## Example Todo App using Goffee framework This repository contains the code for an example todo app using [Goffee framework](https://git.smarteching.com/goffee) ### How to run locally? 1- Clone the repository 2- Next add your database credentials (mysql) to the `.env` file 3- `cd` into the project dir and run `go mod tidy` to install any missing dependency 4- Run the app using Goffee's cli tool [Goffee](https://git.smarteching.com/goffee/goffee) ```bash goffee run:dev ``` if [Goffee](https://git.smarteching.com/goffee/goffee) is not installed you can install it by executing the following command ```bash go install git.smarteching.com/goffee/goffee@latest ``` All routers are defined in the file `routes.go` All request controllers are defined in the directory `controllers/` Learn more about this awsome framework in [Goffee documentation](https://docu.smarteching.com/goffee/)