) {
- if macdl.PrimaryPeriod == 0 {
- w1 = DefaultMACDPeriodPrimary
- } else {
- w1 = macdl.PrimaryPeriod
- }
- if macdl.SecondaryPeriod == 0 {
- w2 = DefaultMACDPeriodSecondary
- } else {
- w2 = macdl.SecondaryPeriod
- }
- return
-// Len returns the number of elements in the series.
-func (macdl *MACDLineSeries) Len() int {
- if macdl.InnerSeries == nil {
- return 0
- }
- return macdl.InnerSeries.Len()
-// GetValues gets a value at a given index. For MACD it is the signal value.
-func (macdl *MACDLineSeries) GetValues(index int) (x float64, y float64) {
- if macdl.InnerSeries == nil {
- return
- }
- if macdl.ema1 == nil && macdl.ema2 == nil {
- macdl.ensureEMASeries()
- }
- x, _ = macdl.InnerSeries.GetValues(index)
- _, emav1 := macdl.ema1.GetValues(index)
- _, emav2 := macdl.ema2.GetValues(index)
- y = emav2 - emav1
- return
-func (macdl *MACDLineSeries) ensureEMASeries() {
- w1, w2 := macdl.GetPeriods()
- macdl.ema1 = &EMASeries{
- InnerSeries: macdl.InnerSeries,
- Period: w1,
- }
- macdl.ema2 = &EMASeries{
- InnerSeries: macdl.InnerSeries,
- Period: w2,
- }
-// Render renders the series.
-func (macdl *MACDLineSeries) Render(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, defaults Style) {
- style := macdl.Style.InheritFrom(defaults)
- Draw.LineSeries(r, canvasBox, xrange, yrange, style, macdl)
package matrix
-import (
- "bytes"
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "math"
-const (
- // DefaultEpsilon represents the minimum precision for matrix math operations.
- DefaultEpsilon = 0.000001
-var (
- // ErrDimensionMismatch is a typical error.
- ErrDimensionMismatch = errors.New("dimension mismatch")
- // ErrSingularValue is a typical error.
- ErrSingularValue = errors.New("singular value")
-// New returns a new matrix.
-func New(rows, cols int, values ...float64) *Matrix {
- if len(values) == 0 {
- return &Matrix{
- stride: cols,
- epsilon: DefaultEpsilon,
- elements: make([]float64, rows*cols),
- }
- }
- elems := make([]float64, rows*cols)
- copy(elems, values)
- return &Matrix{
- stride: cols,
- epsilon: DefaultEpsilon,
- elements: elems,
- }
-// Identity returns the identity matrix of a given order.
-func Identity(order int) *Matrix {
- m := New(order, order)
- for i := 0; i < order; i++ {
- m.Set(i, i, 1)
- }
- return m
-// Zero returns a matrix of a given size zeroed.
-func Zero(rows, cols int) *Matrix {
- return New(rows, cols)
-// Ones returns an matrix of ones.
-func Ones(rows, cols int) *Matrix {
- ones := make([]float64, rows*cols)
- for i := 0; i < (rows * cols); i++ {
- ones[i] = 1
- }
- return &Matrix{
- stride: cols,
- epsilon: DefaultEpsilon,
- elements: ones,
- }
-// Eye returns the eye matrix.
-func Eye(n int) *Matrix {
- m := Zero(n, n)
- for i := 0; i < len(m.elements); i += n + 1 {
- m.elements[i] = 1
- }
- return m
-// NewFromArrays creates a matrix from a jagged array set.
-func NewFromArrays(a [][]float64) *Matrix {
- rows := len(a)
- if rows == 0 {
- return nil
- }
- cols := len(a[0])
- m := New(rows, cols)
- for row := 0; row < rows; row++ {
- for col := 0; col < cols; col++ {
- m.Set(row, col, a[row][col])
- }
- }
- return m
-// Matrix represents a 2d dense array of floats.
-type Matrix struct {
- epsilon float64
- elements []float64
- stride int
-// String returns a string representation of the matrix.
-func (m *Matrix) String() string {
- buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
- rows, cols := m.Size()
- for row := 0; row < rows; row++ {
- for col := 0; col < cols; col++ {
- buffer.WriteString(f64s(m.Get(row, col)))
- buffer.WriteRune(' ')
- }
- buffer.WriteRune('\n')
- }
- return buffer.String()
-// Epsilon returns the maximum precision for math operations.
-func (m *Matrix) Epsilon() float64 {
- return m.epsilon
-// WithEpsilon sets the epsilon on the matrix and returns a reference to the matrix.
-func (m *Matrix) WithEpsilon(epsilon float64) *Matrix {
- m.epsilon = epsilon
- return m
-// Each applies the action to each element of the matrix in
-// rows => cols order.
-func (m *Matrix) Each(action func(row, col int, value float64)) {
- rows, cols := m.Size()
- for row := 0; row < rows; row++ {
- for col := 0; col < cols; col++ {
- action(row, col, m.Get(row, col))
- }
- }
-// Round rounds all the values in a matrix to it epsilon,
-// returning a reference to the original
-func (m *Matrix) Round() *Matrix {
- rows, cols := m.Size()
- for row := 0; row < rows; row++ {
- for col := 0; col < cols; col++ {
- m.Set(row, col, roundToEpsilon(m.Get(row, col), m.epsilon))
- }
- }
- return m
-// Arrays returns the matrix as a two dimensional jagged array.
-func (m *Matrix) Arrays() [][]float64 {
- rows, cols := m.Size()
- a := make([][]float64, rows)
- for row := 0; row < rows; row++ {
- a[row] = make([]float64, cols)
- for col := 0; col < cols; col++ {
- a[row][col] = m.Get(row, col)
- }
- }
- return a
-// Size returns the dimensions of the matrix.
-func (m *Matrix) Size() (rows, cols int) {
- rows = len(m.elements) / m.stride
- cols = m.stride
- return
-// IsSquare returns if the row count is equal to the column count.
-func (m *Matrix) IsSquare() bool {
- return m.stride == (len(m.elements) / m.stride)
-// IsSymmetric returns if the matrix is symmetric about its diagonal.
-func (m *Matrix) IsSymmetric() bool {
- rows, cols := m.Size()
- if rows != cols {
- return false
- }
- for i := 0; i < rows; i++ {
- for j := 0; j < i; j++ {
- if m.Get(i, j) != m.Get(j, i) {
- return false
- }
- }
- }
- return true
-// Get returns the element at the given row, col.
-func (m *Matrix) Get(row, col int) float64 {
- index := (m.stride * row) + col
- return m.elements[index]
-// Set sets a value.
-func (m *Matrix) Set(row, col int, val float64) {
- index := (m.stride * row) + col
- m.elements[index] = val
-// Col returns a column of the matrix as a vector.
-func (m *Matrix) Col(col int) Vector {
- rows, _ := m.Size()
- values := make([]float64, rows)
- for row := 0; row < rows; row++ {
- values[row] = m.Get(row, col)
- }
- return Vector(values)
-// Row returns a row of the matrix as a vector.
-func (m *Matrix) Row(row int) Vector {
- _, cols := m.Size()
- values := make([]float64, cols)
- for col := 0; col < cols; col++ {
- values[col] = m.Get(row, col)
- }
- return Vector(values)
-// SubMatrix returns a sub matrix from a given outer matrix.
-func (m *Matrix) SubMatrix(i, j, rows, cols int) *Matrix {
- return &Matrix{
- elements: m.elements[i*m.stride+j : i*m.stride+j+(rows-1)*m.stride+cols],
- stride: m.stride,
- epsilon: m.epsilon,
- }
-// ScaleRow applies a scale to an entire row.
-func (m *Matrix) ScaleRow(row int, scale float64) {
- startIndex := row * m.stride
- for i := startIndex; i < m.stride; i++ {
- m.elements[i] = m.elements[i] * scale
- }
-func (m *Matrix) scaleAddRow(rd int, rs int, f float64) {
- indexd := rd * m.stride
- indexs := rs * m.stride
- for col := 0; col < m.stride; col++ {
- m.elements[indexd] += f * m.elements[indexs]
- indexd++
- indexs++
- }
-// SwapRows swaps a row in the matrix in place.
-func (m *Matrix) SwapRows(i, j int) {
- var vi, vj float64
- for col := 0; col < m.stride; col++ {
- vi = m.Get(i, col)
- vj = m.Get(j, col)
- m.Set(i, col, vj)
- m.Set(j, col, vi)
- }
-// Augment concatenates two matrices about the horizontal.
-func (m *Matrix) Augment(m2 *Matrix) (*Matrix, error) {
- mr, mc := m.Size()
- m2r, m2c := m2.Size()
- if mr != m2r {
- return nil, ErrDimensionMismatch
- }
- m3 := Zero(mr, mc+m2c)
- for row := 0; row < mr; row++ {
- for col := 0; col < mc; col++ {
- m3.Set(row, col, m.Get(row, col))
- }
- for col := 0; col < m2c; col++ {
- m3.Set(row, mc+col, m2.Get(row, col))
- }
- }
- return m3, nil
-// Copy returns a duplicate of a given matrix.
-func (m *Matrix) Copy() *Matrix {
- m2 := &Matrix{stride: m.stride, epsilon: m.epsilon, elements: make([]float64, len(m.elements))}
- copy(m2.elements, m.elements)
- return m2
-// DiagonalVector returns a vector from the diagonal of a matrix.
-func (m *Matrix) DiagonalVector() Vector {
- rows, cols := m.Size()
- rank := minInt(rows, cols)
- values := make([]float64, rank)
- for index := 0; index < rank; index++ {
- values[index] = m.Get(index, index)
- }
- return Vector(values)
-// Diagonal returns a matrix from the diagonal of a matrix.
-func (m *Matrix) Diagonal() *Matrix {
- rows, cols := m.Size()
- rank := minInt(rows, cols)
- m2 := New(rank, rank)
- for index := 0; index < rank; index++ {
- m2.Set(index, index, m.Get(index, index))
- }
- return m2
-// Equals returns if a matrix equals another matrix.
-func (m *Matrix) Equals(other *Matrix) bool {
- if other == nil && m != nil {
- return false
- } else if other == nil {
- return true
- }
- if m.stride != other.stride {
- return false
- }
- msize := len(m.elements)
- m2size := len(other.elements)
- if msize != m2size {
- return false
- }
- for i := 0; i < msize; i++ {
- if m.elements[i] != other.elements[i] {
- return false
- }
- }
- return true
-// L returns the matrix with zeros below the diagonal.
-func (m *Matrix) L() *Matrix {
- rows, cols := m.Size()
- m2 := New(rows, cols)
- for row := 0; row < rows; row++ {
- for col := row; col < cols; col++ {
- m2.Set(row, col, m.Get(row, col))
- }
- }
- return m2
-// U returns the matrix with zeros above the diagonal.
-// Does not include the diagonal.
-func (m *Matrix) U() *Matrix {
- rows, cols := m.Size()
- m2 := New(rows, cols)
- for row := 0; row < rows; row++ {
- for col := 0; col < row && col < cols; col++ {
- m2.Set(row, col, m.Get(row, col))
- }
- }
- return m2
-// math operations
-// Multiply multiplies two matrices.
-func (m *Matrix) Multiply(m2 *Matrix) (m3 *Matrix, err error) {
- if m.stride*m2.stride != len(m2.elements) {
- return nil, ErrDimensionMismatch
- }
- m3 = &Matrix{epsilon: m.epsilon, stride: m2.stride, elements: make([]float64, (len(m.elements)/m.stride)*m2.stride)}
- for m1c0, m3x := 0, 0; m1c0 < len(m.elements); m1c0 += m.stride {
- for m2r0 := 0; m2r0 < m2.stride; m2r0++ {
- for m1x, m2x := m1c0, m2r0; m2x < len(m2.elements); m2x += m2.stride {
- m3.elements[m3x] += m.elements[m1x] * m2.elements[m2x]
- m1x++
- }
- m3x++
- }
- }
- return
-// Pivotize does something i'm not sure what.
-func (m *Matrix) Pivotize() *Matrix {
- pv := make([]int, m.stride)
- for i := range pv {
- pv[i] = i
- }
- for j, dx := 0, 0; j < m.stride; j++ {
- row := j
- max := m.elements[dx]
- for i, ixcj := j, dx; i < m.stride; i++ {
- if m.elements[ixcj] > max {
- max = m.elements[ixcj]
- row = i
- }
- ixcj += m.stride
- }
- if j != row {
- pv[row], pv[j] = pv[j], pv[row]
- }
- dx += m.stride + 1
- }
- p := Zero(m.stride, m.stride)
- for r, c := range pv {
- p.elements[r*m.stride+c] = 1
- }
- return p
-// Times returns the product of a matrix and another.
-func (m *Matrix) Times(m2 *Matrix) (*Matrix, error) {
- mr, mc := m.Size()
- m2r, m2c := m2.Size()
- if mc != m2r {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot multiply (%dx%d) and (%dx%d)", mr, mc, m2r, m2c)
- //return nil, ErrDimensionMismatch
- }
- c := Zero(mr, m2c)
- for i := 0; i < mr; i++ {
- sums := c.elements[i*c.stride : (i+1)*c.stride]
- for k, a := range m.elements[i*m.stride : i*m.stride+m.stride] {
- for j, b := range m2.elements[k*m2.stride : k*m2.stride+m2.stride] {
- sums[j] += a * b
- }
- }
- }
- return c, nil
-// Decompositions
-// LU performs the LU decomposition.
-func (m *Matrix) LU() (l, u, p *Matrix) {
- l = Zero(m.stride, m.stride)
- u = Zero(m.stride, m.stride)
- p = m.Pivotize()
- m, _ = p.Multiply(m)
- for j, jxc0 := 0, 0; j < m.stride; j++ {
- l.elements[jxc0+j] = 1
- for i, ixc0 := 0, 0; ixc0 <= jxc0; i++ {
- sum := 0.
- for k, kxcj := 0, j; k < i; k++ {
- sum += u.elements[kxcj] * l.elements[ixc0+k]
- kxcj += m.stride
- }
- u.elements[ixc0+j] = m.elements[ixc0+j] - sum
- ixc0 += m.stride
- }
- for ixc0 := jxc0; ixc0 < len(m.elements); ixc0 += m.stride {
- sum := 0.
- for k, kxcj := 0, j; k < j; k++ {
- sum += u.elements[kxcj] * l.elements[ixc0+k]
- kxcj += m.stride
- }
- l.elements[ixc0+j] = (m.elements[ixc0+j] - sum) / u.elements[jxc0+j]
- }
- jxc0 += m.stride
- }
- return
-// QR performs the qr decomposition.
-func (m *Matrix) QR() (q, r *Matrix) {
- defer func() {
- q = q.Round()
- r = r.Round()
- }()
- rows, cols := m.Size()
- qr := m.Copy()
- q = New(rows, cols)
- r = New(rows, cols)
- var i, j, k int
- var norm, s float64
- for k = 0; k < cols; k++ {
- norm = 0
- for i = k; i < rows; i++ {
- norm = math.Hypot(norm, qr.Get(i, k))
- }
- if norm != 0 {
- if qr.Get(k, k) < 0 {
- norm = -norm
- }
- for i = k; i < rows; i++ {
- qr.Set(i, k, qr.Get(i, k)/norm)
- }
- qr.Set(k, k, qr.Get(k, k)+1.0)
- for j = k + 1; j < cols; j++ {
- s = 0
- for i = k; i < rows; i++ {
- s += qr.Get(i, k) * qr.Get(i, j)
- }
- s = -s / qr.Get(k, k)
- for i = k; i < rows; i++ {
- qr.Set(i, j, qr.Get(i, j)+s*qr.Get(i, k))
- if i < j {
- r.Set(i, j, qr.Get(i, j))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- r.Set(k, k, -norm)
- }
- //Q Matrix:
- i, j, k = 0, 0, 0
- for k = cols - 1; k >= 0; k-- {
- q.Set(k, k, 1.0)
- for j = k; j < cols; j++ {
- if qr.Get(k, k) != 0 {
- s = 0
- for i = k; i < rows; i++ {
- s += qr.Get(i, k) * q.Get(i, j)
- }
- s = -s / qr.Get(k, k)
- for i = k; i < rows; i++ {
- q.Set(i, j, q.Get(i, j)+s*qr.Get(i, k))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return
-// Transpose flips a matrix about its diagonal, returning a new copy.
-func (m *Matrix) Transpose() *Matrix {
- rows, cols := m.Size()
- m2 := Zero(cols, rows)
- for i := 0; i < rows; i++ {
- for j := 0; j < cols; j++ {
- m2.Set(j, i, m.Get(i, j))
- }
- }
- return m2
-// Inverse returns a matrix such that M*I==1.
-func (m *Matrix) Inverse() (*Matrix, error) {
- if !m.IsSymmetric() {
- return nil, ErrDimensionMismatch
- }
- rows, cols := m.Size()
- aug, _ := m.Augment(Eye(rows))
- for i := 0; i < rows; i++ {
- j := i
- for k := i; k < rows; k++ {
- if math.Abs(aug.Get(k, i)) > math.Abs(aug.Get(j, i)) {
- j = k
- }
- }
- if j != i {
- aug.SwapRows(i, j)
- }
- if aug.Get(i, i) == 0 {
- return nil, ErrSingularValue
- }
- aug.ScaleRow(i, 1.0/aug.Get(i, i))
- for k := 0; k < rows; k++ {
- if k == i {
- continue
- }
- aug.scaleAddRow(k, i, -aug.Get(k, i))
- }
- }
- return aug.SubMatrix(0, cols, rows, cols), nil
package matrix
-import "errors"
-var (
- // ErrPolyRegArraysSameLength is a common error.
- ErrPolyRegArraysSameLength = errors.New("polynomial array inputs must be the same length")
-// Poly returns the polynomial regress of a given degree over the given values.
-func Poly(xvalues, yvalues []float64, degree int) ([]float64, error) {
- if len(xvalues) != len(yvalues) {
- return nil, ErrPolyRegArraysSameLength
- }
- m := len(yvalues)
- n := degree + 1
- y := New(m, 1, yvalues...)
- x := Zero(m, n)
- for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
- ip := float64(1)
- for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
- x.Set(i, j, ip)
- ip *= xvalues[i]
- }
- }
- q, r := x.QR()
- qty, err := q.Transpose().Times(y)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- c := make([]float64, n)
- for i := n - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
- c[i] = qty.Get(i, 0)
- for j := i + 1; j < n; j++ {
- c[i] -= c[j] * r.Get(i, j)
- }
- c[i] /= r.Get(i, i)
- }
- return c, nil
package matrix
-import (
- "math"
- "strconv"
-func minInt(values ...int) int {
- min := math.MaxInt32
- for x := 0; x < len(values); x++ {
- if values[x] < min {
- min = values[x]
- }
- }
- return min
-func maxInt(values ...int) int {
- max := math.MinInt32
- for x := 0; x < len(values); x++ {
- if values[x] > max {
- max = values[x]
- }
- }
- return max
-func f64s(v float64) string {
- return strconv.FormatFloat(v, 'f', -1, 64)
-func roundToEpsilon(value, epsilon float64) float64 {
- return math.Nextafter(value, value)
package matrix
-// Vector is just an array of values.
-type Vector []float64
-// DotProduct returns the dot product of two vectors.
-func (v Vector) DotProduct(v2 Vector) (result float64, err error) {
- if len(v) != len(v2) {
- err = ErrDimensionMismatch
- return
- }
- for i := 0; i < len(v); i++ {
- result = result + (v[i] * v2[i])
- }
- return
package chart
-import (
- "fmt"
- "math"
-// MinSeries draws a horizontal line at the minimum value of the inner series.
-type MinSeries struct {
- Name string
- Style Style
- YAxis YAxisType
- InnerSeries ValuesProvider
- minValue *float64
-// GetName returns the name of the time series.
-func (ms MinSeries) GetName() string {
- return ms.Name
-// GetStyle returns the line style.
-func (ms MinSeries) GetStyle() Style {
- return ms.Style
-// GetYAxis returns which YAxis the series draws on.
-func (ms MinSeries) GetYAxis() YAxisType {
- return ms.YAxis
-// Len returns the number of elements in the series.
-func (ms MinSeries) Len() int {
- return ms.InnerSeries.Len()
-// GetValues gets a value at a given index.
-func (ms *MinSeries) GetValues(index int) (x, y float64) {
- ms.ensureMinValue()
- x, _ = ms.InnerSeries.GetValues(index)
- y = *ms.minValue
- return
-// Render renders the series.
-func (ms *MinSeries) Render(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, defaults Style) {
- style := ms.Style.InheritFrom(defaults)
- Draw.LineSeries(r, canvasBox, xrange, yrange, style, ms)
-func (ms *MinSeries) ensureMinValue() {
- if ms.minValue == nil {
- minValue := math.MaxFloat64
- var y float64
- for x := 0; x < ms.InnerSeries.Len(); x++ {
- _, y = ms.InnerSeries.GetValues(x)
- if y < minValue {
- minValue = y
- }
- }
- ms.minValue = &minValue
- }
-// Validate validates the series.
-func (ms *MinSeries) Validate() error {
- if ms.InnerSeries == nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("min series requires InnerSeries to be set")
- }
- return nil
-// MaxSeries draws a horizontal line at the maximum value of the inner series.
-type MaxSeries struct {
- Name string
- Style Style
- YAxis YAxisType
- InnerSeries ValuesProvider
- maxValue *float64
-// GetName returns the name of the time series.
-func (ms MaxSeries) GetName() string {
- return ms.Name
-// GetStyle returns the line style.
-func (ms MaxSeries) GetStyle() Style {
- return ms.Style
-// GetYAxis returns which YAxis the series draws on.
-func (ms MaxSeries) GetYAxis() YAxisType {
- return ms.YAxis
-// Len returns the number of elements in the series.
-func (ms MaxSeries) Len() int {
- return ms.InnerSeries.Len()
-// GetValues gets a value at a given index.
-func (ms *MaxSeries) GetValues(index int) (x, y float64) {
- ms.ensureMaxValue()
- x, _ = ms.InnerSeries.GetValues(index)
- y = *ms.maxValue
- return
-// Render renders the series.
-func (ms *MaxSeries) Render(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, defaults Style) {
- style := ms.Style.InheritFrom(defaults)
- Draw.LineSeries(r, canvasBox, xrange, yrange, style, ms)
-func (ms *MaxSeries) ensureMaxValue() {
- if ms.maxValue == nil {
- maxValue := -math.MaxFloat64
- var y float64
- for x := 0; x < ms.InnerSeries.Len(); x++ {
- _, y = ms.InnerSeries.GetValues(x)
- if y > maxValue {
- maxValue = y
- }
- }
- ms.maxValue = &maxValue
- }
-// Validate validates the series.
-func (ms *MaxSeries) Validate() error {
- if ms.InnerSeries == nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("max series requires InnerSeries to be set")
- }
- return nil
package chart
-import (
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "math"
- "github.com/golang/freetype/truetype"
- "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/util"
-const (
- _pi = math.Pi
- _pi2 = math.Pi / 2.0
- _pi4 = math.Pi / 4.0
-// PieChart is a chart that draws sections of a circle based on percentages.
-type PieChart struct {
- Title string
- TitleStyle Style
- ColorPalette ColorPalette
- Width int
- Height int
- DPI float64
- Background Style
- Canvas Style
- SliceStyle Style
- Font *truetype.Font
- defaultFont *truetype.Font
- Values []Value
- Elements []Renderable
-// GetDPI returns the dpi for the chart.
-func (pc PieChart) GetDPI(defaults ...float64) float64 {
- if pc.DPI == 0 {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- return DefaultDPI
- }
- return pc.DPI
-// GetFont returns the text font.
-func (pc PieChart) GetFont() *truetype.Font {
- if pc.Font == nil {
- return pc.defaultFont
- }
- return pc.Font
-// GetWidth returns the chart width or the default value.
-func (pc PieChart) GetWidth() int {
- if pc.Width == 0 {
- return DefaultChartWidth
- }
- return pc.Width
-// GetHeight returns the chart height or the default value.
-func (pc PieChart) GetHeight() int {
- if pc.Height == 0 {
- return DefaultChartWidth
- }
- return pc.Height
-// Render renders the chart with the given renderer to the given io.Writer.
-func (pc PieChart) Render(rp RendererProvider, w io.Writer) error {
- if len(pc.Values) == 0 {
- return errors.New("please provide at least one value")
- }
- r, err := rp(pc.GetWidth(), pc.GetHeight())
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if pc.Font == nil {
- defaultFont, err := GetDefaultFont()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- pc.defaultFont = defaultFont
- }
- r.SetDPI(pc.GetDPI(DefaultDPI))
- canvasBox := pc.getDefaultCanvasBox()
- canvasBox = pc.getCircleAdjustedCanvasBox(canvasBox)
- pc.drawBackground(r)
- pc.drawCanvas(r, canvasBox)
- finalValues, err := pc.finalizeValues(pc.Values)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- pc.drawSlices(r, canvasBox, finalValues)
- pc.drawTitle(r)
- for _, a := range pc.Elements {
- a(r, canvasBox, pc.styleDefaultsElements())
- }
- return r.Save(w)
-func (pc PieChart) drawBackground(r Renderer) {
- Draw.Box(r, Box{
- Right: pc.GetWidth(),
- Bottom: pc.GetHeight(),
- }, pc.getBackgroundStyle())
-func (pc PieChart) drawCanvas(r Renderer, canvasBox Box) {
- Draw.Box(r, canvasBox, pc.getCanvasStyle())
-func (pc PieChart) drawTitle(r Renderer) {
- if len(pc.Title) > 0 && pc.TitleStyle.Show {
- Draw.TextWithin(r, pc.Title, pc.Box(), pc.styleDefaultsTitle())
- }
-func (pc PieChart) drawSlices(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, values []Value) {
- cx, cy := canvasBox.Center()
- diameter := util.Math.MinInt(canvasBox.Width(), canvasBox.Height())
- radius := float64(diameter >> 1)
- labelRadius := (radius * 2.0) / 3.0
- // draw the pie slices
- var rads, delta, delta2, total float64
- var lx, ly int
- if len(values) == 1 {
- pc.stylePieChartValue(0).WriteToRenderer(r)
- r.MoveTo(cx, cy)
- r.Circle(radius, cx, cy)
- } else {
- for index, v := range values {
- v.Style.InheritFrom(pc.stylePieChartValue(index)).WriteToRenderer(r)
- r.MoveTo(cx, cy)
- rads = util.Math.PercentToRadians(total)
- delta = util.Math.PercentToRadians(v.Value)
- r.ArcTo(cx, cy, radius, radius, rads, delta)
- r.LineTo(cx, cy)
- r.Close()
- r.FillStroke()
- total = total + v.Value
- }
- }
- // draw the labels
- total = 0
- for index, v := range values {
- v.Style.InheritFrom(pc.stylePieChartValue(index)).WriteToRenderer(r)
- if len(v.Label) > 0 {
- delta2 = util.Math.PercentToRadians(total + (v.Value / 2.0))
- delta2 = util.Math.RadianAdd(delta2, _pi2)
- lx, ly = util.Math.CirclePoint(cx, cy, labelRadius, delta2)
- tb := r.MeasureText(v.Label)
- lx = lx - (tb.Width() >> 1)
- ly = ly + (tb.Height() >> 1)
- if lx < 0 {
- lx = 0
- }
- if ly < 0 {
- lx = 0
- }
- r.Text(v.Label, lx, ly)
- }
- total = total + v.Value
- }
-func (pc PieChart) finalizeValues(values []Value) ([]Value, error) {
- finalValues := Values(values).Normalize()
- if len(finalValues) == 0 {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("pie chart must contain at least (1) non-zero value")
- }
- return finalValues, nil
-func (pc PieChart) getDefaultCanvasBox() Box {
- return pc.Box()
-func (pc PieChart) getCircleAdjustedCanvasBox(canvasBox Box) Box {
- circleDiameter := util.Math.MinInt(canvasBox.Width(), canvasBox.Height())
- square := Box{
- Right: circleDiameter,
- Bottom: circleDiameter,
- }
- return canvasBox.Fit(square)
-func (pc PieChart) getBackgroundStyle() Style {
- return pc.Background.InheritFrom(pc.styleDefaultsBackground())
-func (pc PieChart) getCanvasStyle() Style {
- return pc.Canvas.InheritFrom(pc.styleDefaultsCanvas())
-func (pc PieChart) styleDefaultsCanvas() Style {
- return Style{
- FillColor: pc.GetColorPalette().CanvasColor(),
- StrokeColor: pc.GetColorPalette().CanvasStrokeColor(),
- StrokeWidth: DefaultStrokeWidth,
- }
-func (pc PieChart) styleDefaultsPieChartValue() Style {
- return Style{
- StrokeColor: pc.GetColorPalette().TextColor(),
- StrokeWidth: 5.0,
- FillColor: pc.GetColorPalette().TextColor(),
- }
-func (pc PieChart) stylePieChartValue(index int) Style {
- return pc.SliceStyle.InheritFrom(Style{
- StrokeColor: ColorWhite,
- StrokeWidth: 5.0,
- FillColor: pc.GetColorPalette().GetSeriesColor(index),
- FontSize: pc.getScaledFontSize(),
- FontColor: pc.GetColorPalette().TextColor(),
- Font: pc.GetFont(),
- })
-func (pc PieChart) getScaledFontSize() float64 {
- effectiveDimension := util.Math.MinInt(pc.GetWidth(), pc.GetHeight())
- if effectiveDimension >= 2048 {
- return 48.0
- } else if effectiveDimension >= 1024 {
- return 24.0
- } else if effectiveDimension > 512 {
- return 18.0
- } else if effectiveDimension > 256 {
- return 12.0
- }
- return 10.0
-func (pc PieChart) styleDefaultsBackground() Style {
- return Style{
- FillColor: pc.GetColorPalette().BackgroundColor(),
- StrokeColor: pc.GetColorPalette().BackgroundStrokeColor(),
- StrokeWidth: DefaultStrokeWidth,
- }
-func (pc PieChart) styleDefaultsElements() Style {
- return Style{
- Font: pc.GetFont(),
- }
-func (pc PieChart) styleDefaultsTitle() Style {
- return pc.TitleStyle.InheritFrom(Style{
- FontColor: pc.GetColorPalette().TextColor(),
- Font: pc.GetFont(),
- FontSize: pc.getTitleFontSize(),
- TextHorizontalAlign: TextHorizontalAlignCenter,
- TextVerticalAlign: TextVerticalAlignTop,
- TextWrap: TextWrapWord,
- })
-func (pc PieChart) getTitleFontSize() float64 {
- effectiveDimension := util.Math.MinInt(pc.GetWidth(), pc.GetHeight())
- if effectiveDimension >= 2048 {
- return 48
- } else if effectiveDimension >= 1024 {
- return 24
- } else if effectiveDimension >= 512 {
- return 18
- } else if effectiveDimension >= 256 {
- return 12
- }
- return 10
-// GetColorPalette returns the color palette for the chart.
-func (pc PieChart) GetColorPalette() ColorPalette {
- if pc.ColorPalette != nil {
- return pc.ColorPalette
- }
- return AlternateColorPalette
-// Box returns the chart bounds as a box.
-func (pc PieChart) Box() Box {
- dpr := pc.Background.Padding.GetRight(DefaultBackgroundPadding.Right)
- dpb := pc.Background.Padding.GetBottom(DefaultBackgroundPadding.Bottom)
- return Box{
- Top: pc.Background.Padding.GetTop(DefaultBackgroundPadding.Top),
- Left: pc.Background.Padding.GetLeft(DefaultBackgroundPadding.Left),
- Right: pc.GetWidth() - dpr,
- Bottom: pc.GetHeight() - dpb,
- }
package chart
-import (
- "fmt"
- "math"
- "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/matrix"
- util "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/util"
-// Interface Assertions.
-var (
- _ Series = (*PolynomialRegressionSeries)(nil)
- _ FirstValuesProvider = (*PolynomialRegressionSeries)(nil)
- _ LastValuesProvider = (*PolynomialRegressionSeries)(nil)
-// PolynomialRegressionSeries implements a polynomial regression over a given
-// inner series.
-type PolynomialRegressionSeries struct {
- Name string
- Style Style
- YAxis YAxisType
- Limit int
- Offset int
- Degree int
- InnerSeries ValuesProvider
- coeffs []float64
-// GetName returns the name of the time series.
-func (prs PolynomialRegressionSeries) GetName() string {
- return prs.Name
-// GetStyle returns the line style.
-func (prs PolynomialRegressionSeries) GetStyle() Style {
- return prs.Style
-// GetYAxis returns which YAxis the series draws on.
-func (prs PolynomialRegressionSeries) GetYAxis() YAxisType {
- return prs.YAxis
-// Len returns the number of elements in the series.
-func (prs PolynomialRegressionSeries) Len() int {
- return util.Math.MinInt(prs.GetLimit(), prs.InnerSeries.Len()-prs.GetOffset())
-// GetLimit returns the window size.
-func (prs PolynomialRegressionSeries) GetLimit() int {
- if prs.Limit == 0 {
- return prs.InnerSeries.Len()
- }
- return prs.Limit
-// GetEndIndex returns the effective limit end.
-func (prs PolynomialRegressionSeries) GetEndIndex() int {
- windowEnd := prs.GetOffset() + prs.GetLimit()
- innerSeriesLastIndex := prs.InnerSeries.Len() - 1
- return util.Math.MinInt(windowEnd, innerSeriesLastIndex)
-// GetOffset returns the data offset.
-func (prs PolynomialRegressionSeries) GetOffset() int {
- if prs.Offset == 0 {
- return 0
- }
- return prs.Offset
-// Validate validates the series.
-func (prs *PolynomialRegressionSeries) Validate() error {
- if prs.InnerSeries == nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("linear regression series requires InnerSeries to be set")
- }
- endIndex := prs.GetEndIndex()
- if endIndex >= prs.InnerSeries.Len() {
- return fmt.Errorf("invalid window; inner series has length %d but end index is %d", prs.InnerSeries.Len(), endIndex)
- }
- return nil
-// GetValues returns the series value for a given index.
-func (prs *PolynomialRegressionSeries) GetValues(index int) (x, y float64) {
- if prs.InnerSeries == nil || prs.InnerSeries.Len() == 0 {
- return
- }
- if prs.coeffs == nil {
- coeffs, err := prs.computeCoefficients()
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- prs.coeffs = coeffs
- }
- offset := prs.GetOffset()
- effectiveIndex := util.Math.MinInt(index+offset, prs.InnerSeries.Len())
- x, y = prs.InnerSeries.GetValues(effectiveIndex)
- y = prs.apply(x)
- return
-// GetFirstValues computes the first poly regression value.
-func (prs *PolynomialRegressionSeries) GetFirstValues() (x, y float64) {
- if prs.InnerSeries == nil || prs.InnerSeries.Len() == 0 {
- return
- }
- if prs.coeffs == nil {
- coeffs, err := prs.computeCoefficients()
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- prs.coeffs = coeffs
- }
- x, y = prs.InnerSeries.GetValues(0)
- y = prs.apply(x)
- return
-// GetLastValues computes the last poly regression value.
-func (prs *PolynomialRegressionSeries) GetLastValues() (x, y float64) {
- if prs.InnerSeries == nil || prs.InnerSeries.Len() == 0 {
- return
- }
- if prs.coeffs == nil {
- coeffs, err := prs.computeCoefficients()
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- prs.coeffs = coeffs
- }
- endIndex := prs.GetEndIndex()
- x, y = prs.InnerSeries.GetValues(endIndex)
- y = prs.apply(x)
- return
-func (prs *PolynomialRegressionSeries) apply(v float64) (out float64) {
- for index, coeff := range prs.coeffs {
- out = out + (coeff * math.Pow(v, float64(index)))
- }
- return
-func (prs *PolynomialRegressionSeries) computeCoefficients() ([]float64, error) {
- xvalues, yvalues := prs.values()
- return matrix.Poly(xvalues, yvalues, prs.Degree)
-func (prs *PolynomialRegressionSeries) values() (xvalues, yvalues []float64) {
- startIndex := prs.GetOffset()
- endIndex := prs.GetEndIndex()
- xvalues = make([]float64, endIndex-startIndex)
- yvalues = make([]float64, endIndex-startIndex)
- for index := startIndex; index < endIndex; index++ {
- x, y := prs.InnerSeries.GetValues(index)
- xvalues[index-startIndex] = x
- yvalues[index-startIndex] = y
- }
- return
-// Render renders the series.
-func (prs *PolynomialRegressionSeries) Render(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, defaults Style) {
- style := prs.Style.InheritFrom(defaults)
- Draw.LineSeries(r, canvasBox, xrange, yrange, style, prs)
package chart
-import (
- "image"
- "image/png"
- "io"
- "math"
- "github.com/golang/freetype/truetype"
- "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/drawing"
- "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/util"
-// PNG returns a new png/raster renderer.
-func PNG(width, height int) (Renderer, error) {
- i := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, width, height))
- gc, err := drawing.NewRasterGraphicContext(i)
- if err == nil {
- return &rasterRenderer{
- i: i,
- gc: gc,
- }, nil
- }
- return nil, err
-// rasterRenderer renders chart commands to a bitmap.
-type rasterRenderer struct {
- i *image.RGBA
- gc *drawing.RasterGraphicContext
- rotateRadians *float64
- s Style
-func (rr *rasterRenderer) ResetStyle() {
- rr.s = Style{Font: rr.s.Font}
- rr.ClearTextRotation()
-// GetDPI returns the dpi.
-func (rr *rasterRenderer) GetDPI() float64 {
- return rr.gc.GetDPI()
-// SetDPI implements the interface method.
-func (rr *rasterRenderer) SetDPI(dpi float64) {
- rr.gc.SetDPI(dpi)
-// SetClassName implements the interface method. However, PNGs have no classes.
-func (vr *rasterRenderer) SetClassName(_ string) {
-// SetStrokeColor implements the interface method.
-func (rr *rasterRenderer) SetStrokeColor(c drawing.Color) {
- rr.s.StrokeColor = c
-// SetLineWidth implements the interface method.
-func (rr *rasterRenderer) SetStrokeWidth(width float64) {
- rr.s.StrokeWidth = width
-// StrokeDashArray sets the stroke dash array.
-func (rr *rasterRenderer) SetStrokeDashArray(dashArray []float64) {
- rr.s.StrokeDashArray = dashArray
-// SetFillColor implements the interface method.
-func (rr *rasterRenderer) SetFillColor(c drawing.Color) {
- rr.s.FillColor = c
-// MoveTo implements the interface method.
-func (rr *rasterRenderer) MoveTo(x, y int) {
- rr.gc.MoveTo(float64(x), float64(y))
-// LineTo implements the interface method.
-func (rr *rasterRenderer) LineTo(x, y int) {
- rr.gc.LineTo(float64(x), float64(y))
-// QuadCurveTo implements the interface method.
-func (rr *rasterRenderer) QuadCurveTo(cx, cy, x, y int) {
- rr.gc.QuadCurveTo(float64(cx), float64(cy), float64(x), float64(y))
-// ArcTo implements the interface method.
-func (rr *rasterRenderer) ArcTo(cx, cy int, rx, ry, startAngle, delta float64) {
- rr.gc.ArcTo(float64(cx), float64(cy), rx, ry, startAngle, delta)
-// Close implements the interface method.
-func (rr *rasterRenderer) Close() {
- rr.gc.Close()
-// Stroke implements the interface method.
-func (rr *rasterRenderer) Stroke() {
- rr.gc.SetStrokeColor(rr.s.StrokeColor)
- rr.gc.SetLineWidth(rr.s.StrokeWidth)
- rr.gc.SetLineDash(rr.s.StrokeDashArray, 0)
- rr.gc.Stroke()
-// Fill implements the interface method.
-func (rr *rasterRenderer) Fill() {
- rr.gc.SetFillColor(rr.s.FillColor)
- rr.gc.Fill()
-// FillStroke implements the interface method.
-func (rr *rasterRenderer) FillStroke() {
- rr.gc.SetFillColor(rr.s.FillColor)
- rr.gc.SetStrokeColor(rr.s.StrokeColor)
- rr.gc.SetLineWidth(rr.s.StrokeWidth)
- rr.gc.SetLineDash(rr.s.StrokeDashArray, 0)
- rr.gc.FillStroke()
-// Circle fully draws a circle at a given point but does not apply the fill or stroke.
-func (rr *rasterRenderer) Circle(radius float64, x, y int) {
- xf := float64(x)
- yf := float64(y)
- rr.gc.MoveTo(xf-radius, yf) //9
- rr.gc.QuadCurveTo(xf-radius, yf-radius, xf, yf-radius) //12
- rr.gc.QuadCurveTo(xf+radius, yf-radius, xf+radius, yf) //3
- rr.gc.QuadCurveTo(xf+radius, yf+radius, xf, yf+radius) //6
- rr.gc.QuadCurveTo(xf-radius, yf+radius, xf-radius, yf) //9
-// SetFont implements the interface method.
-func (rr *rasterRenderer) SetFont(f *truetype.Font) {
- rr.s.Font = f
-// SetFontSize implements the interface method.
-func (rr *rasterRenderer) SetFontSize(size float64) {
- rr.s.FontSize = size
-// SetFontColor implements the interface method.
-func (rr *rasterRenderer) SetFontColor(c drawing.Color) {
- rr.s.FontColor = c
-// Text implements the interface method.
-func (rr *rasterRenderer) Text(body string, x, y int) {
- xf, yf := rr.getCoords(x, y)
- rr.gc.SetFont(rr.s.Font)
- rr.gc.SetFontSize(rr.s.FontSize)
- rr.gc.SetFillColor(rr.s.FontColor)
- rr.gc.CreateStringPath(body, float64(xf), float64(yf))
- rr.gc.Fill()
-// MeasureText returns the height and width in pixels of a string.
-func (rr *rasterRenderer) MeasureText(body string) Box {
- rr.gc.SetFont(rr.s.Font)
- rr.gc.SetFontSize(rr.s.FontSize)
- rr.gc.SetFillColor(rr.s.FontColor)
- l, t, r, b, err := rr.gc.GetStringBounds(body)
- if err != nil {
- return Box{}
- }
- if l < 0 {
- r = r - l // equivalent to r+(-1*l)
- l = 0
- }
- if t < 0 {
- b = b - t
- t = 0
- }
- if l > 0 {
- r = r + l
- l = 0
- }
- if t > 0 {
- b = b + t
- t = 0
- }
- textBox := Box{
- Top: int(math.Ceil(t)),
- Left: int(math.Ceil(l)),
- Right: int(math.Ceil(r)),
- Bottom: int(math.Ceil(b)),
- }
- if rr.rotateRadians == nil {
- return textBox
- }
- return textBox.Corners().Rotate(util.Math.RadiansToDegrees(*rr.rotateRadians)).Box()
-// SetTextRotation sets a text rotation.
-func (rr *rasterRenderer) SetTextRotation(radians float64) {
- rr.rotateRadians = &radians
-func (rr *rasterRenderer) getCoords(x, y int) (xf, yf int) {
- if rr.rotateRadians == nil {
- xf = x
- yf = y
- return
- }
- rr.gc.Translate(float64(x), float64(y))
- rr.gc.Rotate(*rr.rotateRadians)
- return
-// ClearTextRotation clears text rotation.
-func (rr *rasterRenderer) ClearTextRotation() {
- rr.gc.SetMatrixTransform(drawing.NewIdentityMatrix())
- rr.rotateRadians = nil
-// Save implements the interface method.
-func (rr *rasterRenderer) Save(w io.Writer) error {
- if typed, isTyped := w.(RGBACollector); isTyped {
- typed.SetRGBA(rr.i)
- return nil
- }
- return png.Encode(w, rr.i)
package seq
-// NewArray creates a new array.
-func NewArray(values ...float64) Array {
- return Array(values)
-// Array is a wrapper for an array of floats that implements `ValuesProvider`.
-type Array []float64
-// Len returns the value provider length.
-func (a Array) Len() int {
- return len(a)
-// GetValue returns the value at a given index.
-func (a Array) GetValue(index int) float64 {
- return a[index]
package seq
-import (
- "fmt"
- "strings"
- util "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/util"
-const (
- bufferMinimumGrow = 4
- bufferShrinkThreshold = 32
- bufferGrowFactor = 200
- bufferDefaultCapacity = 4
-var (
- emptyArray = make([]float64, 0)
-// NewBuffer creates a new value buffer with an optional set of values.
-func NewBuffer(values ...float64) *Buffer {
- var tail int
- array := make([]float64, util.Math.MaxInt(len(values), bufferDefaultCapacity))
- if len(values) > 0 {
- copy(array, values)
- tail = len(values)
- }
- return &Buffer{
- array: array,
- head: 0,
- tail: tail,
- size: len(values),
- }
-// NewBufferWithCapacity creates a new ValueBuffer pre-allocated with the given capacity.
-func NewBufferWithCapacity(capacity int) *Buffer {
- return &Buffer{
- array: make([]float64, capacity),
- head: 0,
- tail: 0,
- size: 0,
- }
-// Buffer is a fifo datastructure that is backed by a pre-allocated array.
-// Instead of allocating a whole new node object for each element, array elements are re-used (which saves GC churn).
-// Enqueue can be O(n), Dequeue is generally O(1).
-// Buffer implements `seq.Provider`
-type Buffer struct {
- array []float64
- head int
- tail int
- size int
-// Len returns the length of the Buffer (as it is currently populated).
-// Actual memory footprint may be different.
-func (b *Buffer) Len() int {
- return b.size
-// GetValue implements seq provider.
-func (b *Buffer) GetValue(index int) float64 {
- effectiveIndex := (b.head + index) % len(b.array)
- return b.array[effectiveIndex]
-// Capacity returns the total size of the Buffer, including empty elements.
-func (b *Buffer) Capacity() int {
- return len(b.array)
-// SetCapacity sets the capacity of the Buffer.
-func (b *Buffer) SetCapacity(capacity int) {
- newArray := make([]float64, capacity)
- if b.size > 0 {
- if b.head < b.tail {
- arrayCopy(b.array, b.head, newArray, 0, b.size)
- } else {
- arrayCopy(b.array, b.head, newArray, 0, len(b.array)-b.head)
- arrayCopy(b.array, 0, newArray, len(b.array)-b.head, b.tail)
- }
- }
- b.array = newArray
- b.head = 0
- if b.size == capacity {
- b.tail = 0
- } else {
- b.tail = b.size
- }
-// Clear removes all objects from the Buffer.
-func (b *Buffer) Clear() {
- b.array = make([]float64, bufferDefaultCapacity)
- b.head = 0
- b.tail = 0
- b.size = 0
-// Enqueue adds an element to the "back" of the Buffer.
-func (b *Buffer) Enqueue(value float64) {
- if b.size == len(b.array) {
- newCapacity := int(len(b.array) * int(bufferGrowFactor/100))
- if newCapacity < (len(b.array) + bufferMinimumGrow) {
- newCapacity = len(b.array) + bufferMinimumGrow
- }
- b.SetCapacity(newCapacity)
- }
- b.array[b.tail] = value
- b.tail = (b.tail + 1) % len(b.array)
- b.size++
-// Dequeue removes the first element from the RingBuffer.
-func (b *Buffer) Dequeue() float64 {
- if b.size == 0 {
- return 0
- }
- removed := b.array[b.head]
- b.head = (b.head + 1) % len(b.array)
- b.size--
- return removed
-// Peek returns but does not remove the first element.
-func (b *Buffer) Peek() float64 {
- if b.size == 0 {
- return 0
- }
- return b.array[b.head]
-// PeekBack returns but does not remove the last element.
-func (b *Buffer) PeekBack() float64 {
- if b.size == 0 {
- return 0
- }
- if b.tail == 0 {
- return b.array[len(b.array)-1]
- }
- return b.array[b.tail-1]
-// TrimExcess resizes the capacity of the buffer to better fit the contents.
-func (b *Buffer) TrimExcess() {
- threshold := float64(len(b.array)) * 0.9
- if b.size < int(threshold) {
- b.SetCapacity(b.size)
- }
-// Array returns the ring buffer, in order, as an array.
-func (b *Buffer) Array() Array {
- newArray := make([]float64, b.size)
- if b.size == 0 {
- return newArray
- }
- if b.head < b.tail {
- arrayCopy(b.array, b.head, newArray, 0, b.size)
- } else {
- arrayCopy(b.array, b.head, newArray, 0, len(b.array)-b.head)
- arrayCopy(b.array, 0, newArray, len(b.array)-b.head, b.tail)
- }
- return Array(newArray)
-// Each calls the consumer for each element in the buffer.
-func (b *Buffer) Each(mapfn func(int, float64)) {
- if b.size == 0 {
- return
- }
- var index int
- if b.head < b.tail {
- for cursor := b.head; cursor < b.tail; cursor++ {
- mapfn(index, b.array[cursor])
- index++
- }
- } else {
- for cursor := b.head; cursor < len(b.array); cursor++ {
- mapfn(index, b.array[cursor])
- index++
- }
- for cursor := 0; cursor < b.tail; cursor++ {
- mapfn(index, b.array[cursor])
- index++
- }
- }
-// String returns a string representation for value buffers.
-func (b *Buffer) String() string {
- var values []string
- for _, elem := range b.Array() {
- values = append(values, fmt.Sprintf("%v", elem))
- }
- return strings.Join(values, " <= ")
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Util methods
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-func arrayClear(source []float64, index, length int) {
- for x := 0; x < length; x++ {
- absoluteIndex := x + index
- source[absoluteIndex] = 0
- }
-func arrayCopy(source []float64, sourceIndex int, destination []float64, destinationIndex, length int) {
- for x := 0; x < length; x++ {
- from := sourceIndex + x
- to := destinationIndex + x
- destination[to] = source[from]
- }
package seq
-// Range returns the array values of a linear seq with a given start, end and optional step.
-func Range(start, end float64) []float64 {
- return Seq{NewLinear().WithStart(start).WithEnd(end).WithStep(1.0)}.Array()
-// RangeWithStep returns the array values of a linear seq with a given start, end and optional step.
-func RangeWithStep(start, end, step float64) []float64 {
- return Seq{NewLinear().WithStart(start).WithEnd(end).WithStep(step)}.Array()
-// NewLinear returns a new linear generator.
-func NewLinear() *Linear {
- return &Linear{step: 1.0}
-// Linear is a stepwise generator.
-type Linear struct {
- start float64
- end float64
- step float64
-// Start returns the start value.
-func (lg Linear) Start() float64 {
- return lg.start
-// End returns the end value.
-func (lg Linear) End() float64 {
- return lg.end
-// Step returns the step value.
-func (lg Linear) Step() float64 {
- return lg.step
-// Len returns the number of elements in the seq.
-func (lg Linear) Len() int {
- if lg.start < lg.end {
- return int((lg.end-lg.start)/lg.step) + 1
- }
- return int((lg.start-lg.end)/lg.step) + 1
-// GetValue returns the value at a given index.
-func (lg Linear) GetValue(index int) float64 {
- fi := float64(index)
- if lg.start < lg.end {
- return lg.start + (fi * lg.step)
- }
- return lg.start - (fi * lg.step)
-// WithStart sets the start and returns the linear generator.
-func (lg *Linear) WithStart(start float64) *Linear {
- lg.start = start
- return lg
-// WithEnd sets the end and returns the linear generator.
-func (lg *Linear) WithEnd(end float64) *Linear {
- lg.end = end
- return lg
-// WithStep sets the step and returns the linear generator.
-func (lg *Linear) WithStep(step float64) *Linear {
- lg.step = step
- return lg
package seq
-import (
- "math"
- "math/rand"
- "time"
-// RandomValues returns an array of random values.
-func RandomValues(count int) []float64 {
- return Seq{NewRandom().WithLen(count)}.Array()
-// RandomValuesWithMax returns an array of random values with a given average.
-func RandomValuesWithMax(count int, max float64) []float64 {
- return Seq{NewRandom().WithMax(max).WithLen(count)}.Array()
-// NewRandom creates a new random seq.
-func NewRandom() *Random {
- return &Random{
- rnd: rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().Unix())),
- }
-// Random is a random number seq generator.
-type Random struct {
- rnd *rand.Rand
- max *float64
- min *float64
- len *int
-// Len returns the number of elements that will be generated.
-func (r *Random) Len() int {
- if r.len != nil {
- return *r.len
- }
- return math.MaxInt32
-// GetValue returns the value.
-func (r *Random) GetValue(_ int) float64 {
- if r.min != nil && r.max != nil {
- var delta float64
- if *r.max > *r.min {
- delta = *r.max - *r.min
- } else {
- delta = *r.min - *r.max
- }
- return *r.min + (r.rnd.Float64() * delta)
- } else if r.max != nil {
- return r.rnd.Float64() * *r.max
- } else if r.min != nil {
- return *r.min + (r.rnd.Float64())
- }
- return r.rnd.Float64()
-// WithLen sets a maximum len
-func (r *Random) WithLen(length int) *Random {
- r.len = &length
- return r
-// Min returns the minimum value.
-func (r Random) Min() *float64 {
- return r.min
-// WithMin sets the scale and returns the Random.
-func (r *Random) WithMin(min float64) *Random {
- r.min = &min
- return r
-// Max returns the maximum value.
-func (r Random) Max() *float64 {
- return r.max
-// WithMax sets the average and returns the Random.
-func (r *Random) WithMax(max float64) *Random {
- r.max = &max
- return r
package seq
-import (
- "math"
- "sort"
-// New wraps a provider with a seq.
-func New(provider Provider) Seq {
- return Seq{Provider: provider}
-// Values returns a new seq composed of a given set of values.
-func Values(values ...float64) Seq {
- return Seq{Provider: Array(values)}
-// Provider is a provider for values for a seq.
-type Provider interface {
- Len() int
- GetValue(int) float64
-// Seq is a utility wrapper for seq providers.
-type Seq struct {
- Provider
-// Array enumerates the seq into a slice.
-func (s Seq) Array() (output []float64) {
- if s.Len() == 0 {
- return
- }
- output = make([]float64, s.Len())
- for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ {
- output[i] = s.GetValue(i)
- }
- return
-// Each applies the `mapfn` to all values in the value provider.
-func (s Seq) Each(mapfn func(int, float64)) {
- for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ {
- mapfn(i, s.GetValue(i))
- }
-// Map applies the `mapfn` to all values in the value provider,
-// returning a new seq.
-func (s Seq) Map(mapfn func(i int, v float64) float64) Seq {
- output := make([]float64, s.Len())
- for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ {
- mapfn(i, s.GetValue(i))
- }
- return Seq{Array(output)}
-// FoldLeft collapses a seq from left to right.
-func (s Seq) FoldLeft(mapfn func(i int, v0, v float64) float64) (v0 float64) {
- if s.Len() == 0 {
- return 0
- }
- if s.Len() == 1 {
- return s.GetValue(0)
- }
- v0 = s.GetValue(0)
- for i := 1; i < s.Len(); i++ {
- v0 = mapfn(i, v0, s.GetValue(i))
- }
- return
-// FoldRight collapses a seq from right to left.
-func (s Seq) FoldRight(mapfn func(i int, v0, v float64) float64) (v0 float64) {
- if s.Len() == 0 {
- return 0
- }
- if s.Len() == 1 {
- return s.GetValue(0)
- }
- v0 = s.GetValue(s.Len() - 1)
- for i := s.Len() - 2; i >= 0; i-- {
- v0 = mapfn(i, v0, s.GetValue(i))
- }
- return
-// Min returns the minimum value in the seq.
-func (s Seq) Min() float64 {
- if s.Len() == 0 {
- return 0
- }
- min := s.GetValue(0)
- var value float64
- for i := 1; i < s.Len(); i++ {
- value = s.GetValue(i)
- if value < min {
- min = value
- }
- }
- return min
-// Max returns the maximum value in the seq.
-func (s Seq) Max() float64 {
- if s.Len() == 0 {
- return 0
- }
- max := s.GetValue(0)
- var value float64
- for i := 1; i < s.Len(); i++ {
- value = s.GetValue(i)
- if value > max {
- max = value
- }
- }
- return max
-// MinMax returns the minimum and the maximum in one pass.
-func (s Seq) MinMax() (min, max float64) {
- if s.Len() == 0 {
- return
- }
- min = s.GetValue(0)
- max = min
- var value float64
- for i := 1; i < s.Len(); i++ {
- value = s.GetValue(i)
- if value < min {
- min = value
- }
- if value > max {
- max = value
- }
- }
- return
-// Sort returns the seq sorted in ascending order.
-// This fully enumerates the seq.
-func (s Seq) Sort() Seq {
- if s.Len() == 0 {
- return s
- }
- values := s.Array()
- sort.Float64s(values)
- return Seq{Provider: Array(values)}
-// Median returns the median or middle value in the sorted seq.
-func (s Seq) Median() (median float64) {
- l := s.Len()
- if l == 0 {
- return
- }
- sorted := s.Sort()
- if l%2 == 0 {
- v0 := sorted.GetValue(l/2 - 1)
- v1 := sorted.GetValue(l/2 + 1)
- median = (v0 + v1) / 2
- } else {
- median = float64(sorted.GetValue(l << 1))
- }
- return
-// Sum adds all the elements of a series together.
-func (s Seq) Sum() (accum float64) {
- if s.Len() == 0 {
- return 0
- }
- for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ {
- accum += s.GetValue(i)
- }
- return
-// Average returns the float average of the values in the buffer.
-func (s Seq) Average() float64 {
- if s.Len() == 0 {
- return 0
- }
- return s.Sum() / float64(s.Len())
-// Variance computes the variance of the buffer.
-func (s Seq) Variance() float64 {
- if s.Len() == 0 {
- return 0
- }
- m := s.Average()
- var variance, v float64
- for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ {
- v = s.GetValue(i)
- variance += (v - m) * (v - m)
- }
- return variance / float64(s.Len())
-// StdDev returns the standard deviation.
-func (s Seq) StdDev() float64 {
- if s.Len() == 0 {
- return 0
- }
- return math.Pow(s.Variance(), 0.5)
-//Percentile finds the relative standing in a slice of floats.
-// `percent` should be given on the interval [0,1.0).
-func (s Seq) Percentile(percent float64) (percentile float64) {
- l := s.Len()
- if l == 0 {
- return 0
- }
- if percent < 0 || percent > 1.0 {
- panic("percent out of range [0.0, 1.0)")
- }
- sorted := s.Sort()
- index := percent * float64(l)
- if index == float64(int64(index)) {
- i := f64i(index)
- ci := sorted.GetValue(i - 1)
- c := sorted.GetValue(i)
- percentile = (ci + c) / 2.0
- } else {
- i := f64i(index)
- percentile = sorted.GetValue(i)
- }
- return percentile
-// Normalize maps every value to the interval [0, 1.0].
-func (s Seq) Normalize() Seq {
- min, max := s.MinMax()
- delta := max - min
- output := make([]float64, s.Len())
- for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ {
- output[i] = (s.GetValue(i) - min) / delta
- }
- return Seq{Provider: Array(output)}
package seq
-import (
- "time"
- "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/util"
-// Time is a utility singleton with helper functions for time seq generation.
-var Time timeSequence
-type timeSequence struct{}
-// Days generates a seq of timestamps by day, from -days to today.
-func (ts timeSequence) Days(days int) []time.Time {
- var values []time.Time
- for day := days; day >= 0; day-- {
- values = append(values, time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -day))
- }
- return values
-func (ts timeSequence) Hours(start time.Time, totalHours int) []time.Time {
- times := make([]time.Time, totalHours)
- last := start
- for i := 0; i < totalHours; i++ {
- times[i] = last
- last = last.Add(time.Hour)
- }
- return times
-// HoursFilled adds zero values for the data bounded by the start and end of the xdata array.
-func (ts timeSequence) HoursFilled(xdata []time.Time, ydata []float64) ([]time.Time, []float64) {
- start, end := util.Time.StartAndEnd(xdata...)
- totalHours := util.Time.DiffHours(start, end)
- finalTimes := ts.Hours(start, totalHours+1)
- finalValues := make([]float64, totalHours+1)
- var hoursFromStart int
- for i, xd := range xdata {
- hoursFromStart = util.Time.DiffHours(start, xd)
- finalValues[hoursFromStart] = ydata[i]
- }
- return finalTimes, finalValues
package seq
-import (
- "time"
- "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/util"
-// Assert types implement interfaces.
-var (
- _ Provider = (*Times)(nil)
-// Times are an array of times.
-// It wraps the array with methods that implement `seq.Provider`.
-type Times []time.Time
-// Array returns the times to an array.
-func (t Times) Array() []time.Time {
- return []time.Time(t)
-// Len returns the length of the array.
-func (t Times) Len() int {
- return len(t)
-// GetValue returns a value at an index as a time.
-func (t Times) GetValue(index int) float64 {
- return util.Time.ToFloat64(t[index])
package seq
-import "math"
-func round(input float64, places int) (rounded float64) {
- if math.IsNaN(input) {
- return 0.0
- }
- sign := 1.0
- if input < 0 {
- sign = -1
- input *= -1
- }
- precision := math.Pow(10, float64(places))
- digit := input * precision
- _, decimal := math.Modf(digit)
- if decimal >= 0.5 {
- rounded = math.Ceil(digit)
- } else {
- rounded = math.Floor(digit)
- }
- return rounded / precision * sign
-func f64i(value float64) int {
- r := round(value, 0)
- return int(r)
package chart
-import (
- "fmt"
- util "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/util"
-const (
- // DefaultSimpleMovingAveragePeriod is the default number of values to average.
- DefaultSimpleMovingAveragePeriod = 16
-// Interface Assertions.
-var (
- _ Series = (*SMASeries)(nil)
- _ FirstValuesProvider = (*SMASeries)(nil)
- _ LastValuesProvider = (*SMASeries)(nil)
-// SMASeries is a computed series.
-type SMASeries struct {
- Name string
- Style Style
- YAxis YAxisType
- Period int
- InnerSeries ValuesProvider
-// GetName returns the name of the time series.
-func (sma SMASeries) GetName() string {
- return sma.Name
-// GetStyle returns the line style.
-func (sma SMASeries) GetStyle() Style {
- return sma.Style
-// GetYAxis returns which YAxis the series draws on.
-func (sma SMASeries) GetYAxis() YAxisType {
- return sma.YAxis
-// Len returns the number of elements in the series.
-func (sma SMASeries) Len() int {
- return sma.InnerSeries.Len()
-// GetPeriod returns the window size.
-func (sma SMASeries) GetPeriod(defaults ...int) int {
- if sma.Period == 0 {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- return DefaultSimpleMovingAveragePeriod
- }
- return sma.Period
-// GetValues gets a value at a given index.
-func (sma SMASeries) GetValues(index int) (x, y float64) {
- if sma.InnerSeries == nil || sma.InnerSeries.Len() == 0 {
- return
- }
- px, _ := sma.InnerSeries.GetValues(index)
- x = px
- y = sma.getAverage(index)
- return
-// GetFirstValues computes the first moving average value.
-func (sma SMASeries) GetFirstValues() (x, y float64) {
- if sma.InnerSeries == nil || sma.InnerSeries.Len() == 0 {
- return
- }
- px, _ := sma.InnerSeries.GetValues(0)
- x = px
- y = sma.getAverage(0)
- return
-// GetLastValues computes the last moving average value but walking back window size samples,
-// and recomputing the last moving average chunk.
-func (sma SMASeries) GetLastValues() (x, y float64) {
- if sma.InnerSeries == nil || sma.InnerSeries.Len() == 0 {
- return
- }
- seriesLen := sma.InnerSeries.Len()
- px, _ := sma.InnerSeries.GetValues(seriesLen - 1)
- x = px
- y = sma.getAverage(seriesLen - 1)
- return
-func (sma SMASeries) getAverage(index int) float64 {
- period := sma.GetPeriod()
- floor := util.Math.MaxInt(0, index-period)
- var accum float64
- var count float64
- for x := index; x >= floor; x-- {
- _, vy := sma.InnerSeries.GetValues(x)
- accum += vy
- count += 1.0
- }
- return accum / count
-// Render renders the series.
-func (sma SMASeries) Render(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, defaults Style) {
- style := sma.Style.InheritFrom(defaults)
- Draw.LineSeries(r, canvasBox, xrange, yrange, style, sma)
-// Validate validates the series.
-func (sma SMASeries) Validate() error {
- if sma.InnerSeries == nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("sma series requires InnerSeries to be set")
- }
- return nil
package chart
-import (
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "math"
- "github.com/golang/freetype/truetype"
- "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/seq"
- util "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/util"
-// StackedBar is a bar within a StackedBarChart.
-type StackedBar struct {
- Name string
- Width int
- Values []Value
-// GetWidth returns the width of the bar.
-func (sb StackedBar) GetWidth() int {
- if sb.Width == 0 {
- return 50
- }
- return sb.Width
-// StackedBarChart is a chart that draws sections of a bar based on percentages.
-type StackedBarChart struct {
- Title string
- TitleStyle Style
- ColorPalette ColorPalette
- Width int
- Height int
- DPI float64
- Background Style
- Canvas Style
- XAxis Style
- YAxis Style
- BarSpacing int
- Font *truetype.Font
- defaultFont *truetype.Font
- Bars []StackedBar
- Elements []Renderable
-// GetDPI returns the dpi for the chart.
-func (sbc StackedBarChart) GetDPI(defaults ...float64) float64 {
- if sbc.DPI == 0 {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- return DefaultDPI
- }
- return sbc.DPI
-// GetFont returns the text font.
-func (sbc StackedBarChart) GetFont() *truetype.Font {
- if sbc.Font == nil {
- return sbc.defaultFont
- }
- return sbc.Font
-// GetWidth returns the chart width or the default value.
-func (sbc StackedBarChart) GetWidth() int {
- if sbc.Width == 0 {
- return DefaultChartWidth
- }
- return sbc.Width
-// GetHeight returns the chart height or the default value.
-func (sbc StackedBarChart) GetHeight() int {
- if sbc.Height == 0 {
- return DefaultChartWidth
- }
- return sbc.Height
-// GetBarSpacing returns the spacing between bars.
-func (sbc StackedBarChart) GetBarSpacing() int {
- if sbc.BarSpacing == 0 {
- return 100
- }
- return sbc.BarSpacing
-// Render renders the chart with the given renderer to the given io.Writer.
-func (sbc StackedBarChart) Render(rp RendererProvider, w io.Writer) error {
- if len(sbc.Bars) == 0 {
- return errors.New("please provide at least one bar")
- }
- r, err := rp(sbc.GetWidth(), sbc.GetHeight())
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if sbc.Font == nil {
- defaultFont, err := GetDefaultFont()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- sbc.defaultFont = defaultFont
- }
- r.SetDPI(sbc.GetDPI(DefaultDPI))
- canvasBox := sbc.getAdjustedCanvasBox(r, sbc.getDefaultCanvasBox())
- sbc.drawCanvas(r, canvasBox)
- sbc.drawBars(r, canvasBox)
- sbc.drawXAxis(r, canvasBox)
- sbc.drawYAxis(r, canvasBox)
- sbc.drawTitle(r)
- for _, a := range sbc.Elements {
- a(r, canvasBox, sbc.styleDefaultsElements())
- }
- return r.Save(w)
-func (sbc StackedBarChart) drawCanvas(r Renderer, canvasBox Box) {
- Draw.Box(r, canvasBox, sbc.getCanvasStyle())
-func (sbc StackedBarChart) drawBars(r Renderer, canvasBox Box) {
- xoffset := canvasBox.Left
- for _, bar := range sbc.Bars {
- sbc.drawBar(r, canvasBox, xoffset, bar)
- xoffset += (sbc.GetBarSpacing() + bar.GetWidth())
- }
-func (sbc StackedBarChart) drawBar(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xoffset int, bar StackedBar) int {
- barSpacing2 := sbc.GetBarSpacing() >> 1
- bxl := xoffset + barSpacing2
- bxr := bxl + bar.GetWidth()
- normalizedBarComponents := Values(bar.Values).Normalize()
- yoffset := canvasBox.Top
- for index, bv := range normalizedBarComponents {
- barHeight := int(math.Ceil(bv.Value * float64(canvasBox.Height())))
- barBox := Box{
- Top: yoffset,
- Left: bxl,
- Right: bxr,
- Bottom: util.Math.MinInt(yoffset+barHeight, canvasBox.Bottom-DefaultStrokeWidth),
- }
- Draw.Box(r, barBox, bv.Style.InheritFrom(sbc.styleDefaultsStackedBarValue(index)))
- yoffset += barHeight
- }
- return bxr
-func (sbc StackedBarChart) drawXAxis(r Renderer, canvasBox Box) {
- if sbc.XAxis.Show {
- axisStyle := sbc.XAxis.InheritFrom(sbc.styleDefaultsAxes())
- axisStyle.WriteToRenderer(r)
- r.MoveTo(canvasBox.Left, canvasBox.Bottom)
- r.LineTo(canvasBox.Right, canvasBox.Bottom)
- r.Stroke()
- r.MoveTo(canvasBox.Left, canvasBox.Bottom)
- r.LineTo(canvasBox.Left, canvasBox.Bottom+DefaultVerticalTickHeight)
- r.Stroke()
- cursor := canvasBox.Left
- for _, bar := range sbc.Bars {
- barLabelBox := Box{
- Top: canvasBox.Bottom + DefaultXAxisMargin,
- Left: cursor,
- Right: cursor + bar.GetWidth() + sbc.GetBarSpacing(),
- Bottom: sbc.GetHeight(),
- }
- if len(bar.Name) > 0 {
- Draw.TextWithin(r, bar.Name, barLabelBox, axisStyle)
- }
- axisStyle.WriteToRenderer(r)
- r.MoveTo(barLabelBox.Right, canvasBox.Bottom)
- r.LineTo(barLabelBox.Right, canvasBox.Bottom+DefaultVerticalTickHeight)
- r.Stroke()
- cursor += bar.GetWidth() + sbc.GetBarSpacing()
- }
- }
-func (sbc StackedBarChart) drawYAxis(r Renderer, canvasBox Box) {
- if sbc.YAxis.Show {
- axisStyle := sbc.YAxis.InheritFrom(sbc.styleDefaultsAxes())
- axisStyle.WriteToRenderer(r)
- r.MoveTo(canvasBox.Right, canvasBox.Top)
- r.LineTo(canvasBox.Right, canvasBox.Bottom)
- r.Stroke()
- r.MoveTo(canvasBox.Right, canvasBox.Bottom)
- r.LineTo(canvasBox.Right+DefaultHorizontalTickWidth, canvasBox.Bottom)
- r.Stroke()
- ticks := seq.RangeWithStep(0.0, 1.0, 0.2)
- for _, t := range ticks {
- axisStyle.GetStrokeOptions().WriteToRenderer(r)
- ty := canvasBox.Bottom - int(t*float64(canvasBox.Height()))
- r.MoveTo(canvasBox.Right, ty)
- r.LineTo(canvasBox.Right+DefaultHorizontalTickWidth, ty)
- r.Stroke()
- axisStyle.GetTextOptions().WriteToRenderer(r)
- text := fmt.Sprintf("%0.0f%%", t*100)
- tb := r.MeasureText(text)
- Draw.Text(r, text, canvasBox.Right+DefaultYAxisMargin+5, ty+(tb.Height()>>1), axisStyle)
- }
- }
-func (sbc StackedBarChart) drawTitle(r Renderer) {
- if len(sbc.Title) > 0 && sbc.TitleStyle.Show {
- r.SetFont(sbc.TitleStyle.GetFont(sbc.GetFont()))
- r.SetFontColor(sbc.TitleStyle.GetFontColor(sbc.GetColorPalette().TextColor()))
- titleFontSize := sbc.TitleStyle.GetFontSize(DefaultTitleFontSize)
- r.SetFontSize(titleFontSize)
- textBox := r.MeasureText(sbc.Title)
- textWidth := textBox.Width()
- textHeight := textBox.Height()
- titleX := (sbc.GetWidth() >> 1) - (textWidth >> 1)
- titleY := sbc.TitleStyle.Padding.GetTop(DefaultTitleTop) + textHeight
- r.Text(sbc.Title, titleX, titleY)
- }
-func (sbc StackedBarChart) getCanvasStyle() Style {
- return sbc.Canvas.InheritFrom(sbc.styleDefaultsCanvas())
-func (sbc StackedBarChart) styleDefaultsCanvas() Style {
- return Style{
- FillColor: sbc.GetColorPalette().CanvasColor(),
- StrokeColor: sbc.GetColorPalette().CanvasStrokeColor(),
- StrokeWidth: DefaultCanvasStrokeWidth,
- }
-// GetColorPalette returns the color palette for the chart.
-func (sbc StackedBarChart) GetColorPalette() ColorPalette {
- if sbc.ColorPalette != nil {
- return sbc.ColorPalette
- }
- return AlternateColorPalette
-func (sbc StackedBarChart) getDefaultCanvasBox() Box {
- return sbc.Box()
-func (sbc StackedBarChart) getAdjustedCanvasBox(r Renderer, canvasBox Box) Box {
- var totalWidth int
- for _, bar := range sbc.Bars {
- totalWidth += bar.GetWidth() + sbc.GetBarSpacing()
- }
- if sbc.XAxis.Show {
- xaxisHeight := DefaultVerticalTickHeight
- axisStyle := sbc.XAxis.InheritFrom(sbc.styleDefaultsAxes())
- axisStyle.WriteToRenderer(r)
- cursor := canvasBox.Left
- for _, bar := range sbc.Bars {
- if len(bar.Name) > 0 {
- barLabelBox := Box{
- Top: canvasBox.Bottom + DefaultXAxisMargin,
- Left: cursor,
- Right: cursor + bar.GetWidth() + sbc.GetBarSpacing(),
- Bottom: sbc.GetHeight(),
- }
- lines := Text.WrapFit(r, bar.Name, barLabelBox.Width(), axisStyle)
- linesBox := Text.MeasureLines(r, lines, axisStyle)
- xaxisHeight = util.Math.MaxInt(linesBox.Height()+(2*DefaultXAxisMargin), xaxisHeight)
- }
- }
- return Box{
- Top: canvasBox.Top,
- Left: canvasBox.Left,
- Right: canvasBox.Left + totalWidth,
- Bottom: sbc.GetHeight() - xaxisHeight,
- }
- }
- return Box{
- Top: canvasBox.Top,
- Left: canvasBox.Left,
- Right: canvasBox.Left + totalWidth,
- Bottom: canvasBox.Bottom,
- }
-// Box returns the chart bounds as a box.
-func (sbc StackedBarChart) Box() Box {
- dpr := sbc.Background.Padding.GetRight(10)
- dpb := sbc.Background.Padding.GetBottom(50)
- return Box{
- Top: sbc.Background.Padding.GetTop(20),
- Left: sbc.Background.Padding.GetLeft(20),
- Right: sbc.GetWidth() - dpr,
- Bottom: sbc.GetHeight() - dpb,
- }
-func (sbc StackedBarChart) styleDefaultsStackedBarValue(index int) Style {
- return Style{
- StrokeColor: sbc.GetColorPalette().GetSeriesColor(index),
- StrokeWidth: 3.0,
- FillColor: sbc.GetColorPalette().GetSeriesColor(index),
- }
-func (sbc StackedBarChart) styleDefaultsTitle() Style {
- return sbc.TitleStyle.InheritFrom(Style{
- FontColor: DefaultTextColor,
- Font: sbc.GetFont(),
- FontSize: sbc.getTitleFontSize(),
- TextHorizontalAlign: TextHorizontalAlignCenter,
- TextVerticalAlign: TextVerticalAlignTop,
- TextWrap: TextWrapWord,
- })
-func (sbc StackedBarChart) getTitleFontSize() float64 {
- effectiveDimension := util.Math.MinInt(sbc.GetWidth(), sbc.GetHeight())
- if effectiveDimension >= 2048 {
- return 48
- } else if effectiveDimension >= 1024 {
- return 24
- } else if effectiveDimension >= 512 {
- return 18
- } else if effectiveDimension >= 256 {
- return 12
- }
- return 10
-func (sbc StackedBarChart) styleDefaultsAxes() Style {
- return Style{
- StrokeColor: DefaultAxisColor,
- Font: sbc.GetFont(),
- FontSize: DefaultAxisFontSize,
- FontColor: DefaultAxisColor,
- TextHorizontalAlign: TextHorizontalAlignCenter,
- TextVerticalAlign: TextVerticalAlignTop,
- TextWrap: TextWrapWord,
- }
-func (sbc StackedBarChart) styleDefaultsElements() Style {
- return Style{
- Font: sbc.GetFont(),
- }
package chart
-import (
- "fmt"
- "strings"
- "github.com/golang/freetype/truetype"
- "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/drawing"
- "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/util"
-const (
- // Disabled indicates if the value should be interpreted as set intentionally to zero.
- // this is because golang optionals aren't here yet.
- Disabled = -1
-// StyleShow is a prebuilt style with the `Show` property set to true.
-func StyleShow() Style {
- return Style{
- Show: true,
- }
-// StyleTextDefaults returns a style for drawing outside a
-// chart context.
-func StyleTextDefaults() Style {
- font, _ := GetDefaultFont()
- return Style{
- Show: true,
- Font: font,
- FontColor: DefaultTextColor,
- FontSize: DefaultTitleFontSize,
- }
-// Style is a simple style set.
-type Style struct {
- Show bool
- Padding Box
- ClassName string
- StrokeWidth float64
- StrokeColor drawing.Color
- StrokeDashArray []float64
- DotColor drawing.Color
- DotWidth float64
- DotWidthProvider SizeProvider
- DotColorProvider DotColorProvider
- FillColor drawing.Color
- FontSize float64
- FontColor drawing.Color
- Font *truetype.Font
- TextHorizontalAlign TextHorizontalAlign
- TextVerticalAlign TextVerticalAlign
- TextWrap TextWrap
- TextLineSpacing int
- TextRotationDegrees float64 //0 is unset or normal
-// IsZero returns if the object is set or not.
-func (s Style) IsZero() bool {
- return s.StrokeColor.IsZero() &&
- s.StrokeWidth == 0 &&
- s.DotColor.IsZero() &&
- s.DotWidth == 0 &&
- s.FillColor.IsZero() &&
- s.FontColor.IsZero() &&
- s.FontSize == 0 &&
- s.Font == nil &&
- s.ClassName == ""
-// String returns a text representation of the style.
-func (s Style) String() string {
- if s.IsZero() {
- return "{}"
- }
- var output []string
- if s.Show {
- output = []string{"\"show\": true"}
- } else {
- output = []string{"\"show\": false"}
- }
- if s.ClassName != "" {
- output = append(output, fmt.Sprintf("\"class_name\": %s", s.ClassName))
- } else {
- output = append(output, "\"class_name\": null")
- }
- if !s.Padding.IsZero() {
- output = append(output, fmt.Sprintf("\"padding\": %s", s.Padding.String()))
- } else {
- output = append(output, "\"padding\": null")
- }
- if s.StrokeWidth >= 0 {
- output = append(output, fmt.Sprintf("\"stroke_width\": %0.2f", s.StrokeWidth))
- } else {
- output = append(output, "\"stroke_width\": null")
- }
- if !s.StrokeColor.IsZero() {
- output = append(output, fmt.Sprintf("\"stroke_color\": %s", s.StrokeColor.String()))
- } else {
- output = append(output, "\"stroke_color\": null")
- }
- if len(s.StrokeDashArray) > 0 {
- var elements []string
- for _, v := range s.StrokeDashArray {
- elements = append(elements, fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", v))
- }
- dashArray := strings.Join(elements, ", ")
- output = append(output, fmt.Sprintf("\"stroke_dash_array\": [%s]", dashArray))
- } else {
- output = append(output, "\"stroke_dash_array\": null")
- }
- if s.DotWidth >= 0 {
- output = append(output, fmt.Sprintf("\"dot_width\": %0.2f", s.DotWidth))
- } else {
- output = append(output, "\"dot_width\": null")
- }
- if !s.DotColor.IsZero() {
- output = append(output, fmt.Sprintf("\"dot_color\": %s", s.DotColor.String()))
- } else {
- output = append(output, "\"dot_color\": null")
- }
- if !s.FillColor.IsZero() {
- output = append(output, fmt.Sprintf("\"fill_color\": %s", s.FillColor.String()))
- } else {
- output = append(output, "\"fill_color\": null")
- }
- if s.FontSize != 0 {
- output = append(output, fmt.Sprintf("\"font_size\": \"%0.2fpt\"", s.FontSize))
- } else {
- output = append(output, "\"font_size\": null")
- }
- if !s.FontColor.IsZero() {
- output = append(output, fmt.Sprintf("\"font_color\": %s", s.FontColor.String()))
- } else {
- output = append(output, "\"font_color\": null")
- }
- if s.Font != nil {
- output = append(output, fmt.Sprintf("\"font\": \"%s\"", s.Font.Name(truetype.NameIDFontFamily)))
- } else {
- output = append(output, "\"font_color\": null")
- }
- return "{" + strings.Join(output, ", ") + "}"
-func (s Style) GetClassName(defaults ...string) string {
- if s.ClassName == "" {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- return ""
- }
- return s.ClassName
-// GetStrokeColor returns the stroke color.
-func (s Style) GetStrokeColor(defaults ...drawing.Color) drawing.Color {
- if s.StrokeColor.IsZero() {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- return drawing.ColorTransparent
- }
- return s.StrokeColor
-// GetFillColor returns the fill color.
-func (s Style) GetFillColor(defaults ...drawing.Color) drawing.Color {
- if s.FillColor.IsZero() {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- return drawing.ColorTransparent
- }
- return s.FillColor
-// GetDotColor returns the stroke color.
-func (s Style) GetDotColor(defaults ...drawing.Color) drawing.Color {
- if s.DotColor.IsZero() {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- return drawing.ColorTransparent
- }
- return s.DotColor
-// GetStrokeWidth returns the stroke width.
-func (s Style) GetStrokeWidth(defaults ...float64) float64 {
- if s.StrokeWidth == 0 {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- return DefaultStrokeWidth
- }
- return s.StrokeWidth
-// GetDotWidth returns the dot width for scatter plots.
-func (s Style) GetDotWidth(defaults ...float64) float64 {
- if s.DotWidth == 0 {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- return DefaultDotWidth
- }
- return s.DotWidth
-// GetStrokeDashArray returns the stroke dash array.
-func (s Style) GetStrokeDashArray(defaults ...[]float64) []float64 {
- if len(s.StrokeDashArray) == 0 {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- return nil
- }
- return s.StrokeDashArray
-// GetFontSize gets the font size.
-func (s Style) GetFontSize(defaults ...float64) float64 {
- if s.FontSize == 0 {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- return DefaultFontSize
- }
- return s.FontSize
-// GetFontColor gets the font size.
-func (s Style) GetFontColor(defaults ...drawing.Color) drawing.Color {
- if s.FontColor.IsZero() {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- return drawing.ColorTransparent
- }
- return s.FontColor
-// GetFont returns the font face.
-func (s Style) GetFont(defaults ...*truetype.Font) *truetype.Font {
- if s.Font == nil {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- return nil
- }
- return s.Font
-// GetPadding returns the padding.
-func (s Style) GetPadding(defaults ...Box) Box {
- if s.Padding.IsZero() {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- return Box{}
- }
- return s.Padding
-// GetTextHorizontalAlign returns the horizontal alignment.
-func (s Style) GetTextHorizontalAlign(defaults ...TextHorizontalAlign) TextHorizontalAlign {
- if s.TextHorizontalAlign == TextHorizontalAlignUnset {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- return TextHorizontalAlignUnset
- }
- return s.TextHorizontalAlign
-// GetTextVerticalAlign returns the vertical alignment.
-func (s Style) GetTextVerticalAlign(defaults ...TextVerticalAlign) TextVerticalAlign {
- if s.TextVerticalAlign == TextVerticalAlignUnset {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- return TextVerticalAlignUnset
- }
- return s.TextVerticalAlign
-// GetTextWrap returns the word wrap.
-func (s Style) GetTextWrap(defaults ...TextWrap) TextWrap {
- if s.TextWrap == TextWrapUnset {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- return TextWrapUnset
- }
- return s.TextWrap
-// GetTextLineSpacing returns the spacing in pixels between lines of text (vertically).
-func (s Style) GetTextLineSpacing(defaults ...int) int {
- if s.TextLineSpacing == 0 {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- return DefaultLineSpacing
- }
- return s.TextLineSpacing
-// GetTextRotationDegrees returns the text rotation in degrees.
-func (s Style) GetTextRotationDegrees(defaults ...float64) float64 {
- if s.TextRotationDegrees == 0 {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- }
- return s.TextRotationDegrees
-// WriteToRenderer passes the style's options to a renderer.
-func (s Style) WriteToRenderer(r Renderer) {
- r.SetClassName(s.GetClassName())
- r.SetStrokeColor(s.GetStrokeColor())
- r.SetStrokeWidth(s.GetStrokeWidth())
- r.SetStrokeDashArray(s.GetStrokeDashArray())
- r.SetFillColor(s.GetFillColor())
- r.SetFont(s.GetFont())
- r.SetFontColor(s.GetFontColor())
- r.SetFontSize(s.GetFontSize())
- r.ClearTextRotation()
- if s.GetTextRotationDegrees() != 0 {
- r.SetTextRotation(util.Math.DegreesToRadians(s.GetTextRotationDegrees()))
- }
-// WriteDrawingOptionsToRenderer passes just the drawing style options to a renderer.
-func (s Style) WriteDrawingOptionsToRenderer(r Renderer) {
- r.SetClassName(s.GetClassName())
- r.SetStrokeColor(s.GetStrokeColor())
- r.SetStrokeWidth(s.GetStrokeWidth())
- r.SetStrokeDashArray(s.GetStrokeDashArray())
- r.SetFillColor(s.GetFillColor())
-// WriteTextOptionsToRenderer passes just the text style options to a renderer.
-func (s Style) WriteTextOptionsToRenderer(r Renderer) {
- r.SetClassName(s.GetClassName())
- r.SetFont(s.GetFont())
- r.SetFontColor(s.GetFontColor())
- r.SetFontSize(s.GetFontSize())
-// InheritFrom coalesces two styles into a new style.
-func (s Style) InheritFrom(defaults Style) (final Style) {
- final.ClassName = s.GetClassName(defaults.ClassName)
- final.StrokeColor = s.GetStrokeColor(defaults.StrokeColor)
- final.StrokeWidth = s.GetStrokeWidth(defaults.StrokeWidth)
- final.StrokeDashArray = s.GetStrokeDashArray(defaults.StrokeDashArray)
- final.DotColor = s.GetDotColor(defaults.DotColor)
- final.DotWidth = s.GetDotWidth(defaults.DotWidth)
- final.DotWidthProvider = s.DotWidthProvider
- final.DotColorProvider = s.DotColorProvider
- final.FillColor = s.GetFillColor(defaults.FillColor)
- final.FontColor = s.GetFontColor(defaults.FontColor)
- final.FontSize = s.GetFontSize(defaults.FontSize)
- final.Font = s.GetFont(defaults.Font)
- final.Padding = s.GetPadding(defaults.Padding)
- final.TextHorizontalAlign = s.GetTextHorizontalAlign(defaults.TextHorizontalAlign)
- final.TextVerticalAlign = s.GetTextVerticalAlign(defaults.TextVerticalAlign)
- final.TextWrap = s.GetTextWrap(defaults.TextWrap)
- final.TextLineSpacing = s.GetTextLineSpacing(defaults.TextLineSpacing)
- final.TextRotationDegrees = s.GetTextRotationDegrees(defaults.TextRotationDegrees)
- return
-// GetStrokeOptions returns the stroke components.
-func (s Style) GetStrokeOptions() Style {
- return Style{
- ClassName: s.ClassName,
- StrokeDashArray: s.StrokeDashArray,
- StrokeColor: s.StrokeColor,
- StrokeWidth: s.StrokeWidth,
- }
-// GetFillOptions returns the fill components.
-func (s Style) GetFillOptions() Style {
- return Style{
- ClassName: s.ClassName,
- FillColor: s.FillColor,
- }
-// GetDotOptions returns the dot components.
-func (s Style) GetDotOptions() Style {
- return Style{
- ClassName: s.ClassName,
- StrokeDashArray: nil,
- FillColor: s.DotColor,
- StrokeColor: s.DotColor,
- StrokeWidth: 1.0,
- }
-// GetFillAndStrokeOptions returns the fill and stroke components.
-func (s Style) GetFillAndStrokeOptions() Style {
- return Style{
- ClassName: s.ClassName,
- StrokeDashArray: s.StrokeDashArray,
- FillColor: s.FillColor,
- StrokeColor: s.StrokeColor,
- StrokeWidth: s.StrokeWidth,
- }
-// GetTextOptions returns just the text components of the style.
-func (s Style) GetTextOptions() Style {
- return Style{
- ClassName: s.ClassName,
- FontColor: s.FontColor,
- FontSize: s.FontSize,
- Font: s.Font,
- TextHorizontalAlign: s.TextHorizontalAlign,
- TextVerticalAlign: s.TextVerticalAlign,
- TextWrap: s.TextWrap,
- TextLineSpacing: s.TextLineSpacing,
- TextRotationDegrees: s.TextRotationDegrees,
- }
-// ShouldDrawStroke tells drawing functions if they should draw the stroke.
-func (s Style) ShouldDrawStroke() bool {
- return !s.StrokeColor.IsZero() && s.StrokeWidth > 0
-// ShouldDrawDot tells drawing functions if they should draw the dot.
-func (s Style) ShouldDrawDot() bool {
- return (!s.DotColor.IsZero() && s.DotWidth > 0) || s.DotColorProvider != nil || s.DotWidthProvider != nil
-// ShouldDrawFill tells drawing functions if they should draw the stroke.
-func (s Style) ShouldDrawFill() bool {
- return !s.FillColor.IsZero()
package chart
-import (
- "strings"
- util "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/util"
-// TextHorizontalAlign is an enum for the horizontal alignment options.
-type TextHorizontalAlign int
-const (
- // TextHorizontalAlignUnset is the unset state for text horizontal alignment.
- TextHorizontalAlignUnset TextHorizontalAlign = 0
- // TextHorizontalAlignLeft aligns a string horizontally so that it's left ligature starts at horizontal pixel 0.
- TextHorizontalAlignLeft TextHorizontalAlign = 1
- // TextHorizontalAlignCenter left aligns a string horizontally so that there are equal pixels
- // to the left and to the right of a string within a box.
- TextHorizontalAlignCenter TextHorizontalAlign = 2
- // TextHorizontalAlignRight right aligns a string horizontally so that the right ligature ends at the right-most pixel
- // of a box.
- TextHorizontalAlignRight TextHorizontalAlign = 3
-// TextWrap is an enum for the word wrap options.
-type TextWrap int
-const (
- // TextWrapUnset is the unset state for text wrap options.
- TextWrapUnset TextWrap = 0
- // TextWrapNone will spill text past horizontal boundaries.
- TextWrapNone TextWrap = 1
- // TextWrapWord will split a string on words (i.e. spaces) to fit within a horizontal boundary.
- TextWrapWord TextWrap = 2
- // TextWrapRune will split a string on a rune (i.e. utf-8 codepage) to fit within a horizontal boundary.
- TextWrapRune TextWrap = 3
-// TextVerticalAlign is an enum for the vertical alignment options.
-type TextVerticalAlign int
-const (
- // TextVerticalAlignUnset is the unset state for vertical alignment options.
- TextVerticalAlignUnset TextVerticalAlign = 0
- // TextVerticalAlignBaseline aligns text according to the "baseline" of the string, or where a normal ascender begins.
- TextVerticalAlignBaseline TextVerticalAlign = 1
- // TextVerticalAlignBottom aligns the text according to the lowers pixel of any of the ligatures (ex. g or q both extend below the baseline).
- TextVerticalAlignBottom TextVerticalAlign = 2
- // TextVerticalAlignMiddle aligns the text so that there is an equal amount of space above and below the top and bottom of the ligatures.
- TextVerticalAlignMiddle TextVerticalAlign = 3
- // TextVerticalAlignMiddleBaseline aligns the text veritcally so that there is an equal number of pixels above and below the baseline of the string.
- TextVerticalAlignMiddleBaseline TextVerticalAlign = 4
- // TextVerticalAlignTop alignts the text so that the top of the ligatures are at y-pixel 0 in the container.
- TextVerticalAlignTop TextVerticalAlign = 5
-var (
- // Text contains utilities for text.
- Text = &text{}
-// TextStyle encapsulates text style options.
-type TextStyle struct {
- HorizontalAlign TextHorizontalAlign
- VerticalAlign TextVerticalAlign
- Wrap TextWrap
-type text struct{}
-func (t text) WrapFit(r Renderer, value string, width int, style Style) []string {
- switch style.TextWrap {
- case TextWrapRune:
- return t.WrapFitRune(r, value, width, style)
- case TextWrapWord:
- return t.WrapFitWord(r, value, width, style)
- }
- return []string{value}
-func (t text) WrapFitWord(r Renderer, value string, width int, style Style) []string {
- style.WriteToRenderer(r)
- var output []string
- var line string
- var word string
- var textBox Box
- for _, c := range value {
- if c == rune('\n') { // commit the line to output
- output = append(output, t.Trim(line+word))
- line = ""
- word = ""
- continue
- }
- textBox = r.MeasureText(line + word + string(c))
- if textBox.Width() >= width {
- output = append(output, t.Trim(line))
- line = word
- word = string(c)
- continue
- }
- if c == rune(' ') || c == rune('\t') {
- line = line + word + string(c)
- word = ""
- continue
- }
- word = word + string(c)
- }
- return append(output, t.Trim(line+word))
-func (t text) WrapFitRune(r Renderer, value string, width int, style Style) []string {
- style.WriteToRenderer(r)
- var output []string
- var line string
- var textBox Box
- for _, c := range value {
- if c == rune('\n') {
- output = append(output, line)
- line = ""
- continue
- }
- textBox = r.MeasureText(line + string(c))
- if textBox.Width() >= width {
- output = append(output, line)
- line = string(c)
- continue
- }
- line = line + string(c)
- }
- return t.appendLast(output, line)
-func (t text) Trim(value string) string {
- return strings.Trim(value, " \t\n\r")
-func (t text) MeasureLines(r Renderer, lines []string, style Style) Box {
- style.WriteTextOptionsToRenderer(r)
- var output Box
- for index, line := range lines {
- lineBox := r.MeasureText(line)
- output.Right = util.Math.MaxInt(lineBox.Right, output.Right)
- output.Bottom += lineBox.Height()
- if index < len(lines)-1 {
- output.Bottom += +style.GetTextLineSpacing()
- }
- }
- return output
-func (t text) appendLast(lines []string, text string) []string {
- if len(lines) == 0 {
- return []string{text}
- }
- lastLine := lines[len(lines)-1]
- lines[len(lines)-1] = lastLine + text
- return lines
package chart
-import (
- "fmt"
- "math"
- "strings"
- util "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/util"
-// TicksProvider is a type that provides ticks.
-type TicksProvider interface {
- GetTicks(r Renderer, defaults Style, vf ValueFormatter) []Tick
-// Tick represents a label on an axis.
-type Tick struct {
- Value float64
- Label string
-// Ticks is an array of ticks.
-type Ticks []Tick
-// Len returns the length of the ticks set.
-func (t Ticks) Len() int {
- return len(t)
-// Swap swaps two elements.
-func (t Ticks) Swap(i, j int) {
- t[i], t[j] = t[j], t[i]
-// Less returns if i's value is less than j's value.
-func (t Ticks) Less(i, j int) bool {
- return t[i].Value < t[j].Value
-// String returns a string representation of the set of ticks.
-func (t Ticks) String() string {
- var values []string
- for i, tick := range t {
- values = append(values, fmt.Sprintf("[%d: %s]", i, tick.Label))
- }
- return strings.Join(values, ", ")
-// GenerateContinuousTicks generates a set of ticks.
-func GenerateContinuousTicks(r Renderer, ra Range, isVertical bool, style Style, vf ValueFormatter) []Tick {
- if vf == nil {
- vf = FloatValueFormatter
- }
- var ticks []Tick
- min, max := ra.GetMin(), ra.GetMax()
- if ra.IsDescending() {
- ticks = append(ticks, Tick{
- Value: max,
- Label: vf(max),
- })
- } else {
- ticks = append(ticks, Tick{
- Value: min,
- Label: vf(min),
- })
- }
- minLabel := vf(min)
- style.GetTextOptions().WriteToRenderer(r)
- labelBox := r.MeasureText(minLabel)
- var tickSize float64
- if isVertical {
- tickSize = float64(labelBox.Height() + DefaultMinimumTickVerticalSpacing)
- } else {
- tickSize = float64(labelBox.Width() + DefaultMinimumTickHorizontalSpacing)
- }
- domain := float64(ra.GetDomain())
- domainRemainder := domain - (tickSize * 2)
- intermediateTickCount := int(math.Floor(float64(domainRemainder) / float64(tickSize)))
- rangeDelta := math.Abs(max - min)
- tickStep := rangeDelta / float64(intermediateTickCount)
- roundTo := util.Math.GetRoundToForDelta(rangeDelta) / 10
- intermediateTickCount = util.Math.MinInt(intermediateTickCount, DefaultTickCountSanityCheck)
- for x := 1; x < intermediateTickCount; x++ {
- var tickValue float64
- if ra.IsDescending() {
- tickValue = max - util.Math.RoundUp(tickStep*float64(x), roundTo)
- } else {
- tickValue = min + util.Math.RoundUp(tickStep*float64(x), roundTo)
- }
- ticks = append(ticks, Tick{
- Value: tickValue,
- Label: vf(tickValue),
- })
- }
- if ra.IsDescending() {
- ticks = append(ticks, Tick{
- Value: min,
- Label: vf(min),
- })
- } else {
- ticks = append(ticks, Tick{
- Value: max,
- Label: vf(max),
- })
- }
- return ticks
package chart
-import (
- "fmt"
- "time"
- util "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/util"
-// Interface Assertions.
-var (
- _ Series = (*TimeSeries)(nil)
- _ FirstValuesProvider = (*TimeSeries)(nil)
- _ LastValuesProvider = (*TimeSeries)(nil)
- _ ValueFormatterProvider = (*TimeSeries)(nil)
-// TimeSeries is a line on a chart.
-type TimeSeries struct {
- Name string
- Style Style
- YAxis YAxisType
- XValues []time.Time
- YValues []float64
-// GetName returns the name of the time series.
-func (ts TimeSeries) GetName() string {
- return ts.Name
-// GetStyle returns the line style.
-func (ts TimeSeries) GetStyle() Style {
- return ts.Style
-// Len returns the number of elements in the series.
-func (ts TimeSeries) Len() int {
- return len(ts.XValues)
-// GetValues gets x, y values at a given index.
-func (ts TimeSeries) GetValues(index int) (x, y float64) {
- x = util.Time.ToFloat64(ts.XValues[index])
- y = ts.YValues[index]
- return
-// GetFirstValues gets the first values.
-func (ts TimeSeries) GetFirstValues() (x, y float64) {
- x = util.Time.ToFloat64(ts.XValues[0])
- y = ts.YValues[0]
- return
-// GetLastValues gets the last values.
-func (ts TimeSeries) GetLastValues() (x, y float64) {
- x = util.Time.ToFloat64(ts.XValues[len(ts.XValues)-1])
- y = ts.YValues[len(ts.YValues)-1]
- return
-// GetValueFormatters returns value formatter defaults for the series.
-func (ts TimeSeries) GetValueFormatters() (x, y ValueFormatter) {
- x = TimeValueFormatter
- y = FloatValueFormatter
- return
-// GetYAxis returns which YAxis the series draws on.
-func (ts TimeSeries) GetYAxis() YAxisType {
- return ts.YAxis
-// Render renders the series.
-func (ts TimeSeries) Render(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, xrange, yrange Range, defaults Style) {
- style := ts.Style.InheritFrom(defaults)
- Draw.LineSeries(r, canvasBox, xrange, yrange, style, ts)
-// Validate validates the series.
-func (ts TimeSeries) Validate() error {
- if len(ts.XValues) == 0 {
- return fmt.Errorf("time series must have xvalues set")
- }
- if len(ts.YValues) == 0 {
- return fmt.Errorf("time series must have yvalues set")
- }
- return nil
package util
-import (
- "time"
-const (
- // AllDaysMask is a bitmask of all the days of the week.
- AllDaysMask = 1<<uint(time.Sunday) | 1<<uint(time.Monday) | 1<<uint(time.Tuesday) | 1<<uint(time.Wednesday) | 1<<uint(time.Thursday) | 1<<uint(time.Friday) | 1<<uint(time.Saturday)
- // WeekDaysMask is a bitmask of all the weekdays of the week.
- WeekDaysMask = 1<<uint(time.Monday) | 1<<uint(time.Tuesday) | 1<<uint(time.Wednesday) | 1<<uint(time.Thursday) | 1<<uint(time.Friday)
- //WeekendDaysMask is a bitmask of the weekend days of the week.
- WeekendDaysMask = 1<<uint(time.Sunday) | 1<<uint(time.Saturday)
-var (
- // DaysOfWeek are all the time.Weekday in an array for utility purposes.
- DaysOfWeek = []time.Weekday{
- time.Sunday,
- time.Monday,
- time.Tuesday,
- time.Wednesday,
- time.Thursday,
- time.Friday,
- time.Saturday,
- }
- // WeekDays are the business time.Weekday in an array.
- WeekDays = []time.Weekday{
- time.Monday,
- time.Tuesday,
- time.Wednesday,
- time.Thursday,
- time.Friday,
- }
- // WeekendDays are the weekend time.Weekday in an array.
- WeekendDays = []time.Weekday{
- time.Sunday,
- time.Saturday,
- }
- //Epoch is unix epoc saved for utility purposes.
- Epoch = time.Unix(0, 0)
-// Date contains utility functions that operate on dates.
-var Date date
-type date struct{}
-func (d date) MustEastern() *time.Location {
- if eastern, err := d.Eastern(); err != nil {
- panic(err)
- } else {
- return eastern
- }
-// Eastern returns the eastern timezone.
-func (d date) Eastern() (*time.Location, error) {
- // Try POSIX
- est, err := time.LoadLocation("America/New_York")
- if err != nil {
- // Try Windows
- est, err = time.LoadLocation("EST")
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- }
- return est, nil
-func (d date) MustPacific() *time.Location {
- if pst, err := d.Pacific(); err != nil {
- panic(err)
- } else {
- return pst
- }
-// Pacific returns the pacific timezone.
-func (d date) Pacific() (*time.Location, error) {
- // Try POSIX
- pst, err := time.LoadLocation("America/Los_Angeles")
- if err != nil {
- // Try Windows
- pst, err = time.LoadLocation("PST")
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- }
- return pst, nil
-// TimeUTC returns a new time.Time for the given clock components in UTC.
-// It is meant to be used with the `OnDate` function.
-func (d date) TimeUTC(hour, min, sec, nsec int) time.Time {
- return time.Date(0, 0, 0, hour, min, sec, nsec, time.UTC)
-// Time returns a new time.Time for the given clock components.
-// It is meant to be used with the `OnDate` function.
-func (d date) Time(hour, min, sec, nsec int, loc *time.Location) time.Time {
- return time.Date(0, 0, 0, hour, min, sec, nsec, loc)
-// DateUTC returns a new time.Time for the given date comonents at (noon) in UTC.
-func (d date) DateUTC(year, month, day int) time.Time {
- return time.Date(year, time.Month(month), day, 12, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
-// DateUTC returns a new time.Time for the given date comonents at (noon) in a given location.
-func (d date) Date(year, month, day int, loc *time.Location) time.Time {
- return time.Date(year, time.Month(month), day, 12, 0, 0, 0, loc)
-// OnDate returns the clock components of clock (hour,minute,second) on the date components of d.
-func (d date) OnDate(clock, date time.Time) time.Time {
- tzAdjusted := date.In(clock.Location())
- return time.Date(tzAdjusted.Year(), tzAdjusted.Month(), tzAdjusted.Day(), clock.Hour(), clock.Minute(), clock.Second(), clock.Nanosecond(), clock.Location())
-// NoonOnDate is a shortcut for On(Time(12,0,0), cd) a.k.a. noon on a given date.
-func (d date) NoonOnDate(cd time.Time) time.Time {
- return time.Date(cd.Year(), cd.Month(), cd.Day(), 12, 0, 0, 0, cd.Location())
-// IsWeekDay returns if the day is a monday->friday.
-func (d date) IsWeekDay(day time.Weekday) bool {
- return !d.IsWeekendDay(day)
-// IsWeekendDay returns if the day is a monday->friday.
-func (d date) IsWeekendDay(day time.Weekday) bool {
- return day == time.Saturday || day == time.Sunday
-// Before returns if a timestamp is strictly before another date (ignoring hours, minutes etc.)
-func (d date) Before(before, reference time.Time) bool {
- tzAdjustedBefore := before.In(reference.Location())
- if tzAdjustedBefore.Year() < reference.Year() {
- return true
- }
- if tzAdjustedBefore.Month() < reference.Month() {
- return true
- }
- return tzAdjustedBefore.Year() == reference.Year() && tzAdjustedBefore.Month() == reference.Month() && tzAdjustedBefore.Day() < reference.Day()
-const (
- _secondsPerHour = 60 * 60
- _secondsPerDay = 60 * 60 * 24
-// NextDay returns the timestamp advanced a day.
-func (d date) NextDay(ts time.Time) time.Time {
- return ts.AddDate(0, 0, 1)
-// NextHour returns the next timestamp on the hour.
-func (d date) NextHour(ts time.Time) time.Time {
- //advance a full hour ...
- advanced := ts.Add(time.Hour)
- minutes := time.Duration(advanced.Minute()) * time.Minute
- final := advanced.Add(-minutes)
- return time.Date(final.Year(), final.Month(), final.Day(), final.Hour(), 0, 0, 0, final.Location())
-// NextDayOfWeek returns the next instance of a given weekday after a given timestamp.
-func (d date) NextDayOfWeek(after time.Time, dayOfWeek time.Weekday) time.Time {
- afterWeekday := after.Weekday()
- if afterWeekday == dayOfWeek {
- return after.AddDate(0, 0, 7)
- }
- // 1 vs 5 ~ add 4 days
- if afterWeekday < dayOfWeek {
- dayDelta := int(dayOfWeek - afterWeekday)
- return after.AddDate(0, 0, dayDelta)
- }
- // 5 vs 1, add 7-(5-1) ~ 3 days
- dayDelta := 7 - int(afterWeekday-dayOfWeek)
- return after.AddDate(0, 0, dayDelta)
package util
-import (
- "bufio"
- "io"
- "os"
-var (
- // File contains file utility functions
- File = fileUtil{}
-type fileUtil struct{}
-// ReadByLines reads a file and calls the handler for each line.
-func (fu fileUtil) ReadByLines(filePath string, handler func(line string) error) error {
- var f *os.File
- var err error
- if f, err = os.Open(filePath); err == nil {
- defer f.Close()
- var line string
- scanner := bufio.NewScanner(f)
- for scanner.Scan() {
- line = scanner.Text()
- err = handler(line)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- }
- return err
-// ReadByChunks reads a file in `chunkSize` pieces, dispatched to the handler.
-func (fu fileUtil) ReadByChunks(filePath string, chunkSize int, handler func(line []byte) error) error {
- var f *os.File
- var err error
- if f, err = os.Open(filePath); err == nil {
- defer f.Close()
- chunk := make([]byte, chunkSize)
- for {
- readBytes, err := f.Read(chunk)
- if err == io.EOF {
- break
- }
- readData := chunk[:readBytes]
- err = handler(readData)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- }
- return err
package util
-import (
- "math"
-const (
- _pi = math.Pi
- _2pi = 2 * math.Pi
- _3pi4 = (3 * math.Pi) / 4.0
- _4pi3 = (4 * math.Pi) / 3.0
- _3pi2 = (3 * math.Pi) / 2.0
- _5pi4 = (5 * math.Pi) / 4.0
- _7pi4 = (7 * math.Pi) / 4.0
- _pi2 = math.Pi / 2.0
- _pi4 = math.Pi / 4.0
- _d2r = (math.Pi / 180.0)
- _r2d = (180.0 / math.Pi)
-var (
- // Math contains helper methods for common math operations.
- Math = &mathUtil{}
-type mathUtil struct{}
-// Max returns the maximum value of a group of floats.
-func (m mathUtil) Max(values ...float64) float64 {
- if len(values) == 0 {
- return 0
- }
- max := values[0]
- for _, v := range values {
- if max < v {
- max = v
- }
- }
- return max
-// MinAndMax returns both the min and max in one pass.
-func (m mathUtil) MinAndMax(values ...float64) (min float64, max float64) {
- if len(values) == 0 {
- return
- }
- min = values[0]
- max = values[0]
- for _, v := range values[1:] {
- if max < v {
- max = v
- }
- if min > v {
- min = v
- }
- }
- return
-// GetRoundToForDelta returns a `roundTo` value for a given delta.
-func (m mathUtil) GetRoundToForDelta(delta float64) float64 {
- startingDeltaBound := math.Pow(10.0, 10.0)
- for cursor := startingDeltaBound; cursor > 0; cursor /= 10.0 {
- if delta > cursor {
- return cursor / 10.0
- }
- }
- return 0.0
-// RoundUp rounds up to a given roundTo value.
-func (m mathUtil) RoundUp(value, roundTo float64) float64 {
- if roundTo < 0.000000000000001 {
- return value
- }
- d1 := math.Ceil(value / roundTo)
- return d1 * roundTo
-// RoundDown rounds down to a given roundTo value.
-func (m mathUtil) RoundDown(value, roundTo float64) float64 {
- if roundTo < 0.000000000000001 {
- return value
- }
- d1 := math.Floor(value / roundTo)
- return d1 * roundTo
-// Normalize returns a set of numbers on the interval [0,1] for a given set of inputs.
-// An example: 4,3,2,1 => 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1
-// Caveat; the total may be < 1.0; there are going to be issues with irrational numbers etc.
-func (m mathUtil) Normalize(values ...float64) []float64 {
- var total float64
- for _, v := range values {
- total += v
- }
- output := make([]float64, len(values))
- for x, v := range values {
- output[x] = m.RoundDown(v/total, 0.0001)
- }
- return output
-// MinInt returns the minimum of a set of integers.
-func (m mathUtil) MinInt(values ...int) int {
- min := math.MaxInt32
- for _, v := range values {
- if v < min {
- min = v
- }
- }
- return min
-// MaxInt returns the maximum of a set of integers.
-func (m mathUtil) MaxInt(values ...int) int {
- max := math.MinInt32
- for _, v := range values {
- if v > max {
- max = v
- }
- }
- return max
-// AbsInt returns the absolute value of an integer.
-func (m mathUtil) AbsInt(value int) int {
- if value < 0 {
- return -value
- }
- return value
-// AbsInt64 returns the absolute value of a long.
-func (m mathUtil) AbsInt64(value int64) int64 {
- if value < 0 {
- return -value
- }
- return value
-// Mean returns the mean of a set of values
-func (m mathUtil) Mean(values ...float64) float64 {
- return m.Sum(values...) / float64(len(values))
-// MeanInt returns the mean of a set of integer values.
-func (m mathUtil) MeanInt(values ...int) int {
- return m.SumInt(values...) / len(values)
-// Sum sums a set of values.
-func (m mathUtil) Sum(values ...float64) float64 {
- var total float64
- for _, v := range values {
- total += v
- }
- return total
-// SumInt sums a set of values.
-func (m mathUtil) SumInt(values ...int) int {
- var total int
- for _, v := range values {
- total += v
- }
- return total
-// PercentDifference computes the percentage difference between two values.
-// The formula is (v2-v1)/v1.
-func (m mathUtil) PercentDifference(v1, v2 float64) float64 {
- if v1 == 0 {
- return 0
- }
- return (v2 - v1) / v1
-// DegreesToRadians returns degrees as radians.
-func (m mathUtil) DegreesToRadians(degrees float64) float64 {
- return degrees * _d2r
-// RadiansToDegrees translates a radian value to a degree value.
-func (m mathUtil) RadiansToDegrees(value float64) float64 {
- return math.Mod(value, _2pi) * _r2d
-// PercentToRadians converts a normalized value (0,1) to radians.
-func (m mathUtil) PercentToRadians(pct float64) float64 {
- return m.DegreesToRadians(360.0 * pct)
-// RadianAdd adds a delta to a base in radians.
-func (m mathUtil) RadianAdd(base, delta float64) float64 {
- value := base + delta
- if value > _2pi {
- return math.Mod(value, _2pi)
- } else if value < 0 {
- return math.Mod(_2pi+value, _2pi)
- }
- return value
-// DegreesAdd adds a delta to a base in radians.
-func (m mathUtil) DegreesAdd(baseDegrees, deltaDegrees float64) float64 {
- value := baseDegrees + deltaDegrees
- if value > _2pi {
- return math.Mod(value, 360.0)
- } else if value < 0 {
- return math.Mod(360.0+value, 360.0)
- }
- return value
-// DegreesToCompass returns the degree value in compass / clock orientation.
-func (m mathUtil) DegreesToCompass(deg float64) float64 {
- return m.DegreesAdd(deg, -90.0)
-// CirclePoint returns the absolute position of a circle diameter point given
-// by the radius and the theta.
-func (m mathUtil) CirclePoint(cx, cy int, radius, thetaRadians float64) (x, y int) {
- x = cx + int(radius*math.Sin(thetaRadians))
- y = cy - int(radius*math.Cos(thetaRadians))
- return
-func (m mathUtil) RotateCoordinate(cx, cy, x, y int, thetaRadians float64) (rx, ry int) {
- tempX, tempY := float64(x-cx), float64(y-cy)
- rotatedX := tempX*math.Cos(thetaRadians) - tempY*math.Sin(thetaRadians)
- rotatedY := tempX*math.Sin(thetaRadians) + tempY*math.Cos(thetaRadians)
- rx = int(rotatedX) + cx
- ry = int(rotatedY) + cy
- return
package util
-import "time"
-var (
- // Time contains time utility functions.
- Time = timeUtil{}
-type timeUtil struct{}
-// Millis returns the duration as milliseconds.
-func (tu timeUtil) Millis(d time.Duration) float64 {
- return float64(d) / float64(time.Millisecond)
-// TimeToFloat64 returns a float64 representation of a time.
-func (tu timeUtil) ToFloat64(t time.Time) float64 {
- return float64(t.UnixNano())
-// Float64ToTime returns a time from a float64.
-func (tu timeUtil) FromFloat64(tf float64) time.Time {
- return time.Unix(0, int64(tf))
-func (tu timeUtil) DiffDays(t1, t2 time.Time) (days int) {
- t1n := t1.Unix()
- t2n := t2.Unix()
- var diff int64
- if t1n > t2n {
- diff = t1n - t2n //yields seconds
- } else {
- diff = t2n - t1n //yields seconds
- }
- return int(diff / (_secondsPerDay))
-func (tu timeUtil) DiffHours(t1, t2 time.Time) (hours int) {
- t1n := t1.Unix()
- t2n := t2.Unix()
- var diff int64
- if t1n > t2n {
- diff = t1n - t2n
- } else {
- diff = t2n - t1n
- }
- return int(diff / (_secondsPerHour))
-// Start returns the earliest (min) time in a list of times.
-func (tu timeUtil) Start(times ...time.Time) time.Time {
- if len(times) == 0 {
- return time.Time{}
- }
- start := times[0]
- for _, t := range times[1:] {
- if t.Before(start) {
- start = t
- }
- }
- return start
-// Start returns the earliest (min) time in a list of times.
-func (tu timeUtil) End(times ...time.Time) time.Time {
- if len(times) == 0 {
- return time.Time{}
- }
- end := times[0]
- for _, t := range times[1:] {
- if t.After(end) {
- end = t
- }
- }
- return end
-// StartAndEnd returns the start and end of a given set of time in one pass.
-func (tu timeUtil) StartAndEnd(values ...time.Time) (start time.Time, end time.Time) {
- if len(values) == 0 {
- return
- }
- start = values[0]
- end = values[0]
- for _, v := range values[1:] {
- if end.Before(v) {
- end = v
- }
- if start.After(v) {
- start = v
- }
- }
- return
package chart
-import util "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/util"
-// Value is a chart value.
-type Value struct {
- Style Style
- Label string
- Value float64
-// Values is an array of Value.
-type Values []Value
-// Values returns the values.
-func (vs Values) Values() []float64 {
- values := make([]float64, len(vs))
- for index, v := range vs {
- values[index] = v.Value
- }
- return values
-// ValuesNormalized returns normalized values.
-func (vs Values) ValuesNormalized() []float64 {
- return util.Math.Normalize(vs.Values()...)
-// Normalize returns the values normalized.
-func (vs Values) Normalize() []Value {
- var output []Value
- var total float64
- for _, v := range vs {
- total += v.Value
- }
- for _, v := range vs {
- if v.Value > 0 {
- output = append(output, Value{
- Style: v.Style,
- Label: v.Label,
- Value: util.Math.RoundDown(v.Value/total, 0.0001),
- })
- }
- }
- return output
-// Value2 is a two axis value.
-type Value2 struct {
- Style Style
- Label string
- XValue, YValue float64
package chart
-import (
- "fmt"
- "strconv"
- "time"
-// ValueFormatter is a function that takes a value and produces a string.
-type ValueFormatter func(v interface{}) string
-// TimeValueFormatter is a ValueFormatter for timestamps.
-func TimeValueFormatter(v interface{}) string {
- return formatTime(v, DefaultDateFormat)
-// TimeHourValueFormatter is a ValueFormatter for timestamps.
-func TimeHourValueFormatter(v interface{}) string {
- return formatTime(v, DefaultDateHourFormat)
-// TimeMinuteValueFormatter is a ValueFormatter for timestamps.
-func TimeMinuteValueFormatter(v interface{}) string {
- return formatTime(v, DefaultDateMinuteFormat)
-// TimeDateValueFormatter is a ValueFormatter for timestamps.
-func TimeDateValueFormatter(v interface{}) string {
- return formatTime(v, "2006-01-02")
-// TimeValueFormatterWithFormat returns a time formatter with a given format.
-func TimeValueFormatterWithFormat(format string) ValueFormatter {
- return func(v interface{}) string {
- return formatTime(v, format)
- }
-// TimeValueFormatterWithFormat is a ValueFormatter for timestamps with a given format.
-func formatTime(v interface{}, dateFormat string) string {
- if typed, isTyped := v.(time.Time); isTyped {
- return typed.Format(dateFormat)
- }
- if typed, isTyped := v.(int64); isTyped {
- return time.Unix(0, typed).Format(dateFormat)
- }
- if typed, isTyped := v.(float64); isTyped {
- return time.Unix(0, int64(typed)).Format(dateFormat)
- }
- return ""
-// IntValueFormatter is a ValueFormatter for float64.
-func IntValueFormatter(v interface{}) string {
- switch v.(type) {
- case int:
- return strconv.Itoa(v.(int))
- case int64:
- return strconv.FormatInt(v.(int64), 10)
- case float32:
- return strconv.FormatInt(int64(v.(float32)), 10)
- case float64:
- return strconv.FormatInt(int64(v.(float64)), 10)
- default:
- return ""
- }
-// FloatValueFormatter is a ValueFormatter for float64.
-func FloatValueFormatter(v interface{}) string {
- return FloatValueFormatterWithFormat(v, DefaultFloatFormat)
-// PercentValueFormatter is a formatter for percent values.
-// NOTE: it normalizes the values, i.e. multiplies by 100.0.
-func PercentValueFormatter(v interface{}) string {
- if typed, isTyped := v.(float64); isTyped {
- return FloatValueFormatterWithFormat(typed*100.0, DefaultPercentValueFormat)
- }
- return ""
-// FloatValueFormatterWithFormat is a ValueFormatter for float64 with a given format.
-func FloatValueFormatterWithFormat(v interface{}, floatFormat string) string {
- if typed, isTyped := v.(int); isTyped {
- return fmt.Sprintf(floatFormat, float64(typed))
- }
- if typed, isTyped := v.(int64); isTyped {
- return fmt.Sprintf(floatFormat, float64(typed))
- }
- if typed, isTyped := v.(float32); isTyped {
- return fmt.Sprintf(floatFormat, typed)
- }
- if typed, isTyped := v.(float64); isTyped {
- return fmt.Sprintf(floatFormat, typed)
- }
- return ""
package chart
-import (
- "bytes"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "math"
- "strings"
- "golang.org/x/image/font"
- "github.com/golang/freetype/truetype"
- "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/drawing"
- "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/util"
-// SVG returns a new png/raster renderer.
-func SVG(width, height int) (Renderer, error) {
- buffer := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
- canvas := newCanvas(buffer)
- canvas.Start(width, height)
- return &vectorRenderer{
- b: buffer,
- c: canvas,
- s: &Style{},
- p: []string{},
- dpi: DefaultDPI,
- }, nil
-// vectorRenderer renders chart commands to a bitmap.
-type vectorRenderer struct {
- dpi float64
- b *bytes.Buffer
- c *canvas
- s *Style
- p []string
- fc *font.Drawer
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) ResetStyle() {
- vr.s = &Style{Font: vr.s.Font}
- vr.fc = nil
-// GetDPI returns the dpi.
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) GetDPI() float64 {
- return vr.dpi
-// SetDPI implements the interface method.
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) SetDPI(dpi float64) {
- vr.dpi = dpi
- vr.c.dpi = dpi
-// SetClassName implements the interface method.
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) SetClassName(classname string) {
- vr.s.ClassName = classname
-// SetStrokeColor implements the interface method.
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) SetStrokeColor(c drawing.Color) {
- vr.s.StrokeColor = c
-// SetFillColor implements the interface method.
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) SetFillColor(c drawing.Color) {
- vr.s.FillColor = c
-// SetLineWidth implements the interface method.
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) SetStrokeWidth(width float64) {
- vr.s.StrokeWidth = width
-// StrokeDashArray sets the stroke dash array.
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) SetStrokeDashArray(dashArray []float64) {
- vr.s.StrokeDashArray = dashArray
-// MoveTo implements the interface method.
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) MoveTo(x, y int) {
- vr.p = append(vr.p, fmt.Sprintf("M %d %d", x, y))
-// LineTo implements the interface method.
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) LineTo(x, y int) {
- vr.p = append(vr.p, fmt.Sprintf("L %d %d", x, y))
-// QuadCurveTo draws a quad curve.
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) QuadCurveTo(cx, cy, x, y int) {
- vr.p = append(vr.p, fmt.Sprintf("Q%d,%d %d,%d", cx, cy, x, y))
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) ArcTo(cx, cy int, rx, ry, startAngle, delta float64) {
- startAngle = util.Math.RadianAdd(startAngle, _pi2)
- endAngle := util.Math.RadianAdd(startAngle, delta)
- startx := cx + int(rx*math.Sin(startAngle))
- starty := cy - int(ry*math.Cos(startAngle))
- if len(vr.p) > 0 {
- vr.p = append(vr.p, fmt.Sprintf("L %d %d", startx, starty))
- } else {
- vr.p = append(vr.p, fmt.Sprintf("M %d %d", startx, starty))
- }
- endx := cx + int(rx*math.Sin(endAngle))
- endy := cy - int(ry*math.Cos(endAngle))
- dd := util.Math.RadiansToDegrees(delta)
- largeArcFlag := 0
- if delta > _pi {
- largeArcFlag = 1
- }
- vr.p = append(vr.p, fmt.Sprintf("A %d %d %0.2f %d 1 %d %d", int(rx), int(ry), dd, largeArcFlag, endx, endy))
-// Close closes a shape.
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) Close() {
- vr.p = append(vr.p, fmt.Sprintf("Z"))
-// Stroke draws the path with no fill.
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) Stroke() {
- vr.drawPath(vr.s.GetStrokeOptions())
-// Fill draws the path with no stroke.
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) Fill() {
- vr.drawPath(vr.s.GetFillOptions())
-// FillStroke draws the path with both fill and stroke.
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) FillStroke() {
- vr.drawPath(vr.s.GetFillAndStrokeOptions())
-// drawPath draws a path.
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) drawPath(s Style) {
- vr.c.Path(strings.Join(vr.p, "\n"), vr.s.GetFillAndStrokeOptions())
- vr.p = []string{} // clear the path
-// Circle implements the interface method.
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) Circle(radius float64, x, y int) {
- vr.c.Circle(x, y, int(radius), vr.s.GetFillAndStrokeOptions())
-// SetFont implements the interface method.
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) SetFont(f *truetype.Font) {
- vr.s.Font = f
-// SetFontColor implements the interface method.
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) SetFontColor(c drawing.Color) {
- vr.s.FontColor = c
-// SetFontSize implements the interface method.
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) SetFontSize(size float64) {
- vr.s.FontSize = size
-// Text draws a text blob.
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) Text(body string, x, y int) {
- vr.c.Text(x, y, body, vr.s.GetTextOptions())
-// MeasureText uses the truetype font drawer to measure the width of text.
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) MeasureText(body string) (box Box) {
- if vr.s.GetFont() != nil {
- vr.fc = &font.Drawer{
- Face: truetype.NewFace(vr.s.GetFont(), &truetype.Options{
- DPI: vr.dpi,
- Size: vr.s.FontSize,
- }),
- }
- w := vr.fc.MeasureString(body).Ceil()
- box.Right = w
- box.Bottom = int(drawing.PointsToPixels(vr.dpi, vr.s.FontSize))
- if vr.c.textTheta == nil {
- return
- }
- box = box.Corners().Rotate(util.Math.RadiansToDegrees(*vr.c.textTheta)).Box()
- }
- return
-// SetTextRotation sets the text rotation.
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) SetTextRotation(radians float64) {
- vr.c.textTheta = &radians
-// ClearTextRotation clears the text rotation.
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) ClearTextRotation() {
- vr.c.textTheta = nil
-// Save saves the renderer's contents to a writer.
-func (vr *vectorRenderer) Save(w io.Writer) error {
- vr.c.End()
- _, err := w.Write(vr.b.Bytes())
- return err
-func newCanvas(w io.Writer) *canvas {
- return &canvas{
- w: w,
- dpi: DefaultDPI,
- }
-type canvas struct {
- w io.Writer
- dpi float64
- textTheta *float64
- width int
- height int
-func (c *canvas) Start(width, height int) {
- c.width = width
- c.height = height
- c.w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="%d" height="%d">\n`, c.width, c.height)))
-func (c *canvas) Path(d string, style Style) {
- var strokeDashArrayProperty string
- if len(style.StrokeDashArray) > 0 {
- strokeDashArrayProperty = c.getStrokeDashArray(style)
- }
- c.w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`<path %s d="%s" %s/>`, strokeDashArrayProperty, d, c.styleAsSVG(style))))
-func (c *canvas) Text(x, y int, body string, style Style) {
- if c.textTheta == nil {
- c.w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`<text x="%d" y="%d" %s>%s</text>`, x, y, c.styleAsSVG(style), body)))
- } else {
- transform := fmt.Sprintf(` transform="rotate(%0.2f,%d,%d)"`, util.Math.RadiansToDegrees(*c.textTheta), x, y)
- c.w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`<text x="%d" y="%d" %s%s>%s</text>`, x, y, c.styleAsSVG(style), transform, body)))
- }
-func (c *canvas) Circle(x, y, r int, style Style) {
- c.w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`<circle cx="%d" cy="%d" r="%d" %s/>`, x, y, r, c.styleAsSVG(style))))
-func (c *canvas) End() {
- c.w.Write([]byte("</svg>"))
-// getStrokeDashArray returns the stroke-dasharray property of a style.
-func (c *canvas) getStrokeDashArray(s Style) string {
- if len(s.StrokeDashArray) > 0 {
- var values []string
- for _, v := range s.StrokeDashArray {
- values = append(values, fmt.Sprintf("%0.1f", v))
- }
- return "stroke-dasharray=\"" + strings.Join(values, ", ") + "\""
- }
- return ""
-// GetFontFace returns the font face for the style.
-func (c *canvas) getFontFace(s Style) string {
- family := "sans-serif"
- if s.GetFont() != nil {
- name := s.GetFont().Name(truetype.NameIDFontFamily)
- if len(name) != 0 {
- family = fmt.Sprintf(`'%s',%s`, name, family)
- }
- }
- return fmt.Sprintf("font-family:%s", family)
-// styleAsSVG returns the style as a svg style or class string.
-func (c *canvas) styleAsSVG(s Style) string {
- if s.ClassName != "" {
- return fmt.Sprintf("class=\"%s\"", s.ClassName)
- }
- sw := s.StrokeWidth
- sc := s.StrokeColor
- fc := s.FillColor
- fs := s.FontSize
- fnc := s.FontColor
- var pieces []string
- if sw != 0 {
- pieces = append(pieces, "stroke-width:"+fmt.Sprintf("%d", int(sw)))
- } else {
- pieces = append(pieces, "stroke-width:0")
- }
- if !sc.IsZero() {
- pieces = append(pieces, "stroke:"+sc.String())
- } else {
- pieces = append(pieces, "stroke:none")
- }
- if !fnc.IsZero() {
- pieces = append(pieces, "fill:"+fnc.String())
- } else if !fc.IsZero() {
- pieces = append(pieces, "fill:"+fc.String())
- } else {
- pieces = append(pieces, "fill:none")
- }
- if fs != 0 {
- pieces = append(pieces, "font-size:"+fmt.Sprintf("%.1fpx", drawing.PointsToPixels(c.dpi, fs)))
- }
- if s.Font != nil {
- pieces = append(pieces, c.getFontFace(s))
- }
- return fmt.Sprintf("style=\"%s\"", strings.Join(pieces, ";"))
package chart
-import "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/drawing"
-var viridisColors = [256]drawing.Color{
- drawing.Color{R: 0x44, G: 0x1, B: 0x54, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x44, G: 0x2, B: 0x55, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x45, G: 0x3, B: 0x57, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x45, G: 0x5, B: 0x58, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x45, G: 0x6, B: 0x5a, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x46, G: 0x8, B: 0x5b, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x46, G: 0x9, B: 0x5d, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x46, G: 0xb, B: 0x5e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x46, G: 0xc, B: 0x60, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x47, G: 0xe, B: 0x61, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x47, G: 0xf, B: 0x62, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x47, G: 0x11, B: 0x64, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x47, G: 0x12, B: 0x65, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x47, G: 0x14, B: 0x66, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x48, G: 0x15, B: 0x68, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x48, G: 0x16, B: 0x69, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x48, G: 0x18, B: 0x6a, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x48, G: 0x19, B: 0x6c, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x48, G: 0x1a, B: 0x6d, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x48, G: 0x1c, B: 0x6e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x48, G: 0x1d, B: 0x6f, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x48, G: 0x1e, B: 0x70, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x48, G: 0x20, B: 0x71, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x48, G: 0x21, B: 0x73, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x48, G: 0x22, B: 0x74, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x48, G: 0x24, B: 0x75, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x48, G: 0x25, B: 0x76, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x48, G: 0x26, B: 0x77, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x48, G: 0x27, B: 0x78, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x47, G: 0x29, B: 0x79, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x47, G: 0x2a, B: 0x79, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x47, G: 0x2b, B: 0x7a, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x47, G: 0x2c, B: 0x7b, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x47, G: 0x2e, B: 0x7c, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x46, G: 0x2f, B: 0x7d, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x46, G: 0x30, B: 0x7e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x46, G: 0x31, B: 0x7e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x46, G: 0x33, B: 0x7f, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x45, G: 0x34, B: 0x80, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x45, G: 0x35, B: 0x81, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x45, G: 0x36, B: 0x81, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x44, G: 0x38, B: 0x82, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x44, G: 0x39, B: 0x83, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x44, G: 0x3a, B: 0x83, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x43, G: 0x3b, B: 0x84, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x43, G: 0x3c, B: 0x84, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x43, G: 0x3e, B: 0x85, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x42, G: 0x3f, B: 0x85, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x42, G: 0x40, B: 0x86, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x41, G: 0x41, B: 0x86, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x41, G: 0x42, B: 0x87, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x41, G: 0x43, B: 0x87, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x40, G: 0x45, B: 0x88, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x40, G: 0x46, B: 0x88, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x3f, G: 0x47, B: 0x88, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x3f, G: 0x48, B: 0x89, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x3e, G: 0x49, B: 0x89, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x3e, G: 0x4a, B: 0x89, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x3d, G: 0x4b, B: 0x8a, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x3d, G: 0x4d, B: 0x8a, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x3c, G: 0x4e, B: 0x8a, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x3c, G: 0x4f, B: 0x8a, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x3b, G: 0x50, B: 0x8b, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x3b, G: 0x51, B: 0x8b, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x3a, G: 0x52, B: 0x8b, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x3a, G: 0x53, B: 0x8b, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x39, G: 0x54, B: 0x8c, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x39, G: 0x55, B: 0x8c, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x38, G: 0x56, B: 0x8c, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x38, G: 0x57, B: 0x8c, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x37, G: 0x58, B: 0x8c, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x37, G: 0x59, B: 0x8c, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x36, G: 0x5b, B: 0x8d, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x36, G: 0x5c, B: 0x8d, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x35, G: 0x5d, B: 0x8d, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x35, G: 0x5e, B: 0x8d, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x34, G: 0x5f, B: 0x8d, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x34, G: 0x60, B: 0x8d, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x33, G: 0x61, B: 0x8d, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x33, G: 0x62, B: 0x8d, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x33, G: 0x63, B: 0x8d, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x32, G: 0x64, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x32, G: 0x65, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x31, G: 0x66, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x31, G: 0x67, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x30, G: 0x68, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x30, G: 0x69, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x2f, G: 0x6a, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x2f, G: 0x6b, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x2f, G: 0x6c, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x2e, G: 0x6d, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x2e, G: 0x6e, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x2d, G: 0x6f, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x2d, G: 0x70, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x2d, G: 0x70, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x2c, G: 0x71, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x2c, G: 0x72, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x2b, G: 0x73, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x2b, G: 0x74, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x2b, G: 0x75, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x2a, G: 0x76, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x2a, G: 0x77, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x29, G: 0x78, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x29, G: 0x79, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x29, G: 0x7a, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x28, G: 0x7b, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x28, G: 0x7c, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x28, G: 0x7d, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x27, G: 0x7e, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x27, G: 0x7f, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x26, G: 0x80, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x26, G: 0x81, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x26, G: 0x82, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x25, G: 0x83, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x25, G: 0x83, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x25, G: 0x84, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x24, G: 0x85, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x24, G: 0x86, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x23, G: 0x87, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x23, G: 0x88, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x23, G: 0x89, B: 0x8e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x22, G: 0x8a, B: 0x8d, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x22, G: 0x8b, B: 0x8d, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x22, G: 0x8c, B: 0x8d, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x21, G: 0x8d, B: 0x8d, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x21, G: 0x8e, B: 0x8d, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x21, G: 0x8f, B: 0x8d, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x20, G: 0x90, B: 0x8d, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x20, G: 0x91, B: 0x8c, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x20, G: 0x92, B: 0x8c, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x20, G: 0x93, B: 0x8c, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x1f, G: 0x93, B: 0x8c, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x1f, G: 0x94, B: 0x8c, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x1f, G: 0x95, B: 0x8b, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x1f, G: 0x96, B: 0x8b, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x1f, G: 0x97, B: 0x8b, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x1e, G: 0x98, B: 0x8b, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x1e, G: 0x99, B: 0x8a, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x1e, G: 0x9a, B: 0x8a, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x1e, G: 0x9b, B: 0x8a, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x1e, G: 0x9c, B: 0x89, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x1e, G: 0x9d, B: 0x89, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x1e, G: 0x9e, B: 0x89, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x1e, G: 0x9f, B: 0x88, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x1e, G: 0xa0, B: 0x88, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x1f, G: 0xa1, B: 0x88, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x1f, G: 0xa2, B: 0x87, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x1f, G: 0xa3, B: 0x87, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x1f, G: 0xa3, B: 0x86, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x20, G: 0xa4, B: 0x86, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x20, G: 0xa5, B: 0x86, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x21, G: 0xa6, B: 0x85, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x21, G: 0xa7, B: 0x85, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x22, G: 0xa8, B: 0x84, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x23, G: 0xa9, B: 0x83, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x23, G: 0xaa, B: 0x83, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x24, G: 0xab, B: 0x82, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x25, G: 0xac, B: 0x82, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x26, G: 0xad, B: 0x81, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x27, G: 0xae, B: 0x81, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x28, G: 0xaf, B: 0x80, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x29, G: 0xaf, B: 0x7f, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x2a, G: 0xb0, B: 0x7f, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x2b, G: 0xb1, B: 0x7e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x2c, G: 0xb2, B: 0x7d, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x2e, G: 0xb3, B: 0x7c, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x2f, G: 0xb4, B: 0x7c, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x30, G: 0xb5, B: 0x7b, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x32, G: 0xb6, B: 0x7a, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x33, G: 0xb7, B: 0x79, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x35, G: 0xb7, B: 0x79, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x36, G: 0xb8, B: 0x78, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x38, G: 0xb9, B: 0x77, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x39, G: 0xba, B: 0x76, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x3b, G: 0xbb, B: 0x75, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x3d, G: 0xbc, B: 0x74, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x3e, G: 0xbd, B: 0x73, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x40, G: 0xbe, B: 0x72, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x42, G: 0xbe, B: 0x71, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x44, G: 0xbf, B: 0x70, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x46, G: 0xc0, B: 0x6f, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x48, G: 0xc1, B: 0x6e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x49, G: 0xc2, B: 0x6d, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x4b, G: 0xc2, B: 0x6c, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x4d, G: 0xc3, B: 0x6b, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x4f, G: 0xc4, B: 0x6a, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x51, G: 0xc5, B: 0x69, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x53, G: 0xc6, B: 0x68, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x55, G: 0xc6, B: 0x66, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x58, G: 0xc7, B: 0x65, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x5a, G: 0xc8, B: 0x64, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x5c, G: 0xc9, B: 0x63, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x5e, G: 0xc9, B: 0x62, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x60, G: 0xca, B: 0x60, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x62, G: 0xcb, B: 0x5f, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x65, G: 0xcc, B: 0x5e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x67, G: 0xcc, B: 0x5c, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x69, G: 0xcd, B: 0x5b, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x6c, G: 0xce, B: 0x5a, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x6e, G: 0xce, B: 0x58, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x70, G: 0xcf, B: 0x57, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x73, G: 0xd0, B: 0x55, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x75, G: 0xd0, B: 0x54, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x77, G: 0xd1, B: 0x52, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x7a, G: 0xd2, B: 0x51, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x7c, G: 0xd2, B: 0x4f, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x7f, G: 0xd3, B: 0x4e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x81, G: 0xd4, B: 0x4c, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x84, G: 0xd4, B: 0x4b, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x86, G: 0xd5, B: 0x49, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x89, G: 0xd5, B: 0x48, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x8b, G: 0xd6, B: 0x46, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x8e, G: 0xd7, B: 0x44, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x90, G: 0xd7, B: 0x43, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x93, G: 0xd8, B: 0x41, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x95, G: 0xd8, B: 0x3f, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x98, G: 0xd9, B: 0x3e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x9b, G: 0xd9, B: 0x3c, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0x9d, G: 0xda, B: 0x3a, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xa0, G: 0xda, B: 0x39, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xa3, G: 0xdb, B: 0x37, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xa5, G: 0xdb, B: 0x35, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xa8, G: 0xdc, B: 0x33, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xab, G: 0xdc, B: 0x32, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xad, G: 0xdd, B: 0x30, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xb0, G: 0xdd, B: 0x2e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xb3, G: 0xdd, B: 0x2d, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xb5, G: 0xde, B: 0x2b, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xb8, G: 0xde, B: 0x29, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xbb, G: 0xdf, B: 0x27, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xbd, G: 0xdf, B: 0x26, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xc0, G: 0xdf, B: 0x24, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xc3, G: 0xe0, B: 0x23, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xc5, G: 0xe0, B: 0x21, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xc8, G: 0xe1, B: 0x20, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xcb, G: 0xe1, B: 0x1e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xcd, G: 0xe1, B: 0x1d, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xd0, G: 0xe2, B: 0x1c, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xd3, G: 0xe2, B: 0x1b, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xd5, G: 0xe2, B: 0x1a, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xd8, G: 0xe3, B: 0x19, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xdb, G: 0xe3, B: 0x18, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xdd, G: 0xe3, B: 0x18, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xe0, G: 0xe4, B: 0x18, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xe2, G: 0xe4, B: 0x18, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xe5, G: 0xe4, B: 0x18, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xe8, G: 0xe5, B: 0x19, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xea, G: 0xe5, B: 0x19, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xed, G: 0xe5, B: 0x1a, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xef, G: 0xe6, B: 0x1b, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xf2, G: 0xe6, B: 0x1c, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xf4, G: 0xe6, B: 0x1e, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xf7, G: 0xe6, B: 0x1f, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xf9, G: 0xe7, B: 0x21, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xfb, G: 0xe7, B: 0x23, A: 0xff},
- drawing.Color{R: 0xfe, G: 0xe7, B: 0x24, A: 0xff},
-// Viridis creates a color map provider.
-func Viridis(v, vmin, vmax float64) drawing.Color {
- normalized := (v - vmin) / (vmax - vmin)
- index := uint8(normalized * 255)
- return viridisColors[index]
package chart
-import (
- "math"
- util "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/util"
-// XAxis represents the horizontal axis.
-type XAxis struct {
- Name string
- NameStyle Style
- Style Style
- ValueFormatter ValueFormatter
- Range Range
- TickStyle Style
- Ticks []Tick
- TickPosition TickPosition
- GridLines []GridLine
- GridMajorStyle Style
- GridMinorStyle Style
-// GetName returns the name.
-func (xa XAxis) GetName() string {
- return xa.Name
-// GetStyle returns the style.
-func (xa XAxis) GetStyle() Style {
- return xa.Style
-// GetValueFormatter returns the value formatter for the axis.
-func (xa XAxis) GetValueFormatter() ValueFormatter {
- if xa.ValueFormatter != nil {
- return xa.ValueFormatter
- }
- return FloatValueFormatter
-// GetTickPosition returns the tick position option for the axis.
-func (xa XAxis) GetTickPosition(defaults ...TickPosition) TickPosition {
- if xa.TickPosition == TickPositionUnset {
- if len(defaults) > 0 {
- return defaults[0]
- }
- return TickPositionUnderTick
- }
- return xa.TickPosition
-// GetTicks returns the ticks for a series.
-// The coalesce priority is:
-// - User Supplied Ticks (i.e. Ticks array on the axis itself).
-// - Range ticks (i.e. if the range provides ticks).
-// - Generating continuous ticks based on minimum spacing and canvas width.
-func (xa XAxis) GetTicks(r Renderer, ra Range, defaults Style, vf ValueFormatter) []Tick {
- if len(xa.Ticks) > 0 {
- return xa.Ticks
- }
- if tp, isTickProvider := ra.(TicksProvider); isTickProvider {
- return tp.GetTicks(r, defaults, vf)
- }
- tickStyle := xa.Style.InheritFrom(defaults)
- return GenerateContinuousTicks(r, ra, false, tickStyle, vf)
-// GetGridLines returns the gridlines for the axis.
-func (xa XAxis) GetGridLines(ticks []Tick) []GridLine {
- if len(xa.GridLines) > 0 {
- return xa.GridLines
- }
- return GenerateGridLines(ticks, xa.GridMajorStyle, xa.GridMinorStyle)
-// Measure returns the bounds of the axis.
-func (xa XAxis) Measure(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, ra Range, defaults Style, ticks []Tick) Box {
- tickStyle := xa.TickStyle.InheritFrom(xa.Style.InheritFrom(defaults))
- tp := xa.GetTickPosition()
- var ltx, rtx int
- var tx, ty int
- var left, right, bottom = math.MaxInt32, 0, 0
- for index, t := range ticks {
- v := t.Value
- tb := Draw.MeasureText(r, t.Label, tickStyle.GetTextOptions())
- tx = canvasBox.Left + ra.Translate(v)
- ty = canvasBox.Bottom + DefaultXAxisMargin + tb.Height()
- switch tp {
- case TickPositionUnderTick, TickPositionUnset:
- ltx = tx - tb.Width()>>1
- rtx = tx + tb.Width()>>1
- break
- case TickPositionBetweenTicks:
- if index > 0 {
- ltx = ra.Translate(ticks[index-1].Value)
- rtx = tx
- }
- break
- }
- left = util.Math.MinInt(left, ltx)
- right = util.Math.MaxInt(right, rtx)
- bottom = util.Math.MaxInt(bottom, ty)
- }
- if xa.NameStyle.Show && len(xa.Name) > 0 {
- tb := Draw.MeasureText(r, xa.Name, xa.NameStyle.InheritFrom(defaults))
- bottom += DefaultXAxisMargin + tb.Height()
- }
- return Box{
- Top: canvasBox.Bottom,
- Left: left,
- Right: right,
- Bottom: bottom,
- }
-// Render renders the axis
-func (xa XAxis) Render(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, ra Range, defaults Style, ticks []Tick) {
- tickStyle := xa.TickStyle.InheritFrom(xa.Style.InheritFrom(defaults))
- tickStyle.GetStrokeOptions().WriteToRenderer(r)
- r.MoveTo(canvasBox.Left, canvasBox.Bottom)
- r.LineTo(canvasBox.Right, canvasBox.Bottom)
- r.Stroke()
- tp := xa.GetTickPosition()
- var tx, ty int
- var maxTextHeight int
- for index, t := range ticks {
- v := t.Value
- lx := ra.Translate(v)
- tx = canvasBox.Left + lx
- tickStyle.GetStrokeOptions().WriteToRenderer(r)
- r.MoveTo(tx, canvasBox.Bottom)
- r.LineTo(tx, canvasBox.Bottom+DefaultVerticalTickHeight)
- r.Stroke()
- tickWithAxisStyle := xa.TickStyle.InheritFrom(xa.Style.InheritFrom(defaults))
- tb := Draw.MeasureText(r, t.Label, tickWithAxisStyle)
- switch tp {
- case TickPositionUnderTick, TickPositionUnset:
- if tickStyle.TextRotationDegrees == 0 {
- tx = tx - tb.Width()>>1
- ty = canvasBox.Bottom + DefaultXAxisMargin + tb.Height()
- } else {
- ty = canvasBox.Bottom + (2 * DefaultXAxisMargin)
- }
- Draw.Text(r, t.Label, tx, ty, tickWithAxisStyle)
- maxTextHeight = util.Math.MaxInt(maxTextHeight, tb.Height())
- break
- case TickPositionBetweenTicks:
- if index > 0 {
- llx := ra.Translate(ticks[index-1].Value)
- ltx := canvasBox.Left + llx
- finalTickStyle := tickWithAxisStyle.InheritFrom(Style{TextHorizontalAlign: TextHorizontalAlignCenter})
- Draw.TextWithin(r, t.Label, Box{
- Left: ltx,
- Right: tx,
- Top: canvasBox.Bottom + DefaultXAxisMargin,
- Bottom: canvasBox.Bottom + DefaultXAxisMargin,
- }, finalTickStyle)
- ftb := Text.MeasureLines(r, Text.WrapFit(r, t.Label, tx-ltx, finalTickStyle), finalTickStyle)
- maxTextHeight = util.Math.MaxInt(maxTextHeight, ftb.Height())
- }
- break
- }
- }
- nameStyle := xa.NameStyle.InheritFrom(defaults)
- if xa.NameStyle.Show && len(xa.Name) > 0 {
- tb := Draw.MeasureText(r, xa.Name, nameStyle)
- tx := canvasBox.Right - (canvasBox.Width()>>1 + tb.Width()>>1)
- ty := canvasBox.Bottom + DefaultXAxisMargin + maxTextHeight + DefaultXAxisMargin + tb.Height()
- Draw.Text(r, xa.Name, tx, ty, nameStyle)
- }
- if xa.GridMajorStyle.Show || xa.GridMinorStyle.Show {
- for _, gl := range xa.GetGridLines(ticks) {
- if (gl.IsMinor && xa.GridMinorStyle.Show) || (!gl.IsMinor && xa.GridMajorStyle.Show) {
- defaults := xa.GridMajorStyle
- if gl.IsMinor {
- defaults = xa.GridMinorStyle
- }
- gl.Render(r, canvasBox, ra, true, gl.Style.InheritFrom(defaults))
- }
- }
- }
package chart
-import (
- "math"
- util "github.com/wcharczuk/go-chart/util"
-// YAxis is a veritcal rule of the range.
-// There can be (2) y-axes; a primary and secondary.
-type YAxis struct {
- Name string
- NameStyle Style
- Style Style
- Zero GridLine
- AxisType YAxisType
- Ascending bool
- ValueFormatter ValueFormatter
- Range Range
- TickStyle Style
- Ticks []Tick
- GridLines []GridLine
- GridMajorStyle Style
- GridMinorStyle Style
-// GetName returns the name.
-func (ya YAxis) GetName() string {
- return ya.Name
-// GetNameStyle returns the name style.
-func (ya YAxis) GetNameStyle() Style {
- return ya.NameStyle
-// GetStyle returns the style.
-func (ya YAxis) GetStyle() Style {
- return ya.Style
-// GetValueFormatter returns the value formatter for the axis.
-func (ya YAxis) GetValueFormatter() ValueFormatter {
- if ya.ValueFormatter != nil {
- return ya.ValueFormatter
- }
- return FloatValueFormatter
-// GetTickStyle returns the tick style.
-func (ya YAxis) GetTickStyle() Style {
- return ya.TickStyle
-// GetTicks returns the ticks for a series.
-// The coalesce priority is:
-// - User Supplied Ticks (i.e. Ticks array on the axis itself).
-// - Range ticks (i.e. if the range provides ticks).
-// - Generating continuous ticks based on minimum spacing and canvas width.
-func (ya YAxis) GetTicks(r Renderer, ra Range, defaults Style, vf ValueFormatter) []Tick {
- if len(ya.Ticks) > 0 {
- return ya.Ticks
- }
- if tp, isTickProvider := ra.(TicksProvider); isTickProvider {
- return tp.GetTicks(r, defaults, vf)
- }
- tickStyle := ya.Style.InheritFrom(defaults)
- return GenerateContinuousTicks(r, ra, true, tickStyle, vf)
-// GetGridLines returns the gridlines for the axis.
-func (ya YAxis) GetGridLines(ticks []Tick) []GridLine {
- if len(ya.GridLines) > 0 {
- return ya.GridLines
- }
- return GenerateGridLines(ticks, ya.GridMajorStyle, ya.GridMinorStyle)
-// Measure returns the bounds of the axis.
-func (ya YAxis) Measure(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, ra Range, defaults Style, ticks []Tick) Box {
- var tx int
- if ya.AxisType == YAxisPrimary {
- tx = canvasBox.Right + DefaultYAxisMargin
- } else if ya.AxisType == YAxisSecondary {
- tx = canvasBox.Left - DefaultYAxisMargin
- }
- ya.TickStyle.InheritFrom(ya.Style.InheritFrom(defaults)).WriteToRenderer(r)
- var minx, maxx, miny, maxy = math.MaxInt32, 0, math.MaxInt32, 0
- var maxTextHeight int
- for _, t := range ticks {
- v := t.Value
- ly := canvasBox.Bottom - ra.Translate(v)
- tb := r.MeasureText(t.Label)
- tbh2 := tb.Height() >> 1
- finalTextX := tx
- if ya.AxisType == YAxisSecondary {
- finalTextX = tx - tb.Width()
- }
- maxTextHeight = util.Math.MaxInt(tb.Height(), maxTextHeight)
- if ya.AxisType == YAxisPrimary {
- minx = canvasBox.Right
- maxx = util.Math.MaxInt(maxx, tx+tb.Width())
- } else if ya.AxisType == YAxisSecondary {
- minx = util.Math.MinInt(minx, finalTextX)
- maxx = util.Math.MaxInt(maxx, tx)
- }
- miny = util.Math.MinInt(miny, ly-tbh2)
- maxy = util.Math.MaxInt(maxy, ly+tbh2)
- }
- if ya.NameStyle.Show && len(ya.Name) > 0 {
- maxx += (DefaultYAxisMargin + maxTextHeight)
- }
- return Box{
- Top: miny,
- Left: minx,
- Right: maxx,
- Bottom: maxy,
- }
-// Render renders the axis.
-func (ya YAxis) Render(r Renderer, canvasBox Box, ra Range, defaults Style, ticks []Tick) {
- tickStyle := ya.TickStyle.InheritFrom(ya.Style.InheritFrom(defaults))
- tickStyle.WriteToRenderer(r)
- sw := tickStyle.GetStrokeWidth(defaults.StrokeWidth)
- var lx int
- var tx int
- if ya.AxisType == YAxisPrimary {
- lx = canvasBox.Right + int(sw)
- tx = lx + DefaultYAxisMargin
- } else if ya.AxisType == YAxisSecondary {
- lx = canvasBox.Left - int(sw)
- tx = lx - DefaultYAxisMargin
- }
- r.MoveTo(lx, canvasBox.Bottom)
- r.LineTo(lx, canvasBox.Top)
- r.Stroke()
- var maxTextWidth int
- var finalTextX, finalTextY int
- for _, t := range ticks {
- v := t.Value
- ly := canvasBox.Bottom - ra.Translate(v)
- tb := Draw.MeasureText(r, t.Label, tickStyle)
- if tb.Width() > maxTextWidth {
- maxTextWidth = tb.Width()
- }
- if ya.AxisType == YAxisSecondary {
- finalTextX = tx - tb.Width()
- } else {
- finalTextX = tx
- }
- if tickStyle.TextRotationDegrees == 0 {
- finalTextY = ly + tb.Height()>>1
- } else {
- finalTextY = ly
- }
- tickStyle.WriteToRenderer(r)
- r.MoveTo(lx, ly)
- if ya.AxisType == YAxisPrimary {
- r.LineTo(lx+DefaultHorizontalTickWidth, ly)
- } else if ya.AxisType == YAxisSecondary {
- r.LineTo(lx-DefaultHorizontalTickWidth, ly)
- }
- r.Stroke()
- Draw.Text(r, t.Label, finalTextX, finalTextY, tickStyle)
- }
- nameStyle := ya.NameStyle.InheritFrom(defaults.InheritFrom(Style{TextRotationDegrees: 90}))
- if ya.NameStyle.Show && len(ya.Name) > 0 {
- nameStyle.GetTextOptions().WriteToRenderer(r)
- tb := Draw.MeasureText(r, ya.Name, nameStyle)
- var tx int
- if ya.AxisType == YAxisPrimary {
- tx = canvasBox.Right + int(sw) + DefaultYAxisMargin + maxTextWidth + DefaultYAxisMargin
- } else if ya.AxisType == YAxisSecondary {
- tx = canvasBox.Left - (DefaultYAxisMargin + int(sw) + maxTextWidth + DefaultYAxisMargin)
- }
- var ty int
- if nameStyle.TextRotationDegrees == 0 {
- ty = canvasBox.Top + (canvasBox.Height()>>1 - tb.Width()>>1)
- } else {
- ty = canvasBox.Top + (canvasBox.Height()>>1 - tb.Height()>>1)
- }
- Draw.Text(r, ya.Name, tx, ty, nameStyle)
- }
- if ya.Zero.Style.Show {
- ya.Zero.Render(r, canvasBox, ra, false, Style{})
- }
- if ya.GridMajorStyle.Show || ya.GridMinorStyle.Show {
- for _, gl := range ya.GetGridLines(ticks) {
- if (gl.IsMinor && ya.GridMinorStyle.Show) || (!gl.IsMinor && ya.GridMajorStyle.Show) {
- defaults := ya.GridMajorStyle
- if gl.IsMinor {
- defaults = ya.GridMinorStyle
- }
- gl.Render(r, canvasBox, ra, false, gl.Style.InheritFrom(defaults))
- }
- }
- }