2025-02-24 09:59:07 -05:00

644 lines
19 KiB

// Copyright 2021 Harran Ali <>. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2024 Zeni Kim <>
// Use of this source code is governed by MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package core
import (
var loggr *logger.Logger
var logsDriver *logger.LogsDriver
var requestC RequestConfig
var jwtC JWTConfig
var gormC GormConfig
var cacheC CacheConfig
var db *gorm.DB
var mailer *Mailer
var basePath string
var runMode string
var disableEvents bool = false
// components_resources holds embedded file system data, typically for templates or other embedded resources.
//go:embed all:template
var components_resources embed.FS
// configContainer is a configuration structure that holds request-specific configurations for the application.
type configContainer struct {
Request RequestConfig
// App is a struct representing the main application container and its core components.
type App struct {
t int // for tracking hooks
chain *chain
hooks *Hooks
Config *configContainer
// app is a global instance of the App structure used to manage application configuration and lifecycle.
var app *App
// New initializes and returns a new instance of the App structure with default configurations and chain.
func New() *App {
app = &App{
chain: &chain{},
hooks: NewHooks(),
Config: &configContainer{
Request: requestC,
return app
// ResolveApp returns the global instance of the App, providing access to its methods and configuration components.
func ResolveApp() *App {
return app
// SetLogsDriver sets the logging driver to be used by the application.
func (app *App) SetLogsDriver(d logger.LogsDriver) {
logsDriver = &d
// Bootstrap initializes the application by setting up the logger, router, and events manager.
func (app *App) Bootstrap() {
loggr = logger.NewLogger(*logsDriver)
// RegisterTemplates initializes the application template system by embedding provided templates for rendering views.
func (app *App) RegisterTemplates(templates_resources embed.FS) {
NewTemplates(components_resources, templates_resources)
// Run initializes the application's router, configures HTTPS if enabled, and starts the HTTP/HTTPS server.
func (app *App) Run(router *httprouter.Router) {
portNumber := os.Getenv("App_HTTP_PORT")
if portNumber == "" {
portNumber = "80"
router = app.RegisterRoutes(ResolveRouter().GetRoutes(), router)
// check if template engine is enable
TemplateEnableStr := os.Getenv("TEMPLATE_ENABLE")
if TemplateEnableStr == "" {
TemplateEnableStr = "false"
TemplateEnable, _ := strconv.ParseBool(TemplateEnableStr)
// if enabled,
if TemplateEnable {
router.ServeFiles("/public/*filepath", http.Dir("storage/public"))
useHttpsStr := os.Getenv("App_USE_HTTPS")
if useHttpsStr == "" {
useHttpsStr = "false"
useHttps, _ := strconv.ParseBool(useHttpsStr)
if runMode == "dev" {
fmt.Printf("Welcome to Goffee\n")
if useHttps {
fmt.Printf("Listening on https \nWaiting for requests...\n")
} else {
fmt.Printf("Listening on port %s\nWaiting for requests...\n", portNumber)
// check if use letsencrypt
UseLetsEncryptStr := os.Getenv("App_USE_LETSENCRYPT")
if UseLetsEncryptStr == "" {
UseLetsEncryptStr = "false"
UseLetsEncrypt, _ := strconv.ParseBool(UseLetsEncryptStr)
if useHttps && UseLetsEncrypt {
m := &autocert.Manager{
Cache: autocert.DirCache("letsencrypt-certs-dir"),
Prompt: autocert.AcceptTOS,
LetsEncryptEmail := os.Getenv("APP_LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL")
if LetsEncryptEmail != "" {
m.Email = LetsEncryptEmail
HttpsHosts := os.Getenv("App_HTTPS_HOSTS")
if HttpsHosts != "" {
m.HostPolicy = autocert.HostWhitelist(HttpsHosts)
log.Fatal(http.Serve(m.Listener(), router))
if useHttps && !UseLetsEncrypt {
CertFile := os.Getenv("App_CERT_FILE_PATH")
if CertFile == "" {
CertFile = "tls/server.crt"
KeyFile := os.Getenv("App_KEY_FILE_PATH")
if KeyFile == "" {
KeyFile = "tls/server.key"
certFilePath := filepath.Join(basePath, CertFile)
KeyFilePath := filepath.Join(basePath, KeyFile)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServeTLS(":443", certFilePath, KeyFilePath, router))
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%s", portNumber), router))
// RegisterRoutes sets up and registers HTTP routes and their handlers to the provided router, enabling request processing.
// It assigns appropriate methods, controllers, and hooks, while handling core services, errors, and fallback behaviors.
// Returns the configured router instance.
func (app *App) RegisterRoutes(routes []Route, router *httprouter.Router) *httprouter.Router {
router.PanicHandler = panicHandler
router.NotFound = notFoundHandler{}
router.MethodNotAllowed = methodNotAllowed{}
for _, route := range routes {
switch route.Method {
case GET:
router.GET(route.Path, app.makeHTTPRouterHandlerFunc(route.Controller, route.Hooks))
case POST:
router.POST(route.Path, app.makeHTTPRouterHandlerFunc(route.Controller, route.Hooks))
case DELETE:
router.DELETE(route.Path, app.makeHTTPRouterHandlerFunc(route.Controller, route.Hooks))
case PATCH:
router.PATCH(route.Path, app.makeHTTPRouterHandlerFunc(route.Controller, route.Hooks))
case PUT:
router.PUT(route.Path, app.makeHTTPRouterHandlerFunc(route.Controller, route.Hooks))
router.OPTIONS(route.Path, app.makeHTTPRouterHandlerFunc(route.Controller, route.Hooks))
case HEAD:
router.HEAD(route.Path, app.makeHTTPRouterHandlerFunc(route.Controller, route.Hooks))
// check if enable core services
UseCoreServicesStr := os.Getenv("App_USE_CORESERVICES")
if UseCoreServicesStr == "" {
UseCoreServicesStr = "false"
UseCoreServices, _ := strconv.ParseBool(UseCoreServicesStr)
if UseCoreServices {
// Register router for graphs
router.GET("/coregraph/*graph", Graph)
return router
// makeHTTPRouterHandlerFunc creates an httprouter.Handle that handles HTTP requests with the specified controller and hooks.
func (app *App) makeHTTPRouterHandlerFunc(h Controller, ms []Hook) httprouter.Handle {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) {
ctx := &Context{
Request: &Request{
httpRequest: r,
httpPathParams: ps,
Response: &Response{
headers: []header{},
body: nil,
contentType: "",
overrideContentType: "",
HttpResponseWriter: w,
isTerminated: false,
redirectTo: "",
GetValidator: getValidator(),
GetJWT: getJWT(),
GetGorm: getGormFunc(),
GetCache: resolveCache(),
GetHashing: resloveHashing(),
GetMailer: resolveMailer(),
GetEventsManager: resolveEventsManager(),
GetLogger: resolveLogger(),
rhs := app.combHandlers(h, ms)
app.t = 0
for _, header := range ctx.Response.headers {
w.Header().Add(header.key, header.val)
var ct string
if ctx.Response.overrideContentType != "" {
ct = ctx.Response.overrideContentType
} else if ctx.Response.contentType != "" {
ct = ctx.Response.contentType
} else {
w.Header().Add(CONTENT_TYPE, ct)
if ctx.Response.statusCode != 0 {
if ctx.Response.redirectTo != "" {
http.Redirect(w, r, ctx.Response.redirectTo, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
} else {
e := ResolveEventsManager()
if e != nil {
app.t = 0
// notFoundHandler is a type that implements the http.Handler interface to handle HTTP 404 Not Found errors.
type notFoundHandler struct{}
// methodNotAllowed is a type that implements http.Handler to handle HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed errors.
type methodNotAllowed struct{}
// ServeHTTP handles HTTP requests by responding with a 404 status code and a JSON-formatted "Not Found" message.
func (n notFoundHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
res := "{\"message\": \"Not Found\"}"
loggr.Error("Not Found")
// ServeHTTP handles HTTP requests with method not allowed status and logs the occurrence and stack trace.
func (n methodNotAllowed) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
res := "{\"message\": \"Method not allowed\"}"
loggr.Error("Method not allowed")
// panicHandler handles panics during HTTP request processing, logs errors, and formats responses based on environment settings.
var panicHandler = func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, e interface{}) {
isDebugModeStr := os.Getenv("APP_DEBUG_MODE")
isDebugMode, err := strconv.ParseBool(isDebugModeStr)
if err != nil {
errStr := "error parsing env var APP_DEBUG_MODE"
if !isDebugMode {
errStr := "internal error"
w.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("{\"message\": \"%v\"}", errStr)))
shrtMsg := fmt.Sprintf("%v", e)
var res string
if env.GetVarOtherwiseDefault("APP_ENV", "local") == PRODUCTION {
res = "{\"message\": \"internal error\"}"
} else {
res = fmt.Sprintf("{\"message\": \"%v\", \"stack trace\": \"%v\"}", e, string(debug.Stack()))
// UseHook registers a Hook middleware function by attaching it to the global Hooks instance.
func UseHook(mw Hook) {
// Next advances to the next middleware or controller in the chain and invokes it with the given context if available.
func (app *App) Next(c *Context) {
app.t = app.t + 1
n := app.chain.getByIndex(app.t)
if n != nil {
f, ok := n.(Hook)
if ok {
} else {
ff, ok := n.(Controller)
if ok {
// chain represents a sequence of nodes, where each node is an interface, used for executing a series of operations.
type chain struct {
nodes []interface{}
// reset clears all nodes in the chain, resetting it to an empty state.
func (cn *chain) reset() {
cn.nodes = []interface{}{}
// getByIndex retrieves an element from the chain's nodes slice by its index. Returns nil if the index is out of range.
func (c *chain) getByIndex(i int) interface{} {
for k := range c.nodes {
if k == i {
return c.nodes[i]
return nil
// prepareChain appends all hooks from the provided list and the application's Hooks to the chain's nodes.
func (app *App) prepareChain(hs []interface{}) {
mw := app.hooks.GetHooks()
for _, v := range mw {
app.chain.nodes = append(app.chain.nodes, v)
for _, v := range hs {
app.chain.nodes = append(app.chain.nodes, v)
// execute executes the first node in the chain, invoking it as either a Hook or Controller if applicable.
func (cn *chain) execute(ctx *Context) {
i := cn.getByIndex(0)
if i != nil {
f, ok := i.(Hook)
if ok {
} else {
ff, ok := i.(Controller)
if ok {
// combHandlers combines a controller and a slice of hooks into a single slice of interfaces in reversed order.
func (app *App) combHandlers(h Controller, mw []Hook) []interface{} {
var rev []interface{}
for _, k := range mw {
rev = append(rev, k)
rev = append(rev, h)
return rev
// getGormFunc returns a function that provides a *gorm.DB instance, ensuring gorm is enabled in the configuration.
// If gorm is not enabled, it panics with an appropriate message.
func getGormFunc() func() *gorm.DB {
f := func() *gorm.DB {
if !gormC.EnableGorm {
panic("you are trying to use gorm but it's not enabled, you can enable it in the file config/gorm.go")
return ResolveGorm()
return f
// NewGorm initializes and returns a new gorm.DB instance based on the selected database driver specified in environment variables.
// Supported drivers include MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.
// Panics if the database driver is not specified or if a connection error occurs.
func NewGorm() *gorm.DB {
var err error
switch os.Getenv("DB_DRIVER") {
case "mysql":
db, err = mysqlConnect()
case "postgres":
db, err = postgresConnect()
case "sqlite":
sqlitePath := os.Getenv("SQLITE_DB_PATH")
fullSqlitePath := path.Join(basePath, sqlitePath)
_, err := os.Stat(fullSqlitePath)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("error locating sqlite file: %v", err.Error()))
db, err = gorm.Open(sqlite.Open(fullSqlitePath), &gorm.Config{})
panic("database driver not selected")
if gormC.EnableGorm && err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("gorm has problem connecting to %v, (if it's not needed you can disable it in config/gorm.go): %v", os.Getenv("DB_DRIVER"), err))
return db
// ResolveGorm initializes and returns a singleton instance of *gorm.DB, creating it if it doesn't already exist.
func ResolveGorm() *gorm.DB {
if db != nil {
return db
db = NewGorm()
return db
// resolveCache returns a function that provides a *Cache instance when invoked.
// Panics if caching is not enabled in the configuration.
func resolveCache() func() *Cache {
f := func() *Cache {
if !cacheC.EnableCache {
panic("you are trying to use cache but it's not enabled, you can enable it in the file config/cache.go")
return NewCache(cacheC)
return f
// postgresConnect establishes a connection to a PostgreSQL database using environment variables for configuration.
// It returns a pointer to a gorm.DB instance or an error if the connection fails.
func postgresConnect() (*gorm.DB, error) {
dsn := fmt.Sprintf("host=%v user=%v password=%v dbname=%v port=%v sslmode=%v TimeZone=%v",
return gorm.Open(postgres.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{})
// mysqlConnect establishes a connection to a MySQL database using credentials and configurations from environment variables.
// Returns a *gorm.DB instance on success or an error if the connection fails.
func mysqlConnect() (*gorm.DB, error) {
dsn := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v@tcp(%v:%v)/%v?charset=%v&parseTime=True&loc=Local",
return gorm.Open(mysql.New(mysql.Config{
DSN: dsn, // data source name
DefaultStringSize: 256, // default size for string fields
DisableDatetimePrecision: true, // disable datetime precision, which not supported before MySQL 5.6
DontSupportRenameIndex: true, // drop & create when rename index, rename index not supported before MySQL 5.7, MariaDB
DontSupportRenameColumn: true, // `change` when rename column, rename column not supported before MySQL 8, MariaDB
SkipInitializeWithVersion: false, // auto configure based on currently MySQL version
}), &gorm.Config{})
// getJWT returns a function that initializes and provides a *JWT instance configured with environment variables.
// The JWT instance is created using a secret signing key and a lifespan derived from the environment.
// Panics if the signing key is not set or if the lifespan cannot be parsed.
func getJWT() func() *JWT {
f := func() *JWT {
secret := os.Getenv("JWT_SECRET")
if secret == "" {
panic("jwt secret key is not set")
lifetimeStr := os.Getenv("JWT_LIFESPAN_MINUTES")
if lifetimeStr == "" {
lifetimeStr = "10080" // 7 days
lifetime64, err := strconv.ParseInt(lifetimeStr, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
lifetime := int(lifetime64)
return newJWT(JWTOptions{
SigningKey: secret,
LifetimeMinutes: lifetime,
return f
// getValidator returns a closure that instantiates and provides a new instance of Validator.
func getValidator() func() *Validator {
f := func() *Validator {
return &Validator{}
return f
// resloveHashing returns a function that initializes and provides a pointer to a new instance of the Hashing struct.
func resloveHashing() func() *Hashing {
f := func() *Hashing {
return &Hashing{}
return f
// resolveMailer initializes and returns a function that provides a singleton Mailer instance based on the configured driver.
func resolveMailer() func() *Mailer {
f := func() *Mailer {
if mailer != nil {
return mailer
var m *Mailer
var emailsDriver string
if os.Getenv("EMAILS_DRIVER") == "" {
emailsDriver = "SMTP"
switch emailsDriver {
case "SMTP":
m = initiateMailerWithSMTP()
case "sparkpost":
m = initiateMailerWithSparkPost()
case "sendgrid":
m = initiateMailerWithSendGrid()
case "mailgun":
return initiateMailerWithMailGun()
m = initiateMailerWithSMTP()
mailer = m
return mailer
return f
// resolveEventsManager creates and returns a function that resolves the singleton instance of EventsManager.
func resolveEventsManager() func() *EventsManager {
f := func() *EventsManager {
return ResolveEventsManager()
return f
// resolveLogger returns a function that provides access to the initialized logger instance when invoked.
func resolveLogger() func() *logger.Logger {
f := func() *logger.Logger {
return loggr
return f
// MakeDirs creates the specified directories under the base path with the provided permissions (0766).
func (app *App) MakeDirs(dirs ...string) {
o := syscall.Umask(0)
defer syscall.Umask(o)
for _, dir := range dirs {
os.MkdirAll(path.Join(basePath, dir), 0766)
// SetRequestConfig sets the configuration for the request in the application instance.
func (app *App) SetRequestConfig(r RequestConfig) {
requestC = r
// SetGormConfig sets the GormConfig for the application, overriding the current configuration with the provided value.
func (app *App) SetGormConfig(g GormConfig) {
gormC = g
// SetCacheConfig sets the cache configuration for the application using the provided CacheConfig parameter.
func (app *App) SetCacheConfig(c CacheConfig) {
cacheC = c
// SetBasePath sets the base path for the application, which is used as a prefix for file and directory operations.
func (app *App) SetBasePath(path string) {
basePath = path
// SetRunMode sets the application run mode to the specified value.
func (app *App) SetRunMode(runmode string) {
runMode = runmode
// DisableEvents sets the global variable `disableEvents` to true, disabling the handling or triggering of events.
func DisableEvents() {
disableEvents = true
// EnableEvents sets the global variable `disableEvents` to false, effectively enabling event handling.
func EnableEvents() {
disableEvents = false